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8685631 No.8685631 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most depressing book you've ever read?

>> No.8685632


>> No.8685633

quite witty

>> No.8685639
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>> No.8685788

Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai

>> No.8685796

I kinda wanted to kill myself while reading Austerlitz.

Stoner is also not fun.

>> No.8685801

Cuore, read it as a kid and cried (kinda Stendhal'ed)

>> No.8686516

Anybody that claims to like this show I instantly dislike.. it points out common knowledge bullshit with an edgy "I realized this middle school philosophy in my twenties so I'm just too smart for everyone" overtone that is so hateable

>> No.8686525

Well it's only liked by reddit, who are mostly high schoolers.

>> No.8686544

what show is this

>> No.8686556

Bojack horseman

>> No.8686569

The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

>> No.8686570

Post-war Japanese literature is pretty fucking depressing. Second generational stuff, too. Check out Medoruma Shun; I think he'll get more acclaim in the states once his stories are all translated.

>> No.8686597

Bojack is the best show. I really think you people are missing the point hard.

>> No.8686610

Its all the same every time, call out bojack for being edgy pseud bullshit, call out mr robot for being teenage atheist edgelord trash in a rational way and the faggot fans realize their shows are retarded so go to self defense rational mode "hurr durr thars the point xD"

>> No.8686621

>he doesn't act ironically retarded

>> No.8686628


>> No.8686630
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Any holocaust survivor's memoir. All those Jews that Hitler failed to wipe out.

>> No.8686633

What's the point of acting ironically retarded? To put yourself above people? You sound retarded and half way there to self aware, therefor you try to put down the other retards with edgy ironic humor.

>> No.8686655

holy shit
Dub dubs

>> No.8686664

Holy shit
Dub dubs

>> No.8686679

If theres one thing dfw specializes in, it's making the reader depressed

>> No.8686719

That's actually not the point. You're doing a fair bit of projecting there.

>> No.8686733

>2 off from quads
Why live

>> No.8686744

I think its more of the mind you put yourself when you read

Infinite Jest and the Metamorphosis for me.

>> No.8686745

People get defensive because there's no reason to "call out" shit you don't like and generally act like a douche. There's really no reason to insult fans of popular things just because you don't like what they like.

>> No.8686784


>> No.8686821

Kokoro, honestly

>> No.8686827

Diary of Anne Frank 🤷 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8686835

yeah see that, that is what I was talking about. There's a difference between critical of something or disliking it and just being an obnoxious prick.

>> No.8686838

>that is what I was talking about.

But it really wasn't. Stop lying.

>> No.8686854

childhoods end

>> No.8687180

Molloy is pretty fucking grim. The part near the end when the ball of bees just crumples in his hand is incredibly hopeless. Also somewhere in that 30 page monster of a first paragraph is the devastating sentence:

>Can it be we are not free?

>> No.8688312

Didn't know fiction could be so depressing.

>> No.8688337
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Easily the most depressing book I've ever read (and even more so when you consider the fact that the author committed suicide a year after publishing it).

At least it convinced me to finally see a psychiatrist, where I got diagnosed with Bipolar 2.

>> No.8688358 [DELETED] 

Can you explain in more detail? Ive never seen it

>> No.8688360


Book of Disquiet.

>> No.8688868

Bojack season 3 might have been the worst season of television of any show ever. Absolutely vile.

>> No.8688879

Are you mad? The abortion song? The Heroin overdose? The ending with the herd running?

That show is fearless.

>> No.8688892

Is this like actually good? not to sound like a dick or anything, but it always struck me as the book edgy girls put on their snapchat stories so people can see them as deep.

>> No.8688897

A Fine Balance was pretty depressing
nothing gets better ever, or if it does its only so that you can be torn down even harder right after so you throw yourself in front of a train.

>> No.8688907

How likely is it that someone on 4chan was offended by an abortion joke or a cartoon heroin overdose?

