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/lit/ - Literature

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868170 No.868170 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/- demographics





Other boards your browse:

Favorite book:

Favorite music album:

Favorite movie:

Favorite TV series:


>> No.868175

Gender: male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Israel

Other boards your browse: /v/, used to browse /tv/ but it's too disgusting now.

Favorite book: Norwegian wood by Murakami

Favorite music album: Abbey road

Favorite movie: don't have one

Favorite TV series: Seinfeld for comedy, The Sopranos for drama.

>> No.868177




New Zealand

Other boards your browse:
/b/, /pss/

Favorite book:
Would have to be Nausea

Favorite music album:
Portishead (Existential music in my opinion)

Favorite movie:
uh.. No idea..

Favorite TV series:
Don't really watch TV that much.

I love looking at demographics. Bump.

>> No.868185

I wasn't going to post, but then the guy above me had Abbey Road & Seinfeld as favourites, so I felt compelled to contribute.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Country: Australia
Other boards: Used to be /fit/ and /tv/ for lack of /lit/. Now just /lit/ and /adv/ when I'm feeling particularly masochistic and want to end up hating everybody.
Favourite book: I suppose The Sirens of Titan.
Album: Abbey Road.
Movie: Don't know about this one. Shawshank Redemption for number of times watched, at least.
TV Series: Seinfeld, You Bet Your Life & The Twilight Zone.

>> No.868183 [DELETED] 

Gender: M

Age: 23

Occupation: Environmental consultant

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /sci/, /sp/, /an/

Favorite book: War and Peace if i'm in a heavy classics mood, Kidnapped if i'm not.

Favorite music album: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon

Favorite movie: Seven Samurai

Favorite TV series: The Prisoner (original)

Comments: I'm a boring.

>> No.868186

Gender: Male



Country: Philippines

Other boards your browse: /sci/

Favorite book: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse or Norwegian Wood

Favorite music album: none, really.

Favorite movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favorite TV series: none

Comments: Uh. This is relevant to my interests

>> No.868188

Gender: M

Age: 23

Occupation: Environmental consultant

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /sci/, /sp/, /an/

Favorite book: War and Peace if i'm in a heavy classics mood, Kidnapped if i'm not.

Favorite music album: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon

Favorite movie: Seven Samurai

Favorite TV series: The Prisoner (original)

Comments: I'm a boring person.

>> No.868193


>> No.868195
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>> No.868201

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Occupation: Gardener

Country: Noo Zild

Other boards your browse: /b/ for the fbf threads, RSSland

Favorite book: Veniss Underground by Jeff Vandermeer

Favorite music album: What's an album? Grimey dubstep, twinkly classical

Favorite movie: My Neighbor Totoro

Favorite TV series: Fringe I spose

Comments: Now that I've started writing again I interact with media differently, the favourites are boring, the dull attains new life. Feels weird bro

>> No.868203

Gender: male
Occupation: programmer
Other boards your browse: /r9k/ /fit/ and to be perfectly honest /h/ and /s/
Favorite book: oliver twist by dickens
Favorite music album: none
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption. I know the girl above said it but it really is my fav; head and shoulders above the rest.
Favorite TV series: the simpsons

>> No.868205

Oh my god,

you're so old.

>> No.868206

>I'm a boring person.
No shit. Those are answers you'd expect from a educated 50 year old English man. I bet you smoke a pipe.

>> No.868208
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>> No.868209

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Thailand (feelsbadman.jpg)

Other boards your browse: /a/, /b/, /d/, /k/, /s/, /t/, /u/, /wg/, /mu/

Favorite book: Good Omens, The Vanity Fair, Starship Trooper, Twelfth Night, The Bicentennial Man

Favorite music album: Don't really have one.

Favorite movie: The Silence of the Lambs, The Harold and Kumar duology, The Matrix, Serenity,

Favorite TV series: BSG, Caprica, BVS, How I Met Your Mother, Firefly, The Late Late Show

Comments: I've come to terms with the fact that 90% of the people will be doubt that I'm female. I also find this hilarious.

>> No.868211


Yes, but I'm quite tall

>> No.868212


Say what you will. Pipes are kinda cool.

>> No.868213

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /a/, /b/, /x/, /tv/, /v/

Favorite book: Farhenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Favorite music album: None

Favorite movie: Bladerunner

Favorite TV series: Family Guy


>> No.868214

Nothing wrong with those answers whatsoever.

>> No.868216

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Student

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /ck/

Favorite book: The Bell Jar

Favorite music album: Circle Takes The Square - As The Roots Undo

Favorite movie: Dr. Strangelove

Favorite TV series: TV is for plebs.

Comments: Property is theft.

>> No.868220

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Occupation: Student but have retail job to help pay for it
Country: England
Other boards: /r9k/, /tv/, /fa/, /fit/, /adv/
Favourite book: Catch-22
Favourite album: Sam's Town - The Killers
Favourite film: The Pianist/Fight Club
Favourite TV show: Arrested Development

>> No.868222

Why feel bad? =/

>> No.868227


Nothing exciting ever happens. Also, people here treats loving to read like it's a disease.

>> No.868230

Occupation: Still going to school.
Other boards your browse: /u/, /co/ and sometimes /tg/
Favorite book: Walden by Henry David Thoreau or Kafka on the Shore, not sure.
Favorite music album: Puuuh, that's hard. I guess Kate Rusby - Awkward Annie
Favorite movie: Hook or Evolution, I don't look much TV
Favorite TV series: Again I don't look much TV so it's Buffy because I loved it as a teen and havn't seen anything I loved more after it.
Comments: the EU and Russia should work more togther and should ignore the USA, Americas time is over.

>> No.868234


Age: m

Occupation: 22

Country: Sweden

Other boards your browse: /b/, /v/, /ck/

Favourite *: what kind of uncultured plebeian faggot has a single favourite anything?

>> No.868235

They were burning your fucking capital the other day, how is that not exciting?

>> No.868237
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Occupation: College student

Country:Puerto Rico

Other boards your browse:/wg/ /an/ /b/

Favorite book: Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind

Favorite music album: Hmmm

Favorite movie: The Last Samurai

Favorite TV series:lol don't watch Tv :P


>> No.868238

Not from Thailand, but, SEA is enormously boring. Places without white people are boring. =/

>> No.868241

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: Student

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /fa/, /mu/, /trv/

Favorite book: Currently, The Great Gatsby. It changes.

Favorite music album:

Favorite movie: It changes.

Favorite TV series: Jeeves and Wooster.

Comments: English student. I write and travel frequently.

>> No.868242

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student / Pharmacy Peon

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: I'll drop in on /r9k/ occasionally. I check /u/ every day, but I'm not into loli so I find mostly nothing.

Favorite book: Shit. Hamlet, I guess.

Favorite music album: Demon Days, by the Gorillaz.

Favorite movie: Clue

Favorite TV series: I don't watch TV.

Comments: Data!

>> No.868245

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Alcoholic writer

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /k/, /fit/, sometimes /v/ if I feel like watching fat nerds fight about vidyagaems

Favorite book: Shit, this changes for me all the time, right now it's Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb.

Favorite music album: Daft Punk - Discovery

Favorite movie: BLACK HAWK DOWN

Favorite TV series: I don't watch tee vee

Comments: This is boring and gay. I want to go home.

>> No.868247

>Other boards
/a/, /co/, /m/, /mu/, /tg/, /v/
>Favorite book:
Snow Crash
>Favorite album
ITAOTS (not really but I don't listen to music in albums, so troll answer)
>Favorite movie
A Clockwork Orange
>Favorite TV series
Neon Genesis Evangelion (or Jericho if it has to be live-action)

>> No.868248

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Country: Australia

Other boards your browse: /b/, /tv/

Favorite book: 1984

Favorite music album: don't have one

Favorite movie: Children of Men

Favorite TV series: too many to pick, anything Sci-fi?


>> No.868249

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse:/b/ LOL ITS SO RANDUM

Favorite book: um, i cant decide, its one of the twilight ones fer surrreeeee!

Favorite music album:Oh wow, the new Justin Bieber is just great.


Favorite TV series:The Hills and Jersey Shore! LOL THE SITUATION

Comments:u guize talk abotu old boks too much.

