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/lit/ - Literature

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8652288 No.8652288 [Reply] [Original]

How important is a potential mates /lit/ taste to you?

>last girl I dated only read nonfiction and it drove me fucking nuts.

>> No.8652300

I don't care much. I just want someone who's not miserable.

>> No.8652305


Plus, recall what, I believe it was Nietzsche, said: "when a woman becomes a scholar there is something wrong with her sexual organs". You don't want your chick to be as bookish as you. Think about what lame self-doubting hyper-selfconscious antisocial bullshit led you to become bookish. Why would you want a mate who similarly fled the world in order to spout about Proust? A cool chick with her own interests who doesn't lock herself in a room with books for a week, like I do, but who's down to read a book I lend her now and again is best.

>> No.8652322

I wouldn't care much because I'm not lit pro myself, but I would like her to at least read fucking something and not be one of those mindless facebook/instagram drones. Also would be better if she read something else than YA shit like twilight, but I guess even that kind of stuff is better than just twitter feeds.

>> No.8652326

>hey anon come with me to see this retarded event, waste all your time on my shallow bullshit please

yeah no

>> No.8652329

"cool chick" was operative in my first post. There are a great number of chicks who are both not incredibly superficial and not John Donne aficionados.

>> No.8652335

I would want a girl who reads a shit ton more unique literature than me. That way, I can drone her taste and shitpost about how cultured I am on /lit/.

>> No.8652340

She can take the conversational lead in intellectual conversations too, and help you along.

>> No.8652350

It would be nice, but I'd probably die alone before finding any potential mate who reads the same shit I do. All I can hope for is some kind of bond.

>> No.8652356

This is actually the one problem I have with my current girlfriend. She's a happy person at peace with herself and living a great life, but she just does not read at all or critically analyze any form of media. So every now and then I'll really want to show her a book or a film that is 2deep5me and she'll just get bored and never finish it. Feels bad, but she's great otherwise so I can't complain.

On the other end of the spectrum, I dated a writer before her. That woman and I had insanely detailed discussions about a bunch of writers, we would collaborate together on our work and she was a solid editor, we just fed off each other and really connected sharing all of these books and poems and films. But she's just as miserable as I am and struggled with a bunch of mental health issues, it didn't work out.

>> No.8652510

And a relationship between a 'cool chick' and an introverted autist is gonna work...how?

>> No.8652514

well if Nietzsche is anything to go by, then a male scholar's also got certain problems with his sexual organs

>> No.8652515

Couldn't care less what she reads.

>> No.8652517

Of course

>> No.8652526


I just met a cute korean girl whose favorite book is Dubliners, pretty sure she read it multiple times.

Sometimes >tfw gf can be a bad feel.

>> No.8652542

Pretty important, but more a love of art/aesthetic experience in general.

>> No.8652551
File: 141 KB, 511x683, Willbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to never listen to any philosopher(even feminist ones)on the topic of sex or the relations between the sexes.

>> No.8652559
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you should listen to hollaback though

>> No.8652582

as long as my mates have banter i'm good

>> No.8652586

Just wait, anon. I'm sure she'll ask you out eventually.

>> No.8652587
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>> No.8652600
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>potential mate

>> No.8652607

Non-fiction can be good though OP, as long as they're an essay god like Christopher Hitchens.

>> No.8652616


>Hey anon kun wanna come to this show with me? Might pick up some 'stuff' , or not :) , it'll be a great night either way. Y-you can stay at mine later if you want...

>Psh kid, that event sounds retarded
>why do you think I'd waste time on shallow bullshit
>Drugs? Bitch, do I LOOK like a normie?
>Come back to yours? We haven't even courted properly yet whore.
>Haha I bet all you've ever read is YA.
>Explains why you want to go out and slut it up rather than stay in and read the Greeks :^)
>As my kamisama Nietzche once said, women are -

>(W-wait don't go. Come back I haven't finished showing you the depth of my unique insights.)
Autism. You will never have a girlfriend. You aren't cool, you're just pathetic.

>> No.8652639

This post is very homo- and trans-phobic.

