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8669542 No.8669542 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your spooks in this thread and be free of them.

>> No.8669604

Is love a spook?

>> No.8669615


Is an addiction a spook?
Hubris is my biggest spook.

>> No.8669628

the self

>> No.8669641

I don't kill because I swore an oath to a friend who I love dearly
I have the conversation of my daemon
I believe in magick
I believe in God (pantheistically) and spirits and other occult stuff
I believe in responsibility and duty and logic and discipline and love of fate and believe people should conduct themselves in accordance with these things unless they have very very very good reason not to
I believe that one's daemon is the ultimate arbiter for the correctness of a decision
I believe that nobility obliges
I believe in the existence of absolute truth and in the pursuit of truth as an ideal
and much more, but it's so very natural to me that it's difficult to even conceive of what aspects of it are "spooks" to you.

>> No.8669660

fuck off socrates

>> No.8669703
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Kinda hard for me to think of a spook, I believe in socialism to be a vastly superior system for society, and the individual.

>> No.8669765



>> No.8669777
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Oh shit, you got me too. I need to meditate on the many dank dank stirner maymays more often.

>> No.8669946
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You got spooked

>> No.8669951

I believe in capitalism

>> No.8669959

>yuri bezmenov
>not a KGB plant
you clearly fell for the bait

>> No.8669961
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I believe in speed and movement.

>> No.8669962


Thats only a spook if you believe it is some type of morally superior system.

Free markets are the strongest economic practise for generating the most material wealth for the most people. That is not a spook, simply empirical observation.

If you say that because it is the strongest form we therefore should practise it, that is now a spook.

>> No.8669965



Absolutely autistic

>> No.8669978

>simply empirical observation.
[citation needed]

>> No.8669986
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Sonic™ is nothing more than the static view of movement in video game form. It embraces the banal ideal of uniformity in both character and background that is so common in all aspects of media and art.

t. Boccioni

>> No.8670241

If you browse both /r9k/ and /lit/ exclusively, then yes.

>> No.8670247

Love. Teleology.

>> No.8670250

>implying love is a spook

>> No.8670255

>implying love isn't a spook.
Nice try, property.

>> No.8670261

Confession would imply it would be a matter of morals and not a matter of might.

What d'you think of The Soul of Man under Socialism?

>> No.8670280
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That's 'cause you superpose distance~duration onto your data.

Perhaps there might come a day when, tired of stratagems for the sake of other, unreal worlds, you'll see how the actual moment is one that is at both final and initial.

>> No.8670412

>not a spook

>> No.8670881

Not guy you're replying to, but The Soul of Man Under Socialism puts to rest the individualist-collectivist false dichotomy that has plagued politics for decades. It's also a nice read, so it's got that going for it.

>> No.8670934

Yes the teleology spook is powerful if it is legitimate and even moreso if it is divinely inspired, since then it is no longer a spook but instead following your natural ends inherently results in the best outcome for you.

>> No.8671054

Other than that, he's right.

>> No.8671121

what's a spook?

>> No.8671127

Some Concept
Your Ego

>> No.8671223
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>> No.8671257

Whoever drew this deeply concerns me.

>> No.8671370

>not liking maxima stirner loli with the juicy thighs

>> No.8671377

You deeply concern me.

>> No.8671385
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Post all your rates pls

>> No.8671391

Roundness is not kind to Stirner.

>> No.8671399

>not liking the spook hairclips and the creative nothing gap of the thighs

>> No.8671403

self-enjoyment/10, would appropriate again

>> No.8671406
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I meant rares obviously.

>> No.8671419
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>> No.8672555

I have been spooked by loneliness at a Halloween thing. Everyone had happy families and I had nought but my puppy.

>> No.8672573

puppers>humans every time

>> No.8672742


I don't disagree but I still felt the loneliness of seeing others happy and with other humans that made them happy and that they loved. I had that once, and now I will admit I sort of miss it.

>> No.8672821

It's a chemical reaction in your brain. So no.

>> No.8672847

Don't want to start another thread for this, but was Max Stirner not a logical egoist? Did he not believe that all your actions being based on self-interest is the RATIONAL thing to believe, and not the RIGHT thing to do?

Did he ever say that one MUST free himself of spooks? Ridding yourself of religion, morality, etc. because "you HAVE to rid yourself of your spooks" sounds pretty spooky itself desu.

>> No.8672848

>Did he ever say that one MUST free himself of spooks? Ridding yourself of religion, morality, etc. because "you HAVE to rid yourself of your spooks" sounds pretty spooky itself desu.
He didn't.

>> No.8672858

dont you find it strange how "spooks" are seen as intrinsically bad by some? why so many Stirnerians long to rid themselves of spooks just because they believe it is what they "must" do?

if someone is spooked, why would someone fight tooth and nail to despookify this person? quite silly tbqh fampai

>> No.8672899

Those memeposters haven't read Stirner, probably.