>> No.868251

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse: /mu/ and rarely, but sometimes /v/

Favourite book: The Brothers Karamazov

Favourite music album: I honestly don't think I could name one

Favourite movie: Maybe Fight Club

Favourite TV series: Doctor Who

Comments: You spelt favourite wrong ;)

>> No.868252
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>my face when I read through this thread, saw my own post and thought 'wow, he's exactly like me.'

>> No.868255


>> No.868256





Other boards your browse:/h/, /3/, /adv/

Favorite book:1984

Favorite music album:Zoltank

Favorite movie:Ghost in the Shell

Favorite TV series:(if anime counts)Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.(if not)then none.


>> No.868257

Gender: male
Age: 19
Occupation: student
Country: australia
Other boards your browse: occasionally /b/, /news/, /int/, /k/
Favorite book: lord of the rings (fully aware it isnt the best book but i still think its fucking amazing and im in love with it)
Favorite music album: too many to list
Favorite movie: the dreamers
Favorite TV series: futurama and 30 rock


>> No.868258

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /m/, /x/, /sp/

Favorite book: Moby-Dick

Favorite music album: Invaders Must Die

Favorite movie: Inglourious Basterds

Favorite TV series: Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

>> No.868260

>>alcoholic writer
As a writer, you should know better than to be so redundant.

>> No.868262


I've already been told off by an edit-anon about that, you don't need to rub it in.

>> No.868264

I lol'd

>> No.868266

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse: /mu/ and occasionally /sci/

Favorite book: Anathem

Favorite music album: Porcupine Tree's In Absentia

Favorite movie: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development

>> No.868268

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: College student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /v/, /fa/

Favorite book: Uh, I don't know. I had picking favorite anythings, but maybe The Great Gatsby?

Favorite music album: The Shins - Oh, Inverted World, Sigur Ros - Takk. I listen to mostly alt rap, but my favorite albums are more indie sounding.

Favorite movie: N/A

Favorite TV series: House, I guess. It's the only series I've watched in the past year or two. My time is mostly spending reading and vidya gaming, so I don't have much time for TV.

Comments: I'm not well-read. It's one of my college goals.

>> No.868270

>>hate, not had

>> No.868273

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Cook

Country: germany

Other boards your browse: I used to browse /x/.

Favorite book: Walter Moers - Rumo & die Wudner im Dunkeln

Favorite music album: Savatage - Streets and Nevermore - Dead heart in a dead world

Favorite movie: Big Fish, Let the right one in and Findign neverland

Favorite TV series: Scrubs, Malcolm in the middle, The storyteller

>> No.868276
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Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student/part time cashier


Other boards your browse:/mu/, /fa/, /r9k/

Favorite book:The Tunnel by Ernesto Sábato

Favorite music album:Lift your Skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven - Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Favorite movie:A Clockwork Orange

Favorite TV series: Taboo by National Geographic Channel

Comments: Question everything

>> No.868279


I live in another city. Also, damn curfew was as annoying as fuck.

>> No.868280

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /sci/, /new/, /v/, /k/, /b/

Favorite book: Ilium/Olympus by Dan Simmons

Favorite music album: Unanswerable

Favorite movie: Gladiator (stfu)

Favorite TV series: Entourage

>> No.868281
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Gender: male

Age: 99

Occupation: ninja

Country: united states

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /new/, /tv/, /gif/, and /b/ until i see something that makes me want to puke, so that usually lasts about 30 seconds.

Favorite book: david copperfield by charles dickens

Favorite music album: tigermilk by belle and sebastian

Favorite movie: contact

Favorite TV series: seinfeld

Comments: i'm hungry

>> No.868283
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Gender: M

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Country: UK

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /v/

Favorite book: The Road

Favorite music album: Defiance, Ohio: The Great Depression

Favorite movie: Amelie

Favorite TV series: Spaced

Comments: Underageb&

>> No.868291

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Unemployed
Country: Australia
Other boards your browse: /o/, /co/, /ck/, /po/
Favorite book: Mother Night by Vonnegut
Favorite music album: Heavy Rocks by Boris
Favorite movie: An American In Paris
Favorite TV series: Current? Venture Bros. Ever? I suppose either Black Books or The Twilight Zone.

Comments: n/a

>> No.868294

/tv/ and /ck/
Pulp Fiction
The Wire

im huge

>> No.868303



Former Teacher/ Current Law Student


Other boards your browse:
/mu/ occasionally /sci/ /fa/ /b/

Favorite book:
I have five: Hamlet (play I know), Crime and Punishment, The Golden Notebook, Slaughterhouse Five, Infinite Jest

Favorite music album:
69 Love Songs - The Magnetic Fields

Favorite movie:
American Beauty

Favorite TV series:
Simpsons circa 93-97


>> No.868308

Gender: male


Occupation: student

Country: Finland

Other boards your browse: /a/, /wg/ and /tv/

Favorite book: Kafka on the shore by Murakami

Favorite music album: The Colour and the Shape by Foo Fighters

Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption

Favorite TV series: I don't watch tv that often but Doctor Who is good.

Comments: Life is too long to be wasted only for the things that you like.

>> No.868312
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Gender: F
Age: 19
Occupation: student
Country: PL
Other boards your browse: /ic/
Favorite book: The Magic Mountain
Favorite music album: Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
Favorite movie: Aliens, The Fifth Element
Favorite TV series: Star Trek TOC, SG, SGA

>> No.868313

Gender: M

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: United Kingdom

Other boards: /v/,/b/, /mu/

Favorite Book:Magician (R.Feist)

Favorite Album: Worlds Collide (Apocalyptica)

Favorite Movie: District 9

Favorite TV series: Spooks.

>> No.868315

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Country: México
Other boards your browse: /mu/
Favorite book: The Death of Artemio Cruz
Favorite music album: Loveless or Script of the Bridge
Favorite movie: Jules and Jim or Red Desert
Favorite TV series: MST3K

>> No.868317

Mr. Washam?

>> No.868321

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Eh, trying to enter the university. Right now, I'm at a security job guarding my own house.

Country: Brazil

Other boards your browse: /jp/, occasionally /g/ and /a/

Favorite book: The Trial by Franz Kafka

Favorite music album: Well, none really. I like most classical music though.

Favorite movie: I hate movies.

Favorite TV series: I hate TV series.

>> No.868329

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.868334

/lit/- demographics

Gender: female

Age: 17

Occupation: art student

Country: Belgium

Other boards your browse: sometimes /x/, sometimes /b/, but rarely

Favorite book: 'Women in Love' by D.H. Lawrence

Favorite music album: 'Strange Days' by the Doors

>> No.868339

Gender: f

Age: 23

Occupation: web developer

Country: us (tx)

Other boards your browse: /toy/ and /d/

Favorite book: typee by herman melville at the moment

Favorite music album: n/a

Favorite movie: wall-e

Favorite TV series: simpsons


>> No.868343
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Gender: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /v/, sometimes /adv/

Favorite book: Battle Royale

Favorite music album: Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures

Favorite movie: Let the Right One In

Favorite TV series: Does Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking count?

>> No.868349





Other boards your browse:/x/

Favorite book:Les Chants Du Maldoror by Isidore Ducasse

Favorite music album:The Idiot (Iggy Pop)

Favorite movie:Sans Soleil (chris marker)

Favorite TV series:Fuck all that

Comments:I'm an alligator, I'm a mamapapa comin for you, I'm a space-invader, I'll be a rocknrollin bitch for you

>> No.868351

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Occupation: Student/animal shelter worker

Country: United motherfuckin' States

Other boards: /mu/, /b/, /x/ sometimes /fa/

Favorite book: Nabokov, Mishima and James Baldwin are my favorite authors. Can't choose a fav. book.

Favorite album: The Smiths - Hatful of Hollow

Favorite movie: Eastwood's Unforgiven

Favorite tv show: I don't have a tv.

>> No.868352



Student/Library Shelver


>Other boards your browse:
/r9k/, /v/, /sci/

>Favorite book:
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson

>Favorite music album:
Either La Roux's or Cage The Elephant's self-titled album

>Favorite movie:
Waking Life

>Favorite TV series:
Firefly ;_;


>> No.868354

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Law/Politics Student

Country: UK (Scotland)

Other boards you browse: /hr/, /mu/ (less and less as it gradually descends into /b/hood).

Favourite book: Slaughterhouse-Five

Favourite music album:
(Classical) Mahler's Symphony No.9, conducted by Rafael Kubelik and performed by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

(Non-Classical) Neil Young - On the Beach

Favourite movie: Apocalypse Now

Favourite TV series: N/A

Comments: I don't agree with Nick.

