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/lit/ - Literature

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8684641 No.8684641 [Reply] [Original]

>turning 30
>still unpublished

Is there any worse feeling as an aspiring writer?

>> No.8684808

posting about it here

>> No.8684830

How is this even possible? If you're an aspiring writer shouldn't you have some interesting thoughts that you want to share with the world?

>> No.8685008


Publishers need to make money. They can't make money if no one buys your book. It's quality doesn't matter. Your thoughts don't matter. Because if they don't make money off of your book, they lose money. They can't afford to lose money. Literature is a dying business.

How to make money off of a book as a publisher: See 50 shades get hyped, publish copycats. See Coelho get hyped, publish copycats.

>> No.8685029

Turning 30 is in general a bit depressing. 6 months left and I feel there's so much more to do before that happens.

>> No.8685047

Provide more context please

>> No.8685054


A lot of successful people didn't become widely successful until their later years

>> No.8685060

A very stupid and non-specific comment to make, which only suggests you personally have no literary ambitions. Most authors of renown were published by the age of 25. The ones who are well known for publishing later are only known because they are an outlier.

>> No.8685070

Wait, do you mean short stories or novels? I'm 23 and have gotten a few short stories published but no novel yet. I need to know whether I am meeting the quota for literary greatness.

>> No.8685076

Novel or collection of short stories. Also where were your stories published?

>> No.8685085

I don't want to turn this thread into a personal blog of mine. All I'm saying is, that at a certain point you'll realize, that there is so much interesting stuff to do in this world but you just won't have a chance anymore to become good at it. Doesn't matter if you want to become an expert in a certain field or just go to bars and pick up a bunch of girls. If you don't start early enough, you'll be a dilletante at best and you can never learn everything you would like to learn. I got married this year and I'm already thinking about all the stuff that I'll teach my kid so he will achieve more than I ever did and I hate myself for it.

>> No.8685093
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Getting rejected again.

>> No.8685094

West Branch, Slice, and a smaller but still very cool magazine called Flapperhouse. I guess I better start scrambling together a collection if I want to make the 25 cut-off then.

>> No.8685102

I'm 25 and I've recently been panicking about this and telling myself that maybe I should just have a kid in the future and make sure he takes advantage of his potential. But I've decided instead to basically LARP as my potential genius kid and see how I get on. I'm going to suffer poverty and humiliation in the near-future as a consequence of this decision but it's what I know I have to do in order to be anything more than a dull, regretful, burned out middle-aged nobody. If I had a wife or even a girlfriend I'd probably be less delusional and determined, but alas.

>> No.8685107

Congrats man and good luck. Want to share any links?

>> No.8685114

Appreciate it, bud. And let me mull it over for a little while. I have a bit of a phobia about posting personal info on here.

>> No.8685127

>Is there any worse feeling


>> No.8685131

*its quality. Sorry for correcting, but hey, aspiring writer, get used to it.

Actually, they don't need to make money off your book, it can give them some other sort of benefit. Like reputation.

>> No.8685143

Good luck! I didn't panic enough at that age (not, that I didn't panic) and only understood now where it's probably too late. But maybe it's just me.

>> No.8685151

I want to be published!
So people can read my stuff!
>so the money's no big deal?
I want money too!
>what about the readers?
I want those too!
>what about people who actually enjoy your stuff?
I want those too!
>how about writing some more, different works then?
No! It's the publisher's fault!
>can't you self publish?
I won't sell, I have no marketing!
>well, good luck then. Also drop the exclamation points, faggot.

>> No.8685171
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>"Who is James Joyce?"
>"Who is Wallace Stevens?"
>"Who is Toni Morrison?"
>"Who is Bram Stoker?"
>"Who is Anthony Burgess?"
>"Who is William S. Burroughs?"
>"Who is George Eliot?"
>"Who is Charles Bukowski?"
>"Who is Marquis de Sade?"
>"Who is Laura Ingalls Wilder?"
>"Who is James Michener?"
>"Who is Sherwood Anderson?"
>"Who is Henry Miller?"
>"Who is Richard Adams?"
>"Who is O. Henry?"

I think that should give you enough answers to start, OP.

Listen, getting older sucks. I'm a bit older than you, actually. Great work sometimes spills out. Great work sometimes takes time. There is no "right" way or path.

Of course we all wish we were rich and famous and living the comfy /lit/ life by the time we were thirty. We all wish we were the /lit/ wunderkind with our baby faces plastered on the cover of magazines and model faces looking up at us with our cock in their mouth. Truth is, life just doesn't work that way. At least, not always. That's okay.

Keep at it. Keep learning. The worst thing you can do is rush to publish shit just to get something on the books. Don't get me wrong, don't fall in the perfectionist trap either (I did for a long, long, long time), but don't beat yourself up over not being published by 30. There's plenty of life left and an eternity for your legacy.

You'll be fine, kid. I promise.

>> No.8685179
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Thanks dad.

>> No.8685188


Meh. More like slightly older brother, but no problem. You're welcome. I'm certain you were sincere.

>> No.8685195
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Of course.

>> No.8685223

don't let anyone get you down murrayposter. I still remember that publishing expose' post you did, great work, even though some faggot called you out.
Reality is underwhelming. But that's why it's reality.

>> No.8685307
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C'est la vie.

>> No.8685470

That is a curious comma. It isn't even specifically incorrect, just a very interesting usage.

>> No.8685475


Thirty is just a number. Just keep writing.

>> No.8685678

No problem. Altough I occasionally write in English, it's not my first language. At least now I know I still have to pay attention to that " ' ".

As for reputation, it's worthless when compared to money. To publish a book, the company has to spend. If it doesn't turn a profit, it's a failed project.

I don't think reputation plays any role among the publishers of my country to be fair. Sure, they have quality control, they don't allow terrible translations and such, but that's about it. There are more aspiring writers than publishers, so it's not the artist who picks and chooses, but the company. Why would a writer refuse based on the publisher's reputation if he knows that his work won't be appreciated elsewhere?

For what it's worth, reputation does matter, but not in the way you think: Nowadays a publisher's reputation is based on whether they can create enough hype by succesful marketing. The only people who are concerned about this are generic writers writing generic books, 50 shades knock-offs, terrible George R. R. copycats. They know their work sells, the publishers know their work sells, so the writer has the upper hand in this situation.

At least that's how it goes in my country.

>> No.8685703

>Literature is a dying business.