>> No.8673035

You'll always have us, we probably know you better than any familiy.

>> No.8673073

>Did he ever say that one MUST free himself of spooks? Ridding yourself of religion, morality, etc. because "you HAVE to rid yourself of your spooks" sounds pretty spooky itself desu.
Despooking oneself is not a spook, as it is in one's own self interest. It is better understood as the act of ridding oneself of those things that are not in one's own self interest. Things like religion, morality, social movements, ideology, so on, are spooky because they are alien causes made out to be one's own.

>> No.8673079

Was reading The Emperors New Mind by Penrose and he provides a short list of traits that are indicative of consciousness among which were spooks like "common sense" "judgement" and "artistic appraisal"

>> No.8673093


lets say this:

You're walking past a cash register and you noticed it is wide open, and no other people are there with you. There are no security cameras, you're wearing gloves, and no one knows you're there. You could get away with stealing this money if you wanted to, and there's absolutely nothing preventing you from doing so.

However, let's say the cash register belongs to a local old lady who's been kind to you since you were a child. The only reason I don't take the money is because I know she will suffer. Is that a spook?

My point is, I believe that it IS a spook, but in spite of this, I will keep the money there because I don't CARE if I'm spooked. Or is leaving the money there, somehow in my self-interest?

>> No.8673098
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For Stirner there's no "must" that is not backed up by might, i.e. there's no way in which you "should" be that doesn't serve the interests of somebody/thing. In fact, everything is Might, in the sense of actuality, so if you can't be a certain way, it's not a matter of correctness but simply that you don't have the might to be so, you don't have the reality of it, or at least you only have the idea.

It's similar to the Will in Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but Stirner is a lot more neutral about it and considers it a more neutral thing: there's nothing in Might that necessarily aims to its own continuation (contra Will to Live) or superiority (contra Will to Power). Might doesn't have to be anything, it has in practice no original principles other than tacit being, the simple fact of existence that needn't be stressed in power, duration or any other measurement. If it's in your interest to die you will die, if it's in your interest that others should be above you then you'll let them, if you wanna believe in God you will, and if you want to wish the world were otherwise you also will, even if to Stirner that's a waste of time.

>> No.8673107

I believe (I have not actually read Stirner; I'm just some idiot) that according to Stirner that you would not be spooked by leaving the money. Caring about another person is not a spook.

Someone call me out if I'm wrong.

>> No.8673122

Things aren't spooks of themselves, they get turned into spooks if you become possessed by them.

>> No.8673163

Yeah, I'm trying to find some confirmation to my argument. I often see a lot of Stirnerians believe that he was an ethical egoist, who believed that freeing yourself of spooks is what one ought to do.

>Caring about another person is not a spook.

But no matter how you look at it, the only reason I leave the money is because I believe that doing so is "wrong". If I leave the money, then my conscience is soothed, but I go without food. If I take the money, I'm able to purchase whatever I want, and the only downside would be that I would "feel bad".

That money is in my self-interest, and leaving it there goes against that completely. What do I gain out of her being financially safe?

>> No.8673203

When trying to figure out if something is a spook, it's best to ask where it's coming from. A spook is an alien cause that someone tries place above their own cause. So the question becomes whether something is internal or external. Is someone manipulating you to care for this woman, or is it a genuine feeling you have? If it's the latter, it is not a spook.

>But no matter how you look at it, the only reason I leave the money is because I believe that doing so is "wrong".
I think you are using the term "wrong" in replacement of something else. You feel uneasy about the act, and you attach the word "wrong" to it, but ultimately the reason you leave the money is because stealing it would conflict with your emotions.

>If I leave the money, then my conscience is soothed, but I go without food. If I take the money, I'm able to purchase whatever I want, and the only downside would be that I would "feel bad". That money is in my self-interest, and leaving it there goes against that completely. What do I gain out of her being financially safe?
It's a difficult decision, but you have yet to demonstrate that by leaving the money, someone is spooked. By leaving the money they are acting in their own self-interest, because they care for this person. One's self-interest doesn't just refer to those things that may bring them "gain" in the short run.

Ultimately I think you would benefit from reading Stirner, because I think you misunderstand his concepts.

>> No.8673249

>Is someone manipulating you to care for this woman, or is it a genuine feeling you have? If it's the latter, it is not a spook.

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not caring for this woman because I'm told to, I'm doing it out of genuine affection and gratitude I have for her.

>You feel uneasy about the act, and you attach the word "wrong" to it, but ultimately the reason you leave the money is because stealing it would conflict with your emotions.

I used the word "wrong", because I'd justify leaving the money behind in a moral way.