>> No.868356

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Country: United States of America

Other boards your browse: /sci/

Favorite book: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke

Favorite composer: Tchaikovsky

Favorite movie: Moon

Favorite TV series: Stargate Universe

This is irrelevant.

>> No.868357

I love you, boy. Too bad it will never happen.

>> No.868358

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /tg/, /ic/, /r9k/, /v/

Favorite book: Not entirely certain, Faust was fun times though. At least the first part.

Favorite music album: Kamelot's Epica and The Black Halo? Just because it ties in marvellously with my previous answer.

Favorite movie: Don't really watch any movies. o_o;;

Favorite TV series: I've been watching nothing but ReBoot on TV lately.

Comments: These are always kinda fun.

>> No.868360




Country:US (ny)

Other boards your browse:/u/b/new/

Favorite book: to many to name

Favorite music album:Lateralus

Favorite movie:brick

Favorite TV series:firefly

Comments: unremarkable, move on.

>> No.868362

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Unemployed

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /v/, /fa/, /an/

Favorite book: Ahhh... I suppose either Ham on Rye or Breakfast of Champions. Or the Name of the Wind.

Favorite music album: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, by Neutral Milk Hotel. Or if you despise that answer, Rain Dogs.

Favorite movie: Down by Law.

Favorite TV series: Six Feet Under

Comments: Fuck the police

>> No.868363

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Nothing at the moment, just working on getting a part time job to tide me over until I start university next September.

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /fit/ and /r9k/, but only when I'm so bored that I think about chewing my arms off.

Favorite book: Day of the Triffids. Beautiful book.

Favorite music album: Songs About Jane by Maroon 5, ultimate feel good album in my opinion.

Favorite movie: Empire Strikes Back or Apollo 13, not really into movies all that much though.

Favorite TV series: Firefly! Always Firefly.

Comments: I love these threads and I haven't a clue why.

>> No.868367

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Scotland

Other boards your browse: /m/, /wg/

Favorite book: Heart of Darkness

Favorite music album: Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

Favorite movie: Dark City

Favorite TV series: Peep Show

>> No.868369


Gender: Female

Age: 19.

Occupation: Unemployed at the moment...future mortician.

Country: US...moving to Canada soon.

Other boards your browse: /b/, /s/, /x/, /po/

Favorite book: This changes too often...but I guess currently it would be Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac.

Favorite music album: Don't have one, but my favourite band is Iron and Wine.

Favorite movie: Wristcutters: A Love Story

Favorite TV series: I don't watch TV.

Comments: Despite the impression you may get from this, I am not a hipster. haha. It was difficult to pick just one of everything.

>> No.868374

I would have you know, that my family were morticians, and to be careful what you wish for. Having that said, do what you will.

>> No.868384
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>> No.868396



>> No.868399
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Gender: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Unemployed. ;_;

Country: 'MURICA

Other boards your browse: /co/, /tv/ /m/ /v/ /r9k/ /toy/ /cgl/

Favorite book: Dark Tower Series, World War Z

Favorite music album: "Act II: The Father Of Death" by The Protomen

Favorite movie: Ghostbusters

Favorite TV series: Eureka, Chuck, Doctor Who

Comments: I don't read often enough. I started browsing /lit/ because I need to find more books to read.

>> No.868407

>Comments: I don't read often enough. I started browsing /lit/ because I need to find more books to read.
/lit/ isn't a good place for that. It's pretentious as fuck and you won't find much light reading to introduce you back into literature.

>> No.868413


>> No.868420

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Occupation: Student

Country: UK

Other boards your browse: none

Favorite book: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Favorite music album: fuck knows.

Favorite movie: Speed

Favorite TV series: Doctor Who

>> No.868421

>Favorite movie: Speed
>Favorite TV series: Doctor Who
Not convinced.

>> No.868423


Wristcutters has been on my to-watch list of movies for ages. It sounds quite good.

>> No.868424

/lit/- demographics

Gender: F

Age: 18

Occupation: Currently working at Victoria's Secret and at university for Nuclear Engineering.

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /sci/, /k/, /fa/, /v/

Favorite book(s): The Call of Cthulhu by H.P Lovecraft and Neuromancer by William Gibson.

Favorite movie: Fantastic Mr.Fox and Fight Club

Favorite TV series: Band of Brothers, Skins, True Blood (guilty pleasure, idk), The Venture Brothers, OZ, Ugly Americans.

>> No.868435
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It's pretty awesome. You should watch it. Right now. :D

>> No.868439

/lit/- demographics

Gender: The world may never know

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /co/

Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

Favorite music album: The Wall- Pink Floyd

Favorite movie: There Will Be Blood or Requiem for a Dream

Favorite TV series: M*A*S*H or Venture Brothers

Comments: I don't know??

>> No.868440


It's true. What's so difficult to believe about it? Something wrong with Doctor Who and Speed? :(

>> No.868444

Nothing wrong with them, just very manish.

>> No.868447


I know the implications and what is involved in the profession...and I still want to do it.
It's the only thing I've ever been truly passionate about...I don't think I could see myself doing anything else.

>> No.868448

Gender: f
Age: 18
Occupation: poor
Country: United Statesian
Other boards your browse: /int/, /fa/, /x/, /r9k/
Favorite book: Dune, House of Leaves (lol)
Favorite music album: changes a lot, but Medulla by Bjork
Favorite movie: not a movie person
Favorite TV series: not a tv person, either
Comments: no

>> No.868449

Gender: Beta male

Age: 25

Occupation: Support Worker

Country: UK

Other boards your browse: /an/ /mu/ /tg/ /v/

Favorite book: Titus Groan/Gormenghast

Favorite music album: Currently it's Flower of Disease by Goatsnake. My favourites change a lot though.

Favorite movie: Police Academy 4

Favorite TV series: Don't have one.

>> No.868451

We all know you just want to sex the dead people.

>> No.868455

Age: 19
Occupation: Projectionist
Country USA
Other Boards: /mu/, /fa/, /trv/, hardly ever /b/
Book: Lies of Locke Lamora (book), A Streetcar Named Desire (play)
Music Album: Begin to Hope
Movie: Adaptation
Series: Breaking Bad
Comments: Holy Shit Buzz Aldrin!

>> No.868459
File: 42 KB, 346x423, 155815-96882-black-hand_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmmm, Blackhand~

>> No.868464

>Gender: The world may never know


>> No.868468

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Occupation: Computer programmer.

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: None, really.

Favorite book: Hitchhiker's Guide

Favorite music album: Um, The Con by Tegan and Sara

Favorite movie: Not sure.

Favorite TV series: Doctor Who

>> No.868482

Gender: f
Age: 12
Occupation: Future film star. "Uncle" knows some people.
Country: Russia
Other boards your browse: n/a
Favorite book: Lolita
Favorite music album: Don't have one
Favorite movie: Lolita
Favorite TV series: Don't watch tv.

>> No.868484


>> No.868485



>> No.868488
File: 78 KB, 992x549, Humbert Humbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have I told you about going on the internet on your own dear?

>> No.868493

>Favorite book: Lolita
>Favorite movie: Lolita
Fourth Wall. How does it work?

>> No.868494
File: 97 KB, 500x800, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Healthcare business consultant

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /trv/ and /fit/

Favorite book: East of Eden

Favorite music album: Neko Case's Middle Cyclone

Favorite movie: There Will Be Blood

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development

Comments: Reading on dead trees is for faggots. e-readers for life.

>> No.868497

Gender: 20
Age: Male
Occupation: Student
Country: These God Blessed United States of America
Other boards your browse: /tg/, /adv/, /mu/ on very rare occasions, /r9k/ when it's not summer, perhaps
Favorite book: Brideshead Revisited. Probably.
Favorite music album: Replacements. Let It Be.
Favorite movie: Repo Man (Please note: this is a different movie from either Repo Men or Repo! The Genetic Opera. Entirely distinct)
Favorite TV series: I don't know. Star Trek, I guess.

>> No.868498

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Information and Reference Volunteer/Clerk, Library

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /trv/, /mu/, /fa/, /r9k/, /sp/

Favorite book: Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian

Favorite music album: Sigur Rós - Ágætis byrjun

Favorite movie: I don't really watch movies

Favorite TV series: I don't really watch TV

Comments: derp

>> No.868501

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /sp/, /m/, /mu/

Favorite book: 100 Years of Solitude

Favorite music album: Oh! Calcutta!

