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/lit/ - Literature

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8662227 No.8662227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the fucking point lads? If you miss out on investment banking / management consulting / big law jobs straight after graduation then you are literally fucked. I have had interviews for lots of great jobs but failed them all due to ugliness and bad social skills and now i work a shitty part time job while living at home and feeling like a giant loser.

Everything else is a meme desu. If you're not on "the track" then you dun goofed hard.

>inb4 entrepreneurship

You need shitloads of luck for that.

>> No.8662230

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8662231
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Materialistic hedonism didn't work for you. Pick another path.

>> No.8662232

Nice blog f*****

>> No.8662234

----------------------> /r9k/
/biz/ <---------------------------

>> No.8662243

Fucking faggot kill yourself

>> No.8662329
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I suppose this thread could be salvaged to discuss the values of the humanities. I'd like to go to bed, but I'll give it a try and let other late-night Europeans take over.

You ask what the point [of living, I assume] without the material wealth necessary to make yourself economically independent, that is, having the power to do anything you wish with your time here on Earth. There are some possible answers, or beginnings of answers, and I'll post a few to get the discussion going.

One answer would be to test your premise (or the premise I made for you, which could be a strawman), that material wealth would grant you the independence needed to do whatever you want. On the one hand, this is reasonable, as your wants are awoken within you as a result of the world from which you are trying to be independent. On the other hand, there is no way to prove or disprove the origin of your individual wants, except for the most basic ones. Even with material wealth, would you be psychically independent, and thus able to use the freedom your wealth possibly gives you?

A more concrete answer would be to ask if that which you seek couldn't be achieved some other way than through the jobs you list. Since this is /lit/, I'm going to assume that you like reading or at least like to think of yourself as someone who likes to read. You don't actually need a lot of material wealth to be able to do this, you mostly need time. You'll still have to work, and maybe you have to hold down a 9-5 as a janitor or burger flipper to make ends meet, but it is not impossible to get out anywhere between 4-8 hours of reading per work day even with those conditions.

However, it seems that you seek something other than reading. Exactly what that is, I can't say, but you mention viewing yourself as ugly and your social skills as bad, your job as shitty and your living conditions as undesirable, all which lead to your feeling like a giant loser. This is understandable, as some pretty important criteria for the fulfillment of basic human needs (sex and, depending on your salary, material survival) are out of reach as long as your conditions are the same. If you feel like a giant loser, you should probably see a therapist or priest at least once to get a neutral person to assess whether you are depressed or not, as this would affect your self-view negatively.

If what you want is a way to improve the conditions for your having sex, start seeing a therapist/priest regularly and start working out. /fit/ can help you if you don't know where to start.

But if you want something that is actually /lit/ related, that is, what the Germans call Bildung, you should read a book that is 100-200 pages long on some subject that you possibly like, and it should be written by someone from continental Europe, though it absolutely doesn't have to be a work of continental philosophy. You'll feel a connection to the author, which fixates you in history as a dude who reads.

Take it from there.

>> No.8662348

Everything's going to be replaced by robots anyway dude chill lmao

>> No.8662409


>> No.8662472

Why are you tying your value as a human being to how much money you can make? Are you really that deep in the ideology?

>> No.8662489

>caring about making a lot of money
m8 i'm without a job, i have about 1500 equivalent of dollars in the bank, a 300 dollar rent, but i have a beautiful women living with me and i'm writing on a book i really think will get published

how am i going to get out of this shit? i don't know. i don't care. winter is going to be cozy. i'll find some shitty job, i'll manage. second hand stores sell really cheap books. my stomach is full. it's all i really care about.

the only thing that really bothers me is living is sin but it'll work out, i'm sure it will

>> No.8662583

This is a literature board,