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/lit/ - Literature

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8682695 No.8682695 [Reply] [Original]

New post by /ourguy/


>> No.8682712

0:03 stopped.

>> No.8682730

>I'm about to make a video, I'd better make my hair look messy-cool like I didn't intend for it to be this way and it just does this on its own, oops gotta roll up my sleeves put on my leather jacket haha I need my fans to know I'm cool despite being 40

Embarrassing human garbage

>> No.8682738


fuck did anyone know hobgoblins exist?????

>> No.8682742

>only 1200 subs

Why do we talk about this guy again?

If Bloom had a review channel, I would understand. But c'mon...

>> No.8682745

>better walk off camera, start singing, then walk back in frame like I just casually entered the room

>> No.8682746

That'd be great.

>> No.8682758

you're projecting pretty hard, faggot

>> No.8682769
File: 75 KB, 823x257, cfanwise2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8682774

Fuckin nailed that cocksucka

>> No.8682807

Cliff is such a fucking worthless faggot and so are you for liking him. His content is bad, and his personality reminds me of one of those rich shitkids in Brooklyn who walk around in skinnyjeans and think they're special for hanging around "artist and musician types" and smoking pot. Fucking tryhard anthony fagtano for books. And that's the appeal of him too- /mu/ crossposters come here, they wanna spread their cancer of a culture, and as a result they try to turn this faggot into the anthony fantano FOR BOOKS. And the worst part? It isn't working. Even the most friendless loser on the planet would be in pain after watching this cunt talk on and on and on for more than five minutes. So usually these threads end up in the archive at 50 posts.

Cliff is basically THE youtuber to attract the most hated /mu/ crossposter hipster faggots known to /lit/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this channel and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Cliff threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.8682819

I hope your parents don't find out you're being rude to strangers on youtube and ground you.

>> No.8682822

>You keep pumping out stupid shit to get PATREON money, you fucking huckster

kek these YT comments are savage

>> No.8682826
File: 13 KB, 184x233, foucault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing God's work Fanwise, keep fighting the good fight

>> No.8682835

Or James Wood. I wonder if James Wood does video reviews.

>> No.8682845

He's like all of the self loathing insecurities of /lit/ became a person

>> No.8682901

I want to see Bookchemist ask Cliffhead some questions about literature

>> No.8683057

Bookchemist and Cliffsarge debate officiated by Dean Goranites

>> No.8684675


>> No.8684694

Fuck I miss that guy...

>> No.8684861

nvm I think he hid/deleted the comment

>> No.8684909

Cliff is the epitome of style over substance. He makes a show of living the "literary" lifestyle, but his observations are surface level at best.

>> No.8684957

man I can not stand this fucking guy. He just oozes fucking arrogance. I think people like him are why the idea of taking lit in school is shit on. Dude just loves to hear himself talk and thinks he's the coolest guy ever.
But then I think maybe I'm just bitter because he's doing better than I am as a person who's interested in literature. Maybe I'm secretly jealous or something and maybe a big part of my liking literature is because it's seen as "difficult" by the majority of society and this dude is doing better than I am. I don't fucking know. fuck him and fuck me too.

>> No.8685014

This. A fucking elderly goblin.

>> No.8685059

cliff is based as fuck and has single handedly legitimsed the booktuber community along with that one italian guy

>> No.8685061

>turn on camera
>make sure its set up right
>walk away
>walk back on singing
>"o hey didnt see u there"


>> No.8685069

*sees an 8/10, wealthy, charismatic, articulate, well read guy* uhh i don't like it because it's too shallow

>> No.8685072


>> No.8686217
File: 192 KB, 722x1053, fml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686775

Add another zero to that. It's still pretty low but for a "booktuber" that actually talks about literature and not shitty genre ficiton and YA trash, it's pretty good.
I do wonder what he does for a living. I doubt youtube leaves him any substantial amount of money, and he only recieves 300 bucks a month through Patreon.

>> No.8686851

He makes money per video on patreon
/our guy/ based bookchemist is per month though, like a good boy.

>> No.8686906

I like how each one ends in 'and stay the fuck off of /lit.'

>> No.8686966

go to bed cliff