Favorite movie: The Fountain

Favorite TV series: That 70's Show

Comments: We still need a history board that isn't /int/

>> No.868502

/lit/- demographics

Gender: male

Age: 20

Occupation: military (communications specialist)

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /b/, /mu/

Favorite book: Cosmic Trigger (Robert Anton Wilson)

Favorite music album: Death is this Communion - High on Fire

Favorite movie: The Big Lebowski

Favorite TV series: Don't watch much :/

Comments: I'm drunk

>> No.868503


>> No.868505
File: 15 KB, 237x180, 20b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Occupation: Foreign english teacher

Country: Born in Australia, living in China

Other boards your browse: /sp/ /v/ /b/

Favorite book: Wheel of time series

Favorite music album: atm, Mystery blues by Charles Mingus

Favorite movie: [too many]

Favorite TV series: same as movie, last show i watched that was good was Mad Men

Comments: How am i not myself?

>> No.868513
File: 28 KB, 350x526, mingus77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mingusfist, bro.

Gender: M
Age: 36
Occupation: Computer Programmer (web apps for healthcare administration)
Country: USA
Other boards your browse: /g/ now and then
Favorite book: Grendel, John Gardner
Favorite music album: Currently Portable Universe, by Scott Colley
Favorite movie: Wild Strawberries
Favorite TV series: West Wing, but I'm not much for TV
Comments: I am currently reading Pride & Prejudice, and really like it. Why is this happening?

>> No.868515

marry me

>> No.868521

Belgium huh.....?
Post face

>> No.868525

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: Student/Parks&Rec Asst.
Country: USA
Other boards: /mu/.
Favourite book: Pillars of the Earth
Album: F#A#(Infinity)
Movie: Dead Man or There Will Be Blood
TV Series: Deadwood, Arrested Development

>> No.868528
File: 28 KB, 413x400, mingus071402_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one bro
Mingus owns

>> No.868534
File: 50 KB, 640x480, A BOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Degree in Creative Writing
Country: Amerigay
Other boards your browse: /r9k/
Favorite book: A Confederacy of Dunces, Nausea
Favorite music album: Minus the Bear, Planet of Ice
Favorite movie: La Pianiste
Favorite TV series: Lost, The Office, 30 Rock
Comments: Hi!

>> No.868538

You should listen to my "favorite album"--Mingus fans will appreciate it greatly.

>> No.868541
File: 43 KB, 600x456, Turner Moonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: male

Age: 18

Occupation: student

Country: netherlands

Other boards your browse: /r9k/ /mu/ /g/ and some other piece of shit boards

Favorite book: undecided, i have yet to read many books that could be my favorite.

Favorite music album: Beethovens 9th, the black saint, VU & Nico

Favorite movie: 2001, stalker, andrei rublev

Favorite TV series: uuh monthy python

Comments: governmenta(@)gmail.com

>> No.868543

/lit/- demographics

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Stockboy at Target/Books-A-Million associate/Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /mu/ and /b/ when I'm really drunk.

Favorite book: Probably James Salter's A Sport and A Pastime

Favorite music album: The Appleseed Cast - Low Level Owl: Volume II

Favorite movie: Braveheart or Apocalypse Now

Favorite TV series: The Simpsons when it was good. Don't really watch TV anymore.

Comments: Yup

>> No.868551


lol, I know more girls who like Doctor Who than guys, it's quite strange.

Would it help though if I said the rest of my favourite movies were Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Die Hard, and ~*Mulan*~? :)

>> No.868552

Cheers mate ill check it out

worth grabbing the discography or just that album?

>> No.868558

usa (happy 4th)
/sp/ /trv/ /b/
Invisible Man
Taj Majal - Mo' Roots
Doctor Who

>> No.868561

I've liked all of this albums, but I particularly like that album for its compositions. The Magic Line is also really good, but quite different. Check out his website for a streaming "radio" thing with stuff from different albums.

>> No.868567

My flatmate loves Doctor Who (new one)
I try telling her the old ones are heaps better but she wont believe me

Also, Hot Fuss is hilarious

>> No.868571

Other boards your browse:/gif/, /ic/
Favorite book:Night Watch or Thud!
Favorite music album:Automatic Writing by Ataxia
Favorite movie:well, dunno
Favorite TV series:Scrubs
Comments:I ain't reading much

>> No.868584

nice data mining thread faggots

>> No.868586

Just gave the radio a whirl, sounds good

>> No.868602

Gender: male

Age: 22

Occupation: med student

Country: Argentina

Other boards your browse: /v/, /b/, /sp/

Favorite book: The Trial by Kafka

Favorite music album: Metallica - Ride the Lightning

Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction

Favorite TV series: House

>> No.868627

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: University Student (Mechanical Engineering) I also work in the local library

Country: America

Other boards your browse: /a/,/b/,/fa/,/adv/

Favorite book: Emma

Favorite music album: Give Up by the Postal Service

Favorite movie: Up

Favorite TV series: The West Wing

>> No.868632

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Occupation: housewife...lol, does that count? I've got a BA in philosophy, but I got married instead of going on to law school like I planned.

Country: USA

other boards you browse: /a/, /tg/, /trv/

Favorite books: Lord of The Rings

Favorite Album: The White Album by The Beatles

Favorite Movie: My Fair Lady

Favorite Tv Series: Mad Men-I fucking love Don.

Comments: I'm a pretty normal person. I just like to chill.

>> No.868640

A lot of us are attracted to the idea of The Doctor showing up in the Tardis to take us away on romantic adventures. I'm in love with the 10th and 11th doctors.

>> No.868645

Watching Wristcutters now. It's amazing.

>> No.868650

I'm male, 17 years old, and live in the UK. I hate the very notion of 4chan but sometimes I go on /new/ and /lit/ to ask people things and fill out surveys.

I can't choose favourites so i'll put a little list for each category:

Books: L'Écume des Jours, Catcher in the Rye

Albums: 69 Love Songs by The Magnetic Fields, Alopecia by Why?, Best of Bob Dylan (lol), Hospice by The Antlers, Part One Lola vs... by the Kinks

Movies: Coffee & Cigarettes, Youth In Revolt

TV series: The Wire, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Comments: no author/poet/poem section? huh

>> No.868655

>Catcher in the Rye
Fuck summer.

>> No.868656

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Intern/student

Country: United States

Other boards you browse: /mu/, /p/

Favorite book: The Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

Favorite music album: Adam and Eve by Loss of a Child

Favorite movie: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Favorite TV series: Psych

Comments: If breakfast were World War II, pancakes would be France, french toast would be England, and waffles would be Nazi Germany. Fuck pancakes.

>> No.868659

i love psych

>> No.868662

Abbey Road > The White album

Mad Men is awesome, Id go gay for Don
Also, Housewife at 22? wow

Jarmisch. right on

>> No.868663





Other boards your browse:/mu/

Favorite book:Crime and Punishment

Favorite music album:Converge-Jane Doe

Favorite movie:Shawshank

Favorite TV series:

>> No.868665

no sweetheart, housewife does not count as an occupation. no go bake some cookies instead of wasting time on here.

>> No.868669

You better be fucking stoked for July 14th :D

>> No.868670

I hate Psych.

>> No.868676

i'm already baking cookies for a 4th of july party!!!! i'm also making some homemade potato skins. both are in the oven atm.

>> No.868697

I have to agree, I hate women who say that being a housewife is a job. I work and when I get home I also have to clean and cook.

>> No.868701
File: 4 KB, 160x154, reaction_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my visage when you (pretended to) put potato skins in the oven with cookies

>> No.868707


I am 17 years old, I am allowed to enjoy Catcher in the Rye. Fuck you.

And stop it with this 'Summer' bullshit; my holidays haven't even started yet.

Inb4 I was trolled

>> No.868713

/lit/- demographics





Other boards your browse:/b/, /mu/

Favorite book:the trial kafka

Favorite music album: crooked rain, crooked rain

Favorite movie: reservoir dogs

Favorite TV series: jeopardy


>> No.868717

>a poor whose oven has one tray and not several

>> No.868721

What's up with everyone's favourite book being The Trial? I mean, sure, it's a good book. But I can't understand how someone could make such a deep emotional connection with the book that would lead them to label it as a favourite.

