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/lit/ - Literature

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8647045 No.8647045 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this novel. I liked it, it was funny and well written, but I feel like I didn't really "get it" or understand it. Am I a lone retard or was anyone else confused by this?

So, let me get this straight. The ghostwriter Keane took the messages Norm gave him over his answering machine and wrote them into the book we read- including the fictions, which were flights of fancy Keane inserted to make it interesting to him, because he hates Norm.

While he's doing this, Norm is narrating the events of going to vegas with the retard and his gambling buddy. Meanwhile Keane is trying to get his novel The House Painter published. When that gets rejected he decides to commit suicide.

Norm comes back to finish the book as soon as possible, and catches Keane trying to commit suicide. He stops him and they continue writing the book. Keane dresses up as Norm and starts imitating him. But why? Then he finds some people who never found Norm funny on SNL, and Keane says "I like him!" So is that supposed to be the turning point? Then Keane goes "I can't believe life can still surprise me and writes the final chapter of the book- which is what we read, which is the chapter where Norm says he feels lucky getting to be semi-famous and doing comedy. That's actually Keane finally beginning to understand and sympathise with Norm.

Then the two narratives intersect with Keane being shot to death and Keane smelling the pizza. Where did the pizza thing come from? Did I miss something? He drops the final chapter, and it flies into the wind. So Norm never got the final chapter- which we just read. So how did it get published?

Then the final chapter with Norm speaking into the tape recorder as fast as possible is confusing- he says Adam found the novel, which I think is supposed to be Keane's tape recorder? But then how did the stuff about the restaurant with Keane alone get into the book? Where did Norm find this after Keane was murdered?

>> No.8647059

Fuck you Adam Egret you fucking degenerate alcoholic faggot. Don't ever come back to /lit/ again you fucking anti-Semitic faggot piece of shit.

>> No.8647062

He told me he was hypnotised by Hitler's eyes, which were "as black as crow's wings"

Do you think the entire Norm & Adam thing was a rip-off of Of Mice And Men?

>> No.8647065

No but I think it's Adam Egret who keeps coming on /lit/ and posting shit about Norm Macdonald's book and I you to stop

>> No.8647081

It's a fucking new york times best seller, it doesn't need to be virally marketed, kike.

>> No.8647124


>> No.8647240

Is this really what the book is like? Surprising because Norm used to shit on this kind of writing back when he'd tweet about literature

>> No.8647297

fuck you Adam you fucking holocaust denying anti-Semitic cunt faggot nigger. I swear to God I hope you fucking relapse and die of alcohol poisoning. I hope you drive drunk and run over a little child and they put you in prison where you get brutally raped in your anal canal by minorities for the rest of your shitty life.

>> No.8647307

Norm macdonald? More like *normie* macdonald amirite?

>> No.8647436
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more like norm macdonalds

>> No.8647700

I think the ghost writer is supposed to represent everything Norm hates about modern writers.

I think it's his version of Tristam Shandy, and the ghostwriter is his parody of David Eggers and David Foster Wallace. The ghostwriter is a pretentious asshat.

>> No.8647704

That guy sounds hot.

>> No.8647714

Can someone explain the last chapter:

well this is the last part of the whole book. my secretary went and got himself killed. i got so mad at adam eget cause he was supposed to be guarding him but was sleeping instead so i find a bat and start hitting him with it and he gets down on his hands and knees to protect himself and thats when he finds it. norm, this is your memoir. i found it. i found it. and im happy so i say read it to be sure and adam eget opens it and thats when theres a knock at the door and me and adam eget get quiet and scared cause we know its those goons that work for the fat man with the artificial hair. i take my bat and go to the door and open it and the goon has some sort of costume on and is holding a little piece of paper and singing so i hit him with the bat and he falls in a crumple out cold and i take the piece of paper and it looks like a telegram and the words on it rhyme and its about somebody called terence keane and a book he wrote called the house painter and how some book company wants to buy it but the whole thing rhymes remember so i sing it to adam eget and he tells me that terence keane was the name of my secretary and that my secretary must have called my book the house painter and tried to sell it on the side and then he says look out the window norm look out the window so i look out the window and theres a big blue truck with the words western union on it and it is sitting in the same place that the red cadillac used to sit. hes gone! yes adam eget we got very lucky this day i say and then we run away to the alley and get in the challenger and then we drive away. adam eget says he doesnt want to read the book because reading makes him sleepy and i tell him not to worry nobody needs to read the fucking thing but just to count the words because a book has to be so many words and this one has to be seventy five thousand words and thats how many words a mans life has to add up to but then i think that every man is different and that a nobody like adam egets life probably adds up to a hundred words or something but a bigshot like me my life probably adds up to over a million words or even a billion words so i take the tape recorder and start talking into it fast and adam eget is counting words and i just keep speaking words into the tape recorder because the faster i read the more words go into my book and each word is a part of my life even if the words dont make any sense because they dont have to because thats not in the contract. nobody ever said your life had to make a damn bit of sense just as long as it had enough words thats all.

