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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1011 KB, 2715x1858, IMG_20161025_151624~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8657613 No.8657613 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, I am a pleb.

>> No.8657692


>> No.8657742
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Yes, OP. I absolutely will help you validate your self-worth by praising your obvious intellectual superiority based on the number of meme novels you pretend to like.

>> No.8657782

What does /lit/ think of Shogun?
asking since i picked it up recently

Also how is that book on the Tao?

>> No.8658118
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>> No.8658144

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.8658147

That's a nice cuckold starter pack

>> No.8658155
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>> No.8658241
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>> No.8658542

At least you are reading respectable books on your own accord

The lack of historical names triggers me, but the narrative and characters and set pieces are amazing. The writing is very 70s-80s narrative, it sort of reminds me of Lonesome Dove

>> No.8658561
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>> No.8658562

well i got Shogun for free, since the local supermarkets are book trading for free so i might as well take advantage of it

>> No.8658568

I think its a good book, the author just made some really bizarre choices with character names.

>> No.8658583

what historical characters are relevant in the story, so i can revelate them?

>> No.8658591

Every major character in the Sengoku Jidai has been renamed and given a stir-fry.

>> No.8658714

There was a big book sale so i took my wife, kids and mother in law. This is our haul.

>> No.8658766
File: 394 KB, 382x462, deez bukz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading the bible and walden, what do I go for next?

>top one is the stranger + state of siege
>fourth is the sun also rises
>5th is the gambler - dostoyevsky
>9th is notes from the underground

>> No.8658881

The stranger. It's a quick read and a good one.

>> No.8659114

>take a picture of a pile of books
>post it on the internet

>> No.8659119

What's the problem with that? It's just a conversation starter.

>> No.8659131

Your cynicism is ruining this atmosphere and making you see what isnt actually there; you only see people posting pictures of books to brag, but theres actually a whole lot more going on.

>> No.8659142

Yeah, I heard names were bastardized in Shogun, but can it be relatively easy to tell who is who? Like being the nippon board this is I know for the most part what Nobunaga and Hideyoshi are like

And how much fiction is it? One of those where meat and narrative are added to already existing historical events?

>> No.8659152

Is that the version of the Bible with the Dore illustrations I've been seeing on Amazon? I want to replace this pew bible I have, but I dunno, that one seems a bit too thick and unwieldy, like opening to the middle will obscure the text near the spine. Thoughts?

>> No.8659194

Yeah, this.

Stack threads offer some of the best discussion on this board. I don't get why people like >>8659114 and >>8657742 feel the need to complain. It's fucking annoying.

>> No.8659230

>opening to the middle will obscure the text near the spine
You don't know how those hardbacks are bound, do you?

>> No.8659245
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I've finished the bottom book and am about halfway through the top.

>> No.8659265
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It has to do with how intellectualism and literature is perceived even among those who read a lot of literature. I really don't get it either, this board is too discuss literature and so often I see people jump to conclusions like angsty high schoolers.

Heres my modest stack of current reading

>> No.8659270

>married people post on 4chan
this is the weirdest shit that i haven seen this week

>> No.8659284

No, I don't usually go for hardcovers, but I thought I would make an exception for this one

I guess I could assume that unlike a thick paperback the pages would not execute a deep curve down the middle, but the binding would slightly bulge up while the book itself is still able to be set flat

>> No.8659288

Maybe but ive been on the internet since bbs' were a thing through aol phishing and 4chan since 2005. Some habits die hard.

>> No.8659289

How is that Fitzgerald? Im >>8659265 and Im really enjoying the prose he offers. Just started part 2 and really like where its heading from here.

>> No.8659312

I tried so hard to get into shogun, just couldn't fucking do it. I think I managed to get about ten chapters in.

>> No.8659364


I thought the first 3/4's of This Side of Paradise were great, but then it sort of petered out. I'd definitely recommend the book as I enjoyed it more than The Great Gatsby (from what I remember of it).

>> No.8659439
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Cancer stack, reporting in

>> No.8659449
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as advertised

>> No.8659451
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Hello my fellow literates

>> No.8659458

Don't be a tease, show us some cover art.