>> No.868732

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: Unemployed

Country: Colombia

Other boards your browse: /b/ /mu/

Favorite book: Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar

Favorite music album: The Velvet Underground & Nico

Favorite movie: Lost in translation, Ghost world

Favorite TV series: Lost, Cowboy Bebop, The IT crowd

>> No.868737

I'm not sure why, i read it first when I was sixteen, and i just loved.

>> No.868750


For me it was a real effort to read. I mean it was worthwhile and rewarding, in fact particularly profound from an absurdist perspective. It just was also kinda plain. I didn't ever really connect emotionally, and Kafka had decided not to include any line breaks in dialogue, seemingly just to piss me off.

>> No.868758

>particularly profound from an absurdist perspective

What? No.

>> No.868759
File: 58 KB, 333x500, 51hF-OmWygL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Barnes and Noble Bookseller

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /v/, /co/, /x/, /tg/, /sci/, sometimes /a/

Favorite book: Jesus, I dunno. Short History of Nearly Everything? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? To Kill a Mockingbird? City of Dreaming Books?

Favorite music album: Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World"

Favorite movie: Princess Bride.

Favorite TV series: I don't watch TV.

Comments: I play more vidya than I read, honestly.

>> No.868768


Um. okay?

>> No.868787


>Occupation: Barnes and Noble Bookseller

How's that gig treating ya?

>> No.868793


Females -love- doctor who. OMG DAVID TENNANT etc.

9th Doctor was way hotter, anyways.

>> No.868795

Gender: male

Age: 18

Occupation: student

Country: usa

Other boards your browse: /b/, /g/, /v/, /adv/, /new/, /sci/, /x/

Favorite book: Ender's Game

Favorite music album: Good News for People Who Love Bad News

Favorite movie: The Matrix

Favorite TV series: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Comments: lolwut

>> No.868797


Second favorite job I've ever had. Public is annoying to deal with, and you occasionally get people who are all, "AH DUN REED BOOKs. WHERE YOUR MAGAZINES" and such, but it ain't too bad. Customers on average are more intelligent than customers at a supermarket or something.

I hate working in café. Employee discount rocks.

>> No.868799

Got a lot of youngin's in here.

>> No.868802

New Zealand
The Old Man and the Sea
Pink Moon
Bicycle Thieves

>> No.868805


Why does that make me interesting? Where are you from?

>> No.868810


'Grats. Good to know some that actually reads still work in bookstores nowadays instead of some dumb fuck that knows nothing else but The New York Time's Bestsellers.

>> No.868817

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: Student

Country: America FUCK YEAH

Other boards you* browse: /an/, occasionally /tg/

Favorite book: I can't choose! I like so many!

Favorite music album: Renaissance's album Turn of the Cards

Favorite movie: How to Train Your Dragon

Favorite TV series: hard to say. Doctor Who? Firefly? NCIS? Scrubs? can't decide

Comments: I always get so excited about filling these out and then realize "fuck I can't choose!"

>> No.868820

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student (trying to be a Borders bookseller)

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /b/ /d/

Favorite author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Hermann Hesse

Favorite music artist: Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles

Favorite director: Soffia Coppola, Wes Anderson

Favorite TV series: Friends, Fringe, Rugrats

Comments: sorry I changed all the questions pretty much

>> No.868821


Referred to the wrong post
once again now

why post face?

>> No.868826


I also wish we could edit posts because I forgot to include Orson Scott Card as one of my favourite authors..

>> No.868832


Subtle, guys


>> No.868835

/lit/- demographics

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Work for my university

Country: US

Other boards your browse: I don't usually browse /lit/, usually I stick to /k/, or occasionally, /b/ and /v/

Favorite book: Stephen King's It

Favorite music album: currently, Appeal to Reason

Favorite movie: Brick

Favorite TV series: Firefly

Comments: /lit/ is way more sophisticated than a good chunk of 4chan

>> No.868836


Thanks. That being said, I know the bestsellers, because it's my job to.

Most people in our store read, though they all read different things. There's a certain person to go to for knowledge of romance, or history, or mysteries, etc. etc.

>> No.868847
File: 16 KB, 299x448, cool story sis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gender: F
>>Favorite Movie: Unforgiven

>> No.868851

/lit/- demographics

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /co/

Favorite book: Count of Monte Cristo

Favorite music album: Revolver - The Beatles

Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction, Fight Club

Favorite TV series: Bones, Firefly, Buffy, Star Trek TOS, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Comments: I'm a giant nerd?

>> No.868858

CoMC got so fucking sidetracked, I just wanted Dumas to get back to the main story.

>> No.868866

I felt that way until I got to the end and everything came together nicely.

>> No.868874

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: Intern at an indie record label (not really an occupation, i know)

Country: Born in UK, currently in NYC

Other boards your browse: /b/, /mu/, /new/

Favorite book: Toss up between anything by Philip K Dick or P.G Wodehouse

Favorite music album: too many

Favorite movie: Anything by Stanley Kubrick or David Lynch

Favorite TV series: Whose Line is It Anyway / Have I Got News for You

Comments: I could be reading books right now

>> No.868875

I just finished the Last Cavalier, the recently discovered dumas novel, and lord was it a pile of shit. Characters are so incredibly uninteresting.

Have you ever read Hugo's Les Miserables? Same sort of setting, time period, decades long epic, but that book kicked ass.

>> No.868894

I haven't but it is on my reading list. I also really want to read the Three Musketeers.

>> No.868904



Occupation: Student, professional time waster


Other boards your browse: /mu/, /sci/, /int/, /new/ and /co/

Favorite book:Master and Margarita

Favorite music album: the Court of the Crimson King/Sgt Pepper's lonely heart's club band/the Doors

Favorite movie: Pulp fiction

Favorite TV series:QI

>> No.868906

what label


>> No.868909

I remember The three musketeers being ok. I did like Count, I just thought it could have trimmed up alot.

>> No.868910
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>my face when another census thread

oh god, we have these all the time

>> No.868914

if you're really that interested

>> No.868917

Gender: F

Age: 21

Occupation: Between jobs. Feels bad man.

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /tv/ /an/ /co/ /x/

Favorite book: Naked Lunch, the Otherland series, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

Favorite music album: Monday at the Hug and Pint--Arab Strap, Elevator--Hot Hot Heat, Best of Queen.

Favorite movie: Naked Lunch, District 9, The Shining

Favorite TV series: Harvey Birdman, Futurama

>> No.868919


Now I want to run to your chain and camp out.

I only said that because the last time I've been to B&N, I asked an employee where the collected poetry section was. He just gave me a blank look and said, "Dunno, kid. I only know the Bestsellers". He actually looked quite proud as he said it. Ugh. I eventually resorted to looking for it myself.

>> No.868943

Gender: M

Age: 19

Occupation: None

Country: Norway

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /tv/, sometimes /v/

Favorite book: The Catcher In The Rye (haters gonna hate), I also enjoy Nine Stories

Favorite music album: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

Favorite movie: Blade Runner/Chungking Express

Favorite TV series: Anything HBO I suppose

Comments: I feel my interests make me special

>> No.868945


Are you fucking serious?

How the hell does he still have his job? I may not read any new age shit, but I can walk you directly to the spot where it all is with my eyes closed. I can point you to three different places in the store with books by Nora Roberts. If I don't know where it is, there' this lovely little thing called a computer where I can look it up.

The only times I've failed to find something are times I'm convinced the customer has the wrong title. If it doesn't come up on google, it probably doesn't exist.

>> No.868956



Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse: /x/ /b/ I am uncultured.

Favorite book: The Blue Girl by Charles De Lint

Favorite music album: The Hazards of Love by the Decemberists

Favorite movie: Meet Joe Black

Favorite TV series: The Office

>> No.868985

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Student / Reservist

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /k/, /wg/

Favorite book: The Prince

Favorite music album: Bury Your Dead

Favorite movie: Star Wars

Favorite TV series: Firefly, the Simpsons


>> No.869156

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: Retail slave

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /x/, /tv/, /mu/, /co/

Favorite book: Tie between the entire Aubrey-Maturin series and Good Omens

Favorite music album: That Handsome Devil's A City Dressed in Dynamite

Favorite movie: Master and Commander, Spirited Away, Bettlejuice

Favorite TV series: Life on Mars, Top Gear, Firefly

>> No.869171

Gender: M

Age: 19

Occupation: Underground backyard badminton player.

Country: USA, good old Iowa.

Other boards your browse: /mu/ /new/ /sci/

Favorite book: Who actually reads?