>she wouldnt do that to me
>its the wrong thing to do
>i wouldnt be able to live with myself

You get the idea.

>One's self-interest doesn't just refer to those things that may bring them "gain" in the short run.

I understand this concept in practice, but not in theory. Me feeling guilt is pretty spooky because it implies that I believe what I did is "wrong", and that implies I believe in morality, an obvious spook. Though you could argue that, me ensuring HER survival is in my self-interest because I WANT her to survive.

Let's look at this a bit differently: What if you and her were both starving, and she had enough food for only person. You cannot communicate in any way with her, so asking for it, or her offering it to you is out of the question. You can either:

A.) leave it, ensuring her survival and your death
B.) take it, ensuring your survival and her death

My argument is: NOT stealing it goes against my self interest, and any justification is thus a spook. I believe that leaving the bread is proof that I AM spooked.

>> No.8673320

>I used the word "wrong", because I'd justify leaving the money behind in a moral way.
You would justify it that way, but ultimately you would leave the money because you cared for the woman. The justification is shaped by irrelevant factors such as society, law, etc.

>I understand this concept in practice, but not in theory. Me feeling guilt is pretty spooky because it implies that I believe what I did is "wrong", and that implies I believe in morality, an obvious spook.
You are correct, but you must recognize that your feeling guilt happens after the fact. Once you have stolen the item, you feel guilty for doing so. But you do not feel guilt before the act. Before the act, you are weighing your options (I care for this woman, but I also want that food, so on) and you are trying to figure out which would be ultimately better for you in the long run. If you feel guilt for having this consideration, then yes, I would say you are spooked.

>Let's look at this a bit differently: What if you and her were both starving, and she had enough food for only person. You cannot communicate in any way with her, so asking for it, or her offering it to you is out of the question. You can either:

>A.) leave it, ensuring her survival and your death
>B.) take it, ensuring your survival and her death

>My argument is: NOT stealing it goes against my self interest, and any justification is thus a spook. I believe that leaving the bread is proof that I AM spooked.
You have changed the parameters to fit your conclusion. In your first example, there was a bit of grey area as to what was in one's self interest, but in both cases there was no "spooking" involved. In this example, you have a self-sacrifice scenario wherein one can either choose suicide or the death of a friend. These are two greatly different examples. But more to the point; you would have to ask yourself whether most people would leave the bread in the first place, knowing they would be killing themselves. Many people would say they would, but most wouldn't. Stirner, himself, wrote about this kind of self-sacrifice and said he wouldn't go through with it.

But then it becomes grey again. It depends on whether the loss of this old woman would be something that would coincide with the loss of your will to live, or whether it would be the emotional equivalent of a speedbump. Depression is a real roadblock that suppresses one's capacity for beauty, pleasure, love, etc. And if losing this old woman would (or even could) result in that, would it really be in your own self interest? Again, it is a grey area. So to answer your question as to whether it is a spook or not- it depends.

>> No.8673345

My fucking friend "introduced" me to a girl who actually enjoys reading and for months I entertained the notion and fucking today I found out she's actually married I almost punched my fucking friend out I'm so god damn upset

>> No.8673376

The nuclear family is the bedrock of society

>> No.8673468

is teaism a spook?

>> No.8673546
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The nuclear family didn't exist until the 19th century

>> No.8674187


The nuclear family is propaganda to make people buy houses.

>> No.8674256

1950s modern cancer. The multigenerational household was the bedrock of society.

>> No.8674428

>there are thoughts that doesn't imply chemical reactions in the brain
Spoopy. You should tell neurosciences about this. Perhaps they will finally shut up about "doing philosophy's work".

>> No.8674434


>> No.8674440

>that feel when light

>> No.8674456
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>tfw you're a nationalist even though you are fully aware that nations are spooks of the mind but the globalist "no borders" alternative is so horrible you can't help it

>> No.8674531

>I love men
bit gay

>> No.8674536
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>It's a chemical reaction in your brain.
Which chemical reaction exactly?

>> No.8674538

> as it is in one's own self interest.
It is never in one's own self-interest to divest yourself from everything that separates your self from animals in hope that being a machine that does nothing but shit and eat will magically make you better off.

>> No.8674554

Mental illness

I know this thread is a joke, but how can I really unspookify myself. I looked at the Stirner book at a store and it's pretty hard to read. I guess something being hard to read is a spook too. Damn

>> No.8674563

Supporting your country is fine as you recognise that it is a spook and as long as you don't put it ahead of yourself.
Supporting nationalism as long as it benefits you (by retarding globalism) is fine.

>> No.8674564

Don't worry about it. Spook is just a rebranding of "Social Construct" that was adopted when the mainstream started realizing it's not actually an argument in and of itself.

>> No.8674609

Pragmatically supporting certain arrangements is not spooked at all.