>> No.8685712

>I'm already thinking about all the stuff that I'll teach my kid so he will achieve more than I ever did

Could you give some examples?

>> No.8685725

Good luck to you. I'm lowkey inspired rn

>> No.8685805

Are you me? I feel like I have the intellect do do anything I really wanted, but I live in near poverty in order to afford the free time to write/play music and when things get rough, the only thing that keeps me going is being a middle aged, dispassionate, uninteresting man.

>> No.8685806

Stop calling yourself an aspiring writer and start calling yourself a writer.

>> No.8686219

I want to read to my child a lot nore than my parents read to me. I want to to make him or her familiar with philosophical concepts in a child friendly way. I want my kid to see the joy in learning despite of how frustrating school can be. I want my kid to take dance lessons so he won't be an awkward fuck in his teenage years when it comes to dancing and boxing lessons might not be bad either, also for self esteem reasons. I want to make trips to museums so that the little shithead can see the beauty in art. I want to be open about sexuality and explain, how to handle the opposite sex. I will definitely make sure that my kid will do his homework, understands the importance of hard work and doesn't waste the whole day on vidya (something, my parents never really did). There's a ton of shit I want to do but I'm afraid, that I'll be one of these overdemanding parents who want to compensate for what they themselves never achieved. That shit is difficult already.

>> No.8686338

nigga you get rejected again nigga?!

>> No.8686404

i feel exactly the same, i've completely missed out on any chance to form my life into something that doesn't make me want to kill myself every day. your fate is basically sealed very early in life.

>> No.8686489

>lit is a dying business

There was a study done a few years ago, like 2014, that more books are being published than previous years, along with ebooks, and statistics to prove it

I cannot provide a source though, was in a stephen fry documentary

>> No.8686559

Didn't NYT publish his stuff?

>> No.8686576

More books might be getting sold but is more literature being sold?

>> No.8687800


>> No.8687802

More trash books, not more literary fiction.

>> No.8687868

Don't feel bad anon. I e-published at 40 and I feel fine. What's important here is that you took the time and effort to craft something you enjoyed. Do you really want to be the guy who hates to write but gets paid for it? I'm publishing a new book every three months through 2018 and already I had someone come up to me and tell me they were a fan. Feels good man. Don't give up. Enjoy honing your craft and enjoy creating something others will enjoy. If you're making a buck but you're miserable then you're in it for the wrong reasons.

-Uncle Gaskun

>> No.8687926

>The worst thing you can do is rush to publish shit just to get something on the books.

Not true. Many great writers have rushed out something for publication and ended up far better off for it.

>> No.8687931

>read a lot to the child
>pressure the child to succeed
>discourage apathy and time-wasting
>instill the child with self-confidence
>encourage the child to work towards attending a great college
>encourage the child to submit short stories and establish themselves at an early age
>don't pressure the child into getting some shit-tier white collar job for the sake of keeping up appearances

>> No.8687933

Post a link gaskun?

Long-time supporter here.

>> No.8687965


>> No.8687983

> Was looking for a new book to read and I stumbled on a new writer was unable to put it down. Word is that the whole story is finished and all 11 volumes are going to be released 90-120 or so days apart over the next 3 years

Anons are nice

>> No.8688188

That was very nice.

>> No.8688198
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It's been a rough year. Just got laid off from the job I left the gas station for. I'm making extra money helping a friend tear down a Halloween store and inventory the merch. Weeeee.

>> No.8688238

>Is there any worse feeling as an aspiring writer?
Yes, being aspiring.

>> No.8688316

Do you still have a wife?

>> No.8688430

30+ is super gentle in literature
try being unpublished in music at that age

>> No.8688446

Mrs. Kun is fine, yes

>> No.8688465


>> No.8688481

Getting published is pretty easy, desu, if you know what publishers want and you apply yourself. Presuming you always wanted to be published, if you aren't by thirty, then writing isn't an aspiration for you, it's a velleity. There's simply no excuse in the age when we have such labor-saving tools for writing.

>> No.8688497

Do you still live in Versailles my man?

>> No.8688664

>writing to be read

>> No.8688803

Lexington. Shoot me an email at amberfragile@yahoo.com and I'll send you some digital copies for free. Desi senpai senpai

>> No.8688914

Leonard Cohen, The National, The Cramps, Guided By Voices.

Any more musicians start out over 30?

>> No.8688930

As if anyone in their twenties has anything to say worth listening to.

>> No.8688947


>> No.8688956

>turned 40 last winter
>tfw more hateful than ever
Feels productive, man!

>> No.8689521

Keep it up anon. Suffering only makes the work better.

>> No.8689544

I was 26 when I published my first novel, and I published it literally... 2 weeks ago. Yup, just checked, 2 weeks ago today my novel showed up on Amazon and my friend in the US bought the first copy. Seriously, with CreateSpace, it is RIDICULOUSLY easy. It's possible to publish it for free, and you know what?... I'm poor as fuck, and I did it for free. I WANTED to get the cover done by a graphic designer, but that sort of fell through, I got impatient, so went ahead and made my own cover with CreateSpace's Cover Creator program. I also did the editing myself. From the reviews I've heard thus far, my writing style isn't exactly perfect, but I've still heard that it's 'well written', which I assume means it's got decent sentence structure and good grammerz. Obviously, that last word was a joke. Hah.

What I'm saying is... SHIA LABEOUF! Just... DO IT! Don't let your dreams, be memes. Put fingertips to keyboard, or if you're all fancy then put pen to paper (or if you're fucking awesome, put hands to typewriter... what? I think typewriters are kickass...) and write your book. I've wanted to write mine for YEARS! Possibly as early as 9-10 years ago, but for the past 4 years I've REALLY wanted it done, and so I did it. From typing the first words, to publishing it, I had it done in less than 2 months. You could have this fucker for sale by JANUARY, anon!

>> No.8689566

hows that marketing going anon
how that sales going anon
are you on social media anon
post it so I can judge for myself anon

>> No.8689595


No im just realistic enough to understand that a lot of people who went on to do great things, only achieved those great things later in life.

You are a self loathing, projecting faggot who thinks my understanding of reality correlates to my 'literary ambition,' when, in reality, it shows how talentless and depressed you are that you haven't dont anything with your life. What are you, 30? 40?

>> No.8689603

Marketing? You mean getting people to notice it? Hah... horrible.

Sales? Basically non-existant. You know that friend who bought the book? She seems to be LITERALLY the only one who did.