>> No.8647717

we stop at a bar and adam eget says will you take a look at her ass so i look at the waitresses ass and he says tell me thats not going into the book and i say no its not and he says youre telling me that youre not putting that waitresses ass into the book and i tell him no and he says im crazy if i dont put her ass in the book and i tell him hes so stupid he doesnt even know what should be in a book. i tell him it has to be real important stuff especially in the end part of a book and besides no book in the whole world is supposed to be about a waitresses ass and adam eget starts pouting and says whats so special about you that youre better than a waitresses ass and i say im famous thats what and he says whats that ever got you so i look at the stupid idiot and i say ill show you what its got me ill show you right now and i yell hey waiter get over here cause im hungry and he comes over and i ask him what the special is and im lucky cause its chili and not that stupid fucking turkey chili that i hate either but real chili with pieces of beef in it and so i say hmmmmm to stall for time hmmmm and then my finger starts pointing at my name on my snl jacket and some time passes before the waiter says hey arent you famous and i say sure i am and he says you can have the chili for free and i say i want a whole bowl and not a cup and plenty of crackers too and the waiter agrees to the whole thing. im pretty pleased with myself and i look over at adam eget but he isnt sitting beside me anymore cause he is at the other side of the bar standing in front of a tv so i go over to him and he is talking like a robot and he says the toronto blue jays will win their baseball match tonight by two scores and i cant believe what im hearing so i hit adam eget hard on the side of his head and he falls in a crumple out cold. people come around to see what the trouble is and i tell them im a really famous guy and if they dont believe me they can all just read my clothes and i tell them adam eget is a nobody whose life is worth like a hundred words. everyone is cool with that and it makes me think that thats another thing that fame gets you. you can just go ahead and hit a guy hard on the side of his head. i go back to my table and wait for my food and look around the bar to see where the waitresses ass went and then finally the waiter comes back and he says he is sorry but they are just out of chili but that if i want i can have a bowl of turkey chili. can you believe it. turkey fucking chili. story of my life.

>> No.8647782

i mean this guy was a real jerk

>> No.8647838

Download Dick Fuckingtons' audiobook for free while you can


>> No.8648199

it's the shaggiest of shaggy dog stories

>> No.8648221

>The ghostwriter is a pretentious asshat.
this exactly. the holy roman empire joke really makes that clear lol

>> No.8648225

Norm finds the manuscript and turns out to be illiterate.

>> No.8648309

>I make a Norm thread shortly after the book comes out
>People tell me to fuck off, they're discussing real literature
>Norm's book cracks the NYT best sellers
>now people respond to threads

/litl/ truly lacks any integrity whatsoever.

>> No.8648405

Wow I'm shocked how good this is.

>> No.8648422

Norm is a genius.

>> No.8648428
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Been meaning to get this; I really liked Stanhope's 'Digging up Mother', is it similar?

>> No.8648500

There's a guy selling this book under the Queensboro bridge. If you bring an extra 15 dollars he'll give you a package deal and jerk you off as well.

>> No.8648696

it's a lot better than I thought it would be.

that is to say, it's good

>> No.8649148

soon lit is going to hear a popping sound
the sound of their head coming out of their own ass!

>> No.8649162

no. Stanhope is 'our guy', Norm is just a good comedian

>> No.8649166
File: 47 KB, 640x480, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been a few bad eggs.

I don't know if there is anyone that /lit/ likes more unanimously than Norm.

>> No.8649191

that's one of my favorite bits from his live podcast

>> No.8649197

you probably ran into some 15 year old autistic british guys who've never laughed in their life

>> No.8649273

Not literature and the NYT list means nothing since Oprah began to waggle her banana smashers about garbage to her pathetic cult.

>> No.8649749

More literate than 99% of books discussed on /lit/ written after 1960, and I'm being 100% serious.

Norm's book club was the greatest thing ever, and really opened my eye to the difference between serious literature, which is art, and truth, and journalism, which is mere facts, and gossip.

Some passages from the book are breathtakingly beautiful.

And I love that it shit on /lit/-style
Pleb writers.

>> No.8649790

Book club? Did he suggest a book on his twitter every week or something?

>> No.8649913

It was once a month, it was a separate site and a seperate twitter account normsbookclub.

>> No.8651657

