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/lit/ - Literature

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8668160 No.8668160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ get so triggered that black writers write about racism and slavery and shit like that? It's what they know for most of their lives. Colombians write about guerilla and cocaine, Japanese write about anime and honor, Indians write about English colonies and poo, the English write about fog and rain.

What is it that makes so many here lose their shit when a dindu writes about being a dindu???

>> No.8668174

I think because it's cliched and worn out- everybodys seen these plots and characters a million times.
There's also the preachiness of that type of fiction, coupled with the fact that American kids who went to public schools had English classes that tried to teach leftist moralism before they taught sentence structure and prose.
So they get triggered by the prioritizarion of message over quality and they remember high school where they were bullied and they don't find anything new in these pieces.

I would not mind reading a talented black writers take on these subjects if it was actually good writing and the idea should were somewhat fresh. I liked the sellout- I thought it was funny. I did not like between the world and me, it was preachy and boring.

>> No.8668180
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A lot of people here think that racism is justified because blacks are inherently inferior beings

In fact, I'm one of them

>> No.8668186

Iceberg Slim wrote about being a dindu and was good.

It's just this pandering to bleeding heart whites look at my darkness shit that is tiresome.

Real nigga shit is potentially great.

It's also why Kendrick is shit and Gucci is great, for example.

>> No.8668189

I don't know any blacks that are slaves

>> No.8668191

The same reason /lit/ gets triggered about J.K Rowling, John Green, Stephen King and the like

It's because they have both the marketable literary skills as well as the social and commercial acumen in the modern world as reflected obviously by their fame, while /lit/ tries to rationalise their shortcomings in both those fields

>> No.8668199

Then why does /lit/ get triggered over genuinely great works of literature like invisible man or Song of Solomon?

>> No.8668200


Low hanging fruit, most black people refuse to think about themselves as human beings just like all races are, instead they take part in group mentality, absolutely incapable of expressing themselves as sole individuals. It's always about "my race that" or "this race that". They have no sense of universalism or the bigger picture.

>> No.8668208

Memes to be frank with you.

>> No.8668210

I didn't know 150 year old black people existed.

>muh oppression

>> No.8668227


Delaney is black and writes borderline genre science fiction, it's decent but he gets shit on for being a pedophile, yet Desade is lauded for writing his boring scat anime.

>> No.8668268

Because writers like Morrison don't write for black folks, they write for neoliberal elites, who need to feel all woke and shit. Morrison taught at Princeton for most of her career.

>> No.8668276

Because its overdone.

The only novels about racism that are relevant are ones from the 1900s. Racism isn't even a thing anymore, and nigs perpetuate racism by crying that its the thing holding them back, not their own incompetence and stupidity.

Novels about racism today are either attempted cash grabs, or books written by dumbfucks who genuinely think that they didn't get hired because of their skin color. Not because they walked into the interview in sagged jeans, a dirty t shirt and said NIGGA during the interview. no no no

>> No.8668327

The world isn't the lord of the rings- these populations are too large to say anything meaningful about "general characteristics."

Even if you were right, most blacks in the US are the product of tons of interracial mating pairs. They've got about as much in common with Africans as your average white guy in the US has in common with one of his ancestral European countries.

I guarantee you there are blacks out there that you'd outtest, outrun, outlift, outfuck, and out-read.

There's also at least one who can bench, dead, and squat more than you, who speaks four languages and is getting a degree in something prestigious, who fucks like a champ, and who had a great relationship with both their parents. And even then there's probably whites Mexicans and Asians who do all that better than him.

There is no order to any of this.

>> No.8668442
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>racism isnt even a thing anymore

>> No.8668496

>I've never actually read Japanese literature

lol idiot.

>> No.8668548

>Why does /lit/ get so triggered that black writers write about racism and slavery and shit like that?
>It's what they know for most of their lives.

>racism and slavery and shit like that
>It's what they know for most of their lives.

>It's what they know for most of their lives.

>> No.8668569

ok you tard fagette here's the ugly truth: you know how black populations produce super athletes that seemingly naturally dominate at sports? Thats because there is literally, and I can't emphasize the term literally enough cause its fucking reality mate, literally more genetic diversity in black populations. This means you get more genetic outliers friendo. Not the part you might want to slit ur feminine wrists over is that the fact that the outliers aren't limited to solely athletic potential but also exist in the mental realm. This, my gay friend, means that there is an Usain Bolt of the brain somewhere out there in world and its a black person.

