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8690393 No.8690393 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Favorite children's book series you read as a kid

>> No.8690457
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OP's pic related, along with The Spiderwick Chronicles. The Magic Tree House books were pretty cash, as well.

OP, have you seen the new teaser for Netflix's adaptation? Whomever they casted for Count Olaf doesn't suit the books' description at all. The voice doesn't sound like what I had in mind, either.

>> No.8690466

Not op, but I was satisfied. I thought Olaf should have been more menacing though. I don't think the eyebrow was shaved off even. Plus in the teaser Klaus is taller than Violet, even though violet is always taller

>> No.8690483

Shouldn't the Baudelaires have a more "British" accent? They were in a Britain/Londen-esque town thing right? Unless my memory mistakes me.

>> No.8690487
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did you guys read the prequel series?

>> No.8690492

nope. you're thinking of the jim carey movie. the setting of the books is definitely a mid twenties setting [think esme, freak show, submersibles]

>> No.8690504

I need to get on that since 2012

>> No.8690508

Hmm. That's how I always pictured it even before the movie.

>> No.8690509

Doesn't even have Violet in it, why would I

>> No.8690510
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Have you seen the movie? Jim Carrey was a pretty damn good Olaf in it. Almost everything in the movie was pretty much picture-perfect with the books and their accompanying illustrations.

It really doesn't help that I saw the movie at an early age, so now I'll have no idea how I'm going to hold myself back from comparing the two actors.

The illustrations that depicted the settings looked Victorian-esque, so you may be right. The series wasn't too blatant, nor forward with the setting.

The film, and upcoming series are from American companies (Nickelodeon, and Netflix, respectively), so I don't think they cared much about the accents.

>> No.8690516

I still have my books from childhood.

Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke

Anthony Trollope: The Way we Live Now

David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and Treatise of Human Nature

Immanuel Kant: Anthropology or Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals

Democracy in America by De Tocqueville

Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France

The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Phaedra by Racine

Tartuffe by Moliere

Friedrich Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality, Beyond Good and Evil, and Twilight of the Idols

Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail

On Origin of Species or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin

Shakespeare: Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, and The Tempest

>> No.8690525

>no Prince by Machiavelli
You fucked up sempai

>> No.8690530

Wait. This is actually from my high school reading. Not sure if that counts as "kid." Most of elementary school was mythological and fairy tales from Greeks, Norse, Ancient Egypt, etc.

>> No.8690540

Violet is my character waifu
Except the movie tried to cover three books at once and was goofy as fuck instead of the dark story it had. It was a good movie though.
I wish I had bought them. I only borrowed them from my school library
I'll allow it. It was a little odd I was thinking Harry Potter-esque books.

>> No.8690550
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Might actually be Potter. The first book came out when I was 7 and I pretty much kept up with it until the end where I was 17. Read lots of other children's stuff before and in between but I don't think I was into any of them as much as I was into Potter. Was pretty much prime age for the series.

Other than that: Pic related. I had tons of these fuckers and loved them to death. I even managed to get a whole bunch of really old first editions where only every other double page is colourized. Always liked the Donald stories more than the Mickey ones though, but my absolute favourite was when you got hold of a story drawn by Don Rosa. His work was always beautiful and brim packed with adorable little details in the background.

>> No.8690573
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Probably this one and the two sequels or maybe some goosebumps book

>> No.8690577

I didn't read a whole lot of goosebumps. I was a puss and the covers scared the piss out of me at night.

>> No.8690633

It's weird. I never got scared by "scary" books and I read a whole bunch of them as a kid. I even read them at night in secret when I was supposed to sleep. I could get very immersed in these books and I did enjoy them for their stories but somehow I never felt in danger and thus never was scared. The same is true now for Horror Movies and Horror Video Games. I'm too aware that nothing can happen to me so I don't get scared. I tried Amnesia alone in the dark with headphones on but all it was for me was a lot of walking around and collecting stuff. The only thing that works on me is startling. When a game is all quiet forever and then suddenly flashes and gets really fucking loud I might do a little jolt (Just a little. I don't start running around the room like a black guy) But even that's just cheap and not really scary. I feel cheated out of a genre to be honest.

I do however really fucking love nightmares. Pretty much always have, because nightmares where just more exiting dreams they always provide me with a pretty "real" feeling thrill without putting me in actual danger. Whenever I wake up from dying in a Nightmare I try to fall asleep again but sadly the dream never once continued.

>> No.8690648

Yeah. I never liked horror anything but nightmares were my shit. It tailored to my fears (spiders, the dark, losing limbs, etc) and provided me with a sense of thrill that I could only dream of in real life.

>> No.8690686

You're actually the first person I found who also enjoys nightmares. Everyone I've ever spoken too about this found it weird and couldn't relate at all.

>> No.8690699

The Edge Chronicles was my fucking jam. I also enjoyed Harry Potter, Spiderwick and Dragonlance, tho i consider none of them quite as masterful in retrospect.

>> No.8690707
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>> No.8690792

Edge chronicles were awesome.

>> No.8690836

I loved the Hungry City Chronicles. Been longing for a grand-scale steampunk film of it since forever.

>> No.8690849
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>> No.8690870
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better cosplay imo

>> No.8690929

I stopped reading once I realized every single book was exactly the same

>> No.8691126

my diary desu

>> No.8691211

Das Sams
Räuber Hotzenplotz
Harry Potter

From the top of my head. I fucking loved Hotzenplotz. Reread all the books several times.

>> No.8691224

Warriors desu
Redwall desu

>> No.8691232
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The Chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the Rings

>> No.8691253
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This was fucking dark for a kids series and I loved it

>> No.8691266

M8, that was my favorite too. I even discovered mastrubating while reading animorphs, not because of fur shit, but I came on the book ans ruined it.

