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8695703 No.8695703 [Reply] [Original]

>Father of modern logic....not Frege
> created semiotics
> father of pragmatism
> did a whole bunch of other shit

the American Leibniz

>> No.8695718

probably the greatest American mind of all time

>> No.8695769

wait he invented logic before Frege?

>> No.8695773

>the American Leibniz
Seriously fuck off, stop insulting a top 5 mind of all time with your American fuckery

>> No.8695777

>created semiotics
>father of pragmatism
One of the worst philosophies to ever exist?
Leibniz was an idiot.

>> No.8695807

what?... logic is garbage?

says the guy that failed basic math

>> No.8695810

Sassure and Pierce are known as the two founders of modern semiotics

what do you mean "hardly"?

>> No.8695919

>Leibniz was an idiot.
Post your address. I'm going to cum pound your sissy cd ass

>> No.8695964

leibniz was not an idiot

in fact he is probably in the top 5 of smartest minds ever

>> No.8695976

>projecting this hard
>modern semiotics is semiotics as a whole
Keep moving that goalpost.
Basically all Enlightenment philosophers are idiots. The mindset is sick and creates illusions of intelligence in future generations.

>> No.8695978

what about ... calculus? continuity & homogeneity? calculators?

don't understand how you can think this

>> No.8695984

>dude its le practical so its good

>> No.8695985

You are desperately ignorant, like it's a noble chore.

>> No.8695991

>if u dont accept my dogma, UR just ignant

>> No.8695994

not saying it's good because its practical. you're a fool if you think that genius is reserved for theoreticians.

not only that, but Leibniz made many advanced theoretical distinctions (such as the mathematical ones i said earlier).

add to this many things prefiguring modern probability, linguistics, CS...

i know this is bait but im mad god dammit. anyone who even gives Leibniz's wikipedia page a cursory should see he's one of the hardest working and most brilliant people to ever live

>> No.8695995

cursory glance**

>> No.8695996

but....but enlightenment people are all retarded

didn't you know

>> No.8696000

Excellent jump in logic there my friend, I think you'll make varsity this year.

>> No.8696006

>anything i don't like is le bait
I know plenty about him, that's why I have made this claim.

Bad thought isn't genius. Would you call an exploration ship that went completely off course a ship run by genius explorers? They may have found something, but it what they were looking for.
Logic is garbage, I've already stated this.

>> No.8696008

>the Enlightenment created liberalism, so everything about it is shit

this is how people unironically think

>> No.8696014

Nice presumption, very logical of you.

It's garbage because of the whole mindset.

>> No.8696016

he's just pretending to be Ellsworth Toohey, don't bother.

>> No.8696021

please explain, the mindset. youre not being very forthcoming, and your flagrant reiteration of logic this, logic that makes me think you are trolling.

>> No.8696025


how is it garbage...you generalize the "Enlightenment" as if it it was one monolithic idea, and that everyone thought the same, some monolithic mindset

here's Leibniz wiki.....read it and tell me again that he is still an idiot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz

>> No.8696032

I assume this troll is nothing but a Post-Modernist that thinks logic and rationality are tools of white hegemonic capitalism and that all white philosophers of the enlightenment were imperialists lap dogs

>> No.8696036

>your trolling because you aren't acting according to my mindset
An extension of the Platonic mindset, essentially.
I've told you I already know about him.
They're tools of idiots gone on an exploration but have ended up in Upsidedownland rather than their planned destination.

>> No.8696042

>extension of the platonic mindset

You obviously know nothing of Leibniz, because one that reads his wiki would never come out and say " he was an idiot"

so let me ask why you think the father of calculus is an idiot?

>> No.8696051

>dude he totally isn't platonic mathematics totally isn't platonic
Stop ignoring the likelihood that your idol was an idiot.

>> No.8696058

i think your getting mathematics mixed up with mathematical platonism which is a philosophical stance among many other philosophical stances about mathematics

>> No.8696060

Gottfried Wilhelm (von) Leibniz (/ˈlaJbnJts/;[8] German: [ˈɡɔtfʁiːt ˈvJlhɛlm fɔn ˈlaJbnJts][9] or [ˈlaJpnJts];[10] French: Godefroi Guillaume Leibnitz;[11] 1 July 1646 [O.S. 21 June] – November 14, 1716) was a German polymath and philosopher who occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy, having developed differential and integral calculus independently of Isaac Newton.[12] Leibniz's notation has been widely used ever since it was published. It was only in the 20th century that his Law of Continuity and Transcendental Law of Homogeneity found mathematical implementation (by means of non-standard analysis). He became one of the most prolific inventors in the field of mechanical calculators. While working on adding automatic multiplication and division to Pascal's calculator, he was the first to describe a pinwheel calculator in 1685[13] and invented the Leibniz wheel, used in the arithmometer, the first mass-produced mechanical calculator. He also refined the binary number system, which is the foundation of virtually all digital computers.