>> No.8668582
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>Racism isn't even a thing anymore, and nigs
>Racism isn't even a thing
>and nigs

>> No.8668586
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>> No.8669072
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Because heard mentality politics go against the philosophically venerated idea of the individualism. A lot of these "social justice" movements have the same core ideas as fascism, which is that a mighty faggot is much stronger than a bunch of undisciplined limp wristed sticks, and when you get right down to it, these groups are just playing the dirty game of race politics.

Whereas much of western politics, at least those derived from the French revolution, are based on the idea of a universalized individual enjoying certain rights and responsibilities under a faceless, faithless, raceless state. In practice of course, this isn't practiced, but it's the ideal.

Except for a few dumb liberal white kids who think in terms of black and white (lol) most people see through this. Most "white" people are also getting tired of being painted as the oppressors simply because they weren't the losers of history. My ancestors fought in the IRA against imperialism, immigrated to the new world to escape persecution, and have dragged themselves tooth and nail out of the ghettos and into the middle class. Meanwhile, I've had niggers threaten me and try to rob me because they assume their skin somehow entitles them to some sort of special untouchable victim status.

Nearly every group in history has been enslaved or oppressed at one point in time. The only difference is the blacks don't even have a history beyond that. They're just human cattle for the new world, their "culture" is shit, and they have no successful countries or beautiful history to be proud of. Its an uncomfortable truth, but the only way that I can think of American blacks gaining any respect would be to simply appropriate American history as their own, and start assimilating just like almost every other ethnic group here.

I'm lucky enough to live in Canada where we don't have to deal with this bullshit, our social justice movements are usually based on legal battles between tribal groups attempting to preserve their autonomy and traditional communities, rather than some trend hopping niggers wearing expensive shoes and killing themselves with drugs.

I don't want to come off as a Naziboo, and I invite any black anons here to disagree with me, but I'm tired of scumbags like Malcolm X or most black rappers being glorified. It's fine to be proud of your culture if there's something to be proud of, but black people don't have that, so there's really no reason for them to continue existing as a social class.

>> No.8669081

my fucking sides

>> No.8669534

/lit/ doesn't get triggered by those.

>> No.8669543


/lit/ is angry and entitled. They dislike being told that experiences outside of their own have inherent value, while theirs are only interesting if communicated in some extremely gimmicky and novel way (and this is what everyone on /lit/ thinks literary merit constitutes). They've literally made Eliot Rogers their poster boy ffs. QED.

>> No.8669596

>It's fine to be proud of your culture
Unless you've actually worked to improve your culture, being proud of that is as retarded as being proud of being left handed. You didn't fucking choose that culture, you didn't do anything to deserve being a part of it, you just happened to be born into it.

>> No.8669613

>It's fine to be proud of your culture
>in an anti-identity politics post that venerates individualism

>> No.8669617

That's what they want you to think, cuck, because your stunted mind can only conceive of "pride" as some kind of twisted hedonistic thing, just a source of narcissistic pleasure. Pride is an obligation and a source of inspiration, not something you rest on.

Enjoy being a man without a country and an atomised consumer slave of the powers that be.

>This is my country,
>The land that begat me.
>These windy spaces
>Are surely my own.
>And those who here toil
>In the sweat of their faces
>Are flesh of my flesh,
>And bone of my bone.

>> No.8669619

Everything is determined including your own genes and existence so being proud of anything you do do yourself is retarded as well by your logic.

Choice is a meme, pride is arbitrary. Might as well be proud of what you want.

>> No.8669682

>I don't have to accomplish anything worthwhile in order to be proud of myself, other people of the same race/cuontry as me already did it for me

>> No.8669708

Great, so when should I, as a white American southerner, publicly apologize for slavery?

>> No.8669746

Nah man it obviously doesn't work that way
You can be proud of your culture because people from the same culture did great things even though you contributed absolutely nothing to them, but you can't be ashamed of your culture just because some people from the same culture did some shitty things.

