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File: 82 KB, 590x944, space raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8701344 No.8701344 [Reply] [Original]

Guys... this is an actual book.

>> No.8701349


>> No.8701356

It's not.
It's spam from a hack to make money from giggling retards.

>> No.8701358

It's not bad. Tingle'a early work is better than his late stage

>> No.8701364

I have read all of them. they are short stories. Here is a list of his works. this cant be real.

>> No.8701367
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I like it when he gets political.

>> No.8701373

I understand a funny joke, but this dude wrote a short story for every funny name he came up with, He wrote a fucking short story for "pounded in the butt by my own butt". I cant handle reality if this is a part of it.

>> No.8701392
File: 52 KB, 313x500, what did he mean by this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also wrote a short story called "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt'" and a short story called "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"'"

>> No.8701395
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Is he, dare I say it, our guy?

>> No.8701402
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>> No.8701406
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>This American Butt: Hosted by Ira Ass

>> No.8701410

>...The erotica author finds himself desperate to stay relevant in the ever quickening press cycle

This is such gold.

>> No.8701467
File: 617 KB, 463x3717, GiXzBqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wrote a fucking short story for "pounded in the butt by my own butt"
you have no idea

>> No.8701487

How do you write erotica? I have a pretty good idea for a shitty short story that I could probably sell. How would i pander it to furries? I think it would be a decent market to make a few pennies.

>> No.8701502
File: 194 KB, 915x1181, Sonic_sonicx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I wrote a little while back, it should help you.

>> No.8701504

Forgot to include link

>> No.8701509

With male directed erotica, you need to keep the sex coming. Don't spend too much time on character development in sexless scenes, develop them through their actions.

You're on a timer when you write for men. Their dicks start wilting, they go somewhere else and don't track your future work. So keep the sex/lewdness coming (rule of thumb, never go a full page without something sexy happening), keep the story short and digestible in one sitting (I recommend about 25 pages of 11 point garamond/calibri as a maximum) and keep the content focused.

Female erotica is much easier. Just write a very bad story with some chadly guy and a demure female protagonist that is characterless enough for a woman to self insert as. A few sex scenes and either a wedding or a tearful goodbye and boom, you've got a book.

>> No.8701510

Is this kino?

>> No.8701513


Fucking hell that is too hard. I was just going to write something and call it The Sound of Sweaty Skin Slapping Together Like Someone Clapping Wet Leather Gloves and the Furry.

>> No.8701517
File: 41 KB, 951x633, 06-chuck-tingle.w536.h357.2x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was my personal favorite. That whole thing was/is such a shitshow.

>> No.8701518


Holy... i want more

>> No.8701521

>This is what a hugo award nomination means these days

>> No.8701525

I wrote this a year ago at 3am while staying over with a friend, annotating it for him as I went. I've moved away from comedy since then, although the more novels I read the more I feel I should re-integrate it into my style, I fear I am becoming too serious.

>> No.8701530
File: 826 KB, 900x3600, umcoh6tn3hvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gott

>> No.8701544


You gave me the hehehe fastest boner hehehe and when i read it to my body pillow she got moister than an oyster

>> No.8702492
File: 65 KB, 400x500, chucktingle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also made a romance counsel book. Unfortunately this is not bound in dino scrotum leather, it just looks that way.

>> No.8702524

>these days
My scholar, monsieur... this is one of the better novels to receive a Hugo Award, not even joking or being ironic.

>> No.8702529

So are you saying that Mr. Tinkle is an important writer of our era, or that the Hugo is truly retarded, or both?

>> No.8703031

I think the choice of which side of the pound coin to anthropomorphize is interesting.

>> No.8703049
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>> No.8703063

>Hard On Mike Hunt

>> No.8703085

>Mike Hunt
fucking kek

>> No.8703275
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oh shit

>> No.8703300
File: 203 KB, 962x948, 25B0D8D100000578-0-image-m-44_1423996524469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>growing up hard
>big-tooled mechanic

>> No.8703312
File: 18 KB, 230x346, war and peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... this is an actual book.

>> No.8703326

Not according to Tolstoy

>> No.8703357
File: 17 KB, 310x339, hegehag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8703390

back door buddies and growing up hard have the best titles

>> No.8703393

hi rebbit

>> No.8703421

>giving this retard money

>> No.8703446

I want to read more about this

>> No.8705166
File: 38 KB, 315x500, b5c2c12ebd4428893f95c4160e4373b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No copies of Rape Ape

>> No.8706511

I'm thinking of writing and publishing some erotic fanfic that probably will get me sued, but I don't give a shit.

I'm thinking about:

Ass Jamming Sand Worms Of Dune


Pounded By Huge Ewok Dick

whats you guys think?

>> No.8706520

I approve with full zeal.

>> No.8706692


Just change some names and you'll probably be good.

I've taken to writing down titles of stuff I want to write in MY DIARY DESU now. One is "Going Back In Time To Kill Hitler But Falling In Love With His Perfect, Sentient Moustache."

I want to write one about vampires but I don't know if "My Tales of an Attractive Vampire That Not Only Sucks Blood But Also My Cock" is a good one.

>> No.8706702

>"My Tales of an Attractive Vampire That Not Only Sucks Blood But Also My Cock"

I like how it has "my" in it twice, to really underscore how self-indulgent it is.

Dude this is gold. I'm preparing to write your Hugo nomination.

>> No.8706707

Seriously what is Ass Jamming?

>> No.8706714


Thanks man, I'll graciously accept as long as I can bend over and receive it into my BUTT.

>> No.8706716

guy has a knack for good literature

>> No.8706721

That's a given, naturally.

>> No.8706725


I hope that's not the only thing I'll be given.

>> No.8706731


I dunno, I just remember seeing the word Jamming a lot in pornos.

>> No.8706737

A little more obscure one but.

Dracs Buttered My Anus With Cum

Dracs beings the character Louis Gossett Jr. played in the mediocre sci-fi movie Enemy Mine.

>> No.8706738

I suppose so. It is multi-layered that way. Like a band improvising together, or like in "Log Jammin," referenced in The Big Labowski.

>> No.8706749

Paint My Colon White, Quentin Compson.

This one gets draws in the more literary crowd.

>> No.8706751

Why don't we all just write shitty erotica and make some extra money and promote each other on Amazon or some shit? It can be like an erotic racket.

>> No.8706756


They've tried it before. Or...at least the same idea has came up in threads before.

>> No.8707507

Cracked tosses up an article about Weird Erotica now and again...here are a few...




>> No.8707510



>> No.8707617

That hypno CYOA I'm writing is going to make me all of the money. You guys wait. I'll buy you all a copy of infinite jest as a gift once I'm drowning in hypnofantasy peoples money.

>> No.8707733

>that the Hugo is truly retarded
This. It did not used to be retarded, but then SJWs happened.

>> No.8707741

Politicizing in general happened; the Puppy faggots were equally bad for it