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8700101 No.8700101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given his hatred for Tricky Dicky, what would Hunter S Thompson have thought of Crooked Hillary?

>> No.8700106

He probably would have assassinated her

>> No.8700125

He'd be a Berniebro

>> No.8700143

Why was Thompson so based?

>> No.8700157

Pretty different things. Nixon stood for complete paranoid contempt of journalists (like Thompson), and there's already one of those in this race. Thompson would question her competency and sheltered worldview, and some of her wider liberal policies, but to him she'd be more of the archetypal "political reality" that we don't like and don't exactly trust but put up with anyway. Nowhere near Nixon's persecution of journalists, his failing Vietnam policy, and his contempt for the counterculture (Nixon got the blame for pretty much any protest that went south due to police presence, many times undeservedly).

>> No.8700250

He wasn't. He was a living meme and a stinky writer. People only thing he's based because they saw Fear and Loathing and thought he was so #YOLO swag cool.

>> No.8700265

>(Nixon got the blame for pretty much any protest that went south due to police presence, many times undeservedly)

Sometimes, but I'd argue when you have your senior aides instigate false flag violence at many of these protests, you create and increase tensions for even protests you don't have a hand in influencing.

>> No.8700306

I've only read Fear and Loathing never saw the movie. I just really liked it.

>> No.8700337

Thompson was definitely a capable writer. His oeuvre isn't sizeable enough for me to call him one of the most important writers of the 20th century, but reading Hell's Angels and Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: '72, you can't help but feel that the man had a knack for writing. The ending of Hell's Angels stands out as one of my favourite conclusions to any book I've read.

>> No.8700530

If you think he would have anything to do with Trump you are fooling yourself.

>> No.8700538

His opinion might be more positive than the edgelords would have you think. The man defended his friend John Kerry during the 2004 election.

>> No.8700542

He was always a glorified journalist. He had a nose for stories and the cultural milieu but he lacked any original vision or greatness

>> No.8700553

We can agree to disagree, because he certainly does have a unique style. I just find his style repetitive and curiously shallow given the subject matter he likes to write about. I did enjoy Kingdom of Fear in spite of this, though.

>> No.8700572

Probably this >>8700125

He would have despised both Clinton and Trump for obvious reasons. (Nixon has lots of things in common with Trump: Nixon wasn't part of the political elite, he was an outsider who hated the elites in power, look it up).

Thompson would have moved to Canada.

>> No.8700579

Why are you such a pleb?

>> No.8700594

>The ending of Hell's Angels stands out as one of my favourite conclusions to any book I've read
Care to quote it?

>> No.8701351

>look it up
One of my favorite phrases.

He may have hated them, but they put him in power. And they fucked him when they figured he could no longer be trusted.

>> No.8701375
File: 60 KB, 948x711, Check 'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hatred for Tricky Dicky

One of his major flaws

>> No.8701497


>> No.8701533

He'd suck her cock for being a democrat.

>> No.8701551

What's so gread about Nixon? I've never met someone fond of him irl, generally curious.

>> No.8701558

America's last liberal president.

>> No.8701559

*great, genuinely

>> No.8701563

So bullshit rhetoric is his only appeal?

>> No.8701602

Personally I just think aside from the obvious Watergate scandal he made a lot of good decisions. Encouraging a good relationship with China was good and I even like that he put limits on the amount of nuclear defense nations could have. I know that sounds weird, but to me it always seemed like a very bold way of saying "Make no mistake about this, if you launch nukes billions will die, and there will be no defense to assuage your guilt." I know I'm in the minority but I don't think he was that bad. Also Watergate is a woefully underwhelming scandal in this day and age.

>> No.8701631

Agreed on watergate. Cointelpro that came out at the same time, not so much.

>> No.8701898

>look it up
Yeah I couldn't resist putting it in to try and provoke ppl a little. Sorry about that. It makes me twitch as well everytime I see somebody use it.

>> No.8701931

He wrote Better than Sex which did nothing but bash Bill when it was very unpopular to do so, do I don't think he'd be very forgiving with her.

>> No.8701943

I hate American politcs so much it's not funny. The politicians do not give even the slightest shit about the people but will spew excrement and like good little proles they eat it up.

Plus the two party system is absolute shit.

>> No.8702094

more like jew party system amirite?

