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/lit/ - Literature

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8670333 No.8670333 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read about the historical cycles of civilizations and civilizations decline and collapse.

Also about the moral decay in the last stage of the collapse of a civilization.

What do you got?

>> No.8670339
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>> No.8670342

You probably already know that we are at the decay part, why bother with reading about it? Get some canned food and guns instead boiiii

>> No.8670343

Braudel, Arrighi, Anderson

>> No.8670344

gibbs duhhhhhh

>> No.8670345

The Fate of Empires, by Sir John Glubb. Excellent essay.

>> No.8670347

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival - Glubb

>> No.8670349

I would recommend The Story of Civilization series by Will Durant. It's an 11 part series, starting from ancient oriental civilization, through the napoleonic era

>> No.8670374


>> No.8670383

This is the actual answer, OP.