>> No.8688915

I meant mad in the "insane" sense, not the "U mad?" sense. Pardon my ambiguity.

>> No.8688940

probably not the most depressing, but i recently read No Longer Human and it was pretty shit

>> No.8688953

The recent book I've read to make me feel depressed at the end was The Heart of Darkness

>> No.8688983

Yes, it's worth reading. Whether other people like something or not should have no bearing on your opinion of it. Grow up.

>> No.8689006

fuck off lol. I've never liked Plath's poetry that much which is the big reason why I have no interest in The Bell Jar.

>> No.8689067


>> No.8689082

>watching horse version of mad men

>> No.8689090

in what fucking way does it resemble mad men motherfucker?

>> No.8689094

The whole thing with the horse

>> No.8689102

Yeah, really.
It is in no way like Mad Men.

Maybe the Princess Carolyn character who is the super-competent professional female sidekick character, but that's about it.

>> No.8689256

Kokoro fucked me up. also the last battle

>> No.8689299

The Idiot by Dostoevsky

>> No.8689376

ballsack the horse,man.

>> No.8689489
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>> No.8689499

book of African American slave poetry that my friend had for a class she was talking. I didn't read the whole thing but it was fucking debilitating

>> No.8689527


>> No.8689550

Why do you find this depressing?

It's like 80 pages, one rather tedious day in the life of a sensitive schoolgirl. What's so depressing about it?

>> No.8689563
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Catch-22, the chapter on Major Major's childhood struck a nerve

>> No.8689564

The Bible.

>> No.8689574

Something Happened by Joseph Heller, it broke me.

Winter of our discontent is a close second.

>> No.8689625

Well, yeah, basically this, except I call it a journal because I'm insecure and/or 'diary' sounds girly.

Second pick would be The Diary of Anne Frank or Night by Elie Wiesl (or however his last name is spelt).

If I had to choose a non-diary or non-memoir type book... like a novel... I really don't know. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban hit me right in the feels when Harry's uncle went through that... portal... thing. He's never had a father figure, finally gets one, and he's gone just like that. My old man was and is an unrelenting bastard so the idea of having a father figure finally was nice, and I felt glad for Potter that he finally had one, only to have him lose it in the very same book. Yeah it sounds stupid, Harry Potter being depressing, but that aspect may or may not have made me cry as a teenager...

>> No.8689636
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>> No.8689712

The Foundation Pit. Even for bleak Soviet lit it's unforgiving.

>> No.8689961

Yeah isnt more like Californication? Sadly I never got to watch that show though.

>> No.8689970

I, like everyone else on this board, don't know how to read. Sorry.

>> No.8690055

Darkness seems like such a cliche but somehow I felt the darkness enclose Marlow as he tired to comfort the fiancé. I had to sit and think about that book for a long while after reading it in a sitting.

>> No.8690082


Calvin and Hobbes

>> No.8690360

Is it great? I've been meaning to buy it, but decent translations in my language are pretty expensive.

>> No.8690372
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Not even joking.

>> No.8690500

Same for the rest of the weekend I just couldn't get over that ending. Marlow comes back seriously messed up mentally and then comforts a fiancee who is so delusional.
And plus, he can't straight up tell her, Yeah Kurtz was a crazy bastard. The ending reminds of another book but I can't seem to remember. Nevermind. It was 1984 I was thinking of.

>> No.8690520
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Yes, nice one desu

>> No.8690522

that chapter was the funniest part of the book though

>> No.8690535


Yea, this is a fucking sad book. Leave your assumptions about the text at the door and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8690541

Madame Bovary

>> No.8690549

War and Peace. Depressing because I wasted so much of my time reading that shit.

>> No.8690584
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The Trigger Man

>> No.8690612

This, so this.

>> No.8690624

I read Stoner as a celebration over the human condition. Made me feel alive in a shared humanity, not especially depressed.