Social media? I made a Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads account, but I seriously know next to nothing about either and wouldn't know how to get people's attention without feeling like I'm trying to shove my novel down people's throats with "Hey buy my book", "Check out my book", "I published this and if you like zombies I think you'll enjoy it", etc.

Post it? I've put some of it on CreateSpace's forums for other members to read a chunk of it and review it. That's where my reviews came from; the friend who bought it hasn't even read it all herself yet so I guess I was hasty in saying my book has been 'reviewed' because nobody has actually read the WHOLE thing yet; basically just some people on CreateSpace and said friend telling me about what she thought in regards to the first 60-odd pages of it.

Honestly, I'm nervous about actually saying what it is on here, because I've been lurking 4Chan off and on long enough to know that it can ruin people's fucking lives, even though I wrote my novel under a pseudonym. I'm basically just explaining to OP that CreateSpace makes it INCREDIBLY easy to self-publish, that OP can INDEED do it if he or she just writes/edits it (or gets someone else to edit it if they've got the money), and showing how unbelievably exciting it is to FINALLY accomplish something that you've wanted to do for years.

If you really want me to though, I could post some of what I've wrote... want to give me a page number to take a few paragraphs from? It's a 226 page novel. There IS some smut in there though, fyi.

>> No.8689609

Jesus Christ, you're way too good at writing like a piece of shit.

>> No.8689631

Well, so much for sounding inspiring I guess.

>> No.8689717

post it anon
no one cares anon
there's like a million people who shill here with real books, you won't risk anything. All the crazies are on /b/.
He's probably just made at the all caps that ticked me off too but I figured 'he's 26 and probably had sex, so he doesn't know yet about the wizard powers' so I gave you a break.

>> No.8689738

>Reality is underwhelming. But that's why it's reality.

it's actually only called Reality because it's real

>> No.8689751
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I admittedly do have a tendency to use caps (though I just use Shift) in order to stress words, and in my novel there are indeed words or at times whole sentences capitalized when there's yelling. I also use italics of course when a word is merely stressed rather shouted, yet sometimes I use both if a word is stressed as well as shouted. I admit, I don't know how to use italics on anything but things like Microsoft Word. It might be something like italics, but I never really use it.

Anyways, are you asking for a portion of the book, or what the book itself is? Well either way, here's the book, though I have a feeling I'm going to get buttfucked for it... Living amongst the Dead by J N Morgan.

I'm already aware of my faults, anon, so please be gentle... also, the cover is in the process of being changed. Right now it's just a black background with red text since I didn't really know what I was doing, but having since tinkered with the cover creator, it's going to be changed to pic related.

God damn it this doesn't feel right...

>> No.8689771

I'm 29. In the past year I've had three short stories published. However, none of them have been in really big venues, and I've hit a lull lately where I haven't had anything coming out. I'd like to gather all the short stories I've read into a slender collection and maybe have it published in a small press. I also have a fantasy novel that I'd like to get published. I keep trying to get an agent, but so far I can't get one to bite.

But I'll keep going, because I think I'm good enough to be published.

>> No.8689785

God damn it, almost every page in the first 6 has some caps...

>> No.8689837

I don't understand.
dude like, I was dumb at your age. I'm still dumb. But I understood all caps is bad and no one likes it. I can't really tell you to stop because this fucking generation loves minecraft shit so who knows. Thats not a fault, that's a bad choice on your part, any editor of any level of seriousness would tell you to stop that because it's annoying to read.
I don't know where you're going with that cover and that font is awful too. It's not you as a writer thats the problem, you taste isn't good. Just from the summary alone I don't want to read the book. Radical feminist views? That's how you want to portray your female character?
I don't even know what your doing. You're like curly from the three stooges yipping on the ground running in circles.
You shouldn't have published this because it's not good work, but the good news is that you clearly know there's some serious issues. I would start by asking yourself 'what did I want to get out of making this', 'what emotions did I want to explore', 'did I just want a fun ride for the reader? If so, how do I do that?'
You're shit at an inherent level in your thought process and everyone is going to tell you the same if they tell you the truth. Get reading better books, and write more small stories and post them in crit threads here and elsewhere.

This should hurt if you want to be a writer. We've all been through it, get used to it. Read The War of Art if you need something more detailed on this.

Other gripes that you should probably try to eliminate to be decent:
>...ellipsis only when necessary, if at all. Like the scene should be screaming ellipsis at you. For you, just delete them.
>'could also be said'
Just say it was. Don't dance around. Just bunch two or three together and eliminate that whole section, no one needs more than three inspirations.
You could cut from 'fantasy...even' near the end and I would actually read that synopsis.
That's just an insult. I don't know what you were thinking there. Even really good author's don't charge that much, and you already don't believe in your work and want me to pay ten? I wouldn't even buy this for free, and I've bought many books for free on amazon.

I would never buttfuck you personally, even if you were actually extremely attractive in real life knowing you wrote something like this SADDENS my dick.

I only ask you heed my advice and continue to seek community input, 500 words at a time, one post, no one reads it let the thread die.

>> No.8689896

Yeah, I'm going to make a 2nd edition very soon to remove the capitalised words that are just left here and there, using italics instead, but what is shouted in quotation marks will remain capitalised.

What I wanted with this novel is a setting in the zombie apocalypse, with heavy tones in survivalism, with very accurate and descriptive use/terms in regards to firearms, and yeah I do want the female character to be seen as a feminist because that's what she is. She's an extreme one, one who likely will not be liked, but over time things change. She's like my attempt to personify modern 3rd wave feminism.

As for the price, I considered it to be fairly low. I was hoping to keep it below $10.00 since the start. Can't say I understand what you mean by 'fantasy...even'. I mentioned above that I'm changing the cover, it's already in the process, unless you mean the cover I'm changing it to. In that case, it's the best I can do for now. Believe me, I have something entirely different in my head, but I don't have the means of hiring a graphic designer to create a custom one.

The book even addresses the issue of rape, but the primary focus is survival and methods of doing so. I do need to fix the capitalization however. I don't know what ellisis are, do you mean '...'. Yeah, I use those fairly often as well. I don't know what you mean by 'more than three inspirations' either.

The main audience of my novel, if it ever gains one, will likely be those who are into survivalism or are outdoorsy. People who like firearms. Readers who are into zombies, of course. Anti-feminists would likely enjoy it. That all comes about a bit later in the novel though.

