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8660851 No.8660851 [Reply] [Original]

>have sex with gf
>immediately feel guilty and disgusted by the human body

can you guys recommend me some revolting surrealist horror

>> No.8660919

My diary desu

>> No.8660923

The Story of the Eye

>> No.8660946
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>have sex with gf

>> No.8660956


I hate cumming on my gf, cum is disgusting, stringy, thick at times, it makes me feel a bit repulsed by her afterwards, can anyone recommend what this might be attributed to?

Im in the same boat as op

>> No.8660961

Cum in her as God intended?

>> No.8660983


It's true I shouldn't let the seed drop but Id probably be more disgusted by the thought of a possible child.

>> No.8660985


>> No.8660999

>take earbud out
>find a thick glob of infected earwax
>rub finger on forehead
>it's covered in sweat and grease
>pop a pimple
>it starts bleeding profusely

>> No.8661122

fucking stop

>> No.8661129

I masurbated to that story

>> No.8661135

grease literally just accumulates around me
its on my phone and my glasses
and my skin is really dry because of acne medicine so if i pick at my skin i can take off huge portions of it
when i wake up i can peel off like half the surface of my lips

why did god do this to me

>> No.8661143

Holy... I want more

>> No.8661154

Who wouldn't?

>> No.8661157

Your thought need to be put off, for they are not in line with God's.

>> No.8661164

Man did it to you, because of The Fall, your body was born into a state of imperfection and blemish.

>> No.8661183

>this is your brain on christianity

>> No.8661193

>he doesn't hate his body

>> No.8661271

>watch Rosemary's baby
>suddenly feel grossed out by the idea of a child growing in you


>> No.8661275

>tfw grease grows in clumps on my skin
>tfw white fuzzy glomps that fall apart when I grip it and it crumbles off my skin

>> No.8661303
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>have sex with gf
>come really hard
>sit back against headboard with her
>she's all touchy feely
>have massive existential crisis
>realize my entire life is a lie
>realize i just spent 2 years courting, wooing, dating, and building a life with this girl because i have a constant craving for sex and low-level intimacy to break up the loneliness and monotony of my life, and society tells me that my two options are either to have a girlfriend or to be a degenerate whoremonger despised by all
>realize i don't really "love" her, and even if i did, it'd be undermined by the fact that i basically HAVE TO be with her, HAVE TO find ways to accommodate the things about her i don't like, because breaking up means another year of jerking off while i try to get a new girlfriend
>realize she is merely tolerable + female, and that's enough for my brain to convince me we have a special bond
>realize if i had been asexual, i'd much rather have spent the night doing my own shit than watching her stupid favorite show and wasting hours on fucking
>realize if i were asexual i wouldn't even be friends with this thing

>> No.8661346

Anon, you really should go to /fit/ first and sort out the whole doing things for poon.

>> No.8661477


>if i were asexual

But there's nothing stopping you from being asexual. You can fully accept the fact that sex and the relations it maintains are abjections and act accordingly without a pseudo-medical label.

Source: I have.

>> No.8662218

i know that feel, op. not the sex part, just that feeling of revulsion toward my own body, the bodies of others, sometimes the very fabric of reality. last night while lying bed, encased within my covers, mattress, and pillow, i was overcome with that disgust. i wished i could sleep devoid of physical contact with such items, devoid of contact with even my own bodily form. lovecraft and ballard capture similar feelings quite nicely. also watch early cronenberg films.

>> No.8662284
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Why don't you ask for books that will help you be fine with the human body instead? It's like you enjoy your sufferin' or somethin'.

>> No.8662303


>> No.8662370

Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but Nausea is my go to for this feeling.

>And someone else might feel something scratching in his mouth. He goes to the mirror, opens his mouth: and his tongue is an enormous, live centipede, rubbing its legs together and scraping his palate. He'd like to spit it out, but the centipede is a part of him and he will have to tear it out with his own hands.

>> No.8662485

jesus CHRIST i know that feel

>> No.8662491
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>tfw superior virgin

>> No.8662743

Just break up with her. Becoming single is much harder than actually being single, you'll live.

You're so self-absorbed. This is the worst thing here. Think about your girlfriend, living with a guy who's constantly lying to her about actually wanted to be with her.

You and her both should be with people whom you actually enjoy spending time with.

You're just a fraud, man.

>> No.8662818

fucking this

>> No.8662845

If he does that he'll keep doing it whenever the same issues pop out in a relationship. He should try talking it out with her before making that big a change, maybe try to see if there's something besides sex that they can build on. Don't split before you have a reason no think the thing is really unsalvageable.

