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8701194 No.8701194 [Reply] [Original]

why do you take philosophy seriously, /lit/?

>> No.8701199

gets me paid, gets me laid. Stops me having a mid life crisis and needing to buy a brand new car that loses 10% of it's retail value driving out the sales lot. Why don't you take it seriously?

>> No.8701206

I don't. Taking the redpill made me realize that philosophy is just muh feels for leftists

human nature, science, logic, rationality >>>>>> muh feels philosophy, lol we're all beings-towards-death so you can't be racist or hate women xD

>> No.8701207

Hasn't it been replaced by neuroscience?

>> No.8701210

>Why don't you take it seriously?
philosophy is something you think up when you have too much time on your hands

>> No.8701220

Which is not an argument against it's validity.

>> No.8701229

REAL men are out PRODUCING for the BENEFIT of the entire SOCIETY as is their DUTY to their HOMELAND and the future of their RACE


>> No.8701233

pretty much what this lad said
sure you can take it seriously, but it's kind of hard to take the people behind it seriously when all they do is think about random theories while there are people in the world going out and dying for what they believe in

>> No.8701240

i meant to say >>8701229
was right, i wasn't arguing your point my dude

>> No.8701256

Because instead of listening to what pop-scientists like Hawking and Harris say and actually expanding beyond continental philosophy, I've come to learn that philosophy remains as relevant as it's always been, if not more so.

>> No.8701271

sure is spooky here tbqh fampai

>> No.8701272

You do realize he was being an ironic redpilled retard, right? I mean, writing a book about your philosophy is infinitely more valid to me than dying unnecessarily for your materialistic and transient cause.

>> No.8701287

>about your philosophy
>more valid to me
>dying unnecessarily for your materialistic
did you even read what i wrote my friend?
if a society was full of nothing but philosophers, it would collapse by lunchtime, but if it was full of people willing to fight for their beliefs out in the real world to make a change for the better instead of sitting on their asses, then you get something great
and who said anything about dying for a materialistic and transient cause?

>> No.8701291

>if a society was full of nothing but philosophers, it would collapse by lunchtime
Only if they were shitty philosophers, my dude.

>> No.8701295

>reel world
Nice ideology

>> No.8701299

yes, some philosophers have very valuable and applicable theories but many are just there to seemingly waste your time

>> No.8701302


>> No.8701327

no (you) for you :^)

>> No.8701342

>how dare you question my ideology

>> No.8701345

Yeah you're just generalizing philosophy to bourgeois assholes. Yes, there are shits that philosophize and contribute nothing to society. There are also "hard working" managers that sit on their leather chairs all day on facebook. A minority of both are actually necessary to the functioning of society. If you want to reframe your original question perhaps it could be made valid. As a generalization, though, it's retarded.

>> No.8701378

>contributing to society
epic meme, nice new dogma fucker.

>> No.8701417
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>I contribute to society, and am not just using it as a means of justifying my sedentery lifestyle to someone who values contributions to society

>> No.8701437
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>/pol/tard preaching rationality

>> No.8701438


>> No.8701447

>Capping the spooks for me

>> No.8701452 [DELETED] 

And the enlightened despotys and others intellectual people with good position?

>> No.8701457

And the enlightened despotys and others intellectual people with good position?

>> No.8701469
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lel, I have genuinely invested myself in Catholic mysticism and you guys are here arguing about whether philosophy >>8701207 has been replaced by neuroscience (lol wtf XD).
You and your fucking furrow-browed greco roman sculptures, why don't you just walk around barefoot shrouded in your moms curtains trying to figure out if morality exists (again, I stress, lol).

>> No.8701477

I see you in so many threads. Doesn't making these most get boring after a while.

>> No.8701500
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I want start reading philosophy, but I don't want to read philosophers whose ideas I don't agree with or don't validate my own.

>> No.8701511

That's perfectly fine.
If you're worth a shit, you'll find the truth, if you're retarded like 99% of people existing, then you'll be an epiceurean or one of those people who think nietzsche or schopenhauer ended philosophy or something equally dumb.
Your choice, but even if you managed to read every possible work in philosophy, if you are of the latter stock, then you'll find a way to be wrong and retarded no matter what you read.

