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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 480x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8647154 No.8647154 [Reply] [Original]

Heh, nice haiku, kid.
You are nothing on this site.
Go back to (r)eddit

>> No.8647168


>> No.8647169
File: 227 KB, 400x346, 1472908278542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8647173

Ozymandias said,
'I once met a traveler--'
Or something like that

>> No.8647224

None of you surprise

All of you conforming

I do not conform

>> No.8647227

Ò Hilaria,
laus Kek, non stumpavisti
divum cæsarem.

>> No.8647238

Haikus have five lines
Each line is disconnected
Only whole are they whole

>> No.8647437

Why am I still here?
I've wasted my youth online.
I wish I was dead.

>> No.8647440

feeling diff'rent now
maybe it is depression
reading blocks it out

>> No.8647449

The net kills the schools
Brings kids only summer minds;
Cold nights await them.

>> No.8647462
File: 41 KB, 570x484, TWPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an endless folder of shitty haikus, just dare me.

Sudden revultion
Down, endless velocity
Vomit on the floor.

>> No.8647464

r9k poster
While weeping here he comes
Clicking and a shot

>> No.8647476

No meu quintal tem um cajueiro
Que balança com o vento
Pau no cu de quem tá lendo

>> No.8647481

Do you uh, uhm, uh,
Do you, well, uhm...do you know
What a haiku is?

>> No.8647497

It's five syllables
Then comes seven syllables
Then it's five again.

>> No.8647514

That's as far as you could ask a westerner to go, perhaps

>> No.8647523
File: 175 KB, 500x268, 1477041239591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8647530

haiku are supposed to be in japanese
it's morae not syllables

>> No.8647533

manchei-me ao beijar
os lábios ao vento azul:
sinal de verão...

>> No.8647536

This is wrong. Can't you count the syllables?

Mine >>8647533 is right: 5-7-5.

>> No.8647540

/lit/ ditches their books:
Cleared path for a coming storm.
Then, sun will bring shame.

>> No.8647545

"Light doth but shame disclose"

>> No.8647548

That's some gr8 b8 m8
I r8 it 8 out of 8
(you should kill yourself)

>> No.8647566

I once saw a post
This: >my diary desu
Funniest thing ever

What's this got to do
With that gay guy from Watchmen
Fuck you big faggot

Maybe you are right
But you're still a gay butthead
Fuck you up, muhfuhh

F.A.G. you are
"hurr durr nonconformity"
No one thinks you're smart

>> No.8648123


>> No.8648137
File: 54 KB, 540x623, tumblr_ofdn55uZdV1rkthauo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've wasted my youth online.

Same here.

>> No.8648158

Recall, we wuz kangz
We built pyramids n shiet
White man dies tonight

>> No.8648164

Socks lie on the floor
Like snowflakes, no two alike
I don't want to clean

>> No.8648249

Welfare line ahead
Red blood from a black skull,
A fresh .38 wound

>> No.8648981

I liked it

>> No.8648998

>Ozymandias said,
>'I once met a traveler--'
on a winter's night? (:

>> No.8649003
File: 112 KB, 795x960, tfw retards consider becoming religious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughter is golden,
Rise, become an Overman,
Dance and sing, Free Spirit!

>> No.8649005
File: 11 KB, 382x363, Lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French house and sardines
Mum laughing in golden grass
I weep for my death

>> No.8649006


Sorry kid, your last line is one syllable too long.

>> No.8649007

Well just fucking kill me. Oh wait.

>> No.8649008

>Laughter is golden,

>> No.8649015

Okay help, beginner here.
does anybody here have pdf of any japanese haiku books?
1. essential haiku
2. road to deep north - basho
3. japanese death poems
or any good haiku books

>> No.8649018
File: 36 KB, 607x608, Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit, you are correct.
What does it matter, though?
The rules are for chumps.

>> No.8649022


What did he mean by this?

>> No.8649023

I like you

You do not conform

Together, we will fuck

>> No.8649029
File: 195 KB, 798x770, Wew boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retard Japs,
Would police poems with rules,
All true art is free.

>> No.8649030

Look in the sharethread. There's some haikus in a poetry collection someone posted.

>> No.8649032



>> No.8649048

That it's all fantasy, obviously.

>> No.8649280

enter me

>> No.8649399
File: 290 KB, 1600x1094, Gaze into the face of insanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art comes from adversity, stupid frogposter.

without limitations or rules, you get stupid post-modernist fuckheads that say anything that they can waste their time on so they don't have to get a real job(WHILE also stroking their own ego).

Pic related.

>> No.8649799

>implying postmodern art is bad or even more bad than previous periods of art
>implying painting only with menstrual blood isn't a limitation

>> No.8650103
File: 56 KB, 361x361, 1463256686238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do feminists talk about menstruation so much? Just because it's "natural" and comes from their point of obsession (>muh vagina) doesn't mean it's beautiful or profound. Men don't feel "shamed" when women don't want to hear them talk about cum and balls.

>> No.8650152

They associate it with the pain and sacrifice of being a woman.

>muh symbolism

>> No.8651425


>> No.8651444

First, five syllables.
Second, seven syllables.
Third, five syllables.

>> No.8651492

Haikus really suck
They don't even rhyme for fuck sake
Stupid fucking japs

>> No.8651498

Infinite jest sucks ass
This board is total cancer
Kill yourself already please

>> No.8651521

>tfw when i like haiku and have write them when i have writer's block

>> No.8651531

There once was a man
From Nantucket he hailed
His penis was large

>> No.8651543

I wish I was dead?
I wish I was dead.
I wish I was dead!

>> No.8651547

for some reason it reminds me wells' "the island of dr. moreau", keeper of the law would have to add a special line for her, something like:

not to paint with your blood; that is the law. are we not men?

men here means humans, i wonder if dr. moreau even did his surgery on female animals, i don't recall...

>> No.8651550

Molly lied about setting me free
Now I'm sad
A depressed man jumps off a building

>> No.8651672

Guilded sun on high,
Come, o burning font of day,
And burn to ash the night.

>> No.8651682

Arise my son, awake.
We afford your slumber not.
The guardsmen come soon.

Add to this if you want, please keep in theme, if two people do the same number or go back to an earlier number it's alright, just different branches for the story to take.