>> No.8690674
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Welcome to the NHK. Not because of the actual book itself but because of the two afterwords. After reading this book about a poor Hikikomori (Japanese shut ins who completely cut off social life and pretty much live alone and isolated) the afterword was just a real kick in the balls. If you wanna read them, I found them here: http://www.e-reading.club/chapter.php/135606/97/Takimoto_-_Welcome_to_the_NHK!.html
and here: http://www.e-reading.club/chapter.php/135606/98/Takimoto_-_Welcome_to_the_NHK!.html

Also Oyasumi Punpun which is a manga but still fucking depressing. I don't know what it is, but the Japanese somehow manage to write stuff that can really pull you down. Almost as good as the Russians I'd say.

>> No.8690953

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas.
>Tfw can't trust drug dealers enough to not get shitty stepped on drugs and Vegas is now all wigger bullshit
Never said this before in my life until i read this book but it made me really wish I was born a baby boomer.

>> No.8691129

I agree. its maudlin whining hidden in cartoons fuck it. so mediocre

>> No.8691154

this desu, I get why it's ragged on but I read this at a low point in my life and could really identify with it

>> No.8691163

Fuck, is there anttging similar to it? Like, FUCK

>> No.8691169

Nobody cares faggot

>> No.8691172

Later works of Virginia Woolf, The Waves especially. It tries to capture an excited mood, but you can almost feel the inner struggle through the text. This one's kinda subtle though

>> No.8691177
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>> No.8691189
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>> No.8691193

great post, thank you

>> No.8691239

I couldn't even get through the first couple chapters of The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.8691286

Journey to the End of the Night is the most depressing book ever wrote probably. This book can actually give you the will to kill yourself

>> No.8691293

>What's the point of acting ironically retarded?
Ask Socrates.

>> No.8691299

Haha, woah! That's my favorite show Browjack horsemen. It's such a dark show, and it really makes me think about my life. I really can relate with the horse character a lot.

>> No.8691304

Nineteen Eighty-Four. There isn't even any possibility of martyrdom or posthumous vindication. The only way Ingsoc can be overthrown is if the proles revolt, and the proles will never revolt. It is an eternally shitty present where nothing will ever change, Big Brother will always rule, and no one can ever escape. The End.

>> No.8691312
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so sad

>> No.8691361


>Journey to the End of the Night is the most depressing book ever wrote probably.

not even close

>> No.8691363

That one chapter where Sato spends a week downloading cp was real fucking depressing to read.

>> No.8691373

But Socrates is actually retarded

>> No.8691381

so brave

>> No.8691468

If that's "middle school philosophy" then what's educated or adult philosphy to you?

>> No.8691472


>> No.8691492

I never watched the show, but I remember the Nostalgia Critic spoke highly of it


>> No.8691501
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>> No.8691509

I agree with him

They do, because teenage girls feel that Plath "gets them." People who relate to this books are often teenage girls with teenage problems - sadness because their relationship with their boyfriends or their friends and like that.

There is some literary merit in connect with many people that have some diverse problems, but these are trivial compared to the book. Plath was well down the path of depressions, enough to attempt suicide, survive only because people found her, and then finally kill herself putting her head in the over. Depression was no stranger to her, and she does a good job portraying the mind of a depressive person, her, in the book.

I remember last year I was on therapy and sort of attempted to kill myself, ironically, I was taking antidepressants for months when that happened. Reading the book helped me to ease my mind somewhat.

Another good book is Darkness Visible, William Styron's memoir. It's about his depression and eventual recovery.

>> No.8691514

Your Journal desu. You've had a depressing life and I apologise for reading it without your permission.

>> No.8691708

I just finished Neon Bible and found it quite depressing.

>> No.8691717

What's it about, tell me about it anon

>> No.8691752

>Pardon my ambiguity
No. Fuck you, you can't tell me what to do.

>> No.8691828

De Avonden by Gérard Reve. A Dutch book but the translation came out recently.