>> No.8702649

"Bent forward, far back on the seat, and a rigid grip on the handlebars as the bike starts jumping and wavering in the wind. Taillights far up ahead coming closer, faster, and suddenly - zaaapppp - going past and leaning down for a curve near the zoo, where the road swings out to sea.
The dunes are flatter herr, and on windy days sand blows across the highway, piling up in thick drifts as deadly as any oil-slick... instant loss of control, a crashing, cartwheeling slide and maybe one of those two-inch notices in the paper the next day: 'An uniditentified motorcyclist was killed last night when he failed to negotiate a turn on Highway 1.'
Indeed... but no sand this time, so the lever goes up into fourth, and now there's no sound except wind. Screw it all the way over, reach through the handlebars to raise the headlight beam, the needle leans down on a hundred, and windburned eyeballs strain to see down the centreline, trying to provide a margin for the reflexes.
But with the throttle screwed on, there is only the barest margin and no room at all for mistakes. It has to be done right... and that's when a strange music starts, when you stretch your luck so far that fear becomes exhilaration and vibrates along your arms. You can barely see at a hundred; the tears blow back so far that they vaporize before they get to your ears. The only sounds are wind and a dull roar floating back from the mufflers. You watch the white line and try to lean with it... howling through a turn to the right, then to the left and down a long hill to Pacifica... letting off now, watching for cops, but only until the next dark stretch and another few seconds on the edge... the Edge...
There is no honest way to explain it becasue the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others - the living - are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later.
But the edge is still Out there. Or maybe it's In. The association of motorcycles with LSD is no accident of publicity. They are both a means to an end, to the place of definitions."

>> No.8702670

Toward the end of his life he said he'd prefer Nixon to the Bush/Cheney camp of politicians.

>> No.8702697

Yeah, I do agree that his books tend to be a bit too shallow in their observations. Las Vegas suffers the most from this, in my opinion. It had about two parts that really got into the meat of the subject matter. It's a shame too, because those two parts were definitely the best sections of the book.

>> No.8702710
File: 28 KB, 650x366, le smoking drinking anti-theist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take solace in the fact that pic related would have voted for Trump and hounded Hillary to her last dying days.

>> No.8702719


My nigga. He'd have had a field day with Wikileaks. If he were still alive, Hilldog wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.8702749

He hated the Clintons but there's no way he would support Trump

>> No.8702758

As a person he wasn't apparently incredibly unlikeable. Even most people who worked with him and supported him didn't like him.

As a president (and also as VP under Ike) he really did a solid job though. From the 20th century on, the president's role has been primarily focused on international issues, foreign policy, and international relations, and nixon killed it on this. He ended the vietnam war, established diplomatic relations with china for the first time in decades, and greatly improved relations with russian, marking the beginning of the end of the cold war (culminating under reagan and bush).

He also put an American on the fucking moon. (If Obama gets credit for Bin Laden, Nixon gets credit for man on moon).

Voter's had a lot of faith in him to. He completely crushed McGovern in the 72 election.

What brought Nixon down was that he was an unlikeable paranoid prick as a person, Arab oil embargo which he had no control over but it's the kind of thing that will hurt a president's popularity, and Watergate, which really wasn't even that big of a deal. There have been president's since who have been caught doing much worse things who didn't get in nearly as much trouble (iran-contra for reagan, clinton commited perjury).

Hunter Thompson was a great writer, and I think he did have an exceptional sense of social currents that other writers weren't able to articulate. I also think he was good at writing about the people involved in politics as people. He was good at reading people. But his thoughts on politics as a whole are garbage. Supporting McGovern was retarded.

>> No.8702763

*was apparently incredibly unlikeable

>> No.8702770
File: 40 KB, 657x527, Hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He supported Bush Jr., was a professional contrarian, and was surprisingly anti-PC.

He'd have been supporting Trump alright.

>> No.8702783


This. The one thing about him was he never abstained. He'd through his lot in with Trump, if only to spite the Clintons.

>> No.8702810

Hillary's policies are more similar to W.'s than those of Trump

Even Peter despises Trump. Christopher was "anti-PC" but still ultimately a progressive

>> No.8702818

Peter hates Hilary as well

>> No.8702821

Nixon: Pulled out of Vietnam, landed on moon, integrated schools in the South, cooled down the Cold War
JFK: Got shot

>> No.8702826
File: 73 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JFK: Got shot

A true American hero