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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 203x248, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8699252 No.8699252 [Reply] [Original]

Post some quotes, paragraphs, sentences you like.

>He never looked at ticket sellers or ticket takers. Someone handed him a ticket, he handed it back to someone else. This stayed the same, almost everything stayed the same. But now days seemed to end an hour after they started. It was always the end of the day. The days had no names and this should not have mattered. But there was something unsettling in the anonymous week, not a sense of elemental time but of time emptied out. He walked up the stairs, near midnight, and it was here and now, night after night, that he became intensely conscious of the moment, approaching the third floor, slowing his pace, wary of rousing the neighbour’s rat-faced barking dog. Another end of another day. The previous day had just ended, it seemed, at this precise place on the stairway, with the same cautious footstep, and he could see himself clearly, then and now, in mid-step.

>> No.8700154
File: 357 KB, 1280x729, 1280px-The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_by_Bosch_High_Resolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting 1/3 of one part of the triptych
Btw Hieronymous Bosch is the most /lit/ name there is, even more so than Gregory berrycone

>> No.8700222

Lol its jim shaw not bosch. And as far as I know it's a single canvas rather than a triptych

>> No.8700223


>...no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of struggling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams.


>It is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any epoch of one's existence - that which makes its truth, its meaning - its subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we dream - alone.

Joseph Conrad, Heart Of Darkness..

>> No.8700229

What's with the blepharospasmic styling?

>> No.8700230

Sorry senpai I just glanced at the image, my bad

>> No.8700251


>> No.8700294

Just something I did to denote that it's not a continuous passage, but the sentences are closely related. I also corrected a mistype and some formatting and put it here >>8700223

Here's something from an author of science fiction:

>Current-borne, wave-flung, tugged hugely by the whole might of ocean, the jellyfish drifts in the tidal abyss. The light shines through it, and the dark enters it. Borne, flung, tugged from anywhere to anywhere, for in the deep sea there is no compass but nearer and farther, higher and lower, the jellyfish hangs and sways; pulses move slight and quick within it, as the vast diurnal pulses beat in the moondriven sea. Hanging, swaying, pulsing, the most vulnerable and insubstantial creature, it has for its defense the violence and power of the whole ocean, to which it has entrusted its being, its going, and its will.

>But here rise the stubborn continents. The shelves of gravel and the cliffs of rock break from water baldly into air, that dry, terrible outerspace of radiance and instability, where there is no support for life. And now, now the currents mislead and the waves betray, breaking their endless circle, to leap up in loud foam against rock and air, breaking …

>What will the creature made all of seadrift do on the dry sand of daylight; what will the mind do, each morning, waking?

>> No.8700302


· By guileful fair words peace may be obtain'd

· I must not yield to any rites of love,
For my profession's sacred from above:
When I have chased all thy foes from hence,
Then will I think upon a recompense.


· AND Urizen read in his Book of Brass in sounding tones:—
'Listen, O Daughters, to my voice! listen to the words of wisdom!
Compel the Poor to live upon a crust of bread by soft mild arts:
So shall you govern over all. Let Moral Duty tune your tongue,
But be your hearts harder than the nether millstone;
[...] Smile when they frown, frown when they smile; and when a man looks pale
With labour and abstinence, say he looks healthy and happy;
And when his children sicken, let them die: there are enough
Born, even too many, and our earth will soon be overrun
Without these arts. [...]

· The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.

· It is but lost time to converse with you whose works are only Analytics.

· Satan was going to reply, but Los roll'd his loud thunders.

>> No.8701488

It's clearly a bosch plagiarism.

>> No.8701522

Im familiar with bosch. Maybe the image isnt large enough but richard nixon is in the painting, hence my "lol" at anon thinking its bosch, which was perfectly reasonable given the size of the file.

>> No.8702522

did what i could be memory.
When you get what you want in your striving for self
and the world makes you king for a day
go look in a mirror and take a look at yourself
and see what that man has to say

for it's not a man's mother, or brother, or wife
whose judgement upon him must pass
the man whose judgement counts most in life
is the one staring back from the glass

it's his verdict that counts, nevermind all the rest
for he's with you clear to the end
you've passed your most difficult, most dangerous test
if the man staring back is your friend

you can fool the whole world down the pathway of years
getting pats on the back as you pass
but your final reward will be heartache and tears
if you cheated the man in the glass

>> No.8703248

Crime and Punishment
>'Man becomes used to everything, the scoundrel!'

>> No.8703270

>The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk.
t. Hegel.

>> No.8703319

>So it goes...

>> No.8703708


> “If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

> Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "The Gulag Archipelago."

>> No.8703753

>The day had gone by just as days go by. I had killed it in accordance with my primitive and retiring way of life.

>> No.8703769

>>The wagon creaked down the path guarded by a troop of Gandorillian warriors mounted on Ambath steeds. They were wearing scale armor cuirasses and bearing hand and a half swords on their Zeengor leather belts. The Gooboron Empire had fallen in the Fifth Era of Sunsdawn and these were some of the only survivors.
- every /tg/ story ever