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867657 No.867657 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the Wheel of Time series? I loved it as a kid (though I was horrified by the slavery in it), and I recently reread it due to nostalgia.

Thinks I like
-The focus and attention given to women is nice. This is something that usually isn't done in fantasy, and I really enjoyed seeing the female characters play a real fucking role for once.
-The world is interesting even though there are clearly problems with it. I especially like the Seanchan (I find them deliciously grimdark).
-The series is LONG. I'm a very fast reader so I appreciated this.
Things I disliked
-The writing is not the best. It's passable but there are a few places where it turns to complete shit (see most of Path of Daggers).
-There are two many pointless subplots that will never be resolved. These bored me and wasted my time.

I guess I'm excited for the conclusion of the series. whatevs

>> No.867665


There's a significant amount of flouncing.

>> No.867662

The Wheel Of Time fucking sucks. It's poorly written, the plot is terrible (perhaps I should say non-existent), and the characters are unrealistic as fuck.

10,000 pages of women sniffing

>> No.867670

Nige glasses you butt fucking fagamorole

>> No.867673

And let's not forget endless pages of women complaining about men and men complaining about women.

>> No.867676

Show some respect for the deHA HA HA HA WHAT AN UGLY FAT CORPSE

>> No.867679


Can't forget about the braid tugging.

>> No.867683

You know, I was reading an interview with Brandon Sanderson the other day, and I realized that there are people writing professionally today whose touchstones in the fantasy realm aren't Tolkien or Dunsany or Vance, but Robert Jordan and Katherine Kurtz and Robin Hobb. And that made me sad.

>> No.867685

Are you a woman? Because only a woman would want so much focus on female characters- that focus is what makes so much of the series pointless. Hens cackling about men and tugging on their braids.

>> No.867694

Yes, I'm a woman. I'd pretend to be put off by your misogyny, but I've already admitted I like WoT so it's pointless to pretend men complaining about women annoys me. ;)

>> No.867708

boring and poorly written

>> No.867714


RJ based all the women in Wheel of Time on his wife.

Fucking horrifying.

>> No.867719

Reminds of Tolkien making every romance in his work a Mary Sue fantasy where he was a hero who got to fuck an Elven version of his wife.

>> No.867722


Oh, you mean the tale of Beren And Luthien? Yeah, that was pretty funny. He even got the names put on their gravestones. Fucking nerd.

>> No.867729

That is horrifying. If I acted like the women in the WoT my husband would leave me, and he would be right to do it. RJ must have been super whipped, poor fellow. At least he was rich and got to do what he loved.

>> No.867732

I know, what a fucking faggot. Tolkien is the annoying bitch of the fantasy canon.

>> No.867740

*tugs braid*

>> No.867748



>> No.867775

*trying not to feed the trolls*

>> No.867780

>people don't like my shitty series
>they must be trolling

>> No.867786

there are no trolls in this thread

>> No.867792



>> No.867829

1,000 menstrually synchronized Aes Sedai