>> No.8669753

>It's also why Kendrick is shit and Gucci is great, for example.
Kendrick doesn't even write mostly about white oppression or anything though.
It's more why Talib Kweli gets annoying after about three songs

>> No.8669762

How is that not a contradiction.

>> No.8669763

/pol/ak immigrants are not /lit/

>> No.8669768

I realize you're being sarcastic, but Im less concerned with truth than results. A knowledge of history and a strong set of values have benifited countless people throughout history. Like the other anon said, pride is an obligation.

Personally I think of history as a maluable mythos that can be used to shape the future rather than a set of objective facts that only exist in the past. If you aren't appropriating it for your own good someone else will.

The problem with modern liberals is that they trust so little in their ideology that they constantly need to chain it to "facts" and "reason" in order to reassure themselves of its inherent value.

>> No.8669773
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good post, but it's past your bedtime, Georges.

>> No.8669782

Racism is power PLUS prejudice, silly anons

>> No.8669801

Goddamn big brother ass nigga

>> No.8669803

His name alone is a warning.

>> No.8669804
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Based Sorelianist brother.

>> No.8669807

>They dislike being told that experiences outside of their own have inherent value
>this is proven by their contrarian admiration of elliot rodgers, a person who society at large decided had no inherently valuable experiences because his were not its own

>> No.8669809

>slavery is what they've known most of their lives

>> No.8669848

>Like the other anon said, pride is an obligation.
If any there's any feeling towards your culture that can be considered "obligatory" that feeling is love, not pride

>> No.8669910

>playing semantics

>> No.8669935

>It's what they know for most of their lives.

I doubt this narrative so much. I get the feeling that people inflate their once per 5 year uncomfortable encounter with a racist taxi-driver as somehow indicative that their subjective experience of society is any different from the rest of us and is axiomatically profound.

It's literally another symptom of wanting to virtue signal to an audience filled with revenge-pornographic leftists.

>> No.8669939


> Implying lit aren't all permavirgin failures

>> No.8669942
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>> No.8669945
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Every author writes about muh [my group] experience, you retards just don't notice it when white people do it.

Stay mad, fags.

t. Only black guy on /lit/

>> No.8669948

you're retarded

oh damn, i must be projecting i obviously meant that i'm retarded

anyways, you're fucking retarded

>> No.8671030

>everyone doing it
yeah, I guess if my IQ was sub 80 Id probably only write about identity and my paranoid faith that the entire world secretly hates me too

>> No.8671045

>what are statistics

>> No.8671669

>only black guy on /lit/
nah, there are a few. nobody mentions it because it's a good way to derail a thread.
t. other black guy

>> No.8672736

I wonder when leftist academics will realize that if you go by their arbitrary redefinition, racism actually doesn't exist at all in the developed world.

>> No.8672934

Turns out literally every liberal academic who unironically shouts down orthodox marxists as "class reductionists" is himself a cultural reductionist.
They couldn't possibly admit that material conditions in the first world don't allow oppression by one "identity" group of another because it would force them to deal with material conditions, collapsing their whole ideology

>> No.8673011

Would you beat me up if I said "nigger" in real life

>> No.8673040

You're not the only black guy on /lit/, you're just one of the few who feel the need to bring it up for attention

>> No.8673057


?I don't read any of that stuf because i'm french

>> No.8673095

>you can't love people without being proud of them

I'm not proud of just about anything my brother does. He's a fucking asshole of a person. I still love him.

>> No.8673166

Depends on the context.
I've been called nigger at work on more than a few occasions. I didn't want to make a thing of it because I was new and i really enjoyed the job. I actually became close friends with one of the guys that was racist. He grew up in a small white-supremacist type town in the South, and I was the only black person he had ever met so I empathized with his ignorance.

If you were just some guy trying to be a dick and offend me, yeah I'd probably put you on the floor.

>> No.8673173

>racism is inversely related to being around black people

>> No.8673188
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>> No.8673198

Do you think someone calling you a nigger is really that ignorant while you freely admit you're willing to chimp out over a word?

You're willing to commit criminal battery in response to free speech. Sounds like a niggery thing to do.

>> No.8673208

A lot of it is just that /lit/ is shit at examining literature is all. Morrison writes about guilt and sexuality but because she's a black person writing about black people it's bad. Ellison writes about existential alienation but because he's a black writer writing about black people it's bad. Nobody would have this problem if they did any amount of close reading.