>> No.8652646

>writes tldr unfunny greentext out of sheer anal pain
>calls the other anon autistic

wew roasties

>> No.8652677

If you care for anecdotal evidence, one time I found this girl with the same music taste and we were both into eachother at first but ultimately I didn't care for her and it went nowhere.

So I realised that it doesn't really matter to me if they share my elitist hobbies. It's more about whether I enjoy being around her and that she has a good general dispositian towards life.

>> No.8652694

More mad autists coming out to REE. You will die alone.

>> No.8652720

To add onto this, I think most people don't recognize that they'd rather be with someone open to your interests instead of already being interested in the same things. Yeah it'd be cool if my date had read and enjoyed Ulysses but I'd rather meet someone who ended up liking loving The Dead as much as me once I've introduced it to her

>> No.8652779

she has to read, for sure. I love reading and writing, and if she can't relate to me on that level then the relationship honestly feels hollow. I would know since i dated a girl who couldn't have cared less about books, philosophy, reading etc. and let me tell you, it was shit.

She doesn't need to be /lit/ levels of literate, but at least have some interest in books over all.

>> No.8652794
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As long as they don't try and make me read the new YA hot shit I'm fine.

I actually would love to meet someone I could have a discussion without the 'intimidating' factor in there. If my partner/friend is more well read than I am, that's interesting, and would actually motivate me to reach them to discuss in a proper way and share different opinions and whatnot.

>> No.8653008

>potential mates
I want normies to leave already.

>> No.8653042

>>potential mates
>the slang of normies

>> No.8653068
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If they don't believe in the divine inspiration and literal truth of Homer they're not getting it.

>> No.8653075

If they are willing to be 'mates' with me, then it's enough.

>> No.8653155

>Think about what lame self-doubting hyper-selfconscious antisocial bullshit led you to become bookish.
>Projecting this hard

>> No.8653175

I would rather she didn't read at all than read Harry Potter or other trash

Personally I don't mind if she never reads a books, so long as she's open minded when we inevitably talk about stuff that relates to books, ie politic and themes that are brought up into novels and books

>> No.8653188

>Plus, recall what, I believe it was Nietzsche, said:
Plus, recall what, I believe it was Tolstoy, said: "Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal"

>> No.8653189

>potential mates

you are a virgin

>> No.8653195


Where do I go to find quality women with good taste in literature and don't just like YA or Murakami books?

>> No.8653220

my gf has read harry potter
and more joyce than me
and sartre and i haven't
and just a whole bunch of stuff

she doesn't read to look smart or feel superior so she actually reads for real, she doesn't just skim 200 books per year like some of you on this tibetan painting portal

>> No.8653234

chances are, they are quiet and secluded just like you. you really gotta look for them.

Found one at my college and let me tell you, approaching and starting a conversation is the really hard part.

>> No.8653239


So I need to go to libraries or cafes more, then again I'm not a university student so I'd feel slightly weird just walking into a uni library.

>> No.8653242

Not at all. My husband barely reads anything other than fanfiction. Occasionally some Star Wars/Star Trek novels too, every now and then regular sci-fi.

He's happy to go to bookstores with me, and he doesn't mind that I have a couple of thousand books in the house. It does feel a bit bad when he can never even remember what I'm presenting on, even when he goes to conferences with me. And that I can never talk about my research with him beyond very vaguely.

But he doesn't expect me to know all his computer stuff--I don't expect him to know my literature stuff. We have plenty of shared hobbies beyond our careers.

>> No.8653244

quiet and secluded people don't like to be bothered when they're on their own in public

do you know who goes up to random strangers looking for a "quality woman"? desperate creeps

>> No.8653268

>"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal"

found the low test beta

>> No.8653273

This. Enjoying the same things while "refreshing" can really be boring. It's much better to find someone who knows nothing about your tastes, but is willing to give it a go. Someone who is open to different stuff rather than the same ol' same ol'.

>> No.8653276

>Why would you want a mate who similarly fled the world in order to spout about Proust?
>he doesn't want Albertine to fuck him
that's gayer than proust tbhw/ufam

>> No.8653278

it's OK I found it in context.

>Some disjointed writings, striving after effect in a most sordid manner, appear, written by a daring, but limited and abnormal German, suffering from power mania. Neither in talent nor in their basic argument do these writings justify public attention.

>> No.8653285

Everyone dies alone, normal.

