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/lit/ - Literature

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8691853 No.8691853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I find /lit/ guys to date? Where do you all hang out and how should you be approached? I only fall for incredibly intelligent guys but I can't find many at all.

>> No.8691861

Ask them if they ever heard of
>my motherfucking diary desu
that's all you need tbqh

>> No.8691867

Libraries? Hipster bookshops?

>> No.8691942

Depends on whether or not you're still in college desu. Go to the bar when the jazz trio is playing or lectures by your local history society if y'all have one..

>> No.8691971

Are you good looking and intelligent yourself? I have no obligations and am willing to come to you.

>> No.8691981

Hipstar bookshops? You've to be joking!
I'm sometimes running around with books, for example at the Moment i'm reading "On the marble cliffs" by Ernst Jünger, i was nearly attacked because of it. Self proclaimed "antifacists" thought they would know better what would be to read, but i recently had on female, who tried to figure out, what i was reading and i talked to her; turns out, she lives in another City and is intrested in higher literture and we want to meet. The best places are bookshops and the good old libary, maybe the uni party, but of course you would have to search. I guess, you need to get to know some better, in order to truley understand, if you really want somebody like this and the flauts they bring with them. The approach thing is hard, because there aren't strong confentions like there were fithy years ago and it was always harder for people who reflect deeply, about their behavior. The best thing is always to get your body into the others comfort zone and look at the reaction, if you get green lights, depending on the Situation you can Talk and/or make direct body contact. The the fewer people are around the better the chances are in my opinion, so you should search for this kind of enviorment.

>> No.8691999

being a faggot is pretty un-/lit/

>> No.8692157
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You must be ironic

>> No.8692192

ok, i'll bite and try to answer honestly. need some more info, though.
how old are you?
are you gay or a woman (different approaches)?
where do you live - country, state, city, etc?

>> No.8692202


Girls doesn't browse 4chan, new friend

>> No.8692214
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Digits confirm that gay is unlit

>> No.8692228


Which dreamworks film is this guy from?

>> No.8692255

>Girls doesn't browse 4chan
i've met several who do. however, they rarely do so anymore, or so they say, due to the rampant misogyny and blatant unironic stupidity on these boards, /lit/ included. this is the one they mostly peruse, though, or used to.

>> No.8692266
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You have to go back

>> No.8692295

All my social interactions are on /lit/ and on a secret IRC channel.

Only the best girls can find it. If you can't, no dick for you.

>> No.8692309

> I only fall for incredibly intelligent guys but I can't find many at all

>> No.8692316

I'm sure you're a guy but still if you are girl
why would you want dating with /lit/ guys they are just a bunch of nerds who are always rambling autism

>> No.8692441

>are you gay or a woman?
Everyone knows OP is a fag

>> No.8692460

this is the most horrible song i've ever heard

>> No.8692470

Reminder that having 'clever thoughts' is not enough to make a person intelligent.

>> No.8692474

who is this beardo weirdo?

>> No.8692483

I'm 24
I'm a woman (I know you might have doubts but please assume I'm telling the truth and give me advice based on that)

I move between London and Paris, and I don't have my own place yet (couchsurfing)

>> No.8692488

please be joking
and if no, are you that desperate?

>> No.8692489

Desperate for what?

>> No.8692501
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> between London and Paris

George, is that you?

>> No.8692507

Yeah. I know.

I don't work in a kitchen though.

>> No.8692515

Who are you quoting

>> No.8692525

This same thread on /adv/.

>> No.8692533

Mostly the study room, studying; also gay bars but please don't come to those. If you want to approach a /lit/ guy keep in mind /lit/ guys are pretty woke; you might want to somehow hint that you're redpilled and up with the latest accelx memes, else they'll think you're a normie commoner and/or a threat to the academy. Pretty much every book ever is about choosing whom to trust, so ask yourself - these people, most of whom have opinions they keep secret lest they be ostracised; can they really trust you? Well, if they can, then you flaunt that trustability, gal.

Say something like, 'Joseph Conrad is a good author and I respect Woody Allen.' That'll get em turning heads.

>> No.8692552

it's like you want to be raped and killed

>> No.8692581

like 60% of women fantasize about the first part

>> No.8692588

girls from the USA are not the 60%

>> No.8692604

You realize nerdy men are the best, right?