>> No.8691832

>No. Fuck you, you can't tell me what to do.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8691834

Kys, pleb

>> No.8691883
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>> No.8691894

Hoe-jim Boris-woman

>> No.8691920

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.8691945

Under the Volcano is weapons-grade sadness. The "Deliver me from this dreadful tyranny of self" prayer-speech was unbelievably moving and reading that ending was torture.

>> No.8691967
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This one right here.

Fuck man, I've been blown away.
The feels...

>> No.8692252

I think that Bojack is one of the very few shows that redeems television as a medium but after watching this video wtf I hate bojack now

>> No.8692257


>> No.8692323

>What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by that?

>> No.8692355
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>> No.8692629

>Alasdair Gray
More like Alasdair GAY! Hahahaha! Epic ftw xD!

>> No.8693296
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While certainly not the most depressing thing I've ever read, it definitely made me the most depressed I've ever been after reading anything.

>> No.8693410

Trouble with being born
The temptation to exist
The conspiracy against the human race

>> No.8693417

6/10 had me until Harry Potter

>> No.8693626

>The conspiracy against the human race
awful book

>> No.8693640

Bojack is a great show, bro. Your weird hatred out reddit shouldn't effect your outlook on stuff this much.

>> No.8693646

>you're weird hatred of reddit

t. reddit

>> No.8693659
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Ah! You just snatched that comment out of my fingers, you silver-tongued old devil!

>> No.8693690

what the fuck was this?

>> No.8693847
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It’s about a 19th century french coal mining village and their struggle for better working conditions and higher wages. The people are trapped in a system of having to work more in dreadful conditions for money that’s not enough to feed their families. There is hope when some of the workers rally together under a new socialist ideology, but protests and rallies give way to starvation and misery. And later desperation and violence.

I had read the book before I went travelling in South America. In Bolivia I went into one of the functioning mines (Cerro Rico) that made the surrounding city one of the richest in the world during the Spanish occupation. The working conditions there were awful (many noxious gases, no safety standards) and it was sobering to see conditions similar to what were in that book.

pic related, one of the miners installing dynamite near a newly discovered vein.

>> No.8694173

Which Austerlitz?

>> No.8694187


>> No.8694596


>> No.8694635

Rather theatre than book, but Exit the King is quite a thing

>> No.8694770

Really, but why? I've read the book two times and it made me feel comfy throughout

>> No.8694780

Germinal did end on a positive note though

>> No.8694849
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I think if anything this tries too hard to be depressing, but the way both the characters and the town itself are all hollow shells of themselves after the war is over is pretty fucked up.

>> No.8695317

This, Stoner is life-affirming

>> No.8695475

Literally everyone on 4chan talks like the characters on this show, I find it weird people would say it is so reddit.

>> No.8695524
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Back when I read this I found it to be very depressing, but I was like 10 at the time so I dont remember much of it

>> No.8695596

A comedy that doesn't even try to be funny? A show who's agenda is to normalize depression? To make people think it's normal to feel like shit and not a result of their life?

Yeah, that's fearless alright.

>> No.8695620

It's not a comedy. I've cried while watching it more times than I've laughed.

>> No.8695683

its still a comedy
a black/dark comedy
its very funny and very sad

>> No.8695723

>Of Mice and Men

Hit me straight after a tough period of dark stuff (Frankenstein, Bartleby the Scrivener, Slaughterhouse V). I just wanted some light reading. Struck me even harder after I let my guard down among the fresh country and lovely farm people. I almost cried.

>This Earth of Mankind

I'm Indonesian and reading about colonialism in old Indonesian really feels something.

>> No.8695728

Isaac Asimov - Foundation

>> No.8695729
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Also I read this after Of Mice and Men. I thought a kid's book would be cheery.

>> No.8695742

wuthering hights :(

>> No.8695762

>It's not a comedy

t. delusional Bojack fan

>> No.8695872

Snows of Kilimanjaro, although it's not a book.

>> No.8695883

Yes, a very good pick

>> No.8695890


Holy shit. I kind of agree.