>> No.8689973

>She's like my attempt to personify modern 3rd wave feminism

But why though? It's just not a good idea to have a character that serves as a stand-in for a certain ideology. You might think that it'll give you a good chance to explore "wider" themes and critique certain intellectual schools, but even if you pulled this off perfectly it seems so at odds with what you want for the story.

>The main audience of my novel, if it ever gains one, will likely be those who are into survivalism or are outdoorsy. People who like firearms. Readers who are into zombies, of course. Anti-feminists would likely enjoy it. That all comes about a bit later in the novel though.

So why are you including a character who will likely piss off the audience you're imagining for your book? And don't say, well, her ideas get blown the fuck out in the last 1/16 of the book--if your audience hates the character, they're not going to get that far.

It's clear from how you talk about the character that the only significance you're giving her is that she's a third-wave feminist. It takes an extremely skilled author to create a character who can both represent an ideology but still work as a realistic, compelling personality (Thomas Mann comes to mind as a writer who can do this). Minus this skill (which takes years to perfect), you're going to create a stereotype, and any attempt at an intellectual conversation between characters is going to turn out as a poorly-veiled manifesto.

>> No.8689993

yeah well, okay. Good luck then.

>> No.8690000

How can you be unpublished? yes you may not have a book out but any aspiring writer at least manges to get published in newspaper and short story anthologies. you have to start small and also build up contacts for good future marketing
excuses. self publish and shill it over the net. build up a small following. I have seen an anime podcaster go on to reach NY top 100

>> No.8690007

Your opinion on the female character is probably true, but it's what I went with. I don't think I originally was going to go with it while I was writing, but it just sort of came out. To be honest, I like it. After all, who says a book about survivalism and zombies can't touch on other aspects, like modern extremist regressive feminism? A bit of an odd mix, I'll grant you, but not an impossible one. Later down the road, because I plan to make more novels and make this a series, I'm hoping to touch on other subjects. I don't want to seem political incorrectness, but at the same time, I'm going to try and keep from BEING politically correct, and see where it takes me. Honestly, though I like the change that occurs with the female (her name is Tiffany), I fear that she will likely die at some point. Hey, how about that? She starts out as a character that even 'I' hated in spite of being the writer, but I actually have a soft spot for her now because I know how she's changing.

Well her introduction is a bit panicky. A lot is going on, thoughts rushing through his head, actions are made, actions that spur anger, but all the same they both end up running from a threat. In a place of hiding, they have to stay the night, all while trying to keep quiet. Throughout the book there's little spats back and forth but over time her mindset begins to change as she experiences things she's never experienced before, and I of course don't mean the sex. At least, not JUST the sex... yeah, I'm still using capitalisations it would seem, as well as 'ellipsis' if that's the three-dot thing. They're hard habits to kick.

I think in my next post I might show how she's brought into the story and the initial actions, but now that my eyes are opened up to just 'how' much I use caps to stress words, I have a feeling I'll be cringing at my own work a lot. As for ellipsis, that doesn't bother me so much, though I'll likely keep in mind to exclude it if I think it can be excluded.

>> No.8690014

fucking 18 year olds when you are 60, is hard but if alan rickman could have his big moment at 40 and all those oldfags could make it on youtube, well I think your dedication is lacking. I have seen 37 year old in my course, get his shit together. I myself was a shut in for 4 years. There are some physical limitations but mostly its not too late unless you let it be late

>> No.8690023

>anime podcaster
I bet he had mad social skills, who is it?
...this is....ellipsis...it is always...used wrong...by everyone...you might think u did a gud job wit it...but you sound liek a kid on the ...wow forums... you know?...geez...
Yeah but the people who say 'I'm too old' are already looking for excuses to give up anyways. They would probably say 'I don't have skill', I'll never make it, I'm not handsome enough, I'm not a racial minority who can look good in front of cameras and appeal to a niche market, endless excuses.
You only get good by working, and only succeed by trying and failing.

>> No.8690028

Chances are you will never breed. also while the intentions are good, a lot of people had them. Chances are financial limitations will take half of your plans, they may also feel resentment for enrollment in shit they did not want and all the time they are spending learning will make a gap between them and their classmates. My parents gave me everything from horse riding to tennis but once we went bankrupt not of that shit was useful and I still ended up an overweight loser, who barely managed to pay for uni and has been unemployed for 2 years.

>> No.8690036

>I bet he had mad social skills, who is it?
She and yes she did write a YA book but it got her foot in the door
>Yeah but the people who say 'I'm too old' are already looking for excuses to give up anyways. They would probably say 'I don't have skill', I'll never make it, I'm not handsome enough, I'm not a racial minority who can look good in front of cameras and appeal to a niche market, endless excuses.
>You only get good by working, and only succeed by trying and failing.
"I could have done it if I had tried" is often more comforting than trying.
>front of cameras
yep.so stay off camera, work with what you have. waiting for best equipment,etc is not going to get you anywhere.

>> No.8690048

wait so she wrote YA then wrote something actually good, or did she just make money with the YA?
I was working on a story like that, I gave up because I'm busy working on other stories right now. It felt too 'anime'

>> No.8690062

>wait so she wrote YA then wrote something actually good, or did she just make money with the YA?
Well im not sure if she ever wanted to write anything deeper. I have not even read her books so can't say if they are okish. Whatever the case she has 9 books out for 3 different series and back in 2014 she had none of that shit. on the other hand her co host went on to be a field stunt actor and is now making money by cosplaying (I think, Im not sure)

>It felt too 'anime'
are you the guy who posted in "post what you are working on"?

>> No.8690091

>are you the guy who posted in "post what you are working on"?
The story about a dragon with a psychic link. anon who has a gay furry friend

>> No.8690101
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So I'm curious. Say I were to write a novel with the intent of getting it published. I'd make it a fantasy book that ticks all the marketability boxes: first book of a trilogy, some romance, interesting magic system, etc. And of course let's just assume it's well-written.

What would the chances be of publishing/financial success?

>> No.8690111

depends on who you sell it to. its mostly depends on how hard the publisher shills it, it may end up like twilight or it may end up like divergent or less. also despite all the shitting on the formula stories, making one is a lot harder than it looks. one of the things you will need is an engaging start and a book blurb that does not make people eyes glaze over

>> No.8690125
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>Turning 40
>still unpublished

>> No.8690128

Just came here to say I'm 25 and have 2 novels published and am working on a short story collection.

Good day :^)

>> No.8690136

How does one rate an anthology on goodreads?