>> No.8659492
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woops wrong reaction image

>> No.8659539

Anyone else study Megan Stack for VCE?

>> No.8659544
File: 917 KB, 1326x2192, 20161018_103324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a stack, but I just ordered these and though /lit/ might be interested. Lately, I've been working on getting a better grasp of politics and religion as well as learning some police investigation techniques so I can be better informed about the world around me.

>> No.8659559

this is way worse than >>8659439

>> No.8659571

How is it worse? My goals are to learn about politics, policing, and religion. Why is that a bad selection of books? Especially Arabic, because with how many of them Obama has let in It will be in demand by police departments soon when they start committing a bunch of crimes.

>> No.8659577


Did Steven King get paid by weight?

>> No.8659594

Probably, that book is like 8 pounds

>> No.8659625


its incredible read it

>> No.8659632

because who can forget the canon-shattering masterpiece that was "the day my butt went psycho"

>> No.8659643
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man you sure weren't joking phew

>> No.8659652

yeah at least >>8659439 was conscious of his cancer

I hope you're taking the piss

>> No.8659663

What does taking the piss mean? Is that like some gay british shit? And my stack isn't cancer. I already stated my reasons for it, and I haven't gotten one constructive response.

>> No.8659770

>The Day My Butt Went Psycho!
true patrician

>> No.8660542

It sounds like something i would've wanted to read when i was 7. Books like this are quite advanced compared to the picture books most first graders are reading. Just getting someone of that age to take an interest in reading at all is quite a feat.

>> No.8661005

Yeah, its the one with the illustrations. Its the Barnes & Noble KJV.
I think it would be ok to open an exception seeing that is the bible, its a book that you will probably keep for life, and if you take care of it, it would be very nice to pass to someone you like.

>> No.8661050

you are a bitch ass nigga

>> No.8661485
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I'm entry level and just started reading so please don't bully.
I have Crime and Punishment in the mail so I'm gonna start reading some big boy books instead of just short ones as well.

>> No.8661532

I loved it. A prime Fat Seventies Book.

>> No.8661543

I-is Gay Stud the author or the title?

>> No.8661753

shogun was fun...and kind of flat in terms of philosophy. It's just an epic adventure story on the scale of a Dumas novel. There is love, betrayal, redemption, many close calls yadda yadda yadda.

if you end up liking shogun try, musahshi by eiji yoshikawa. Like shogun on steroids.

>> No.8662153

SIddhartha is a great supplement to The Stranger haha.

>> No.8662206
File: 3.84 MB, 2671x1261, bookstack2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently discovered Harvard Review at a bookstore. I'm enjoying reading a variety of essays, poems, and prose from living people instead of the usual selection of dead men.

Just finished Starship Troopers, on to Arthur C. Clarke. Cool beginning, but I'm literally 18 pages in.

The Bukowski book I'm absolutely devouring. I'm reading nonlinearly, so I've read some parts about 3 times, and some not at all. It's exciting, I love it. It's not beautiful writing at all. It's dirty, it's not particularly graceful or pretty, but it's honest and it gives you the whole of the man. I love it. I need more. Lately I've bought a bunch of poetry; there's a library downtown that has book sales on occasion where you can pick up a box and fill it with whatever you want for $20. It's provided me with eyefodder for weeks.

Umberto Eco is a brilliant writer. It saddens me I have to read translations, exclusively, however I very much enjoy his thoughts. I'm leaping around in that book, too.

Almost every book of mine has a bookmark in it. I've stopped being a hardass on myself and I've taken to reading things I enjoy. I'm going to continue down this path.

>> No.8662385

I started naked lunch and got about 1 chapter in before putting it down and never picking it back up. I mean to go back and read it. I always describe the book as reading like dirty neon, or the rainbow spread of light in a pool of oil.

I similarly started Catch 22 and decided I'd had more than my share of post-modern sentiment, though I found the writing excellent and clever. Almost too jampacked with clever shit. Heavy handed? It's brilliant, though. Just not right now.