>> No.8696061

No I'm not, stop avoiding everything.
I've read it, dear.

Not genius.

>> No.8696062

so, you dislike all of mathematics?

disagreeing with his goals or his project doesn't make him an idiot, he made substantial progress WITHIN his own mindset, a mindset that was fairly understandable in the period and which today we might disagree with, but wouldn't condemn as fundamentally morally flawed. isn't that good enough for respect at the very least?

>> No.8696063

In philosophy, Leibniz is most noted for his optimism, i.e. his conclusion that our Universe is, in a restricted sense, the best possible one that God could have created, an idea that was often lampooned by others such as Voltaire. Leibniz, along with René Descartes and Baruch Spinoza, was one of the three great 17th-century advocates of rationalism. The work of Leibniz anticipated modern logic and analytic philosophy, but his philosophy also looks back to the scholastic tradition, in which conclusions are produced by applying reason to first principles or prior definitions rather than to empirical evidence.

>> No.8696066

Leibniz made major contributions to physics and technology, and anticipated notions that surfaced much later in philosophy, probability theory, biology, medicine, geology, psychology, linguistics, and computer science. He wrote works on philosophy, politics, law, ethics, theology, history, and philology. Leibniz's contributions to this vast array of subjects were scattered in various learned journals, in tens of thousands of letters, and in unpublished manuscripts. He wrote in several languages, but primarily in Latin, French, and German.[14] There is no complete gathering of the writings of Leibniz.[15]

>> No.8696067

what do you mean "we might disagree with"

is there actual a philosophical tradition that rejects mathematics?

jesus christ

>> No.8696071

>progress within a sick mindset is genius
Idiots actually think this is an intelligent idea.

>dude rationalists totally aren't platonists lmao
I've had to research the idiot in a history course. You're missing my point entirely, typical of an idiot worshiping an idiot.
Mathematics is garbage and presumptive.

>> No.8696074

This is actually the worst thread I've been a part of. I feel great shame, we just kept replying to this guy. Great stupidity is difficult to ignore, I'm sorry for my lack of strength.

>> No.8696075


you have no understanding of mathematics what so ever

>> No.8696076

i don't personally reject mathematics.

i'm using vague language because frankly i have no idea what the hell this guy is on about and rejection of mathematics seems to be what he is leaning towards.

>> No.8696079


>> No.8696084

Rejection of bad thought,

>> No.8696085

alright, enough of this shit.

lay out what you actually think and we can talk about it, otherwise i'm out. your distinct pattern of evasion and attack either means you're a complete retard or a troll

>> No.8696089

>ur dumb troll because you wont accept my ideology

>> No.8696092

so someone that still believes in geocentrism


>> No.8696096

Speak English please.

>> No.8696099

no, you're a troll because your communication is at the level of a 4-year-old child and you haven't said anything substantive other than yelling and making polemic claims with no backup.

IDGAF if you have controversial ideas but talk about them in a civil way FFS

>> No.8696105

>your a troll because you sound le dumb and u dont behave according to ym ideology
Being civil is part of your ideology.

>> No.8696166

Chiller come back

>> No.8696737

i really thought this thread was going to do well

i had alot of hope

>> No.8696759

>One of the worst philosophies to ever exist

>> No.8696763


>> No.8696766

becuase his theories are really only studied and applied in marketing and business classes.

seriously look up semiotics and its all marketing and business shit.

>> No.8696773

>actually thinking that Darwinian creatures would have access to Truth which is "out there"

>> No.8696774

hilary putnam, richard rorty etc. alot of great philosophers followed pragmatism

>> No.8696781

I kinda is useless though, and it's commonsensical

Will James' subtitle to Pragmatism was like a new take on an old idea or something

>> No.8696790

Inferior philosophies should exist. That way retards won't crowd up real nigga classes and will stop looking after a certain limit.

>> No.8696797

I'm not a Platonist.
None of them are great philosophers.

>> No.8696801

This thread sucks.

>> No.8696815

>Peirce suffered from his late teens onward from a nervous condition then known as "facial neuralgia", which would today be diagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia. Brent says that when in the throes of its pain "he was, at first, almost stupefied, and then aloof, cold, depressed, extremely suspicious, impatient of the slightest crossing, and subject to violent outbursts of temper".[19] Its consequences may have led to the social isolation which made his life's later years so tragic.

>> No.8696835

Putnam is an amazing philosopher and probably was the imminent philosopher of the Anglo-American tradition

>> No.8696838

American philosophy is garbage.

>> No.8696844

Postmodernism is garbage

>> No.8696852

The postmodernism you speak of is American philosophy. Formalized autism is also an American philosophy.

>> No.8696859


oh so your more of a feels>reals guy?

>> No.8696908


>Muh feelings

>> No.8696929

Logic is dictated by feelings. You are drawn to emotions because of feelings.