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8655794 No.8655794 [Reply] [Original]

So is anybody here actually a talented writer or no ?

>> No.8655797

lol no of course not

>> No.8655800

quite literally where do you think you are right now

>> No.8655802

Is that a picture of David Foster Wallace?

>> No.8655808

I think my prose is excellent, if a bit flowery, but I lack in formatting, characters, and in inspiration.

>> No.8655812

yeah, that's his hairline without the bandana

>> No.8655813

Which decent writer would admit to visit 4chan, that would be a PR disaster. This is a pointless question.

>> No.8655814

Yeah if your prose is flowery in the 21st century that means it sucks.

>> No.8655815


"mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement."

My penmanship is actually excellent. So yes.

Getting anyone to be entertained by what I've written? Not so much.

>> No.8655816

I would be the world's greatest writer if I could think of a story

>> No.8655844


Would it really, though? I disagree.

>> No.8655852

Well people here seem to have a really skewed scale with which they judge 'talent.' So if you're asking relative to most people, then yes some people here are probably quite talented. But if you're asking relative to guys like Gaddis or Nabokov or Keats then no, nobody here is talented whatsoever.

>> No.8655881

And parallelism.

>> No.8655921

I've published two novels and a volume of short stories, if that makes me talented then yes.

>> No.8655929

this post is disgusting

>> No.8655932

Thanks to the simplistic sensationalist media coverage of the recent years is 4chan associated with such things as the alt right, trump, white nationalism, online harassment, hate speech, cyber bullying, pedophilia and hilariously "hacking".

The liberal feminist publishing industry isn't very fond of those associations.

>> No.8655946

It depends on whether you mean that literally, or if somebody else published them.

>> No.8655969

Is this a survey?

please read your comment out loud in a nasal voice and listen to how you sound

>> No.8656484

I'm the best among my peers in my english university class so I consider myself a decent writer.

>> No.8656491

only if john green is among us

>> No.8656573

>the current year
sorry we're done with that

>> No.8656681

I think what OP means is if there's somebody here who's gonna become a great autor. Well, if we think that those kinds are often weird people, there's a chance.

>> No.8656992


>> No.8656996

It's not my first language, so I don't know how I sound. Be happy if I give you coherent sentences.

>> No.8657418

I did not self publish if that is what you are getting at.

>> No.8657484


Does it earn you any money?

>> No.8657583

This desu

>> No.8657589

Ça se pourrait, ça se pourrait.
Après 's'agit de définit le "talent"

>> No.8657592

this is still 4chan

>> No.8657608

If I became a sensation as a writer I'd absolutely let people know I browsed 4chan. It would add to my mystique. The repellant nature of this site in the eyes of the popular media would make me that much more interesting.

>> No.8657634

Why would you do that? What did 4chan ever do to you

>> No.8657640

My second novel sold pretty well and drove a lot of attention to my prior book which I was more proud of. The short stories did okay, but I don't think contemporary audiences want to read short story collections. My agent said we would have done a lot better 20 years ago.

>> No.8657647

Who is this handsome fellow?

>> No.8657685

Numbers anon!!

>> No.8657776

bro I can't even get laid

>> No.8657935

I am making enough to live comfortably without writing another book for 2 or 3 years.

>> No.8657956

John Green

>> No.8657959


>> No.8657967

It's worse having sex and being unable to get it again then being a virgin and not having it

>> No.8657974

It depends. If you associate yourself with 4chan "culture" from the start you'll just be "underground". If you get published as a normie and later come out then yeah, it'll be a disaster.

>> No.8657982

Whats your book, I kinda wanna read it now

>> No.8657984

I'm a sucker for flowery prose if it's well-written and the author doesn't sound like he's got his head up his own ass—which is nearly impossible to do. I don't understand people who shit on prose just because it's flowery.

>> No.8657992
File: 171 KB, 323x347, 1315161513045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least everyone here can write better than the average pleb.
So much as an customer email or a facebook post from one of the infinite monkeys proves English is dead amongst the masses.
>omit needless words
>brevity is the soul of wit
>active verbs
All forgotten

>> No.8657993

Are you Benn Lerner or Joshua Cohen?

>> No.8657997

>an customer

>> No.8657998

aye. ideas are hard. setpieces are easy.

>> No.8658000

Well done, I couldn't make enough from a book to live comfortably for a week. Do you have an ongoing project, or plans for a new one?

>> No.8658006


>> No.8658026

No but you're not far off.

I've been starting and restarting a few different stories for the last month. Nothing solid yet.

>> No.8658119

I've been published in a major newspaper and more recently in a small lit magazine. I've no idea how good I am though because I feel like most of the pieces published alongside mine were shit, so I don't know if I'm just hypercritical or if the bar is set very low or if my fears are true and I'm actually a retard unwittingly submitting to retard journals.

>> No.8658138

I first visited this site with the intention of researching "internet culture" in all its ugly and raw aspects. I later got sucked in by the juvenile humor which I still find amusing. I have nothing to do with the alt-right, trump, white nationalism etc and rather hold it in contempt, and anyone in the know understands that 4chan is at its roots apolitical.

What a writer does in their free time should have no bearing on the quality of their writing. It's only in our insufferable PC culture that a writer's actions outside their writing qualify them for publication.

>> No.8658190

you sound insufferable as fuck

>> No.8658216

Can you tell us how you first got into publishing?

I'm sorry for all the questions.

>> No.8659665


im not that guy but this would have been better right:

"I think my prose is excellent--if a bit flowery--but I lack in formatting, characters, and inspiration."

>> No.8659698
File: 105 KB, 662x883, Love the Sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I sublimated to a transcendant metaxy. Walked on Nylon to heights beyond the tightrope tension duality of both turntables. High and Low, a slide with some tides, you can sail the sound when you see the love"

>> No.8659742

I reached for her hair,
To pull her strings.
She slapped me in the face,
And I fell to the floor.

i write erotic pottery

>> No.8660864

I met an author who was teaching at my college, he liked my stuff enough to introduce me to his editor, who introduced me to the man who is now my agent.

You all can do it, you just have to work hard and write something unique.

>> No.8662079

why unable?