Gatsby, solid. I've reread it a few times. Twist, never read. Frankly, I've no love for Dickens.

This looks far more like clutter than good reading.

Actually is an interesting selection, though you library'd the books instead of buying? HAHAA. No worries, I'm poor because of my habits.

Never read Rimbaud; I keep thinking "translated poetry, what's the point?", but I'll probably get around to it. Choose that translation for a reason? I've been reading much more poetry lately to try to strengthen a to this point much-neglected area of my reading diet. The Baudelaire looks interesting too, though honestly I only know of him because people here kick his name around. Read anything by him? He good?

The Lao-Tzu book looks awesome. The rest look interesting, but don't pertain directly to what I'm presently interested in. I'm generally a whore for primary sources.

Not a stack

I want pics of the inside of that bible. It looks purdy.

I can't read much of it. But you have an eye for good-lookin' copies of things. Where do you tend to buy your books?

Reminding me I've still gotta read Civil Disobedience... and learn Spanish.

Nice. My local bookstore had like 10 Nabakov books and no Lolita. And for whatever reason I just can't love This Side of Paradise. I keep putting it down. Jane Austin is on my list because I need to read more literature by women. Solely because she's a woman, yes. I've not really read any books by women. I've started a few, but I put them down again and again. Well, when I was a kid I liked Agatha Christie. But whatever. Digression. Which are your reading now?

Maybe I'll read that instead of East of Eden. Also, never read a Watts book. I'm curious, though my real mysticism exploration stage is 4 years past.

You've got some good in there. I love scifi, though I wouldn't read... most of what's in there. I've an unopened copy of Illuminatus! trilogy on my shelf. Never read a Stephen King book, though I'm supposed to. Hey, looks like if you want to write modern pulpy fiction, that's a great stack. Or just enjoy it. The copies are nice, at least.

I'm cocksure of you're sexuality, pretty thing. Why don't you male me? I want to member you forever. Etc.

not a stack


>> No.8662394
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I liked Meditations, but stopped halfway through. It was recommended to me by a professor I respected immensely when I was going through a tough set of addictions. His gesture did more to keep me sane than the book did; I felt a companion in the pain of addiction. The book is brilliant for perspective, however, and, though I'm no stoic, I respect the sentiment.

I read that copy of Siddhartha. Great little book. It's wisdom literature, if I've ever read it.

You'll have to tell me how No Longer Human is.

Camus, Dostoevsky, McCarthy, all well-loved names here. I've never read a full Hemingway novel, worked halfway through a collection of his short stories, but I really feel like I need to read Old Man and the Sea. Can anyone tell me whether or not it's necessary? If not, what is the best full novel to read by the man to "get him"?


Alright. I did it. Errybody gets a (you).

>> No.8662693 [SPOILER] 
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Didn't like Filth all that much
Skagboys was worth the effort if you liked Trainspotting

Notes From the Underground is classic, and Child of God is great except for that heavy handed bit before the climax when they explain the title and McCarthy gets in his pseudo-philosphical misanthropic mental masturbation
Helly jelly
Is Thoreau worth reading if I'm ambivalent about romantic literature? I like some romantic poetry

>> No.8663215
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okay stack, clearly manicured and added to for the picture.

Tell us what you think about the ones you're reading.

>> No.8663222

did you buy this shit from a yard sale or something?

>> No.8663267

Just finished it in August- not worth the time. Main character is a Mary Sue and big dicked self insert. For 1200 pages you can be spending your time reading better books. Whole book builds up to two measly paragraphs in the epilogue.

>> No.8663581
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>> No.8663603

>this cunt can't take the piss


>> No.8663604
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>Flowers of Evil not Fleurs du Mal
>A Selection

>> No.8663635

>Lao-Tzu's Treatise on the Response of the Tao, by Li Ying Chang
>Li Ying Chang
>Lying Chang

Only a fool would take that book at its word.

>> No.8663645

i think im gunna be sick

>> No.8663646

I thought the lower book said Lying Chang. Haha.