>> No.8690299

I doubt you're telling the truth, because if someone honestly feels the need to brag to a bunch of fucking losers on 4chan about their publishing history, then I sincerely doubt you have anything worth saying to the world to begin with. If you are telling the truth, then I hope you grow up some day and write something worth reading.

>> No.8690333

I didn't even think I was all that good a writer, but tonight has been a sobering experience for me, and reading the first few pages of my novel after two weeks has been cringy. I was hoping I wouldn't cringe at my first published work until at least 5 years later or so. Definitely have to edit it, but right now I REALLY need to get this second novel going. Shit's going crazy in my life right now and I might not have much time for writing left. Speaking of which, I shared the premise of my book in another thread... got shot down hardcore. My night wasn't even going particularly good and now it's taken something of a depressing turn, but I think it'll be for the best in the long run.

Going to be good to get drunk tomorrow... definitely need to get myself a bottle of liquor or a case of beer. Fuck sakes it's not easy starting out as a writer. I can take criticism, I really can, but I just didn't know I was this... well... I hate to say it but... bad. Going to keep going though. My life needs SOMETHING to serve as motivation, SOMETHING to hopefully look forward to. I've finally written that zombie survival novel I've wanted to write for years, I am a published author, and it still feels good to say that in spite of the blaring issues with the book.

>> No.8690364

An arbitrary amount of stars with an explanatory review.

You could complain and call me a liar, sure. That's a tired dismissal. Instead, you should print my post. Take it to your desk and hang it up above you (where it belongs) until you have bested my record. Then you should take it off the wall and piss on it until it dissolves.

It is you who has the attitudinal problem, hypocrite.

>> No.8690366

Oh yeah, fuck, I was going to post how she's brought into the story.

Grasping his rifle in one hand, the backpack strap on the left shoulder was held in place with the other, and he jogged along, heading for the path on the other side of this small park that went back into the woods, intent on cutting north at some point to reach the highway again that lead steadily eastwards. Suddenly a scream, it echoed out from the town, high pitched, a woman. The fat, old walker was ignored by this point, which ignored the disturber in turn for the scream had caught its decaying ear, and so the armed man kept going unhindered for the time being. She was not his concern; to enter that town was to invite to himself whatever horrors plagued the living female within.

The thought of stopping by the liquor store on the way to finding that woman had, for a brief split second, made him consider the stupidity of risking his life for whatever stranger was screaming in there. It was quickly snuffed out. He had not survived for THIS long, mostly on his own, by sticking his neck out every time someone foolishly got themselves in trouble in a place populated by the dead. The contents of his pack clunked until the jog slowed to a walk once he was within the trail, breathing heavily, the sweat more steadily coming down his face.

Wanted to stop; wanted to get that plastic 1.14L (40oz) bottle of water that once held dark rum out of his backpack, but firstly he ought to get more distance between himself and that pudgy biter. Secondly, water had to be rationed when there wasn’t a ready supply of it nearby. He kept walking, wishing now, like the zombie from the park, he had a pair of shorts instead of those jeans. His tune would change once night came, though. When the chill of autumn set in with the dying of the Sun. Slowly, quite slowly, his breathing normalized, and it was seen ahead amidst the trees and brush that the trail swerved off to the left, towards the north, good, he should soon be on the other side of the tow- “AAAAHHHHH-NOOOOO! HEEEEEEEELP!”

“Christ a’mighty, woman… can’t even hear meself think!” He muttered with a slight accent in this somewhat stressful situation, however noted that it was getting louder; SHE was getting louder as were other noises in the background that sounder slightly farther off. Moans, and not the happy ‘fuck me harder’ kinds… the hungry kinds… the sound of the dead. The man cursed to himself, quickening his already brisk walking pace, peering left, roughly towards the northwest as though hoping to see through the trees. An unseen little rock before him was kicked from the trail, then a shot rang out; she’s ARMED?!
>Fuck me, it basically starts with a run-on sentence. I really did fuck my first book good... anyways, they haven't met yet, this is just the first sign of knowing she exists.

At least there's not as much unnecessary capitalization or ellipsis?

>> No.8690951

Not that guy, but regardless of whether you out yourself, thanks for the reference to Flapperhouse. They look pretty cool.

>> No.8691136

all these people were published after 30?

>> No.8691138

nice word Kid

>> No.8691204

>15yo protag

>> No.8691475

I read about one novel where the protagonist is a teenage girl, and it literally starts out with her being raped by he uncle at around 8 years old. It's about her struggles in being abused by him for years and years. Can't remember what it was called, I basically only read some of the review, and most of them were positive as it happens.

>> No.8691915

They are awesome. I highly suggest you send them a submission. Maybe pick up an issue if you're feeling generous (not shilling, honest).

>> No.8691998

same boat as you, my friend. we'll make it.

>> No.8692362

i keep a list in my head every time i see one so i know there's a lot more than those.

neil from pet shop boys, jarvis from pulp didnt quite make it until that age, bassist on garbage, kim deal on pixies. cyndi lauper... really theres quite a decent list to make here. most of these borderline 30s thought theyre not exactly 30. very few actually started late, however, it more about attaining recognition. mia didnt play any instruments until she was 24 but somehow immediately clicked with her first single at about that same age

>> No.8692508

I realize this is about OP having not yet published a book, but could I get a bit of a critique on this? I've already given a post in regards to OP's situation.

>> No.8692545

>I'm already thinking about all the stuff that I'll teach my kid so he will achieve more than I ever did and I hate myself for it.
>yfw your father did the same with you and you just ignored his teachings to do what you wanted to do

>> No.8692621

Godawful, anon. If this doesn't embarrass you it should.

>> No.8693233

Well I guess it's thankful that I wrote it under a pseudoym. Clearly I have work to do, but overall, I'm proud of my first novel.

>> No.8693262
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True writers don't worry about time.
They just write.

>> No.8693292
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It needs a lot of work and you need to read more, particularly stuff that's not zombie stories, anything else really, just to examine other ways stories are told.

Besides that, the flow is not too bad. It's easy to kind of just go with it, but the capitalization (all of it, please trust me on this, I'm your friend out here) gets in the way. I bet you can do a lot better. But I can also see why you have a sense of pride over completing the book. Aside from the general pride that comes along with completion, there is some potential in there.

Also the way you describe your characters is like caricatures and makes me think you just buy into other people's idea of what women/humans are like instead of thinking about it yourself. And this is the point. You said you wrote it in two months, well it shows. I get a real slapped together, lazy vibe from it.