>> No.8653291

As long as she's not reading YA or trashy romance novels, I don't really care. I've only known one girl whose taste I was impressed by, and she was way out of my league.

>> No.8653292

books > gf

And I even have a qt gf

>> No.8653334

>He can't mean living out your twilight years surrounded by spouse, children and grandchildren
>I'll just interpret is as we all die alone in the end in le spooky darkness.

Woo boy, it's getting bad now, I can *smell* your autism.

>> No.8653360

Whenever I see a /lit/core girl on my typical haunts I initiate contact with unsourced quotes from philosophers or commonly read canonical literary figures. I don't pursue unless she can identify who wrote one of my first 3 messages.

Nietzsche himself said as much, all real philosophers except Socrates never married, and Socrates had a cunt for a wife who made staying at home unbearable which Nietzsche claims is a big part of the reason that he wandered around shooting the shit with people like he did.

>> No.8653372

I once was dating a girl who was totally into literature like me and also wanted to be become a writer. Things were pretty cool between us, but in the end didn't work out. She later dated some dude who worked in marine science, was pretty active in sports and outgoing and one of his hobbies was fixing old cars.

The girl I am dating atm also likes to read, but she reads different stuff from me. She is more into genre fiction and nonfiction mostly. She wants to travel, studies languages, majors in psychology and loves to dance.

Both girls are attractive and pretty cool, but the current relationship is way more fun desu.

>> No.8653445

>She later dated some dude who worked in marine science, was pretty active in sports and outgoing and one of his hobbies was fixing old cars.
You feeling the need to tell us this means you are a cuck

>> No.8653444

I've been talking to a girl who seems ideal for me. We're in similar life positions, have similar dispositions, and are both into literature and the arts. Only problem is, she doesn't want to meet me yet.

>> No.8653449

Pretty sure he was only emphasizing the point that opposites attract. Neither went on to date bookish types.

>> No.8653459

0% in and of itself. If we get on well enough without needing to discuss literature at all then I don't give a fuck whether they even read.

>> No.8653479

>opposites attract.
literally a fucking stupid meme

Its confirmed that genetic similarity is attractive, its also confirmed that PHD students rarely date jungle tribe savages

>> No.8653499

You don't have to take it to extremes, anon. It's a platitude. Don't take it to mean accomplished geniuses love drooling idiots.

But a bookish woman might get much more out of a relationship with a guy who prefers fixing cars to reading, while a bookish man might get more of a girl who prefers dancing to reading. Meeting someone with only the same hobbies as you isn't nearly so entertaining.

>> No.8653500

Nice contrast between the virgins and people who actually have had relationships. Some girls Ive was dating never read, others quite a bit but it was never a defining common interest that made us connect.
If she is open to things I enjoy, so am I.

My current girlfriend does not generally enjoy reading but likes the DeLillo she took from my bookshelf which surprised me. We have other common interests so her not reading some /lit/ approved books is no problem whatsoever

>> No.8653509

>she doesn't just skim 200 books per year like some of you on this tibetan painting portal
>projecting this hard

>> No.8653540

I'm still more into cute little ass then brains or personality unfortunately

a lot of women with cluster B personality disorders have cute little asses oddly enough

I should learn my lesson, but dat ass, my fellow anons, dat ass

>> No.8653557

I'm still more into a thick, long dick then brains or personality unfortunately

a lot of men with cluster B personality disorders have thick, long dicks oddly enough

I should learn my lesson, but dat dick, my fellow anons, dat dick

>> No.8653565

I'm still more into a thorny, well curled foordletube then brains or personality unfortunately

a lot of zognoids with cluster B personality disorders have thorny, well curled foordletubes oddly enough

I should learn my lesson, but dat foordletube, my fellow humans, dat foordletubes

>> No.8653566

I have almost no preferences or standards and im a permavirgin who last talked to a girl in 2013

>> No.8653568
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what powers have you thus far unlocked, Anon?

>> No.8653581

the power to cry for so long my throat starts burning and my pillow becomes completely waterlogged

>> No.8653583

so what's your preference? Are /lit/ tastes important in a future gf?

>> No.8653623

>her favorite book is 12 Years a Slave

Apparently not at all.