>> No.8663992
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>I want pics of the inside of that bible. It looks purdy.

see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcBQw63gX1Q

I always buy them on old-book stores and sometimes I find some very nice stuff. The two leatherbounds, for instance (first [state of siege and the stranger] and fourth [the sun also rises] books ) are from a publisher here in brazil that back in the day made some very good looking books, they were both published in 1982.

Last time I went downtown to trade some books I was very lucky, found the two in pic related for very cheap. I really like the cover of this edition of dubliners, it was printed in 76 in UK and both are penguin

>> No.8664228


About how much did you get those for? Any other cool finds to share? This is pornography to me.

>> No.8664234


I am so-very-jealous of your bible, btw

>> No.8664266

Pretty much. Half price books had a 2 dollar sale.

>> No.8664321
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Not very exciting here, but dis my shit

>> No.8664376
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I gave the store 2001: A Space Odissey, Skagboyz, Trainspotting and Porno, four books I enjoyed but not the kind of book I wanted to keep, and in return I got those two plus The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas and Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis. Its always a good deal getting classic national writers because most people don't people here don't care about them so they are VERY cheap.

That same day I got The Gambler by Dostoyevsky, Kafka's Amerika and Notes from the Underground trading in another store.

So basically, I got them all for "free", only trading books I didn't want anymore.

>> No.8664883
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Sachnovelle by Stefan Zweig
An e-reader(Reading Dream-quest of unknown Kaddath by H.P Lovecraft and Konosuba )
Selected poems and Novellas of Frigyes Karinthy
Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
An essay concerning human understanding by John Locke


>> No.8665254
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German history is pretty interesting 2bh, anyone got any reccs based on this stack?

>> No.8665427

Mein Kampf

>> No.8665459

>I always describe the book as reading like dirty neon, or the rainbow spread of light in a pool of oil.

what gay autism

>> No.8665581

These threads wouldn't be a complete pile of shit if you fucking morons actually read the books you bought
>b-but you're just projecting. I do read these books!
Oh yeah? Then why is this board such a shit hole? If you idiots actually read the books you bought, this board would be incredible. There would be a lot more discussion and a lot less shitposting.

>> No.8665603

I read mostly history because I'm gay which is better suited for /his/ even if it's an utter shite board.

>> No.8665638
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>lol Hitchens

>> No.8665653

Is that book on the far left Stewart Lee? If it is, how is it? I've been meaning to get it for a while now, he's a fucking excellent comedian.

>> No.8665676

Hitchens was a great writer though so I don't get what you mean.

>> No.8665992

its both darling :0

>> No.8666034

High school Junior/10.

>> No.8666068

I actually had to read the great Gatsby in my junior year. I didn't pay much attention to it but I want to read it again

>> No.8666443

I didnt read any books in highschool. I was too busy getting pussy, doing drugs and skateboarding.

>> No.8666598

question: the oxford ovid's metamorphoses is in verse or in prose?

>> No.8666600
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Starting GR right after this post. What does my stack say about me?

>> No.8666638
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I'm building a library of the essential Stoic texts. I'm focussing more on the practical ethical teachings than the theoretical ones.

>> No.8666645


>no opinions
>no books
>ad hominem

I think suicide is too good a way for you to go.

I hope the cancer in your soul eats through your balls before it takes you.

>> No.8666668

You are very lonely.

>> No.8666750
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How do I stop buying one dollar books at used book stores? It's like really cheap crack.

Some of these have been in my "to read" stack for ten+ years. I made a huge dent last year but I've been busy the last few months.

>> No.8668096

go to bed Tao

>> No.8668098

all respectable pass times

>> No.8668112
File: 3.12 MB, 4128x2322, 20161028_162035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pleb is my gf?

>> No.8668145

Exceedingly, dump her now.

>> No.8668468 [DELETED] 
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Semipleb, just getting a new bookcase next week.

>> No.8668750

I always feel happy when I see someone reading the Stoics.

Senecas letters are the best.

>> No.8669332

They were incredibly wise. More so than many psychiatrists now days, I'd argue. I love how their knowledge remains so applicable in modern society. Are there any other books you could recommend to me? Aside from these I only have William Irving's A Guide to the Good Life.