But as you say, that's not the point, the point is survival and guns. The way you act, though, makes me think you want more than that out of it. And stories are about character development/movement.

>> No.8693316

>The night was moist.
class dismissed

>> No.8693423

That's fine, but I have little faith in a book whose synopsis immediately emphasizes the exact age of its teenage protag, especially when it seems like the age isn't even an important piece of information.

>> No.8693427

You're telling more than showing.

>> No.8694105

Drunk at the moment so can't exactly go into things with much detail, but thanks all the same.
Especially you; more insite into my flaws and faults, but also some positives, and while I obviously do believe there's faults in my writing what with being merely in my mid 20s and having only published one novel, I do think there's at least SOME aspects that suggests I'm not COMPLETETELY green. In truth, I've been writing off and on since I was about 13 years old. Perhaps that's why I've picked up these habits that I can't drop, what with the capitalisations and ellipsis. Here's a bit more if you like, but if nobody critiques me this time I'll just leave it be; this thread is about publishing for those who aren't published. Not helping those who are already published. I say again however; CreateSpace makes it UNBELIEVABLY easy to self-publish. Like, it's almost sinful, how easy it is.

He cursed again as her screeching continued; “SOMEBODY HEEEEEEEELP!” The voice was shrill, sounded like utter panic, and WAY too close. His rifle was being held in his right hand, around the point where the barrel met the receiver, where the balance was, so that it remained parallel with the ground. Now it was brought up, left hand getting in position, right hand at its place behind the trigger guard after having brushed the safety off.

Left hand had released the strap of the pack on his shoulder, grasped the bayonet that hung from the thick leather belt; it scraped out of its metal home, a hollow clinking sound of metal as the socket was placed over the muzzle, it clicked into place with a twist. Finger stayed OFF the trigger, riding along the wooden stock above it. With the safety disengaged, there was nothing stopping the old rifle from going off with a pull of the trigger. All it would take is a stumble or something to frighten him and he might just accidentally fire an un-aimed shot off if he left his finger on the trigger. Muscles in his hand flexing from whatever it might be that makes him tense up, and so keeping the finger off the trigger was the smartest thing to do to prevent such an accidental discharge.

Heart was racing, eyes wide, steadily peering left; he was jogging again now with the pack over his shoulder, still partially out of breath. The woman’s shouts were becoming more and more nonsensical, made erratic from panic, but at least it sounded like she was becoming winded. The trail must be heading straight north now, the grassy rise up to the highway in sight… but should he go there? If she’s got a bunch of the undead following her on the road, they’ll spot him! His footsteps slowed… should he stay here? Wait in hopes that they’ll pass him by? He stopped, barrel chest expanding and contracting with breath he was trying to catch. Rustling of foliage, she was bringing them south into the woods?! Granted it wasn’t a TERRIBLE idea to try and lose them in the greenery, but she could lead them right TO him!

>> No.8694352

Yes, there are much, much worse feelings. But you wouldn't want to bother with that, would you?

>> No.8694537

>Literature is a dying business

Doesn't the younger generation tend to actually read more than the old?

>> No.8695032

Your writing lacks strength of perspective. Your narration is dispassionate and fails to trigger urgency and tension in my mind, which I would expect in the situation you're describing. You use too many words to describe details which aren't compelling. The details are nice if you can find a way to punch them between action or motivation. Read the Jack Reacher books by Lee Childs, you might be able to suck some style from him.

>> No.8695244

I have LARPed for 4 years now. My conclusions so far:

- you can't force life to take you somewhere. I know when you're a lazy ass you think you are screwing yourself over (you are but not in a way you think) but even if you amplify your effort x10, the 99.99% chance is you won't have that "breakthrough" you are expecting because:

- you don't know the right people. YOU DON'T KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Nor do you have previous experience at that level really. I know you most likely have a vertical view where at higher levels, people are more reasonable, intelligent, hard-working etc. It doesn't really work that way. Even at the highest levels you have a reasonably even dispersion of traits in people who occupy that stratosphere. There are some intelligent people, some idiots, a few good guys, some hard-workers, others who fake it, some manipulators etc. It's no different than anything else.


- what you can do: Stop dreaming big. Learn something that makes you happy and is achievable: maybe building shit interests you, maybe you could play guitar, maybe you would like to have a garden, maybe you want to help out other people...something immediately achievable or learnable with the resources you already have.

- Overall you are vastly underrating how strong the current of life is and how little you matter. Trying to force i, you will just end up pissing in the wind if you don't have the general current of life to go along with you. And when you do, you only have to put in a reasonable amount of effort. If you have any ideas of cutting your sleep-time or going full workaholic mode to achieve something - spare yourself the stress and time, it won't work. Also focus on something realistic - like learning how to keep a garden, play guitar, or build a table and learn to be happy with it.

>> No.8695288

Daily reminder that a new book by Theodore Kaczynski vel Unabomber is out, published by Fitch & Madison.

>> No.8695295

Burroughs was 39 when he published his first book. There would be no industrial culture as we know it if it wasn't for his input, however peripheral it might've been.

>> No.8695909

oh shit. ty anon

>> No.8695917

>I'm publishing a new book every three months
sometimes I wish I were a hack who doesn't care about being good or being taken seriously

>> No.8695993
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>> No.8696029

Literature has been overrun by teenage girls and moms.

>> No.8696863

I understand this reference.

>> No.8696900

>just turned 21
>every time ive tried to start writing over the last 5 years my schizophrenia acts up and all the writers try to talk to me about what everyone else should be doing because of the akashic records(my subject) guidelines on not directing your own fate.

>> No.8696937
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all the characters*
well, probably some writers too.
im pretty sure l ron hubbard and/or H.P. Lovecraft shines a projector into my perception sometimes.

>> No.8697077

I may do both of those things, friend!

>> No.8698016

You should be. I really liked the line about the clunking pack, it's just one of those nice, simple lines that hit a visual/audio cue.

>> No.8698260

Why thank you very much. I've actually been writing off and on for about 14 years or so (bit of a dry spell from 2009-12 though), but only just a couple weeks ago finally published a novel. It seems to me that my biggest and most blaring issue is my tendency to stress words with capitalization, as well as possibly overusing 'ellipsis'. To a lesser extent, apparently I'm more of a 'story explainer' rather than a 'story teller'? That's the best I can try to understand what people mean when they say "I'm telling more than showing" or that I'm not really putting much suspense into my novel.

