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File: 116 KB, 900x508, cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8670609 No.8670609 [Reply] [Original]

People in the cave could easily compare their own flesh to the shadows, devise a theory, and realise that they're seeing a projection. Plato was a fucktard

>> No.8670614

The cave was a metaphor for another cave where your mother is being raped

>> No.8670616

lmao being this fucked up

>> No.8670617


Never having left the cave, how could they know what a theory was? How could they know a valid theory from an invalid one?

How could they know that a difference between the shadows and themselves was an incongruence if they never knew anything else?

>> No.8670646
File: 68 KB, 785x469, 1477142950719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, everyone. I just finished up with the Republic today. Any suggestions for which edition of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics I buy? Maybe, the Joe Sachs edition (Focus Philosophical Library Series)? Also, if anyone could help me with a .pdf or something, I'd be very thankful.

>> No.8670665
File: 93 KB, 1000x1187, don-quijote-de-la-mancha-in-his-uniform-carlista-y-sancho-panza-augusto-ferrer-dalmau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could have easily just told him that it didn't happen like that in history. The priest was a fucktard

>> No.8670667

Whoops, forgot to mention, I finished the Republic with the Bloom edition, which I really enjoyed

>> No.8670673

Verification and Falsification of representations.
The main use of a theory is its ability to make predictions. How accurate it is in those predictions is the determining factor between theories.
For our cavemen, what they have access to are shadows and so all their theories are limited to predictions on the shapes of the next shadows. The guy that escapes the cave represents the access to more sensory data. The guy who escapes now have to create theories to which makes predictions on what he now sees.
For example the invention of a microscope allows us to escape the small cave of making theories that are limited by our own naked eyes but now we have to make theories using what we see under the microscope.

>> No.8670681

Not sure on editions but be sure to check out the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, they often have good bibliographies with recommendations of editions and stuff


>> No.8670692

Thank you for the resources, I'm currently previewing the Sachs edition on Google [who seems to have written the article you've listed under your iep.utm.edu link], and this work already seems a million times more difficult than when I was reading the Republic. -_______________-

>> No.8670693

what exactly do you want to say?

>> No.8670887


>> No.8670906

>The guy that escapes the cave represents the access to more sensory data
I'm not going to call myself an expert on Plato, but this sounds like a massive misinterpretation, or at least a bad reduction. Escaping the cave is supposed to represent leaving the physical world of shadows and mentally entering the world of ideas (represented by mathematics and with the true light that is given by the Sun/the very idea of goodness). Having a microscope is merely a different way of looking at shadows, a worthless thing.

>> No.8670909
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Same anon as from here, I'd also like to know if anyone has a recommendation on a good Politics translation for Aristotle. My dad's coming to visit me (I live in Asia) and it takes me a month to get a book from BookDepository, so I'm trying to stock up.

>> No.8670976

Stock up on some Ancient Greek textbooks desu

>> No.8670982

>Ancient Greek textbooks
This would be really enjoyable, but I'm already learning (classical)Chinese and I've got a large list of texts that I've still yet to read in it (Zhuangzi, and such).

>> No.8671070

Their flesh would be the same substance as the shadows, so no, they could not. You are a fucktard for taking the metaphor too literally.

>> No.8671081


it's an allegory, and as with any allegory, a great deal of the data of real life is lost when it is rewritten in allegorical terms. so critiquing this or that oversight on Plato's part only shows your own ignorance of literary devices.

>> No.8671087

I'm pretty sure it's just a shitpost. Maybe you should check your own knowledge of rhetorical devices desu

>> No.8671095

heres your (you)

shitpost better next time. this one is too obvious

>> No.8671097

Maybe its just a shit allegory if it falls apart at the tiniest bit of scrutiny?

>> No.8671111

>If I take apart the allegory, I take apart the argument as a whole
The only reason he needed an allegory was to explain what would have no doubt gone completely over your head otherwise. Though it seems he didn't succeed, I think that's your fault and not the allegory's.

>> No.8671115

The point isn't to hold up to your autism. It's a tool to convey an idea which is clearly a little over your head.

>> No.8671129

>So, like, thanks to my awesome, totally not retarded allegory, now you can see that only us awesome philosophers can see the world for what it is, meaning that you should make me a king or sum shit pham
What a complex, deep idea, Plato!

>> No.8671138

>Hurr, I have the reading comprehension of a retard
What a complex, deep post, OP!
Closing this tab after posting this because OP does not have the required nature to look at The Ideas Themselves

>> No.8671193

>you don't GET it, mom! STEM is for idiots and losers, my philosophy degree makes me a natural king of all men!

>> No.8671432

>not knowing what metaphor is

>> No.8671436
File: 44 KB, 550x535, 1477758484435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically being this autistic

>> No.8671545


>> No.8672699
File: 76 KB, 1080x1350, 1477414262203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads confirm it
Theory of Forms is still shit though

>> No.8672828

Why? It's the basis for any realistic solution to the problem of universals and Plato set the terms of the debate.

>> No.8672840

*tips fedora*

The Bible is literally true in its entirety.