>> No.8673235

I don't know what kind of psychological contortionism it takes to convince yourselves of that your moral fiber is anything less than horseshit, but yes, growing up in a town known for white supremacy tends to be conducive to racism.

And yes, I have enough self-respect to lay hands on a person who thinks it's okay to belittle me or devalue me publicly on such superficial terms. Charging your argument with cheap buzzwords like "chimp out" and "niggery" and implications of crime only emphasize your reliance on cheap rhetoric to justify your inability and unwillingness to fight for yourself, or the fact that fighting for yourself is a wasted effort because you're nothing worth fighting for.

>> No.8673243

Blacks are only good at running dumbass

>> No.8673244

>assaulting someone when they hurt your feelings

>> No.8673246

They decided he had no inherently valuable experiences because he committed mass murder

>> No.8673253

Are you really that against physically striking someone for verbally degrading you?
Even the Constitution defends that shit.

I mean you're saying it makes him oversensitive but just standing there and getting shit on doesn't make any sense

>> No.8673255
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>Implying my feelings would even be hurt
>implying a fistfight is assault

>Officer that guy punched me!!
>Why, what happened?
>I called him a nigger to his face
this isn't even autism it's full-blown retardation

>> No.8673259

holy shit go back to africa

>> No.8673263
File: 12 KB, 234x327, sandnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physically assaulting people because they say words that make you angry does make you a savage.

You do realise that this is unacceptable in civilised society and is in fact a crime, right? I'm not making any 'implications', I'm stating facts.

Pic related, it's someone who reasons like you.

>> No.8673267

Where does the constitution say that hearing naughty words justifies breaking laws?

>> No.8673268

> I have enough self-respect to lay hands on a person who thinks it's okay to belittle me or devalue me publicly on such superficial terms

Fuck you

>> No.8673269

I'm not black but if someone insulted me to my face I'd hit them
Like if I were black and someone told me to go back to Africa I'd beat them.
I know lots of fucking white people who would hit a person for insulting them verbally, I think you guys might just be gigantic pussies.

>> No.8673274

Lots of white people are savages as well, it's not limited to niggers like you.

You don't have to be a pussy to not get butthurt over a phrase, just a calm and reasonable person.

>> No.8673275

>I know lots of fucking white people who would hit a person for insulting them verbally, I think you guys might just be gigantic pussies

Sounds like you've internalized negro gangster culture like many other whites. Sorry you are so easily swayed, but I have a right to live in a civilized society where arguments are not met with violence due to your fee fee's

>> No.8673279

Calling someone a nigger is not an argument, it's a provocation.
A civilized society isn't one where people can go around insulting others without consequence.
I'm not fucking black. But if you call someone a nigger and expect nothing to happen then you're not a reasonable person.

>> No.8673282

Calling a black person a nigger is simply stating a fact. I would not be offended in the least if someone called me a white man.

>> No.8673284

Okay, just enjoy getting your ass beat and refusing to actually understand why

>> No.8673285

>Calling someone a nigger is not an argument, it's a provocation.
>A civilized society isn't one where people can go around insulting others without consequence.
Yes it is, otherwise you lose freedom of expression. If you say 'you are allowed to say anything but it can't be a provocation' you are simply manipulated into not saying anything opposing parties mind find offensive.

A drawing of Muhammad is a provocation. A society in which drawing Muhammad can not go unpunished is not civilised. A society in which you can not say nigger isn't either.

>> No.8673288


>> No.8673290

>I'm not fucking black. But if you call someone a nigger and expect nothing to happen then you're not a reasonable person.
I'm not saying I would not expect a nigger not to chimp out, I'm saying that chimping out over naughty words is the sign of an uncivilised savage.

>> No.8673295

spotted the nigger

>> No.8673300
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too much hook, not enough bait.
just let the thread die

>> No.8673301

Let's see if I can give the most awkward answer that still seems pretty true to me: It's because there's a lack of regular black people who read books. It's also because many of those who do read books are like their counterparts of other races. They feel like they're God's gift to humanity with how smart and cultured they are. Because those people are still irrevocably black, they carry that baggage along with the standard black people baggage about slavery and Jim Crow and the fire hoses and all that. That combination is an annoying mix, you can see the same thing some Latinos, and in some whites who are anti-white, and some whites who are pro-white. They read some books and they spoke to some people of the race(s) in question (who were probably either smarter or dumber than most) and think that means they have the answer to everything (or they pull that "wise man" crap and say there are no answers and we need more questions, while providing biased questions).

