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/lit/ - Literature

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8697304 No.8697304 [Reply] [Original]

>penis is called 'manhood'

>> No.8697306

>his member

>> No.8697311

>delicious boy sausage

>> No.8697313
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>The mom turns out to be futa

>> No.8697316

>"she arched her back"

>> No.8697317
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>the futa doesn't assfuck the man

>> No.8697320

>the dickgirl doesn't get fucked like the little slut she is

>> No.8697364


>> No.8697389

its not gay if the penis is feminine

>> No.8697398
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>vagina called 'sex'

>> No.8697429

>He touched her sex.

>> No.8697439

Is there ANYWHERE on the internet to find good erotic short stories for free? They're my favorite way to fap but 99.9% of them are shit.

>> No.8697452


>> No.8697465


All of erotic literature is a cliche. In truth, sex is a crude and almost boring looking act. Real sex virtually never looks "romantic" or even "intense". It's just the guy fumbling his penis into the hole enough times until he cums, trying the entire time to establish some sort of rhythm but failing.

Sex in general is just a major anticlimax.

>> No.8697480

you must be pretty shit lad

>> No.8697495
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>coursing member
>throbbing member

>> No.8697499

A revealing post.

>> No.8697523

His shag track:

>> No.8697529

you might need to learn how to fuck bro

>> No.8697531

Kill yourself

>> No.8697541

rude desu

>> No.8697543 [SPOILER] 
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>character is 18 even though there's no age of consent for erotica characters

>> No.8697546
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>rape scene where she starts to enjoy it

>> No.8697548 [SPOILER] 
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>story depicts a functional relationship where the man never threatens to kill himself if she leaves him

so unrealistic desu

>> No.8697552

Are there literary erotica snobs who sneer at all other pornographic media?

>> No.8697553 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 406x382, 1478409618870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character is 8

>> No.8697555

>Manuel the gardener placed his burning phallus in her quivering quim
>Gonzo the lead guitar player placed his mutated member in her slithering slit

>> No.8697563
File: 20 KB, 363x496, JoyceFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>characters have sex without the woman farting even once

>> No.8697570
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>The male sexual organs are refered as "peanus weenus"

>> No.8697571

>he doesn't read shota incest rape porn

>> No.8697572

P E N I S D I M E N S I O N ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.8697578
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any swearing turns me off honestly.

>> No.8697712
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>mfw I have done this

>> No.8697594

Hot desu senpai

>> No.8697606
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What's the /lit/ equivalent of pic related?

>> No.8697724


>> No.8697773

>no queefing

>> No.8697793
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>The domme doesn't shit in the sub's mouth

>> No.8697798


>> No.8697800
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>Story written by a woman
>Main character is a single mother

Fucking literotica, it's all single mothers or 60 year old men

>> No.8697811

he slid his throbbing member into her wet sex

>> No.8697817


Fuck off, Joyce.

>> No.8697829

>yfw you're trying to sound experienced but somehow do the opposite

>> No.8697922


>> No.8697932
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>It's another shitty frogthread

>> No.8697941

Why is the bourgeois so repressed and hypocritical?

>> No.8698529
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>dorky self insert character
>hot chicken wants to fuck him because he "has a good personality"

>> No.8698609

>"incest" story

>> No.8698889

Does this even happen? What the fuck

>> No.8698918 [DELETED] 

Wrong meme auther, habibi.

>> No.8698957


>> No.8698983

bourgeois have rancor towards nobles. the nobles has the concept of honor and their dignity came from battles ordered by the king or some kinglets. Their honor was explicit, since after a few battle, you either die or good enough to battle.

When the bourgeois took over, they needed a concept to justify their place in society, but they had to replace honor, so they created the concept of dignity (different from the roman dignity). The problem of the highest bourgeois, which is still here today, since their baby classical.new liberalism is still here today, is precisely to define merit. What does it mean to be meritorious today, in their society, when you life is not about physical fight, but just trades, commercial fights ?
This question applies to the bourgeois, less to the middle class, since the pleb is just here to think that they deserve the bourgeois life without having the financial means for it, and even less the social codes. It does not make sens for the plebs to be meritorious, outside some retarded notion of following the good rules of a ''democratic secular society''.