>> No.8669424
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>> No.8669433

>Stack threads offer some of the best discussion on this board.

No. Pretty sure you're just an attention-seeking faggot. Here's your complimentary (You)

>> No.8670173
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>> No.8670175

why would 4chan flip this fucking image sideways

>> No.8670178
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see id this works

>> No.8670179

dude. you have to be fucking me.

>> No.8670191

>I started naked lunch and got about 1 chapter in before putting it down

I did the same, but I did eventually pick it back up. It never gets better, don't waste your time like I did. But some of Burroughs descriptions of drug effects are really well written

>> No.8670199
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if it's filtered?

>> No.8670239

>Journey to the End of the Night

My man

>> No.8670267


>Mike Hunt

>> No.8670321
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>> No.8670332
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>> No.8671099


>> No.8672171

o shit, I have it in finnish: Velhologia, Merlinin salaisuuksien kirja

I made a magic wand with oak since the book said the tree held magical powers and was good material for wands
Needless to say, it didn't help me at all since the madic wand didn't turn the mean boys of the village into vermin and there weren't any recipes for suicide potions

>> No.8672818
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Feeling very diverse this evening.

>> No.8672826
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>Le God Delusion

Read The BIBLE you fat autistic FUCK.

Pic related: typical FAGtheist LOL.

>> No.8672931
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> Buttrustle!

>> No.8673316

(Different guy)

You have the essential classics in those three, really...but if you want more, Pierre Hadot's books are a good way to continue studying the Stoics. The Inner Citadel is a very good book that covers all of the Stoics, but focuses on Marcus Aurelius. It's a good read before or after reading the Meditations.

>> No.8673375
File: 2.90 MB, 4128x2322, 20161029_214503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically posting these. It's Halloween and I'm drunk and stoned and I don't give a FUCK.

>> No.8673385

Seen this before.

Aaaand it's the store front captcha. fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8673514
File: 45 KB, 640x496, 1477460383637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10th anniversary edition

>> No.8673784

Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor

>> No.8673791

Very. Dump her I want sloppy seconds.

>> No.8673793
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>German history is pretty interesting 2bh, anyone got any reccs based on this stack?
>Mein Kampf
>Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor

If you want to learn German history, then you need to read "primary source" books and speeches that were written by people who were actually there at the time, such as this book:


and these speeches:


>> No.8673870
File: 1.17 MB, 250x230, oh boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Madison Ave marketing acumen combines with 'City Boy' instincts to
make M.S. King one of the most tenacious detectors of "things that don’t
add up" in the world today. Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent
disdain for "conventional wisdom", and uncanny ability to ferret out and
weave together important data points that others miss: "Had Sherlock
Holmes been an actual historical personage, I would have been his

investigative journalism/10

>> No.8674139

did you find the writing in musashi kind of brutish almost icelandic?

>> No.8674165

Thanks, I'll check them out soon!

>> No.8674171

are all of them from used book stores?

>> No.8674228


>> No.8674257

That series of books is great. My kids love them.

>> No.8674301

>I'm building a library of the essential Stoic texts.
If these are your only ones then you are a bit early in calling it a library.

>> No.8674305
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>> No.8674328

How's Metro 2034?
I loved 2033.

>> No.8674495

What's the /lit/ opinion of Jonathan Franzen? I seem him a lot in these threads.

>> No.8674521
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Dusk by Salter. Then continuing downward.

>> No.8674526

Damn I want to check out Slow Learner, how are those stories?

>> No.8674529

>Tao Lin

He's teaching a poetry class at my school next semester. I want to take it for the lolz

>> No.8674545
File: 117 KB, 1300x1229, question mark man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then continuing downward.
>Pic is upside down

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8674552
File: 828 KB, 821x597, Screen Shot 2016-10-30 at 1.05.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no idea why it posted upside down

>> No.8674818

Did you bump your head anon?

>> No.8674821

And library is a synonym for collection.

>> No.8675637
File: 944 KB, 1920x2560, garbage taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought all this really cheap from a used book store, pretty happy with it