Favorite music album: Radiohead- Kid A (haters definitely gon' hate)

Favorite movie: don't watch tv.

Favorite TV series: Still dont watch tv.

Comments: eat it, skeet it, and beat it.

>> No.869179


I don't know. I never went back after that. Some people are just incompetent like that. Good thing they never last long.

>> No.869200

Gender: F

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: US

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /r9k/, /wg/, /fa/

Favorite book: Methuselah's Children by Robert Heinlein

Favorite music album: The Con by Tegan and Sara

Favorite movie: A Clockwork Orange

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development

>> No.869210

/lit/- demographics

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /b/ /r9k/ /adv/ /fit/

Favorite book: Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli and We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Favorite music album: Anjunadeep 02 I guess.

Favorite movie: The Book of Eli

Favorite TV series: Flight of the Conchords

>> No.869213
File: 15 KB, 350x233, Val Kilmer frown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>186 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.869214

Gender: female

Age: 34

Occupation: I'm a housewife, but I worked as a computer programmer after college. I quit when I had my first kid.

Country: Murica

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /g/, /sci/

Favorite book: My favorite fiction book is Lolita and my favorite nonfiction book is Leviathan.

Favorite music album: ok computer- Radiohead

Favorite movie: It's a tie between Gone With The Wind
and Pulp Fiction.

Favorite TV series: Doctor Who....I haven't seen the old series but I'm love with Tennant.

Comments: I enjoy programming and cook a lot.

>> No.869216

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: University student.

Country: Brazil

Other boards your browse: /r/, /m/, /prog/

Favorite book: Cryptonomicon

Favorite music album: She - Chiptek

Favorite movie: Oldboy

Favorite TV series: Seinfeld


>> No.869225

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Record Store Employee

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /sp/ /co/ /mu/ /ck/

Favorite book: Hunter S. Thompson: Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

Favorite music album: Boards Of Canada: Music Has The Right To Children

Favorite movie: Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Favorite TV series: The Wire

>> No.869229

Gender: Female.
Age: 17, almost 18!
Occupation: "Student"
Country: Brazil.
Other boards your browse: Mostly /mu/, but sometimes I browse others.
Favorite book:The Hobbit, but it changes a lot.
Favorite music album: Bright Eyes - Lifted or the Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
Favorite movie: Fight Club.
Favorite TV series: House MD and Fringe.

>> No.869230

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: The States

Other boards your browse: /tv/, /b/, used to do /mu/ but not anymore.

Favorite book: Vampire Breath. It's a Goosebumps book.

Favorite music album: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust.

Favorite movie: The Fugitive.

Favorite TV series: Twin Peaks.

Comments: I regret nothing.

>> No.869231


>Age: 34
>My favorite fiction book is Lolita

Why? D:

>> No.869232

you're quite an old broad, but you sound cool. how many kids do you have?

>> No.869235

Because the writing is beautiful and the story is brilliant. It's a fairly pedestrian pick really.

>> No.869241
File: 4 KB, 100x125, richmath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking sucks.

>> No.869243

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Student

Country: America

Other boards your browse: /v/ and /fit/

Favorite book:Magician: Apprentice

Favorite music album: ??? don't listen to music

Favorite movie: Princess Bride

Favorite TV series: Friends

Comments: I didn't start listening to any music til I was 15.

>> No.869250
File: 94 KB, 708x964, it is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: ACI at IBGE, temp job.

Country: Brazil

Other boards your browse: /v/, /tg/, sometimes /co/, /m/ and /sp/ (but i don't like football).

Favorite book: Don't for sure. 1984, Unbearable Lightness of Being, Incidente em Antares, Norwegian Woods or Catcher in the Rye, sorry /lit/ ;_;

Favorite music album: Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith

Favorite movie: Dreams, Akira Kurosawa

Favorite TV series: Cowboy Bebop

Comments: I have a huge list of stuff i like, but it looks so hipsterish

>> No.869256





b sci hr

The Golden Compass: Phillp Pullman

Ashley Tisdale: Guilty Pleasure

Return of the Jedi

The Big Bang Theory

>> No.869258
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1270740798546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i'm at College too. 100% scholarship. Thanks, Lula :3

>> No.869260

Gender: hombre

Age: 20

Occupation: student

Country: US by way of mexico

Other boards your browse: /sp/

Favorite book: The Master and Margarita

Favorite music album: Jessico

Favorite movie: The Seventh Seal

Favorite TV series: It's Always Sunny in Phillytown

Comments: me la pelan pinches gringos

>> No.869261


>> No.869275
File: 97 KB, 638x600, cute aztec monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /x/, /adv/, /mu/.

Favorite book: Despair, Vladimir Nabokov

Favorite music album: Between Singles 06-07(Jay Reatard), The White Stripes s/t, and Rubber Soul.

Favorite movie: McCabe & Mrs. Miller

Favorite TV series: Twin Peaks

Comments: feels meh man.

>> No.869279


Fair enough. Its theme has always deterred me.

Also, holy crap you sound cool.

>> No.869289

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: Poland

Boards: /lit/, /tv/, used to browse /b/ and /r9k/

Book: Lord Jim

Album: Tesa - Nekad

Movie: No country for old men, comedy: lebowski

TV series: It's always sunny in Philadelphia

Comments: We're all boring people here on /lit/

>> No.869307

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Country: Spain
Other boards your browse: /b/
Favorite book: The Magic Mountain, Confessions of a Mask
Favorite music album: Anything by Eels or Tom Waits
Favorite movie: Blade Runner, Spirited Away,
Favorite TV series: Cosmos, Planet Earth, Twin Peaks
Comments: =D

>> No.869308

United States
/v/, /x/
Gravity's Rainbow
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
I am boring.

>> No.869312
File: 38 KB, 323x404, harp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite book

>> No.869313

cigs: marlboro?

>> No.869319
File: 598 KB, 900x603, MAXIMUM_BROFIST_by_Defiant_Ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piper at the gates of dawn

>> No.869324

>forgot TV series
*Twin Peaks

>> No.869326
File: 15 KB, 320x213, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeeeah

>> No.869329

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: US

Other boards your browse: /adv/, /v/, /r9k/, /x/, /sci/, /mu/

Favorite book: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Favorite music album: The Radio Dept - Lesser Matters

Favorite movie: Memento

Favorite TV series: Twin Peaks

Comments: Famous writer in the making

>> No.869335

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: Unemployed

Country: Northern Ireland

Other boards your browse: None

Favorite book: Crime and Punishment

Favorite music album: Erik Satie Complete Works

Favorite movie: No Country For Old Men

Favorite TV series: Breaking Bad

Comments: None

>> No.869343
File: 82 KB, 611x914, 1277771352046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Occupation: Student
Country: Mexico
Other boards your browse: /mu/, /fa/, /sci/, /sp/
Favorite book: Brothers Karamazov, Candid
Favorite music album: Blueberry Boat by Fiery Furnaces
Favorite movie: The Mirror by Tarkovsky
Favorite TV series: Seinfeld, Black Books

>> No.869346




Country:United States

Other boards your browse:None

Favorite book:The Brothers Karamazov

Favorite music album:Room Noises by Eisley

Favorite movie:Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favorite TV series:Supernatural


>> No.869349

Gender: Male


Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse: /mu/

Favorite book: Demian - Hesse

Favorite music album: Unknown Pleasures

Favorite movie: none

Favorite TV series: none

Comments:fuck it

>> No.869355

Why does everybody have more or less the same literary taste? I'm hardly a good reader, but I know and have read almost every book that was mentioned. Are we so indoctrinated?

>> No.869359

Thread needs more Irishfags

>> No.869361

good books are read and liked by many people. But yeah let's, uh, fight the man?

>> No.869369


I agree - let's all read shitty books to spite the man.

>> No.869372

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /v/, /mu/, /co/

Favorite book: Lord of the Flies

Favorite music album: Led Zeppelin IV

Favorite movie: Alien

Favorite TV series: Futurama

Comments: Haters gonna hate.

>> No.869379

"good books are read and liked by many people."

This is so wrong I don't know how to start. You win.

