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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 370x277, richard-the-third.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8663871 No.8663871 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: literary characters that are literally you

i'll start

>> No.8663880
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Charles Tansley from To the Lighthouse

>> No.8663889

Basil Hallward from Dorian Gray.

I do art and I get cucked a lot. One day, I will be cucked to death.

>> No.8663898

That one weird ginger autistic kid from Cannery Row that helps Doc clumsily and nobody likes.

>> No.8663902

I liked that kid.

>> No.8663906

Thanks anon :)
I love you.

>> No.8663917
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Great book here OP.

Folio Edition of Richard III: England's Black Legend



>> No.8663987
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>> No.8664187
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>> No.8664231

You gay?

>> No.8664242


>> No.8664323
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The eponymous character of pic related.

>> No.8664334
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>> No.8664361
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The main character of this book is how I acted for the first 20 years of my life.

>> No.8664362

one homeless dude said i am like young dostoevsky.

>> No.8664364


>> No.8664366

what an erudite homeless dude

>> No.8664367

This book didn't have faggots

>> No.8664386

well it does now.

>> No.8664418

he keeps saying he doesnt know anything, just like socrates, and he also kinda looks like socrates. or leo tolstoy, who knows?...

>> No.8664424
File: 154 KB, 637x900, Euron Greyjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nihilistic with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.8664428

Gregor Samsa


>> No.8664435

>not intelligent too

I feel the same way a lot.

>> No.8664457
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No but seriously, sometimes I feel like him (and I really don't want to), so I'm not Gary Stu'ing here.

>> No.8664460

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: literary characters that are literally you - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.8664525
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Bernardo Soares. I've only just started it, but everything he's said so far is hitting home.

>> No.8664561

20 years? Shot many arabs then?

>> No.8664573
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>> No.8664589

don quixote

>> No.8664650

>make post about how I Identify with Mizoguchi, the stuttering autist whose first attempt to communicate with the world has always failed
>post gets misunderstood
>mfw (the fw is implied)

>> No.8664658
File: 46 KB, 620x693, Coolidge_after_signing_indian_treaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup, homeslice.

>> No.8664661
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(Hint: we are all Iago)

>> No.8664678

fuggin this

>> No.8664760

>take trouble over having pc, turning pc on, opening browser, get on lit, get in thread, post picture in thread
that does not add up. too much activity for a molloy

>> No.8664770

The goal in life is literally to be Iago, except not to get caught.
You're either the cuck or the one doing the cucking.

>> No.8664986

me from "my diary desu"

>> No.8664993

Esther Greenwood, the main character of the Bell Jar is pretty relatable.

>> No.8665005

When I was reading Sound and the Fury I was in a really Quentin frame of mind, so I pretty much was him when I read it, except without a sister.

That's another thing. Do any of you reliably find depictions of precocious-ish students in literature scarily mirroring your own though patterns? I'm thinking Stephen Dedalus and, of course, Quentin. (Maybe Pierre from War and Peace, but I don't remember what age he was)

>> No.8665007
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sup, /lit/

>> No.8665067

There were some chapters where I could really relate to the protagonist of my diary desu

>> No.8665091
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>> No.8665110
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>> No.8665196

I keep having dreams about a man who looks exactly like this except he has nothing to do with the character or the novel.

It's really starting to scare me.

>> No.8665282

Peter Walsh

>> No.8665285
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>> No.8665291

Disregard the other posts. This is literally the entire board.

>> No.8665297
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I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. I mean, it's not me, I'm not that autistic, I'm just surprised nobody is yet

>> No.8665298

nah not really, thought there are a lot of them around.

I've recently noticed that /lit/ and /his/ are the only boards with actual variety in viewpoints, no matter how slim.

>> No.8665308

D. Quixote is actually the embodiment of the typographic trance as Cervantes saw it, the man who reads so much he loses common sense.
I felt more like Benjy...

>> No.8665311
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I'm surprised nobody has posted this yet. I can't be the only sociopathic tranny that mutilates small animals on this board.

>> No.8666265
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>> No.8666355
File: 199 KB, 450x592, main-qimg-33404d8b3e5fb5ebfa11696998a827ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuck butts and eat poop

>> No.8666375

No Underground Man?

>> No.8666397

isnt that from the zelda cdi

>> No.8666409


>> No.8666425

This. Sad thing is I'm being 100% genuine, unlike all of 4chan when they shit post and larp about these kind of things. It's quite sad.

>> No.8666438

i'm more like moran before he goes all crazy

>> No.8667203

do you have your own kid to be cold towards and abuse?

>> No.8667254

Here >>8664428

>> No.8667352
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can't be the only one around here

>> No.8667525

I am Susan Sontag's description of C. in her journals.

>> No.8667643
File: 55 KB, 288x340, underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected this to be the first response.

>> No.8667655

Bob Slocum, Something Happened.

>> No.8667657


>> No.8668087

Aragorn from LOTR.
The average person sees me as a no good vagrant, when in reality I'm destined for greatness.

>> No.8668090


no but i kick my dog when he whines

>> No.8668835

The MC from Dostoïevski's White Nights.


>> No.8668888
File: 198 KB, 1272x720, literallymeirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.8669052

Antoine Roquentin - Sartre, Nausea

>> No.8669057

Kill yourself

>> No.8669099
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>> No.8669562

hearty kek

>> No.8669584
File: 35 KB, 604x397, charcoal on newsprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>csq relating more and more to Julien Sorel

>> No.8669614

Nice quads, for a shitpost

>> No.8670367

Orin Incandenza, I really wish I was meming.

>> No.8670378


which team do you punt for and hows it feel courting a tranny?

>> No.8670388

I'm basically Hamlet+Montaigne somehow

>> No.8670397

Him and Joseph K. If you have any other answer is fooling themselves. They are the embodiment of the modern man.

>> No.8670399

I'm honestly Peter or Thomas

>> No.8670452
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I am Heathcliff desu

>> No.8670597
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antony (of course)

>> No.8670611

Alaska from searching for alaska

>> No.8670754

please please PLEASE be my relatable gf

>> No.8670767


Intellectual but aimless college dropout living in a shitty overpriced studio, love my family but hate their life choices, intermittent bouts of extremely violent thoughts/narcissism, fallen in love with a troubled girl who I would probably find obnoxious if I weren't so lonely...