>> No.8701515

It only started being shit in recent times

>> No.8701531

>reading gets you laid

if you're only reading for this, it's not like you have to do it seriously. you could just read one sartre book and just talk about it with every single girl youre hooking up with. not a valid point.

>> No.8701661

>human nature, science, logic, rationality

And what might the understanding of these come from? They have a basis in something, what could it be? Hint: four syllables, compound Greek word.

>> No.8701714

idk nigga shits LIT now go SMASH that mf like button homie

>> No.8701746

I wish I didn't desu, it took me a long time to understand that it's mostly mental/linguistic gymnastics and a pretty much bottomless pit.

From an economic point of view the only reason philosophers can survive is because people tend to be spooked as fuck, and so they pay to either be despooked or to be spooked some more.

>> No.8701753

I think this is wrong, even if you are not a reductionist. Read Quine, philosophy can just as well be argued as having a basis in science.

>> No.8701754

Is taking philosophy "seriously" code for why we like things you don't? Or are you that much of a bitch that you need to be persuaded?

>> No.8701878

More like 40%

>> No.8702022

You can either take nothing seriously or you can take something seriously.

Some people choose philosophy, because the nature of that particular inquiry is close to the way they themselves approach the world. They are curious about the bigger picture and question the very nature of our reality.

To say that philosophy is unproductive is to miss the point entirely. Yet, at the same time, only a minuscule amount of general population have a predilection for abstract thinking, therefore it's fine for the majority to have this viewpoint. But this majority has no right to question the existence or legitimacy of this particular discipline as it is completely beyond their comprehension or way of thinking.

>> No.8702029

>why question the world we live in when you can suck a black man's penis

>> No.8702106

>But this majority has no right to question the existence or legitimacy of this particular discipline

When they're paying for it with tax money they kinda do.

>> No.8702344

If u care this much about ur tax money you should probably go protest about gay marriage as it brings nothing to society and gets tax cut benefits from "marriage".

>> No.8702371

What the FUCK is wrong with being epicurean?

>> No.8702411


are you a fucking bureaucrat

>> No.8702449

That's a fair point. But I am sure you would not find a single country in the world where government spending would not offend you in one way or another.

Moreover, I am not sure outrage over financial aspects of philosophy could be justified. After all, philosophy is not something that requires a lot of funds compared to other disciplines both in terms of materials and the amount of individuals who do go into philosophy.

>> No.8702629

>That's perfectly fine

wew lad, how else to grow but through pain when confronted with a well-argued idea different than what you've always believed?

>> No.8702693

Yours seems more a critique to continental philosophy (which isn't the whole of all of it).

>> No.8702715


>If you're worth a shit, you'll find the truth
>the truth

No such thing, but then a retard like you - who can't even recognize that there hasn't been a single philosopher of worth since Nietzsche - would think so.

>> No.8702812

Start marcus aurelius or plato.

They both mainly cover things that can be applicable to anyone whos not an asshole

>> No.8702855

Because I love to think, of course!

Other than that I think everything we do consciously is in some (maybe rudimentary) way governed by a philosophy, to boil it down to what I think is the essence.

It is about consciousness and intent.

>> No.8704000

>there's objective truth
What are you smoking.
according to whom

>> No.8704140

Based Hyperboreans.

>> No.8704161

Because I don't have a real life to which I invest myself on a personal level. That's why I do this with my philosophy.
Oops, that was too real. Now I need to mindlessly watch some anime or otherwise the good old voice in my head will start to preach about how I have throw my life to the trash all this years. I mean I don't even have a degree and I'm 25. I will probably die on a lonely street from a heroin overdose.
I will do everything in my power to act surprised when that happens. Anyways, I will be way too high on heroin to give any fucks about it.

>> No.8704165

it is not about philosophy but about the need it fills. it is a human need.

if you have a different way to fill that need that is just a given choice, and the only criteria to judge its effectiveness is the belief of the user.

>> No.8704575

I dont always like whats on TV

>> No.8704586

Anyone else notice the neckbeard?

>> No.8704655

If people are dying for what they believe in then thinking about theories of how to choose beliefs seems a matter of life and death

>> No.8705025

hey that's a good point, thanks