Though it also had a bittersweet aspect.

>> No.8695981

What means this t.

>> No.8696175

El tunel de Ernesto Sabato

>> No.8697748


>> No.8697757
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a bridge to terabithia in the second grade. i look back on that book and laugh now but i may or may not have had an existential crisis at the age of 8.

>> No.8697910

this thread is fucking hilarious haha what happened to this place

>> No.8697984

It is, but the austerity, pain and longing of life isn't swept under the carpet, you are made to feel it.

>> No.8698311

I was in grade 4 I think, when we read that book. Maybe it was just the atmosphere, but the book didn't really bother me. Yeah it's sad, but they were still just fictional kids in a book, I didn't really get into it. I should read that novel again some day. What REALLY hit me with the feels is on Zelda: Ocarina of Time when Link goes to leave his village only to meet Saria on the bridge. Then, she turns and runs away because she doesn't want to see him go. Genuinely, I ran back to the village to try and find her. I was 10-11 years old when i played that game, and that hit me with the feels pretty hard. She seemed so sweet... and so sad...

>> No.8698324

You're simply insecure with your own intellect.

People that are secure in themselves don't get that whiny about cartoons that "cheapen muh deep thoughts" or whatever the fuck it is you're trying to say.

>> No.8698539


why is the guy in this video dressed the way he is?? Why is his voice so annoying? If this video were exactly the same but he didn't make that annoying voice and he never showed his face or outfit, it would be infinitely better.

>> No.8698557

Infinite Jest.

>> No.8698559

Warden be cry

>> No.8698578

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. At such a time, rock critics will study their rock history and understand which artists accomplished which musical feat, and which simply exploited it commercially.

Beatles' "Aryan" music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll. It replaced syncopated African rhythm with linear Western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.

>> No.8698580

A Man Asleep by Perec

>It is on a day like this one, a little later a little earlier that you descover without surprise that something is wrong that you don't know how to live
>and you will never know.

>> No.8698645
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This is fucking utter bullshit. First of all there is no consensus between jazz critics that Ellington and Coltrane were the greatest. Thats so far from the fucking truth i almost can't be arsed to read the rest of your post. There's thousands of who's the greatest pianist, trumpeteer etc. hardbop vs beebop, third stream vs free jazz. Jazz critics are themselves the most critical on defining stuff like this. If you'd ever went to a higher musical education the professors wouldn't fall into this teenage bullshit. Now second of all Classical Critics rank Beethoven as number one? That's fucking stupid. Many sees Stravinsky as the epithome of classical music. Many says Bach hasen't been overdone since (including the /lit/ Hesse).

The problem your weak ass analysis aren't anywhere near touching is that within the definition of rock itself is commerciality. It's not some bullshit teenage shit whiping about a technically skilled shitband don't get the money they deserve. There's a reason Bowie is Bowie.

I agree Beatles sucks though.

>> No.8698650

It's a meme you dip

>> No.8698659

Holy shit i've been memed. MODS plz.

>> No.8698727

I've laughed a lot while watching it. I've never felt bad while watching it because I'm not depressed, nor am I a whiny crybaby who wants everyone to feel bad for him.

>> No.8699398

Haha kill yourself

>> No.8699675

One hundred years in solitude was pretty sad. Mostly towards the end. It left me with some kind of "how to I continue after this" feeling.

>> No.8699758

Lots of it is pretty depressing. But as I'm Hikikomori myself the second afterword just hit me like a fucking train.

>> No.8699785

raymond carver's collection Would You Please Be Quiet, Please absolutely ravaged me. such an unforgiving series of stories in there.

>> No.8700097

How can a book have the emotional impact on a reader to be "depressing"?
I think you were already depressed man

>> No.8700388

Blood Meridian is so devoid of any human compassion or comfort that it's astonishing. If you haven't read it give it shot because it's probably exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.8700393

I read this in Shaggys voice.

