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8677048 No.8677048 [Reply] [Original]

Books on traditionalism, family values, and their impact on societal stability?

I've recently moved in with some leftist types and they seemed open to my arguments that a strong nuclear family and monogamy is good for the health of a society. Problem is, I don't know of any literature that has researched/supports these thoughts.

What would book would /lit/ recommend?

>> No.8677053

>an american flag in a church

what the actual fuck

>> No.8677062

rousseau. the nuclear family was an enlightenment invention (as was the nation)

>> No.8677064
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I recommend you read The Ego and his own and shut fuck up about "muh traditionalism"

Today's "progressives" will be tomorrow's traditionalists. It's a pointless ideology.

Furthermore, traditionalism is detrimental to society.


>> No.8677065

Death of the Salesman?

>> No.8677074

I suppose not such more traditionalism then. Just the importance of the nuclear family and monogamy. How society performs better when men have a vested interest in its future, ie children

>> No.8677086

Ana Karenina.

>> No.8677192
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Here's your jackpot, OP.

>> No.8677216

>Just the importance of the nuclear family and monogamy

>> No.8677227

that kid looks like a faggot

>> No.8677233

Are you a fucking bacteria that you care so much about the health of some spooky organism?

>> No.8677241

If you're not concerned by the future of white race you're worse than a nigger

>> No.8677250

Why am I not surprised by your answer?

>> No.8677252

I'm not even OP, dear leftist.

>> No.8677254

nice argumentation, hitler

>> No.8677255

But you're a faggot all the same. Which, in my eyes, makes you virtually identical to OP.

>> No.8677259

No, it wasn't. Nuclear family was already a part of the Christian tradition for centuries, and the Greeks as shown by their legislation had the concept in 4th century bc or earlier.
The nation had similar identity concepts and while the nation itself was new, it was built on existing concepts.
Aristotle, Aquinas, Alasdair MacIntyre, David S Oderberg.
Also, the white race isn't a concept any decent traditional author gives a fuck, it is a modern liberal protestant invention.

>> No.8677261

War against the family

It's a Canadian book, but it applies broadly to the West. It talks about the break down of the family and the rise of the state. I'm only half way through but it's an excellent book, gairdner is very intelligent and also /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.8677267
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>> No.8677291
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>the white race is a protestant invention
Elaborate? It's pretty obvious that white nationalism has been much more popular in eastern European countries which are Orthodox and Catholic, e.g. Poland. Of course there's Germany, which was majority Catholic in the 20th century and still is. Actual Protestant areas like Britain, Scandinavia and Switzerland aren't big on ethno-nationalism.
Also, sola scriptura isn't going to result in white nationalism, since the Bible doesn't teach it. It doesn't teach any type of ethno-nationalism.
If Protestantism (or Christianity) invented the concept of the white race, then /pol/ would love it. They don't. Hitler wouldn't have persecuted the Catholic church and forced it to adhere to Nazi race theory. He did.

>> No.8677375

White nationalism has never been popular in Catholic countries, where are you getting this shit? We see like 3 blacks annually and it's an event. There are exactly two blacks in a 250000 town where I study, one temporarily because of Erasmus.
England and American slavery and special interests were the main drive for both eugenics and racism.
Chesterton and Belloc were the ones who argued against the protestant white supremacy of Bernard Shaw and H G Wells. Race as an idea that originated in England and came with Darwin. Nobody gave a fuck about the colour of one's skin before than in Europe, mostly because everyone was white and the French allowed their colonies to integrate with the home country.
Pol is a bunch of cretins, their understanding of Christianity, Protestantism and Catholicism is centred around memes.

>> No.8677390

The True and Only Heaven by Christopher Lasch.

>> No.8677397
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Alt right virgin Projection much?

>> No.8677407

I notice that no one on this bullshit board has a problem with our [colour]-pilled friend making claims completely unsubstantiated and without any texts backing them up, only coming to /lit/ after the fact so he can look clever infont of those blind lefties(!!!)

I agree with OPs point, I just think this left hate bullshit is so fucking juvenile. Try to grow out of it soon guys.

>> No.8677437


If no one else is going to thank you, I will. I took Yockey and de Benoist

>> No.8677445

autobahns for stirnerposters when?

>> No.8677454 [DELETED] 

>White nationalism has never been popular in Catholic countries
Well it has been. It's even been popular in THE Catholic country, i.e. Mussolini. What I'm getting at is that the idea of white supremacy isn't specific to Protestantism. I don't believe that it's even specific to Christianity.

>England and American slavery and special interests were the main drive for both eugenics and racism.
I don't see the causation between that and Protestantism, just as I don't see the causation between Christianity and racism. It simply existed among Europeans and Europeans are mostly Christian. There's no causation here

>Chesterton and Belloc were the ones who argued against the protestant white supremacy of Bernard Shaw and H G Wells.
"Later in the work he aligns himself with a "renascent or modern religion ... neither atheist nor Buddhist nor Mohammedan nor Christian ... [that] he has found growing up in himself"."
H. G. Wells is not a valid example. He wasn't even Christian.