>> No.869388

Gender: /V\A|E

Age: |9

Occupation: |0| y3A|-| Rig|-|T

Country: |_|5A

Other boards your browse:
Favorite book: MOBY DICK and BROTHERS K. I should read brothers k again. i read it when i was 17 and in a drunken stupor for a couple of weeks

Favorite music album: i dunno, the pod - ween

Favorite movie: SQUID AND WHALE

Favorite TV series: THE OFFICE (USA), seinfeld, and thats it

Comments: no. i shouldnt be posting this

>> No.869391

Shitty books are liked by many people, but that doesn't mean true classics can't be as well. It's bullshit to think only obscure books are worth reading/are any good. I don't know what you're trying to prove

>> No.869401

Gender: male

Age: 20

Occupation: courtesy clerk (i.e. grocery bagger)

Country: USA

Other boards you browse: /b/, /s/, /r9k/, /fa/, et al.

Favorite book: toss-up between Naked Lunch or VALIS

Favorite music album: Coheed and Cambria -- Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness

Favorite movie: Fight Club

Favorite TV series: The Sopranos or Friends

Comments: I love men fucking.

>> No.869402

If it wasn't true, then there would be no classic books. You're just sounding like a hipster who reads obscure books as if it means something other than you read books.

>> No.869404

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Student

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /tv/, /sci/, /co/

Favorite book: A Game of Thrones / The rest of the series

Favorite music album: R.E.M. - Reckoning

Favorite movie: There Will Be Blood

Favorite TV series: The Sopranos

>> No.869406

I have no problem with classics, but there are millions of books out there, everybody have weird books at home, right? Are they all shitty? For everybody? Why aren't they mentioned more often?

>> No.869412

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: hotel valet/full time student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /g/, /r9k/

Favorite book: the brothers karamazov

Favorite music album:OK Computer

Favorite movie: Rushmore

Favorite TV series: Trigger Happy TV/Arrested Development

>> No.869419

Coming in a little late, but whatever.

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: I work full-time, that's all I care to divulge.

Country: United States

Other boards you browse: /a/ mostly, /k/, /mu/, /g/, /v/, and /c/ on a less frequent basis

Favorite book: So far it's still Crime and Punishment, but Lolita has nestled into a close second place.

Favorite music album: I never really have a "set" favorite (I get moods to listen to different types of music) but right now I guess it'd be Aggressor by And One

Favorite movie: Something silly, like Dumb and Dumber

Favorite TV series: since it should technically count, Cowboy Bebop

Comments: I don't feel very patriotic today

>> No.869423

/lit/- demographics

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: Student

Country: Macedonia

Other boards your browse: /b/ /adv/ /fit/

Favorite book: The Fourth Way

Favorite music album: The Piper At The Gates of Dawn

Favorite movie: Fight Club

Favorite TV series: House

Comments: Didn't expect so many females

>> No.869427

Gender: male
Age: 23
Occupation: Process quality
Country: Brazil
Other boards your browse: /b/, /hr/, /gif/
Favorite book: Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World
Favorite music album: Oceansize - Frames
Favorite movie: The Matrix
Favorite TV series: The Universe / Friends

>> No.869428

/lit/ females are cool as shit


>> No.869429

Coolest person here.

>> No.869433


>> No.869434

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Occupation: High School English Teacher

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /co/, sometimes /cgl/, /tv/, and /a/

Favorite book: Dunno. Siddhartha maybe.

Favorite music album: eh, the 10th Anniversary Les Mis soundtrack, Floyd's The Wall, OK Computer, Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack, etc.

Favorite movie: 8 1/2, King of Comedy, V for Vendetta, 5th Element, Depardieu's Cyrano de Bergerac, etc.

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development, Venture Bros, etc

>> No.869436

for the love of god post pics

>> No.869440

Why does it matter? I'm on my laptop, no pictures of me on here.

>> No.869443

>why does it matter
You are on a website full of guys who would do anything to masturbate to a picture of a woman who actually posts here.

>> No.869444

She probably has more facial hair than you've ever had

>> No.869445

Come on, I thought e/lit/ists at least pretend that they don't do that here.

>> No.869446

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student


Other boards your browse: /co/

Favorite book:1984

Favorite music album:Demon Days

Favorite movie:Coraline

Favorite TV series:B:TAS

>> No.869447

Yeah, the only difference between /lit/ and /b/ is the amount of glasses.

>> No.869450

No I lack facial hair, but I have some good old hairy German forearms.

>> No.869452

Nobody on 4chan has any shame. Not even the nice people. Or whatever /lit/ people are.

>> No.869455

She probably has them too

>> No.869457

I'm actually quite shy.

>> No.869468


And other women.

>> No.869471

inb4 sharing msn

>> No.869478

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.869481

Gender: male

Age: 25

Occupation: Unemployed Geo/INR grad

Country: US

Other boards your browse: /fit/ /tv/ /v/

Favorite book: A Confederacy of Dunces

Favorite music album: Nothing's Shocking by Jane's Addiction

Favorite movie: Amelie or Apocalypse Now

Favorite TV series: Breaking Bad for Drama, Always Sunny or Stella for Comedy

Comments: Reprezenting A to the B to the Q, wazza bitches!?

>> No.869483

Oh, sorry. Wrong board.

>> No.869486
File: 219 KB, 475x261, Ihurtmybutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Student. Unemployed right now.

Country: Canada.

Other boards your browse: /v/, /co/, /tv/

Favorite book: Neuromancer

Favorite music album: Anything with Bill Withers

Favorite movie: Blade Runner

Favorite TV series: Breaking Bad or Cowboy Bebop.

Comments: Nobody will read this. Why do I have a fetish for futuristic shit?

>> No.869491

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards: /b/, /k/

Favorite book: Counte of Monte Cristo

Favorite music album: Dark Side of the Moon- Pink Floyd

Favorite movie: V for Vendetta

TV Series: Breaking Bad

>> No.869492

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /b/, /sci/, /v/, /new/, /int/, /co/

Favorite book: The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie

Favorite music album: Octahedron by The Mars Volta

Favorite movie: Se7en

Favorite TV series: Spongebob Squarepants

Comments: /lit/ is far from my most visited board, but I've discovered a lot of cool books thanks to y'all and quite a few patrons here really appreciate the writer's art.

>> No.869496
File: 54 KB, 526x457, Why ask me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: UK

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /v/, /a/, /x/

Favorite book: One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich

Favorite music album: Spiderland - Slint

Favorite movie: Blade Runner

Favorite TV series: Mystery Science Theater 3000

Comments: Love me the demographics.

>> No.869517

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Occupation: Financial Advisor at a major firm

Country: United States

Other boards your browse: /mu/ /sci/ /k/ /b/

Favorite book: Cat's Cradle

Favorite music album: Dig Your Own Hole - Chemical Brothers

Favorite movie: Tie: Gladiator / Pleasantville / Pulp Fiction

Favorite TV series: The Tudors, unless its shark week

Comments: my B.S. degree is in biology, i play lacrosse and run to stay fit, i love hunting but im not a hick

>> No.869518




Country: Colombia

Other boards your browse:/mu/, /sp/

Favorite book: Currently The Stranger by Camus

Favorite music album: A livingroom Hush atm

Favorite movie: Koyaanisqatsi

Favorite TV series: n/a

>> No.869519

>Favorite book: The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie

Forgiven on account of your youth.

>> No.869523

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Student / CompUSA employ

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /mu/ & /sp/

Favorite book: right now.. The Brothers Karamazov

Favorite music album: Explosions in the Sky - How Strange, Innocence.

Favorite movie: The Royal Tenenbaums

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development

Comments: I'm mildly autistic, I don't play videogames anymore. I want to be a teacher. I'm in love with my girlfriend.

>> No.869524


LOVE Sirens of Titan

>> No.869528

Me too! Let's have some babies together.

>> No.869532

Yeah, I've never found anybody on this board who likes Rushdie, though I've never gotten any concrete reasons for why people think he's a bad writer (though he's a massive douche sometimes, that's for sure).

>> No.869537


>americas time is over

be nice its independence day ;)

>> No.869543

Gender: male

Age: 20

Occupation: student

Country: Russian federation

Other boards your browse: /v/

Favorite book: Dune (if only one book then it'll be God Emperor of Dune)

Favorite music album: don't really listen to music

Favorite movie: Watchmen

Favorite TV series: Firefly

Comments: just wondering through boards to see if there's anything interesting

>> No.869551

The guy is an absolute cunt. I do enjoy his writing though.