>> No.8700413


>> No.8700424

Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman

>> No.8700528

What did he mean by this? No, really. Dude is saying that the show passes off basic knowledge as something "deep" that other's "don't get" in order to justify being a cunt to everybody, and you're for some reason calling him dumb?

>I agree Beatles sucks though.

How to spot a tasteless tryhard hack.

>> No.8700672


Silent Cry by Kenzaburo Oe (sp?)

I read this in college and it blew me away at the time, though I haven't read it in years.

I don't remember much about the book, but I remember the feeling of being repulsed by it and unable to stop reading it.

>> No.8700763

me irl

>> No.8700775

ill never forget that gas chamber passage man

>> No.8701009

>and you're for some reason calling him dumb?
Gain some reading comprehension, please.

I didn't call him dumb (Though I most certainly think he's dumb because of the way he constructed his thought.), I was saying he was intellectually insecure.

And the show doesn't pass off as basic knowledge as "deep", that's just your perception because you're, as I said, intellectually insecure.

You're construing what you're witnessing as being some kind of negative occurrence merely because you yourself have an ax to grind, and it upsets you that what you call "basic ideas" really ARE fucking basic ideas and therefore have a place being used in a cartoon.

You know what else is a basic idea? The idea of utilizing satire to poke fun at things. I don't get upset when shows use that basic idea because I'm not some massive insecure cunt, though.

Then again intellectually insecure" describes the majority of people that browse /lit/ so I'm not particular surprised with you asshats. Just a little disappointed.

>> No.8701153

seriously, fuck

>> No.8701274

that's his character, the nostalgia critic
he does reviews in a comedic manner, but lately he has been released serious commentaries that I personally prefer to his comedic reviews

I still like his reviews. He used to review old uknown movies -hence, the nostalgia critic- but after his brief retirement he started to review movies in general

An old review of his, the turkish rambo

>> No.8701717

>f3 "The Painted Bird"
>0 results
I'm honestly surprised and disappointed.

>> No.8701927

lord of the flies is pretty grimm

>> No.8701957


It's just a cartoon mate, bretty funny and just a nice message or somber moment here and there, nothing to get worker uo over

>> No.8701966


>> No.8701970


fucking faggot

>> No.8702279

>all being hailed as the new Greek mythologies
Into the trash it goes

>> No.8702285

This desu.

>> No.8702497


>> No.8702537

I didn't find this particularly depressing to be honest. I've been depressed before, never as bad as her, but bad enough to understand the feeling, and I was the guy in the thread who's dated depressed women, so none of the stuff in it was new to me. I'd researched and had explained to me all those emotions, but I'm jaded to it because at the same time I was being treated like shit by a clingy, controlling girlfriend who would threaten to cut herself any time things weren't going her way. You could have swapped her out for the main character of that story, except the main character had no actual dark shit in her past. The whole thing came across sincere and well written, but I did have to force myself not to view it as self pitying. It really just didn't come close to depressing me at all..

>> No.8702559

This desu. 1984 is probably what made me get seriously into understanding the world and how it works; I spent weeks after the first time I read it researching to assure myself that that world simply could not happen.

>> No.8702578

Of Mice and Men hit me fucking hard. It's a pity it was a setwork in high school though, it would have been far better if I hadn't overheard snippets from other people who read it months in advance.

>> No.8702604

I honestly just found it frustrating and irritating, to the extent that I didn't finish it. There's nothing I find more cringeworthy than young boys being idiots, because I once was an idiotic young boy. I understand that that is probably the level of reasoning that boys that age would have, but god damn it's like a tragedy except rather than the poor hero missing a vital piece of information and fucking everything up, everyone has all the information and they're just too dumb to put 2 and 2 together. I've never cringed so hard reading a book, and the frustrating thing to me was that it was neither poorly written nor a bad story, but I still couldn't finish it.

>> No.8702611
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Kafkas "Metamorphisis"

>> No.8702796

Spinning Gears by Akutagawa.