"Less consistently maintained were Shaw's views on religion and Christianity. Having in his youth proclaimed himself an atheist, in middle age he explained this as a reaction against the Old Testament image of a vengeful Jehovah. By the early 20th century, he termed himself a "mystic", although Gary Sloan, in an essay on Shaw's beliefs, disputes his credentials as such. In 1913 Shaw declared that he was not religious "in the sectarian sense", aligning himself with Jesus as "a person of no religion"."
He's not a valid example either. Neither example seems to have been Christian, let alone Protestant.

>Race as an idea that originated in England and came with Darwin.
So because Darwin was raised as an Anglican, converted out of Christianity and rejected creationism (which most Protestants believe in), this is evidence that racism is a Protestant invention? This is another bad example

>> No.8677459

>White nationalism has never been popular in Catholic countries
Well it has been. It's even been popular in THE Catholic country, i.e. Mussolini. What I'm getting at is that the idea of white supremacy isn't specific to Protestantism. I don't believe that it's even specific to Christianity.

>England and American slavery and special interests were the main drive for both eugenics and racism.
I don't see the causation between that and Protestantism, just as I don't see the causation between Christianity and racism. It simply existed among Europeans and Europeans are mostly Christian. There's no causation here

>Chesterton and Belloc were the ones who argued against the protestant white supremacy of Bernard Shaw and H G Wells.
"Later in the work he aligns himself with a "renascent or modern religion ... neither atheist nor Buddhist nor Mohammedan nor Christian ... [that] he has found growing up in himself"."
H. G. Wells is not a valid example. He wasn't even Christian.

"Less consistently maintained were Shaw's views on religion and Christianity. Having in his youth proclaimed himself an atheist, in middle age he explained this as a reaction against the Old Testament image of a vengeful Jehovah. By the early 20th century, he termed himself a "mystic", although Gary Sloan, in an essay on Shaw's beliefs, disputes his credentials as such. In 1913 Shaw declared that he was not religious "in the sectarian sense", aligning himself with Jesus as "a person of no religion"."
He's not a valid example either. Neither example seems to have been Christian, let alone Protestant.

>Race as an idea that originated in England and came with Darwin.
So because Darwin was raised as an Anglican, converted out of Christianity and rejected creationism (which most Protestants believe in), this is evidence that racism is a Protestant invention? This is another bad example

>> No.8677747

That one chapter in The Pale King

>> No.8677764

It would be interesting to read a book affirming the nuclear-family forcefully. I've never read anything like this; nor have I looked for it, though I do tend to read everything to the right.

If you want a good book on traditional romance and desire, I recommend Hamsun's wonderful PAN.

>> No.8677775

Speaking of Hamsun, essential reading for all Americans here: "Fra Det Moderne Amerikas Aandsliv" (1889)

>> No.8677813


Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World.

>> No.8677816

We will soon enter age where 50%+ men wont have any wife because islam will make it so that some will have 4 and some none.

It will have impact on society and it will make us more third world tier. You can screencap this and read it in a few years if you dont believe me. That is if we wont be nuclear ash by then.

>> No.8677827

I bought a collection of his essays two years ago and the best use I had for them was as a table support.

>> No.8677834

>third world tier

It won't have us allied with America or Russia during the Cold War?

>> No.8677912

>unironically being a traditionalist

kill yourself

>> No.8677954

Thanks mate

>> No.8677962
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In every church ive ever been to. Usually alongside this one.

>> No.8677973
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>> No.8677982

Being a /pol/ tier racialist is retarded, but rejecting the benefits of family faith and community is degenerate tier.

>> No.8678060

>muh degeneracy

>> No.8678089

What a simplistic and juvenile opinion, have you ever read De Maistre instead of taking it out on society because your mommy forced you to go to a shitty proddie church?

>> No.8678105

that's completely normal family to anyone with any semblance of social involvement. If you would have posted it outside the racist context I would have maybe thought you were referring to the fedora or Jonny Depp tattoo.

>> No.8678121

>that a strong nuclear family

You aren't a traditionalist anon. Maybe a fascist or a conservative capitalist, not surely not a traditionalist.

>> No.8678234

not an argument, libtard

>> No.8678321

Grapes of Wrath

>> No.8678325

>implying "but m-muh degeneracy" is an argument to being with


>> No.8678331

Confucius and Siuncius (Xunzi)

>> No.8678339
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>> No.8678373
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>> No.8678382

>"family faith"
Nice spooks.