>> No.8692610

I beg to differ. They are mostly passive aggressive man children.

>> No.8692641

most of them are just full of arrogance and are apathetic also this >>8692610

>> No.8692642

Hmm slightly immature, maybe. All the nerdy lads I know are very laid back. I hope society continues to shift in valuing the intellectual geek type, so that women start to realize the superiority of nerds over "Chads" or whatever they're called.

>> No.8692648

you should take an english class next year in 8th grade

>> No.8692688


>> No.8692689

bra size though?

>> No.8692698

I'm more or less your age so heres what worked for me. Search for guys over 25-26, younger guys usually get intimidated by the non Stacy female.
Lots of poetry readings in my city, I met some guys there. Last year I dated a philosophy major, met him when I was learning to play chess near a university.
Just hang out near universities, museums, libraries, etc.

If you're not too ugly or mad, you'll do fine. Play the qt but slighty degenerate grill. If you find a good guy... unironically just b urself :^)

>> No.8692700

>those commas

>> No.8692701

I'm surprised antifa losers would even know Junger, much less that piece of work which is him at his most anti-totalitarian

>> No.8692708

>play the qt but slighty degenerate grill
is like you were idk 16 or something

>> No.8692709

>Respecting the hollywood jew

You don't know /lit/ at all

>> No.8692711

sounds like a guide for finding a nu-male desu

you sound like a beta-female anyway though so fair enough

>> No.8692723

>search for guys over 25-26 or older

essentially this

>> No.8692730
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>> No.8692875

The reason some women are attracted to nerd-males is that most of them are confident enough to follow through with their interests despite the social prejudices. That's sexy. Of course you'll still have to look reasonable, but a pinch autism isn't a ko criterion.

You would be surprised how many women are lurking and learning in your safe space.

>> No.8692880


>> No.8692882

>Where do you all hang out and how should you be approached?

I don't leave the house

>> No.8692888

#bookz isn't that secret matey

>> No.8692894

sexy autism

>> No.8692900


>> No.8692907

This. Also, what are they trying to prove? I go to FYE just make fun of nerd culture.

>> No.8692911

it's not sexy
also you're talking nonsense
are you talking by your own experience?

>> No.8692919

>are you talking by your own experience?


>> No.8692932

Implying most poetry reading aren't embaressing gatherings of "degenerate" leftists, who believe to be poets, after they filled twenty lines with political nonsense of no asthetic worth.

>> No.8692934

yeah that's why
not everyone's experience is your experience you depraved

>> No.8692965

Look, women love self-confidence and in a world were having such interests is considered retarded and autistic, showing it as a male is a sign of said self-confidence. It doesn't matter if its /lit/ or some other shit.

Of course not every women will think in that way, but the not-retarded ones tend to. Also: Nerdculture is being hyped in the mainstream which will attract them sooner than later. Simple female nature. Speaking as one myself.

>> No.8693027

>in a world were having such interests are retarded and autist
where everyone now is a hipster and doesn't care anything about literature but the look of it.
>Simple female nature

>> No.8693067

>where everyone now is a hipster and doesn't care anything about literature but the look of it.

Isn't it at least the first step? Just like one goes to /pol/ to shitpost a little and comes out with the newest Holohoax-Truths spreading the cancer. Just /lit/-pill them.

>Simple female nature

Both sexes are quite simple in their nature from a biological point of view. You just have to be able to transfer the simpler principles in our more complex society.

>> No.8693254

This thread triggers my inferiority complex

>> No.8693688

I'm a part time library assistant, and a blogger/writer. I love reading (novels, non-fic, and comics), writing, movies, and TV (especially Gilmore Girls).

I'm a feminist, a fangirl, a Hufflepuff, a coffee drinker, and a purveyor of the Oxford comma. I don't love cooking, but I can do it (ish). I'm a sucker for anything pumpkin spice (typical white girl).

I love music. My favourites are the Shins, The Avett Brothers, the Arkells, Halsey, and, paradoxically, Florida Georgia Line.

I love just hanging out and having a glass of wine, a pint of beer, or a cup of coffee.

>> No.8693704

Kek, I hope this is bait.

>> No.8693734
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>> No.8693786

>How do I find /lit/ guys to date? Where do you all hang out
In quiet cafes with books, like your pic.