>> No.8673302

I would never actually call a black person a nigger to their face. I know they are predisposed to acting violently due to their low impulse control, avg. IQ of 85, and other unsavory traits which will almost guarantee me being assaulted as a result.

>> No.8673309

>pure fantasy: the post

>> No.8673311
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>ask a black guy if he'd chimp out over being called a chimp
>he chimps out while talking about how he'd chimp out because he's offended at your implication that he's a chimp

Can blacks ever escape from the Chimp Spiral?

>> No.8673321

I wish, brother.

>> No.8673322

I wouldn't attack a person unless I felt threatened.

>> No.8673323
File: 28 KB, 1357x800, iq_by_country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, he is incorrect.

Only American blacks haver an average IQ of 85 because they have some white admixture.

Full blood blacks have an average IQ of about 70, a score that would be interpreted as cognitive impairment in a white person.

>> No.8673326

you and i must be living in alternate realities or some shit. i genuinely cannot see or relate to what you're talking about

>> No.8673328

>I insulted a person to their face and they hit me
>they hit me so they deserve to be insulted
Can spergs ever escape the autism spiral?

>> No.8673329

that's a nice looking graph. do you know where it came from?

>> No.8673331

who was the nigger who put "fighting words" and defined hatecrimes by the sounds coming out of someones mouth when committing a crime?

>> No.8673333

Never knew /lit/ had this many black people. It's honestly kind of refreshing

>> No.8673334

Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (2006). IQ and Global Inequality. Washington Summit Publishers: Augusta, GA. ISBN 1-59368-025-2

>> No.8673337


I know you're smirking and chuckling your head off right now, but literally anyone with a keyboard can bait /pol/.

If you're no longer high school age, you should be ashamed.

>> No.8673342

well since the crime statistics that show reported violent are 'racist' and a global average IQ measurement doesnt work, would you like a picture of a smiley face for your cognitive dissonance to declare it frowning too?

>> No.8673346

there's probably only 2 black people itt + me pretending to be black baka

>> No.8673350

>implying he isn't a pollack himself baiting other /pol/sters to reply with more "racist" info that the black people following this thread have to look at.

>Implying you're not doing it too

>> No.8673356

No, pride can *inspire* those things, but in itself pride *is only* a good feeling about the state of something-- and even when it's applied to things you personally did, it's usually unearned. There's a reason Christianity and many other religions and many strains of philosophy hold that pride is undesirable. Pride may lead to protection, it may decrease worrying, it may help build appreciation, it make some people feel obligated, but it just often, if not more often leads to anything from annoying assholes to the ruination of countries. It tends to be the downfall of man, the thing that leads people to boast, to overstate, to overreach, to underestimate, and maybe worst of all, to rest on their laurels.
Pride is no friend to mankind.

>> No.8673357

were you the one who said you'd drop someone if they called you a nigger?

>> No.8673358

the publisher of that book is owned by richard b spencer. So there's certainly no conflict of interest there, amirite

>> No.8673360

no, i'm pretty sure that anon has african ancestry

>> No.8673361

some retarded hicks in montana. ever heard of peer reviewed studies

>> No.8673368

>ever heard of peer reviewed studies

No. ever heard of queer reviewed studies?

>> No.8673369

>Full blood blacks have an average IQ of about 70, a score that would be interpreted as cognitive impairment in a white person.
It would be interpreted as such because it is. My sister has about 70 IQ and she can't take care of herself. If wide swathes of Africa were 70 IQ and under they'd all be dead by next year because they wouldn't be able to hunt.
>duh apes can hunt
Apes and monkeys mostly don't hunt, and they definitely don't get distracted by thoughts of why their mom threw away their ratty old shoes and proceed to have a fit about it in the middle of a fucking hunt when no one will tell them they're getting their shoes back.