>> No.8678407

How to be a cuck, by yourself

>> No.8678417

The Death of the West by Patrick J. Buchanan

>> No.8678437

Just save yourself the hassle and tell them you're a bitter virgin.

>> No.8678997

still no argument, libtard

>> No.8679003

>projections of a loser

>> No.8679007
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Wooh looks like its a Spooky Halloween afterall

>> No.8679018

>they seemed open to my arguments that a strong nuclear family and monogamy is good for the health of a society
you should really learn to hide your powerlevel before becoming more of a laughing stock than you are already

>> No.8679022

>hey /lit/ help me convince these dumb lefties of ideas that I blindly support despite never having read any literature about

>> No.8679178

>strong nuclear family and monogamy is good for the health of a society.

I'd like to meet the person who tries to argue that a strong nuclear family is NOT good for society? Like, what are these roommates arguing, "yeah, having a caring, devoted mother and father is a pretty shitty thing for a person." Really?

Are you Christian? If so, alright, I can more easily tolerate your view without thinking you're a fucking buzzkill weirdo, but if you're not, holy smokes man, go to a party and get laid or something, you lame-o. You're young.

Mon-monogamy is potentially bad in that if it's practiced by married people it has the potential to tear families apart, but other than that dude it's not that big of a deal. If you scrutinize it just based on 'muh feelings' that it's 'degenerate' or other such incantatory bullshit, then you're wrong.

Open and honest polyamory between two primary partners has probably SAVED its fair share of marriages...

Stirner posting is getting out of hand...

>> No.8679393

one nation under God faggit

>> No.8679404

Stirner was right desu

If only the people on this board read him

>> No.8679498
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Cultural Marxism (TM), not even once

>> No.8679522

Nah not a laughingstock, just a hypocrite. I'm live a pretty fucking hedonistic lifestyle, but that's only modern society encourages it. I know if all men lived as I do, it certainly wouldn't be good for a nation.

I only mentioned it to them after collectively went on a lengthy conversational tangent praising polyamory and the higher a girls sexual partners= the better.

Basically I need some gentle piece of literature that will guide them in the right direction. That won't be outright rejected by someone with strong liberal indotrination.

>> No.8679548

Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch is what you need to de-spook yourself here sonny.

>> No.8679590

Shitposters ITT after you posted your funny replies you actually thought about your future and your family for a second and started crying because your mothers were whores and fathers abandoned you. As stupid as it sounds, we need more people like OP

>> No.8679677

What the fuck even is cultural Marxism? Is it even something Marx thought of? It seems to be some nebulous buzzword referring to liberalism and left wing social activism, but I don't see how that stuff has to do with Marx--with labor and capital and boring economic shit.

>> No.8679812

Not weighing in but it has more to do with the Frankfurt school that migrated from Germany to America and influencing academia

>> No.8679896
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>yes, go on tinder and you can chew on a HPV mildewed cunt, that is what wise men and women throughout history have always advocated, you won't have a throat at age 33, but at least you weren't lame.

>> No.8680057

Cultural Marxism is the ideology behind SJW. The Frankfurt School of Cuckcraft and Jewzardy was a secret cabal of Jewish marxists who realised soviet style communism just wasn't cutting it anymore. The warrior spirit of the White Man was far too strong. No revolution could keep us Whites down, as the blood of our noble warrior ancestors still flowed through our veins. So the jews decided to strike at the heart of Western Civilization, subverting it from within. The infiltrated academia, creating gender theory, political correctness, queer theory, gun control, critical theory, postmodernism, multiculturalism, privilege theory, feminism... the list goes on and on. some say they were the masterminds of the 60s new left. The frankfurters want to weaken white masculinity, that's the nordic warrior spirit, that's what they're afraid of, so they've been promoting trannys and the numale lifestyle among kids, ie. modern familly. There also happens to be shittons of xenoestrogens in our water supply nowadays, hmmm... I wonder why? even animals are affected, you got pigeons, you got frogs, engaging in homosexual behavior. it's insane out there. they're after the breakdown of the family. They want to destroy this beautiful godess that is the west. the plot to flood white countries with islam and mass migration of rapefugees, all their fault, because its in their interest to dilute white dna, it's all part of the plan. Whites are too much trouble.

>> No.8680068
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A meme

>> No.8680354


>> No.8680360

>this is what /pol/ actually believes
read adorno faggot, just go.

>> No.8680361

although a projection, /thread

>> No.8680382

appreciate anon

>> No.8680405

>there are people on /lit/ who are actually liberals
how can you read the Western canon and go "nope, I'd rather have mudslimes, dindus, and fat chicks pegging me in the asshole"?

>> No.8680406

>m-muh adorno

>> No.8681879

t. son of a whore

>> No.8682262

>Theodore "There can be no poetry after the shoah" Adorno

good goy

>> No.8682278

By going to (((college))) and being taught how leftism is literally truth

>implying /lit/ reads