I can fix the issue of capitalisation and ellipsis with relative ease, but to learn how to incorporate more tension? Learn the best method of giving information to the reader? I think that's something that will require time. At the same time however, besides that, it would seem like a fair bit of the criticism has been favourable. I was going to go straight into writing a sequel to this (in fact I wrote what I would consider 3/4 of the sequel before I started editing said published novel), but I think I want to get back to that another time because I'm not sure I'm going in the right direction/made the right decisions.

My novel right now is going to be about a 20-somethings College student meeting an 18 year old who is just starting College. She's got crippling social anxiety, a past that will slowly be revealed to the protagonist, and it'll eventually be revealed that she suffers from PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome) as well as has a rape fetish. So there will be quite a bit of story and character development, but also quite a bit of fun smut. I think it's going to be enjoyable to both write as well as read. However I gave this explanation to another thread and they basically just shouted "young love" and "NTR" or something like that, telling me it's a fucking stupid idea. I think it's not bad!

>> No.8698464

Have you bought a copy?

>> No.8698493

20 year old reporting, working on my first work.

Not too worried about getting published, i'll just e-publish on amazon, hopefully people enjoy reading it once its done.

>> No.8698515

Have you checked out CreateSpace? Makes things easy as fuck, and you can publish both e-books as well as physical softcover copies with Amazon. They print on demand, so if someone orders one physical copy, then they print one physical copy. Pretty good system.

>> No.8698518

Havnt seen that, ill look into it, thanks for the tip

>> No.8698523

No problem, it's seriously piss-easy. They even have a cover-creator program you can use to make your own cover for free, but I'd advise going to a graphic designer. Still, the entire process of publishing a novel on CreateSpace is free if you do it yourself. Pretty quick process too.

>> No.8698527

If you had literary ambitions, you'd probably care more about your work and less about your "renown". You certainly wouldn't care about how old you are when your work gets published.

>> No.8699021

Seconding this if you're serious about not worrying about getting published. It feels great holding a copy of your book in your hands, even if deep down inside you know it's shit

>> No.8699260
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One of /lit/s own next to starwars.

>> No.8699278

>3 months
>90 days
>4 quality pages a day = 360 pages

Thats totally doable

>> No.8699368

it took a year and a half for book 1, a year for two, and about 6 months for the rest, there's also a stand alone book "the city" that has nothing to do with the rest of the series.

>> No.8699417
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Well, no one is going to buy your book if it doesn't get published.

>> No.8699571

I think he actually wrote them over the span of years, he's just publishing them at that rate

>tfw we now know based Gaskun's real name

Godspeed, Andrew J Cole, Godspeed...

>> No.8699589

When will the mystery of the J be revealed? What could it be?

James, Jack, Jason, so many possibilities

>> No.8699590

Googled. Lower left.

>> No.8699596
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>> No.8700236

Well OP, it's been 4 days, are you working on a novel? If you've already written one, then you could have it on Amazon by now through CreateSpace.

>> No.8700394
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>Finally publish a book
>Nobody buys it or even sees it because amazons book publish numbers are this

>> No.8700646

Yeah, I published my first book less than 3 weeks ago, and I got one sale... it's from a friend who said she would buy it as soon as it is available. She did. Ultimately, I think a big thing that would help sales is having multiple books published. It makes the writer look better with lots of work under their belt, with more available it's more likely that people will find one of your books, and if you write books on different subjects rather than on a series then it could also reach even more people who are into different genres.

Write more books and you should start getting more sales... I think... I'm new too.

>> No.8701074

You ever wake up at night having trouble breathing? Usually you're fine, and then all of a sudden it's 3am and you're gasping?

In even those panicked, desperate moments, I doubt if you would even consider pulling your head out of your ass.

>> No.8701109

Don't write just because you think you have nothing else. If you want to be a better writer, read more. These reviews tonight are telling you that writing is not a talent you have right now; you wrote the story you wanted to, but apparently you don't care very much about quality of writing (you told a story, but badly - not J.K. Rowling badly, she's simple, predictable, but not a headache to read and the story is interesting).

I have a friend like you. He only is writing because he can start instantly and nobody will criticize him (there are no reviewers or quality assurers on the way). He wants to have a goal in life, and a talent of his own. To do something nobody forced him to do. But he is not a natural writer, and neither are you. Dont lose that driving feeling, but consider other projects. And for God's sake, make sure what you're doing is worthwhile -- something you can be proud of.

>> No.8701130

>Is there any worse feeling as an aspiring writer?
No, but it's really nice once you learn to let go of the dream and accept that you just wanted an easy job and lots of people to think you were talented and smart enough to write something.

Smart enough to live off your mind.

You aren't.

Give up is the easy part. Living with it is the hard part.

>> No.8701141

>A very stupid and non-specific comment to make
he said before making a very stupid non-specific comment

>> No.8701154


>I project because I want everyone to be as defeatist and miserable as I am

It's amusing that your sentiment here was apparently about getting over yourself. Try not to pull others down into your quagmire of hopelessness, 'kay?

>> No.8701211

Helps that "J Cole" is in there. Some accidental attention going to that name I bet.

>> No.8701232
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PROTIP: you are still the same egotist that you were before. you wanted everyone to think that you were smarter than the average for taking up writing and now you want everyone to think that you are smarter than the average for giving it up.

don't go around trying to dissuade people from following their interests in life. the lives of others don't revolve around your ego and how you are feeling at any given moment.

>> No.8701249

Yeah between rappers and football stars the name initial name sets it apart.

>> No.8701292

You should listen to the self publishing podcast on sterlingandstone.com there's lots of info about "building a funnel" for your work. You're right, you have to write ALOT as an indie to make bank

>> No.8701922

>you wanted everyone to think that you were smarter than the average for taking up writing and now you want everyone to think that you are smarter than the average for giving it up.
I'm not that anon but that's a slick observation, I didn't realize that. You're right.

>> No.8701924

It's .net for the podcast guys, I was confused for a second.

>> No.8702088

I'm also working on joining the Military so no, writing isn't the only thing I have going on, and I am indeed working on becoming a better writer. Moving away from the unspoken capitalisation, the ellipsis, and trying to do less telling and more showing or however it is I had defined it. I'm doing all this while writing my second novel, and I have every intention of making a 2nd Edition for my first novel in which I'll have the eye-offending capitalisations fixed because while writing/editing I simply didn't realize how awful they were. So I would much rather you did not go ahead and assume that I don't care very much about quality.

