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/lit/ - Literature

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8645211 No.8645211 [Reply] [Original]

>be me when I was younger
>I would do well at school and use all my free time to play videogames
>I thought books were ok and I would read if I had stuff but I was never interested in buying lots of books
>become 18 / 19
>feel too guilty to play lots of videogames and they're not as good as they used to be
>stop playing video games
>start reading
>read lots of entry level books an enjoy them
>read more on the internet about books
>"Reading makes you smart. Reading makes you cool. You must read these 5000 books in order to be intelligent, including these boring as fuck ones that either no one has read or they were force-fed at Eton. It doesn't matter that almost all non fiction is worthless mental masturbation, you must read it anyway."

Between the social posturing / pseudo intellectual aspects of reading described above, whether through boring non-sequitor filled pomo lolsorandumb trash or boring as fuck overwritten western canon novels written back when nobody had anything better to do; and the shitloads of "important" or "insightful" non fiction books that could be summarised within a few sentences; and the new exalted status of books as spiritual fuel instead of entertainment, how does anyone get enjoyment from reading anymore?

I mention videogames because it is the fastest changing (due to technology) and most modern form of major entertainment (apart from maybe hyper reality), which shows my unpretentious tastes when I was younger.

>> No.8645223

idk eat some shrooms

>> No.8645224

i read poetry. it's quaint fun. it tickles a part of my brain that no other mediums reach, not vidya, muzak, or fapping. though each of these also has their unique touch.

it just depends on personality and mood. like all other hobbies.

>> No.8645236

Fuck off frog homo

>> No.8645238

>between A, A, and A, how does anyone B?