>> No.8691277

Which pages did you masturbate to?

>> No.8691289

Hard to remember now, it was definitely the second book in the series though.

>> No.8691294

I thought I heard once that the setting for the first book was based on late 19th century Boston but now I can't find a source for that so maybe I dreamed it.

>> No.8691295
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>> No.8691619
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Good shit OP.

I was completely in love with Violet at age 8. For some reason this illustration in particular really struck me, she was so vulnerable and I wanted to protect her. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the reasons why I became a doctor.

>> No.8691635

A Wrinkle in Time

>> No.8691654
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So we're all in agreement that Emily is best Violet but the new one looks good despite >>8690466, right?

>> No.8691659

Boxcar kids
Magic Treehouse (Only a few)
Series of Unfortunate events
Lord of the Rings
Chronicles of Narnia

I actually just remembered reading all of these, there was serious drop off in my reading during adolescence. Tbh I was pretty lit as a kid, I even emulated these series books by writing my own little stories and showing them to my parents.

Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.8691711


Different anon here. I enjoy nightmares too for pretty much the same reason...though mine tend to get sexual in nature sometimes with monstrous female things, so yeah there's that incentive as well

>> No.8691716
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>the average /lit/ poster

>> No.8691788
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Did anyone else read these

>> No.8691870
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I can point out two series, but because they are from Russia, only russians know about these.
First is "Magician of Emerald City" and subsequent books by A. Volkov. First book is a carbon copy of a certain widely-known novel: even the plot is the same. However, I didn't even know about the original book, when I read it, so I enjoyed it. But the second book - "Urfin Jus and the Wooden Soldiers" is the most remarkable: author decided to write the story by himself, and produced a children's novel, however, with dark and serious tone, about a guy who created an undefeatable army and conquered all nearby lands, including Emerald City itself. Some allusion to Hitler, I assume.

>> No.8691876

>Where did it all go wrong?

Mainstream media distracted you

>> No.8691908

Secrets of Droon
Deltora Quest
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Harry Potter

>> No.8691913
File: 30 KB, 500x372, 04_Neznayka_ishchet_rabotu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second one is "Heзнaйкa" series (translated under stupid fucking name "Dunno"). It's about arrogant and stupid kid, who is really a "feels guy" on the inside. First book is pretty tame: the guy wanders around his home town (which is more like a village desu), messes things up and tries to avert everything back. However, some topics are brought up: friendship, trust and even love.
Second book: the guy travels to a nearby city - a real city and a technological utopia: with flying cars, flat displays, automatic sodie pop dispensers - and it was written in Soviet Union for its kids, who did only know about glass of water and piece of stale rye bread.
But the most important and known is the third book: Heзнaйкa on the Moon. It's a grim dark super serious novel about space travel, economics, greed, corrupt officials, crime, judgement, punishment, swift rise and even swifter fall, things on the brink of doom - and is depiction of capitalist society.
It was greatly acclaimed, so even Russian cartoon (a.k.a. "aнимe") was shot. With waifus.

Of course, you all will not enjoy those, because all the books are (most likely) poorly translated, and are for kids. You have grown out of these, didn't you?

>> No.8691919
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Seriously, look at this slut. And there is porn of her somewhere.

>> No.8692017

Holy fuck nigga I'm on such a nostalgia trip right now.

I was obsessed with The Emerald City books, they're like GRRM for kids, seriously better than the original Wizard of Oz. I loved Neznaika but Neznaika on the Moon was 2spooky4me, I could never watch it to the end.

Did you read "Дeниcкины paccкaзы"? Very different from the two you pointed out but I was obsessed with it nonetheless, so many childhood feels.

>> No.8692103
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I only remember "Oн живoй и cвeтитcя…", but no others. I have read "Фaнтaзepы" by the same guy who wrote Neznaika - I think it's mostly the same.

>> No.8692186

Moй ниггep

>> No.8692573
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I just thought she was cute smart girl.

>> No.8692852

...that's not Фaнтaзepы, anon...

>> No.8693104
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best series coming through

yeah i liked these a lot, got pretty scary once the shamans / evil mages or whoever got involved

>> No.8693161

my substantia nigra. I was just reminiscing about these the other day. I still love how he used footnotes.

>> No.8694219
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The Edge Chronicles

i'm not sure it's actually intended for children but i read it as a kid

i still love the worldbuilding in that series

>> No.8694259

Goosebumps was what got me into reading as a child.

>> No.8694262
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Pic related was one of my favorite series. I've never met anybody who has even heard of it though.

I also liked any anthropomorphic animal books. Mostly mice.

Hermux Tantamoq

>> No.8694318

Probably Narnia

>> No.8694435

Fuck yeah! I didn't know anyone else had heard of these. I loved them as a kid.

>> No.8694442

Watership down
Call of the wild
Eragon series
Anne of green gables
Secret Sevens
Deltora quest series 1 2 and 3
Probably a shit ton i am forgetting.

>> No.8694574

For me it was that once I got into adolescence they tried to sell me on YA bullshit, and I never got any real encouragement to try the classics.It didn't seem like there were any books with stories I'd actually be interested in reading anymore so I sought out other mediums.

>> No.8694606

The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander

>> No.8694680

OOOOH so fucking gud I seriously have to reread these. Once I was screamed at by an uncle for talking about "Summoning Evil Spirits" at thanksgiving dinner while relating the plot of AoS to a cousin, so bonus points for that

>> No.8694688

While everybody read Goodebumps, the kids that read these were the type that tucked their T shirts into their jeans.

>> No.8694861
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Redwall desu

>> No.8694873
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this and The Magic Tree House Books

>> No.8694895
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why my dick its so confused????

>> No.8694897