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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 245 KB, 800x1000, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8645729 No.8645729 [Reply] [Original]

When did you lads realize the Christian God is the plebbed-down version of Plato's form of the Good? It struck me as immediately evident and, in my humble opinion, is the finest of philosophical realizations.

>> No.8645765

Anyone who has read Plato knows this, you retard

>> No.8645772

Plato was really smart, huh

>> No.8645774


The Christian God is a set of different lesser aspects of the pantheistic God. The Bible itself basically comes out and says so, but anyone who has studied and made use of the esoteric knows this very well. Io Pan!

>> No.8645781

>and, in my humble opinion, is the finest of philosophical realizations
>calling your philosphical realization the finest of philosophical realizations
wew lad

>> No.8645788

Which dialogues do you suggest about this?

>> No.8645790

To an extent, sorta depends, yannow?

>> No.8645792

i am not sure that plato's form of the good is a personality and also that it created the world...

>> No.8645855

Hence the plebbed-down remark, my dear.

>> No.8645872


>> No.8645970

That is far from true, lad; equating God with what Plato refers to as the demiurge is much more common.

>> No.8645985

When did you realize that the concept of "God" is real and only the words to describe it just change in all the world's ancient literature and religious texts

>> No.8646024

No shit, Plato (and Aristotle) were very influential for a lot of people, including the two most important theologians: Augustine & Aquinas.

This is not new, read more and stop trying to /lit/'s validation. It makes you look like a turbo-pseud

>> No.8646031

That's a Chinese lie.

>> No.8646032

If Plato were alive today posting on /lit/ you'd all call him an idiot.

>> No.8646038

Anon, we wouldn't even notice the difference.

>> No.8646039
File: 194 KB, 636x580, 1415554917131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we consider that the form of the good is a conception close to the holy spirit?

>> No.8646042
File: 222 KB, 600x696, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Jesus is the poor man's Socrates, yes, yes, we've been through that already.

>> No.8646045

I hath lain a geas on thou to return whence you came.

>> No.8646049

Plato had clever comebacks and decent answers, but he was very inconsistent. A bad philosopher

>> No.8646055

and who is to say that any description of god in ancient literature and religious texts is super accurate

like if i said some car in the distance is red and smells like poo makes it true when in truth it is red but doesn't smell like poo but i have no means of finding that out for myself (because i am locked in a cage). does that also invalidate what i said about it being red?

that's how people argue against the existence of god using scripture and it makes me laugh.

>> No.8646099
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>plebbed-down version

Just the version they can contemplate from the position of their lower Form. Different fingers pointing at the same thing.

>> No.8646102

Now you're either implying Augustine and Aquinas wrote the bible (which, as we all know, is nonsense) or your message is of no positive contribution to the discussion at all - in which case it must also be classified as nonsense. This, I am afraid, must lead to the conclusion that you are absolutely the last person on this board to call someone a turbo-pseud, lad.

>> No.8646107

Protestantism was a mistake.

>> No.8646123

the bible doesn't even mention trinity, i dunno how one can be a christian, ignoring the church fathers and putting sola scripture principle to the extreme

>> No.8646130

Surely you're right. Now of course even
>plebbed down version
>the version they can contemplate from the position of their lower Form
are different fingers pointing at the same thing. I chose the former, in order to accommodate the interests of the plebs on the board (some of which, as you must have noticed, have already found their way to the thread).

>> No.8646134

How canst thou forsake thine sacred qvest, O sir Kitkin sodomite?

>> No.8646142

Certainly, lad. But this, we must now admit, goes for Christianity in general. All that is good is easily corrupted.

>> No.8646147

Good cannot be corrupted.

If it was corrupted, it was not good.

Haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.8646196

Not the good itself, of course, but every flawed ideology claimed to be modeled upon it certainly deserves to be called just that.

>> No.8646255

If you consider that "the finest of philosophical realizations," your opinion is indeed humble.

>> No.8646267

By what criteria is it plebbed down?

>> No.8646393

The two aren't related in the way you think they are. You may want to take the ambiguity of 'fine' into consideration next time.

>> No.8646430

calling someone 'lad' has become the equivalent of the reddit 'good sir'