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/lit/ - Literature

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8666773 No.8666773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>come to this board thinking there will be interesting discussion on my favorite novels
>nothing but surface level philosophical pondering, elitist circlejerks and meaningless shitposting

I should have seen this coming.

>> No.8666779

What are your favourites?

>> No.8666787

first of all kys weeaboo degenerate

second, yeah you're right there is way too much entry level philosophy circle jerking by people who had to drop Philosophy 101 at their community college and really need to go back to their containment board.

However, if you start a thread on a book, people will typically generate some good discussion on it, and their are super comfy /crit/ threads for OC, so why don't you come on in and stay a while?

>> No.8666789

I tried that a few times, the threads got max 20 posts and most of those were shitposts. They sank to the archive like rocks.

>> No.8666790

was the book a meme?

>> No.8666792

Do you want to discuss or just complain you arse?

>> No.8666801

read my diary desu

>> No.8666951

You are correct, there is no way to get a decent discussion thread going unless you're reading either a well-known classic or something from the meme lists. Get used to it, fucking weeb trash, there are tons of fucking novels out there and this board is very small.

>> No.8666960

At least on /a/ we actually discuss the shows we watch.

>> No.8666978


if you have read some not that well known novel the chances are you likely won't find many others who have read it too, so a thread of 20 posts should suffice you

also reading a book needs more time and commitment than watching an episode of some chinese porn cartoons and most of people here have a long list of what they would want to read where your book likely isn't listed whatsoever, so...

>> No.8666990

kill yourself pedo weaboo scum

>> No.8667012

Ownn, darling...

Yes, you are a special snowflake. And the pathetic subhuman banter you see on this board isn't worthy of your intellectual well-thought-out existence.

>> No.8667807

Nice example of the average retard here, it almost feels like you are real one.

OP, just talk about a book or topic you like, yeah get ready for the "enlightened people" to come and berate you for your "dismiss-able" opinions and "shit" taste and then hopefully leave or if unlucky you get the special kind of retard who keeps the thread open just to try to feel superior because he only reads the classics and anything else is just diluted mockery of the true substance.

>> No.8667921

anime website

>> No.8667922

>expecting a public forum to have any kind of quality

wew lad

>> No.8668024
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>At least on /a/ we actually discuss the shows we watch.

dumb /a/fag

>> No.8668071

>is critical of shitposting in a shitpost