The problem of the bourgeois is the justification of his wealth, of his hierarchy, where he puts himself at the top, since he fights no war (in fact, the bourgeois did not hesitate to pay *legally*(this is how smart he is) a plebeian to fight in his place) and at best his achievement is to successfully perpetuate the lineage of his family, by increasing its wealth through the family business and dwell in leisure outside of work.

The bourgeois has created new social codes, where they love to show off how non-hedonistic they are in public, think of the british lady so uptight, but of course, in private they go back to full pleasures or idleness (and they have the means for this, contrary to the dirty plebs) where violating their social codes does enhance their pleasures (like going to mass the morning after an orgy, you feel good intellectually/mentally, by feeling bad after feeling so good physically/through your body). The bourgeois knows that his hundreds of little rules on how to behave socially are utterly retarded and are in fact pure constraints, but breaking this little rules makes him get off and he knows that everybody else does this, women included.

>> No.8698996

That film is really shit.

>> No.8698999

Thanks for your input

>> No.8699003

>"Extreme hardcore sex acts"
>Its just spanking and some light whipping

>> No.8699008

>John Thomas

>> No.8699015

But why do these rules even exist if everyone violates them?

>> No.8699016

There is also the arranged marriages which do not help the bourgeois, since the bourgeois loves marrying for love. So the sex life inside the marriage is more complicated at the beginning, compared to the plebs who marry for love (well people no longer marry before fucking), but equally miserable after a while.
In fact, it was cliché in the 19th century for a male bourgeois to have a mistress. Overall, It is quite pathetic.

>> No.8699023

Once, I read a book in spanish called «Enrico el Matamoros». It was very erotic adn fin but a little political too

>> No.8699043

t. guy who lost his virginity to a hooker

>> No.8699047 [DELETED] 

How many of you actually had sex that was ecstatic and not disappointing?

>> No.8699053

How many of you managed to have sex that was ecstatic and fulfilling and not disappointing?

>> No.8699075

I'm a virgin so I wouldn't know :^(

>> No.8699083

On multiple occasions.

>> No.8699199
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>m-my hips are moving on their own

>> No.8699214

>traveling for several weeks
>finally get home and see gf
>immediately tear off each other's clothes
>all of human history rejoices behold! and we touch the face of dionysus for one endless sweaty second

But other times we'd be stuffed on takeout and lazily fuck on our sides. Eh it just depends

>> No.8699227

See >>8699083
Being good at sex really isn't hard, anon.

>> No.8699242
File: 20 KB, 328x396, 1475298756294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No after-sex team pooping out all of each others cum.

>> No.8700132

>Author keeps trying to alliterate everytime he references a body part or body fluid

>> No.8700137

>that image
Reddit called, they want their pleb back.

>> No.8700144

I threatened to kill myself if we didn't break up

>> No.8700152

Literotica has some ok stuff. Especially in incest section

>> No.8701097

Well even if you are good, the woman you try to please will get bored of you.

>> No.8701174

why would the woman necessarily get bored before the man
sex isn't just one way

>> No.8701183

jesus christ you read horrible stuff regularly then

>> No.8701239
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Men want to impress these.

>> No.8701266
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that's pretty interesting sage

>> No.8701372

you have a career in humour writing anon, I can't stop laughing

>> No.8701478
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>> No.8701540

>Aaron's throbbing member entered Clay's rear

>> No.8701546

I think that's mostly a French thing.

>> No.8702437
File: 1.48 MB, 1694x906, 1460574508074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bull is white.

>> No.8702447

twitched ever so slightly

>> No.8702494

Have you ever had sex? Not asking in a mean way, just curious. As this anon >>8701174 said, if you're good in bed, you'll probably be the one who gets bored first. Which is actually great, because if you're desirable in general AND good in bed, women will pick up on the fact that you're getting bored of them and try extra hard to please you.

>> No.8703028

/erotica/ board when

>> No.8703262

He posted joyce who makes a lot of references to farting

>> No.8703277
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>The bull is white.

>> No.8703286


france is bacon

>> No.8704249

>implying aaron isn't the sub

>> No.8704361
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1474346179041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prince from somewhere in the united kingdom or the middle east if they want to go exotic
>mysterious, possessive, and madly in love with the unattractive and annoying heroine
>he also has a hairy chest and his cock is described as a lance capable of piercing the space time continuum
>the books will be 350 pages and the first sex scene will at around 200 pages

Part of my job is working at a book handling machine and I will tell you the above description is 90% of the romance trash that floats in