>> No.8673372

that "peer review" system where I can write a script that generates computer science research papers made up of gibberish and actually get them published

>> No.8673373

anyone who lives in a city has to be afraid of niggers. it's perfectly normal and a matter of self-preservation. but the reason niggers are violent is not biological its social and economic. some of the great writers of the 20th century were black, baldwin, morrison, ellison, cone

>> No.8673379

undue stress during psychological development lowers the grey matter and physical size of the human brain's amygdala, resulting in violent tendencies and low impulse control, its actually biological

>> No.8673381

Your sister, like yourself, probably has additional mental illnesses which contribute to her dysfunction.

>> No.8673386

sure, and that's just as likely to happen with meth heads in west virginia who are too lazy to get a job. white niggers, basically what this country is made of.

>> No.8673389

>all these nigger apologists itt

maybe reddit is more your speed

>> No.8673391

"if I raise a dog in a stable, it will grow up to be a horse" - lol, you stupid faggot

>> No.8673395

and it happens when you beat your children for making noise when youre hung over, as you raise them in a godforsaken neighborhood that you cant afford to leave because you spend all your money and ebt you sell for alcohol and lotto tickets

>> No.8673399
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Bad post

>> No.8673406

sounds like white hicks to me. the point is there are uneducated fucktards in this country, most of them white and a lot of them black. capitalism needs an oppressed underclass to function, whatever race it may be

>> No.8673409

>what is a distribution

if on average blacks have the lowest IQ and asians have the highest, there are still millions of blacks who have a higher IQ than a bunch of asians, doesn't mean that there's no order

>> No.8673427


>They've got about as much in common with Africans as your average white guy in the US has in common with one of his ancestral European countries.

Never heard of the One Drop rule, have you?

>> No.8673458

people sling around the word "autism" but I've seen some the stuff she has that fits that (mostly it's just the fixation on things) described as part and parcel of mental retardation

>> No.8673500

>all these unironic liberals and niggers

No wonder this board is going to shit.

>> No.8674034

The Book of Night Women by Marlon James is a good book about slavery written by a black dude imo.

>> No.8674168

jewish posters should leave

>> No.8674230

>tfw you realize there are actual jewy jews who went to hebrew school and everything on this board

I want to touch them

>> No.8674281
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Thank you, based cardinal!

>> No.8674706
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>talented black writers

>> No.8674732

> Lead Paint
> Lead in water
> Malnutrition
> Intergenerational lack of education
> Language differences
> School to prison pipeline
> Cultural aversion to trying
> Racism

Yep, definitely biological

>> No.8675043

> Lead Paint
> Lead in water
> Malnutrition

Not that this goes against your larger point, but all of these are biological factors, just not genetic. Sage for pedantry.

>> No.8675297

>> Lead Paint
>> Lead in water
>> Malnutrition
>> Intergenerational lack of education
this never affected white people, there was never lead in the entire nations supply in gasoline, white people have never been exposed to paint before 1975

>> No.8675523

Why can't they both be savages?

>> No.8675565

You are litterally defending radical muslims.

>> No.8675914
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>muh iq


>> No.8675930


briefly summarise your point, nigger.

>> No.8675952

>/Lit/ doesn't want to read
super surprised

>> No.8675963

I do want to read, that's why I limit my time involved with nigger apologetics.

>> No.8675970
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>It's what they know for most of their lives.

>> No.8675972

>I don't want to read, that's why I limit my time involved in reading contradictory evidence and viewpoints.

>> No.8675974
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>blacks have lower IQ than whites and Asians in literally every country
>not biological

>> No.8675979

>correlation and causation are the same always, especially for complex polygenic traits like IQ

>> No.8675987

>blacks are the majority of prison population

>> No.8676334


cognitive dissonance

>> No.8676381

4chan is full of awkward white boys who were video game playing, heavy metal listening, social outcasts in highschool, probably jealous of how easily social interaction came to their peers - in particular their black peers. Users of /lit/ compensate for their social inadequacy by acting as if the great works of art created by members of their 'race' (in quotation marks because it's a social construct), somehow indicate that they themselves are intellectually superior.

>> No.8676396
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Well spoken, my brethren, we finna show these awkward white bois a thing or two.

>> No.8676415

Am I being meme'd right now?