>> No.869552

Gender: male

Age: 22

Occupation: unemployed

Country: canada

Other boards your browse: /tv/, /mu/

Favorite book: things fall apart

Favorite music album: tful282 - tangle

Favorite movie: National Velvet

Favorite TV series: no tv

Comments: I also read magazines

>> No.869555

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: Convenience Store Clerk

Country: United States

Other Boards: /a/, /g/, /v/, /wg/, /mu/, /sci/

Favorite Book: Dune (Frank Herbert)

Favorite Music Album: Thriller (Michael Jackson)

Favorite Movie: Bladerunner

Comments: Whatever

>> No.869557


I think I would marry you, and not because of your workplace.

>> No.869561


>Favorite Movie: Bladerunner


>> No.869564

well duh. nuclear engineering fuck yea

>> No.869565

"Don't worry guys, I read all the books up for the Booker and I know mine's better!"

I love his work, but he's constantly doing stupid shit (I almost forgot: his essay where he tries to sell the world that he's a born-again Muslim so he doesn't get fatwa'd, only to be reneged in record time)

>> No.869570

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: Computer Science/Logic Student
Country: Spain
Other boards your browse: /a/, /b/, /h/, /jp/
Favorite book: Snow Crash, probably
Favorite music album: Dunno, lol.
Favorite movie: The Matrix
Favorite TV series: The Wire
Comments: Why so statistical?

>> No.869608

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Student/General Labourer
Country: Canada
Other boards your browse: /v/, /mu/, /r9k/
Favorite book: Octavia E. Butler "Seed to Harvest"
Favorite music album: Too many to choose from...
Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
Favorite TV series: The Daily Show
Comments: I didn't realize how hard it was to choose favorites...

>> No.869630

Gender: F

Age: 20

Occupation: student

Country: canada

Other boards your browse: /x/, /ck/, /ic/

Favorite book: unbearable lightness of being

Favorite music album: he poos clouds

Favorite movie: battle royale

Favorite TV series: brideshead revisited

Comments: ?

>> No.869644
File: 138 KB, 566x728, 1277274123622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male.

Age: 22.

Occupation: University student. Part-time job.

Country: Canada.

Other boards your browse: Used to browse /b/. Now /b/ if lit is sucking. Sometimes /gif/ and /hr/.

Favorite book: Dune.

Favorite music album: A Silver Mt. Zion - He Has Left Us Alone...

Favorite movie: Goodfellas.

Favorite TV series: The Wire.

Comments: inb4 some guy asks some femanon "OMG hey, got msn?!"

>> No.869653

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Occupation: English Literature student

Country: England

Other boards your browse: /sp/, /new/, /fit/

Favorite book: Ugh...Catch-22 maybe, just read and loved Germinal...

Favorite music album: Blue Lines by Massive Attack

Favorite movie: Brazil

Favorite TV series: The Wire

Comments: As a white middle class male, I am truly a member of the most persecuted group in society.

>> No.869758

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Occupation: Graduate Student/Historian
Country: USA
Other boards: /co/ /ck/ /fa/ /p/ /b/ /o/ /k/
Favorite book: Blood Meridian right now...
Album: I'm partial to sublime's 40oz to Freedom
Movie: Rushmore
TV: Strangers with Candy

>> No.869770
File: 11 KB, 207x263, 1277140427198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/- demographics



Occupation:I work in a kitchen


Other boards your browse: /co/,/b/

Favorite book:Fahrenheit 451

Favorite music album:Congratulations-MGMT

Favorite movie: Watchmen

Favorite TV series:Lost

>> No.869775

are you also ronery?

im not ugly and im ronery i havent found a nerdy chick near me :{

>> No.869782

> Favorite movie: Watchmen
Go kill yourself.

>> No.869789

/ck, /co,/tv,/mu
Only Revolutions
Metaphorical Music/Ras mek peace
30 Rock

>> No.869806

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Occupation: Phlebotomist

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /co/, /new/, /ck/, /mu/
...But mostly here and /co/.

Favorite book: The D'Artagnan Romances (The Three Musketeers and its sequels)

Favorite music album: The Smiths - The Queen is Dead

Favorite movie: Wayne's World, Braveheart

Favorite TV series: Arrested Development, Firefly

Comments: Should've asked political views, religion, and relationship status. That would've been amusing.

>> No.869808

You two should be friends.

>> No.869813
File: 63 KB, 527x400, carlostroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was better than the comic book.

>> No.869840

why is that?

>> No.869851

Gender: M
Age: 17
Occupation: student
Counrty: Canada
Other boards: /r9k/ /hr/ /sp/ /wg/ /s/ /gif/
Favorite book: Eragon (lolfag)
Music Album: The tipping point - The roots
Movie: Matrix
TV Series: Battlestar Galactica, Futurama
Comments: Fuck the police

>> No.869852
File: 48 KB, 480x360, 1259270658663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.869863

god you sound like the biggest hipster faggot i think i am going to kill myself now

>> No.869889

Gender: Male.

Age: Eighteen..

Occupation: Oddjobs around town.

Country: USA.

Other boards your browse: /fit/, /f/, /ck/, /b/, /r9k/. Random ones, sometimes.

Favorite book: Harris's Lecter series.

Favorite music album: Probably Nook by The Notwist.

Favorite movie: Arthur.

Favorite TV series: I don't watch a lot.

Comments:Yeah, kinda young in taste.

>> No.869896



currently unemployed

America fuck yeah

Other boards your browse:
/new/ /sci/ /v/ /tv/ /b/ /mu/

Favorite book:
Blood Meridian and Fahrenheit 451

Favorite music album:
Kid A and X&Y

Favorite movie:
Children of Men/No Country for Old Men/The Departed

Favorite TV series:
Sopranos/Breaking Bad/ Entourage

>> No.869907

>Occupation: Oddjobs around town.
>Occupation: Rent-boy

>> No.869923

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Occupation: Blacksmith

Country: USA

Other boards your browse: /mu/, /v/, /b/, /new/, /a/

Favorite book: Lord of the Rings series

Favorite music album: Hvis Lyset Tar Oss by Burzum

Favorite movie: Star Wars series

Favorite TV series: Star Trek: The Original Series, and Star Trek: The Next Generation

Comments: I've read all of Atlas Shrugged

>> No.869944

Gender: M

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse: /b/ /r9gay/

Favorite book: Summer Knight

Favorite music album: Music is for fags.

Favorite movie: Die Hard

Favorite TV series: NCIS

Comments: At least this is better than the begging threads.

>> No.869966

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Occupation: US Army, 14J Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator/Maintainer

Country: Merica

Other boards: /a/, /b/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /gif/, /k/, /v/, /y/, /r9k/, /ck/, /fit/, /int/, /jp/, /new/ and /x/

Favorite book: City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers

Favorite music album: meh, I just like individual songs, Sommartider by Gyllene Tider is pretty good

Favorite movie: Let The Right One In

Favorite TV series: Curb Your Enthusiasm


>my face when it's July 4th and I'm a soldier and am still at home alone on 4chan

>> No.870007

Gender: Male.

Age: 16.

Occupation: Student.

Country: Britain.

Other boards your browse: /v/, /tg/ and /ck/.

Favorite book: Tough one, either The Divine Comedy or Troilus and Criseyde.

Favorite music album: Opheliac by Emilie Autumn.

Favorite movie: Dead Leaves.

Favorite TV series: QI.

>> No.870019
File: 99 KB, 600x600, 1264041347122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lord of the Rings series
>Hvis Lyset Tar Oss by Burzum

>> No.870022


Most of what I've seen is the newer series, with a few episodes of the older series. I'd quite like to watch the older series really, just to see what got it started and all that.


I must admit I love Nine more than Ten, but that's mostly because I started at watching at Nine. Eleven so far is doing fabulously.

>> No.870154

Read all of Atlas Shrugged, eh? Boy am I surprised it isn't your favorite book then!

>> No.870770
File: 58 KB, 560x606, Rockin'Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Occupation: Student

Country: Canada

Other boards your browse:
/e/, /s/, /v/, /wg/, /co/, /tv/

Favorite book:
The Raw Shark Texts - Steven Hall
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
On Writing - Stephen King
The Truth About Stories - Thomas King
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
The Black Dahlia - James Ellroy

Favorite music album:
The Wall - Pink Floyd
Brave New World - Iron Maiden
The Day It All Came Down - Insomnium
Nightfall on Middle-Earth - Blind Guardian
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - David Bowie

Favorite movie:
Blade Runner
The Matrix
The Dark Knight

Favorite TV series:
Darkwing Duck

>> No.871799