>realize i don't really "love" her, and even if i did, it'd be undermined by the fact that i basically HAVE TO be with her, HAVE TO find ways to accommodate the things about her i don't like
Love isn't "undermined" by that, that's what love fucking is. You think your parents didn't "have" to accommodate for you? You think your girlfriend doesn't "have" to accommodate for you? The whole point of a love relationship is that you're different with that person than how you are with the rest! That they help you (emotionally or otherwise) to do things you didn't think you were capable of, give you experiences you didn't even imagine were possible! What's so amazing about you that the rest of the world has to be perfect for you already, do you even like yourself that much?

>that's enough for my brain to convince me we have a special bond
It's *your* choice if you want to make that superficial or not. You're not obligated to build a relationship on pretty feelings either, you know? Romeo and Juliet already happened, try having a relationship you can call your own, not whatever you think you should have.

Seriously, try to discuss the things that hurt you with someone (like you're doing now) before they blow up in your face.

And watch this, it could help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-iUHlVazKk

>> No.8662869

>Underrated post

>> No.8662877

Soapandshower was a womanizer.

>> No.8662897

humanae vitae

>> No.8663109


I know this feel. It's the feeling of knowing the human in front of you has no value besides sexual pleasure. Once that void has been filled (haha), you can assess the situation with a new set of rational eyes.

They're parasites.

>> No.8663116

reminder that the male form is literally perfect

>> No.8663117

Well, he had to be so as to teach me and others why we shouldn't.

>> No.8663125

Break up with her and look for a better girl, make friends with a chick before you try and bang her.

Just use a fleshlight while your looking if you really need decent orgasms

>> No.8663129

>have sex with gf
>feel really good and positive about life
>afterwords we talk for what feels like hours about whatever comes to mind
>fall asleep cuddling her
>wake up cuddling her

Feels good

>> No.8663145

I know that feel so well, anon.

>date a girl for 5 years, engaged to be married and all
>realise that I hate her as a person after 2 years
>suffer through the relationship because I feel it's the right thing to do
>finally reach breaking point and dump the bitch
>been happily single for 2 years now
>spend days reading, writing, studying and bettering myself
>don't even talk to women
>don't even desire sex anymore
>happiest I've ever been

>> No.8663237

i'm sure there's something that drew you to her in the first place; but at the same time, if she's your first there's always a bit of an awkward air whenever you consider her as a person, because she's a milestone and an accomplishment, and those so easily are regrets as you gaze back; the past dulls with age, weighs on you like rusted armor, until you can't bear it anymore and so you want to disrobe and leave all this burden behind.

this armor, ugly and rusted as it is, is familiar to you as your own self reflected in a frozen pond. it's a symbol of a lesser you, but you nonetheless. think of her as an extension of yourself, maybe? idk what this has to do with bodily disgust.

anyway i'm sort of rambling but i hope if it's just shallow disgust you and your gf stay together and she makes you happy; if a bit more lingering, i hope you find contentment elsewhere

>> No.8663618

Don't watch your girlfriends shows you dislike and don't force her into your interests either. That's a big mistake I made.

>> No.8663626

The secret to a successful long term relationship is avoiding sex before marriage. Pussy does not cloud your reason that way and people who postpone sex have more stable marriages with a better sex life.
Dump her, if you are with her for sex, it is a waste of time.

>> No.8663628

That was really solid advice.

>> No.8663634

Rub the rear left of each of your feet, near the ankle.

Do it.

>> No.8663639


kafka duh.

>> No.8663643

So how fat is she?

>> No.8663660
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Not /lit/ but you should watch the two films salvador dali and luis bunuel made together - Un Chien Andalous and L'Age D'Or

>> No.8663894

This seems to be the blogpost thread, let me shit it up a bit.
I can be a very antisocial person, I imagine I would be quite unpleasant to be around at times. I have never tried to get a girlfriend because I have never been very interested in another person's life. I feel as though I'm missing out and I know people think very little of me but I care less and less as time goes on. The only time I have desired a girl is when thinking of her body and obtaining it would be an empty action.

>> No.8664162
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Take LSD or magic mushrooms with her with several times, what would happen would likely be either two things

1) You two connect on a psychic level and she realizes how to stop being a basic bitch who watches dumb tv shows and realizes how she can be more intelligent and interesting to you and the relationship becomes something you actually enjoy

2) It becomes very apparent to both of you that the relationship isn't that great and that you are just not meant for each-other and would be happier with different people and it helps you two break up with less awkwardness and drama.

either one would be an improvement