I come here because I am LOOKING for criticism but while I was writing/editing, that's all I wanted to do. I was excited to publish my novel and I'm glad I did even if it has more faults in it than I previously realised. As for being a 'natural writer', I think that depends on the definition. I've written small stories when I was a kid, and I've been writing more extensively for about 13.5-14 years now, especially in the past 4 years or so. I believe my issue is that in that time, I've adopted some less-than-desirable habits, ones that people who have seen my work evidently didn't mind either because I've gotten just about nothing but compliments in the past. That was a different kind of writing though, and it wasn't writing that people had to pay for. I was afraid this would happen since the beginning that I had some bad habits that would show up in my work and now they're being pointed out, which I'm grateful for. I know what to fix to improve.

I'm all for criticism, but frankly, that seems more like a personal attack than anything. I also read quite a lot; I've rarely left home without a novel in the past 4.5 years, and I've got entire series that I plan to read (almost got the Sharpe's series finished which is about 21 books). When I went to College about 3-4 years ago, there were quite a few people in one of my classes who had English as a second language, and the teacher told us that the best way to expand our vocabulary is by reading, so I've known the value of reading for quite some time. I don't like people making assumptions and accusations about me, especially things like "I'm only doing something because I have nothing else", "I don't care about quailty", "what you're doing isn't worthwhile or worth pride", etc. I'm quite proud of my work, and I enjoy it emmensely. I wish I'd have started sooner so I could have had these issues pointed out to me earlier. Can't expect everything to be fixed instantaneously.

>> No.8702165

>Is there any worse feeling as an aspiring writer?
Sure, turning 70.

>> No.8702342

Lying on your death bed and realizing you never tried.

Get started today.

>> No.8702393

>the comfy /lit/ life
I didn't know it was supppsed to be comfy!?

>> No.8702498

>she suffers from PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome)
don't we all

>> No.8702720

I actually think this is turning out to be quite hot. Respectable amount of buildup as well, I think. At least they don't fuck on the first time they meet, in fact there are subtle signs of it but it's never actually confirmed until later, and when it happens, when they finally get together, it's quite unexpected yet also feels like it's fairly... how do I put it... natural? I've given him a bit of previous experience with the rape fetish with a girl he was with years ago, and using this, he eventually puts two and two together. Takes control of the situation from there, but also instilling the safeword when he can so as to be sure that the fetish doesn't turn to actual rape.

I also like that they don't outright fuck. Initially, he just helps sate her need for release. I don't know when they will actually fuck, but once that starts, I'm looking forward to cooking up lots of smutty and hot scenarios for these two. Also got a few side characters on the go with their own things happening, and coming up with stuff that could happen later on in the novel. Frankly, I'm excited to see how this book will end up, and I definitely believe it'll be better written than my first novel.

>> No.8702742

yes. not being able to write.

>> No.8703664

Even Stephen Hawkings can write, and he's paraplegic or quadriplegic or whatever. I assume you mean 'not being able to write 'well'? For instance, by not capitalising your sentences?

>> No.8703678

Nigga, you are dumber than sand.

>> No.8703755

fucking terrible even from the first sentence.

that being said, i can still give you a critique if you're around in the thread and want it, it will be very costructive

>> No.8703784


>> No.8704056
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>7 years organizing the plot of a story, not yet finished
>not a paragraph written

>> No.8704072

Better be one Hell of a plot, then.

>> No.8704119
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>tfw posts like this initially overwhelm me with existential dread but then I remember I can play 7 instruments in case the writing doesn't work out

Thanks for encouraging me mum

>> No.8704172

No shit? What instruments? Though I don't mean to discourage you however making a living off of music is... less than easy. I figure it's the same thing with books though, in that if you want to make some cash with it, you need to just keep working at it. The more books you get out there, the more likely you are to have some of your books find readers who will buy them. The more albums you get out there, the more likely you are to have listeners check it out.

>> No.8704251

Eh, I never took it up because I had a career in mind, it's always struck me as a worthy pursuit for its own sake alone. Besides, most of the stuff I tend to write (prog-folk and ska) is pretty unmarketable.

>> No.8704264

I don't know what either of those things are.

>> No.8704265
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>not spending the entire time worldbuilding and fluffing up your lore.
>and writing 20 different 2-12 page "Starts", with 17 other in canon 2-5 page "starts" for spinoffs

>and wishing you had a cute artist to bounce ideas off of and use as a reason to actually write so you could make it into a comic
>that you could also pay with vigorous fuckings while watching porn, and eventually while reading your own work after you talk them into making a side-project about the fairies dimensions where everyone eats shit and fucks babies to death.
>and then after that, the japanese OVAs of said side-project
i keep a book on me at all times where i write down everything i think magic should do.

>> No.8704278

Wanna know how I can tell you'll never be successful?

>> No.8704287

Most of my time is spent trying to find fucked up people (personality disorders especially) and getting them to a position where anything can be said, then I try and pick apart their brain and figure out how they think, it's the only way I can write characters. In between the rare late-night online meetings between the fucked up people I have found, I work a lot on worldbuilding and I think I have a solid framework to detail as the characters slog around it.

>> No.8704292

I thought I was the only one.
Do you find them on /soc/, too?

>> No.8704310

I don't know where some of them come from, people invite their friends to the group in chains and the unworthy leave, breaking the links. A few are from /soc/ but most come from an old meme team that is long decommissioned but far from dead.

>> No.8704315

I wouldn't know, I'm 19 and published :^)

>> No.8704321

Make yourself a hot drink and have a listen to this


>> No.8704591

again dayuuuum dude

>> No.8706382

This is lovely. Only a minute and a half into it so far, but it's very upbeat with some lovely singing. If I had to compare it to something, I'd say Cat Stevens. It reminds me a bit of Cat Stevens.

Three and a half minutes in, and I'm definitely liking this. Never listened to much of any Jethro Tull, but this is awesome stuff.

>> No.8706660

More alt-folk, although in a different style. Their performance/musical sophistication leaves a lot to be desired, but the lead singer is so fucking urgent (especially live). This and the above types of bands make some of the best music to find weird characters and ways of expressing things that aren't commercially great, but still tell interesting stories.

You don't need to be mainstream to "get published" is the upshot I suppose.

>> No.8706788

Seems to me that CreateSpace will allow anyone to get published. They even have something for music, I think.