It's only a short story but provides an insight into Akutagawa's mind in the time leading up to his suicide. Every little event has some sort of morbid relevance attached to it. He's isolated and convinced that he is slipping into insanity, and I suspect he was correct. throughout his work Akutagawa alluded to his personal life and the problems within it, but the frankness of this story is particularly unsettling.

>> No.8702863

my man

>> No.8702959

No longer human, or stoner.
But MacBeth hit me really hard for some reason.

>> No.8703189
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>> No.8703463

I like this show, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like you, since you seem like the kind of person who isn't easy to like or be around.

Go fuck yourself, I don't want to be your friend, and I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of people who do.

>> No.8703956

The funny thing is that the person you're describing in your comment resembles you more, judging solely by your harsh reaction to a simple opinion/preference.

>> No.8703964

>le projection meme
No it's in fact you who is harshly judging my comment and reacting to a simple opinion, like a fuckboi

>> No.8703971

Anybody that claims to think this show is reddit I instantly dislike.. it points out literally the same thing everybody bags on any show that might relate to an anon that more than 100,000 people have viewed. it's a position to take that is so hateable.

>> No.8704046

>isn't moved by literature but moved by some vidya garbage renowned for its autistic fanbase
Kill youraelf

>> No.8704090

>Was in grade 4
>Suggests that maybe it was the atmosphere as to why I couldn't get into the story
>Says I should probably read it again someday.
>Gets shit on for being honest because a moving moment in a vidya game is brought up, simply because of the fanbase
>all by a tripfag
>Assumes I'm incapable of being moved by literature
God damn, I think /lit/ has thus far been the most unpleasant board I've ever lurked. It's like a boardful of pricks who are completely up in their own asses, full of themselves, wishing to shit on others from as great a height as possible to build themselves up. Fuck me, how can something like books make some people so utterly unpleasant?

>> No.8704234

>The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
>In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.
>Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. At such a time, rock critics will study their rock history and understand which artists accomplished which musical feat, and which simply exploited it commercially.
>Beatles' "Aryan" music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll. It replaced syncopated African rhythm with linear Western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.

>> No.8705338


... and?

Holy shit, thanks for the meta downer.

Hypercrisis is real..

>> No.8705529
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Where do the last two books of the Border trilogy fit?

>> No.8705531
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I remember Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep made me feel physically ill, that's a rough one.

>> No.8705559

Quiet plebeian

>> No.8706568


Jesus, this. By the end of the book I was just sort of listlessly turning the pages, wondering how the fuck anything would ever be alright for the characters ever again.

>> No.8707182

Anus odyssey kurwa

>> No.8707183

you wish you were born earlier so you could have a series of paranoid freakouts and commit massive fraud?
I know adventure is cool, but thompson makes it very clear that the only reason duke does all that stuff in the book is because he's a self-destructive lunatic with no self control. Even then, he doesn't even enjoy it all that much.

>> No.8707191



>> No.8707192


>> No.8707195
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>> No.8707223

It is not awful, it's a bit silly but I enjoyed it

>> No.8707260

what the fuck

>> No.8707273

Those Swastika stars look amazing, truly Slavs are the most artistic ethnicity

>> No.8707281

>tfw will never go russian public school

>> No.8707285

Meanwhile in Ukraina.


>> No.8707290

i like this

>> No.8707292
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seems like a jolly fun time to be honest

>> No.8707298
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Tyт бyдeшь most artistic бля


>> No.8707614

Duuuuude, that one where the retarded indian and the psychic and the stuttering twink befriend Jack Nicholas and make some hot milf tear her nurse outfit off and then the fuckboi's mother makes him kill himself and the retard has a pillow fight with Saint Nicholson.

>> No.8709522

that is a bit of a downer.

>> No.8709831

More like 'there, there' struck a nerve

>> No.8709874

Punpun was beautiful

>> No.8711044

The middle third of The Crossing was pretty boring to be honest senpai.