>and how should you be approached?
If you're a pleb, don't. I recently had a self-proclaimed "creative type" chick latch on to me and spend an hour talking about how she's a sculptor but hasn't sculpted in a while, she's a playwright but can't focus on writing plays, and likes to go to a nearby art museum but couldn't actually describe any of her experiences there.

If you're not a pleb just mention something about what the guy is reading; most "reader" type chicks don't move beyond wistful glances from a distance. It will undeniably be an intrusion, but that's not necessarily bad; just actually say something instead of sighing from three tables away all afternoon. I came here to read, rather than blindly hoping to meet you; if you want to meet, do something about it.

>> No.8693787

Step 1. Browse your Uni's Course Listings for a Literary Analysis course on Infinite Jest. (If you aren't in school right now, there is no hope, kys).

Step 2. Enroll, and attend lectures.

Step 3. Facebook stalk whomever you fancy to make sure they're are available

Step 4. Flatter them about their literary prowess after class

Step 5. Acquire /lit/ bf

Now fuck off

>> No.8693832

An intelligent man would never become a homosexual.

>> No.8693837


>> No.8693851

>talking to me
I've got erotica to write about animu girls, go away.

>> No.8693861
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>> No.8693869

>no one has checked these double dubs

Travesty desu

>> No.8693871

You are writing is an shit.
Read lots of books, you do, my ass.

/thread and checked

>> No.8693877

Checked and wrecked

>> No.8693890

you sound like a total fucking lameo

>> No.8693899

>dating /lit/ guys
>not making them your best friends

>> No.8693969

Not an argument. Try using words next time pal.

>> No.8693973

jane fuck off

>> No.8693979
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>> No.8693985

I assume you're trolling, but there is nothing intellectual about feminism. You got suffrage in 1920, end of story, assuming youre a burger. If you wanted to get my attention, talk about an intersting subject with me, maybe about Rome of Jewish Mysticism, but otherwise stay away. Inb4 jebaited

>> No.8693990

my skype is coutour

>> No.8693991


is this dude perpetually cosplaying some rejected faggot dbz character?

>> No.8694010

are you indian?

>> No.8694038

I was just mocking you, I never tried to argue.

>> No.8694066

>he doesn't even know 20s suffrage only applied to white women

Who would have guessed the guy who sees "no point" to feminism is this historically illiterate?

>> No.8694077

Being /lit/ is not about the 4chan board one simply browses, it is a lifestyle. If you want a man that is truly /lit/ visit your local library and pick out the most depressed looking person you can find. Another key place to look is a coffee shop, or, in the case of London or Paris, a café or tea shop. If you chance to find yourself in a bookstore, look at what he is currently reading. If you notice that it is from the /lit/ top 100, they just might be /lit/ enough. The ability to notice people who are miserable or secretly hate themselves is also extremely helpful.

The best approach to a man of these qualities is to talk to them, and ask them questions because they obviously have something to say to you about their skewed opinions on the latest philosopher that they discovered. And when they ask about you, don't say that you love reading and literature as much as they do unless it's really true. Instead, try to be honest and say that you just wanted to get to know each other better or you just wanted to talk, or you can simply fan the flames of their ego if you so choose. In the end, the male will asses your traits, characteristics, and overall personality to determine if you are girlfriend material. There is no way to bypass this process without negative long-term repercussions, so I recommend just accepting who you are and that you probably shouldn't take it too seriously. If you can tell that he accepts you and that you aren't just another nuisance in his day, schedule some kind of meet up and agree to talk later.

This is just a straight man's perspective, though. In the end, it comes down to who you are as a person, and what the opposite sex sees as the ideal woman.

I wish you good luck, and happy hunting.


>> No.8694083

thank you based TWpoet

>> No.8694090

Underrated post.

>> No.8694117

>too shy and insecure to talk with guys even online
>feel intimidated by someone who is very into literature
>too young to being even noticed by someone that enjoy literature or anything serious
> my parents think im lesbian

It's ok, though

>> No.8694120

Kids will be kids I suppose. Did you perhaps avoid an argument because of your incompetence?

>> No.8694122

If you aren't full of shit, check out the events at Shakespeare & Co on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The next one I'll be at is on the 15th, when they host Edwin Frank, editor of NYRB. There tend to be a lot of English speaking writerly types at those.

>> No.8694129

Here's an interesting subject: you're a white male, a group that has never experienced oppression in all of human history.