For example, I'm in favour of the welfare state because I like free money, but I'm not into all the leftist ideology. I just want free money like a nigger.

>> No.8674646


That's just being a spineless hypocrite, though.

>> No.8674659

What's wrong with that? Do I get extra good-boy points for suffering by my principles?

>> No.8674679

What does spook mean?

>> No.8674702

I had two furry versions but fan't gind it. Fuck

>> No.8674750

You cease in denigrating your self, body, mind and soul.
Your rationality is not the issue, it's your will.

>> No.8674779

I dunno what exactly is going on in this thread but...
>I read Skyrim's in-game books for entertainment

>> No.8674784

you mean the ego, the self is free of spooks

>> No.8674812

I love this.

>> No.8674827

whats the best english version of "ego and its own"

>> No.8674867

How is it being hypocritical to support things in your favour?

Also, what's wrong with hypocrisy?

>> No.8674887

Is a spook a spook?

>> No.8674909


>> No.8674932

Help me for this one:

Spook are only thought/concept, they do not exist in reality therefore must be rejected.
The concept of a spook is also a spook.

Then rejecting spooks leads to rejecting the concept of spooks.
Then I can't accept that spooks must be rejected and reject the concept of spooks at the same time.

Seems logically incoherent to me.

>> No.8674954

you can still catogorise things as spooks if thats the game you choose to play knowing its a spook dosnt lesser the fact all other concepts are spooks aslo

>> No.8674975

>Seems logically incoherent to me.
That's because it is.
It's the exact same circular reasoning/tautology they used to trot out for social constructs until the mockery became too intense.

>> No.8674982

>social constructs are bad
>let's promote feminism/equality/multiculturalism

>> No.8675021
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Becoming a wild animal seems cool to me

>> No.8675028

> they do not exist in reality therefore must be rejected.

that's not what a spook is

read stirner. doesnt matter how many explanations you see on /lit/. you wont understand what a spook is until you read his work.

>> No.8675031

yiff in hell furfag

>> No.8675034

there's no self silly

>> No.8675325


Now I have nostalgia

>> No.8676780

No, love is an illusion, a misunderstanding.
Mutual love is a mutual misunderstanding of being mutually loved.
And engagement is a vow to not wake up for your whole life from that misunderstanding.

Love is not passion or romance, it's about finding someone who represents what you value the most in your hierarchy of values and that you enjoy their company. However, it is an illusion because people display their best qualities in an attempt to form connection, so the more you know a person, the more disappointing they become. Hence, an engagement is a vow to keep that illusion static.

Love can become a spook if you do not value it highly in your hierarchy of values and it becomes a duty to love. If it becomes a chore to love a person whom you lost all respect, and hold no redeemable qualities, then it becomes a spook.

>> No.8676790

God you people are fucking retarded

>> No.8676801

brah just say "no" next time and move on

>> No.8677258

How would Stirner ask a girl out?

>> No.8677410

Consent is a spook.

>> No.8677897


>> No.8677902

Have you got time, misses?

>> No.8678080


>> No.8678342


free will is a spook -- he just went for the girls he already knew would fall for him through psychohistorical analysis

>> No.8678441

>being this spooked by science

>> No.8678477

not that guy but that IS basically what a spook is.

>> No.8678493

Didn't it need to "possess" a corporeal form to be a spook? E.g. Seeing the spook of "man" in every person you see and thus treating them differently?

>> No.8678536

yes he wasn't exact but basically a spook is the thought that one gives no thought to verify the reality of.

>> No.8678657

What if I like my spook better than I like myself?

>> No.8678706

>therefore must

Stirner wasn't an ethical egoist, he never stated that one OUGHT to free themselves of spooks. He just believed it was the rational thing to do, urging others to follow, but never claiming it was one "should" do.

>> No.8678982

False dichotomy, your idea of you and the spook are both ultimately part of the same creative nothing.

>> No.8679179


So I create an externalized spook to better myself in whatever direction I choose. for example in cases such as short term and long term goals. A spook may keep my weight down, even though I'm a fatass and like to eat food from the fridge at 2am. If you create a spook, is it your property? Is your conscious a spook?

>> No.8679221

That isn't a spook, because its cause isn't alien or superior to yours. Just because you're not spooked by the idea of man doesn't mean you necessarily have to *act* in spite or against it; if you do that means you're contesting it, which means you aren't the unique one.

What you're talking about is taking care of yourself and having goals, which isn't something Stirner is against; it's the acting like those goals are external to you and outside your control that is the problem, because that gives the petty people a way to not be responsible for their own actions while being a clutch to the altruistic people.

>> No.8680449


If you like to eat then eat. If you are okay being fat and all it entails then please do continue.

>> No.8680630

both love and addition are spooks which means they cancel each other out

>> No.8681848

This was a good thread.