Also, thinking about it now, how can anyone say race is a social construct? I've never really given any thought to the stupidity of that statement until now.

>> No.8676467


pick one, nigger

>> No.8676471



>> No.8676474
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what did he mean by this

>> No.8676484
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>Whites coated the landscape like mold fed and spread by wet-willies and the rain and drain of white tears. Standing overhead, my shadow, my second black body, darkened those below. I was the one drop rule. The anti-body. The little black cloud. Black on white like pen on paper. This was the beginning of the beginning and the end of nothing really.

so what does this mean? anything?

>> No.8676656

What was it? And why do universities try to police what their students post on the internet?

>> No.8676928

Because nobody can measure up to Toni Morrison

>> No.8677572


>trying this hard to troll but only coming across as the biggest pussys I have ever seen on 4chan.

Enjoy the pained look on your future partners face as you bumble out excuses for why you let that guy call you a faggot while he leered at her ass. Oh but she fell in love with you for being 'civilised' didn't she?
Hahahahaha, Fuckin KEKS.

>> No.8677575


Is there a living black writer who knows about slavery firsthand?

>> No.8677583

Rhetorical question?

They're backed by the establishment, that's why loner teens and ugly socially retarded 20 somethings on the Internet get pissy about dindu literature.

(As you can see I am above both sides because of my high IQ and objectivity, take my snarky response seriously and hit me up with a (you) senpai)

>> No.8677607
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Black teenagers from families making $200,000 a year or more score about the same on the SAT as white teenagers from families making $20,000 a year or less.

It's genetic.

>> No.8677647

frat bros wearing sombreros.

>> No.8677657

>They're backed by the establishment, that's why loner teens and ugly socially retarded 20 somethings on the Internet get pissy about dindu literature.

This plays a huge role for sure. It wouldn't bother us as much if the media didn't greatly lower their standards for black authors and declare their books to be amazing when they aren't. There is a ton of Latino-American and Asian-American literature but nobody is annoyed by that because it's not shoved in our faces. We get irritated because retards like ta-nehisi coates receive the macarthur award and get fawning profiles in a dozen newspapers for a book that was him just going "REEEEE I HATE WHITE PEOPLE REEEEE".

>> No.8677783
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I fucking knew it was gonna be sombreros. So the uni is gonna hold a goddamn lecture series because some of their (again, adult) students wore the "wrong" kind of hat? And are there any actual Mexicans who even give a shit?

>> No.8677836

>committing crimes against your own interest to show off for a whore's approval

top beta

>> No.8678084

>So the uni is gonna hold a goddamn lecture series because some of their (again, adult) students wore the "wrong" kind of hat?
>And are there any actual Mexicans who even give a shit?
nope. especially in fucking maine

>> No.8678203

>the strange phenomenon of high Black IQ’s in small children which rapidly decline into adulthood

now why is this?

>> No.8678279


What, did you get a 13 year old to type out your damage-control? Your comfy little 4chan life aside, out in the real world you're a fucking loser if you so much as entertain those thoughts. No one likes a spineless wimp, I don't just mean women. No one.

You do you though. Keep up the shitty trolling.

>> No.8678452
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>Niggers admitting they're genetically inferior and are now attacking the messenger

>> No.8678564

/pol/tards have really taken over. Why does every thread devolve into racial politics and alt-right rhetoric?

>> No.8678660
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>not chimping out over sounds is spineless

You need some self-control, nigger.

>> No.8678743
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>> No.8678747


And yet they do better in school than white kids in Britain.

How strange

>> No.8678754


>racists not realising they have low IQs, putting them on par with the people they hate


>> No.8678758
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Uh huh

>> No.8678782


>Song of Solomon
>genuinely great work of literature

Pick one.

>> No.8678801
File: 72 KB, 640x640, 1476393325953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


c'mon bud. listen to every anecdotal experience you've ever had. trust yourself just a little bit.

>> No.8678857

>heard mentality

>> No.8678861
File: 41 KB, 768x432, JamesBaldwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons on /lit/ love the work of James Baldwin, though.

>> No.8678881


Then explain this >>8678758


>> No.8678888

I hate niggers but I really like James Baldwin.

>> No.8679202

You are litterally [sic] defending starting shit with strangers.;

>> No.8679332

Are you retarded?