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/lit/ - Literature

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8683318 No.8683318 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw want to get into American literature and philosophy but it all seems so boring to me

What can I read to get into the genre?

>> No.8683324

3/8 I chuckled.

>> No.8683334

>implying American philosophy isn't just American political philosophy

Try again.

>> No.8683340

Read Hemingway and then Faulkner. Just to cement the fact that all American novels are the same.

>> No.8683346 [DELETED] 
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As for philosophy


>> No.8683347


American writers I like

Walt Whiman
Flannery o Connor

Dont like Hemingway

Havent read Pynchon or the Infinite Jest guys due to fear of them being memes.

>> No.8683348

>no lovecraft
shit list.

>> No.8683370


pynchon may get memed around here but hes an amazing author. dfw is ok.

>> No.8683378

Nothing. If you're not already interested in analytic philosophy, which is the tradition worthwhile American philosophers exclusively find themselves within, then you're never going to enjoy it

>> No.8683387

>implying anyone but Quine has really found themselves in analytic philosophy
And Quine's work is shitty -- at best. It's caused more problems than solved, really.

>> No.8683425

desu senpai that list is awful

>> No.8683433

Why are Eurotrash memes so lame?

>> No.8683439

So no one in this thread has ever heard of Transcendentalism? Yikes

>> No.8683447
File: 180 KB, 623x768, Henry_David_Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8683448

Read Nozick

>> No.8683456

Read some of Emerson's essays, particularly self-reliance.

>> No.8683471


>> No.8683521
File: 50 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8683564

this picture was take before fedoras existed

>> No.8683592

Not surprised that /lit/ can't appreciate Thoreau.

>> No.8683605

>no Emerson

Emerson is probably the most basic and fundamental thinker in the American humanities outside of the revolutionaries.

>> No.8683611

Not before neckbeards though. Notice how cleanly his jaw is separated from his beard.

That is literally a fucking beard growing from his neck.

>> No.8683678

Lewis, Mellor, Kripke, Sider, Parfit, Gettier, Putnam, etc etc. What's shitty about Quine?

>> No.8684482

Not even the best Gertrude Stein
>The Grapes of Wrath
What's with all the black authors, and no James Baldwin?
Kerouac a shit
That's not Burroughs' best
lel fuck Harper Lee
>Plath >Plath >Plath
Wasn't Saul Bellow Canadian?
>Vonnegut >Vonnegut >Vonnegut
What's with all this entry-level lit?
>American Pastoral
>Not trash
Where's Mason & Dixon? Where's V.?
>No Suttree
If you're gonna include White Noise might as well put in Ratner's Star too
>No Pale King


>> No.8684527

Where is Wallace Stevens? Ezra Pound, Baldwin, Pynchon, Burroughs, Ralph Ellison, Roth etc.

lots of good shit

>> No.8684545
File: 14 KB, 312x318, Rorty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone says there's no good American philosophy

>> No.8684565

>mentioning Baldwin and Ellison in the same breath as Pound and Stevens

>> No.8684657

Pound is overrated

>> No.8684660

He's underrated if anything

>> No.8686448
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>> No.8686746

This is true. Pragmatism got its start in the US, and between Peirce, William James, Dewey, and Rorty, it has certainly been influential.

>> No.8686787

Start with the Founding Fathers

>> No.8686818

I wasn't aware American literature was boring...

I second that

>> No.8687422 [DELETED] 

This guy gets it. The Federalist Papers and Common Sense are the shit.

t. europoor wishing he was american

>> No.8687435

This guy gets it. The Federalist Papers and Common Sense are the shit.

t. europoor wishing he was american