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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 514 KB, 1280x1527, 1280px-Rembrandt_-_Jacob_Wrestling_with_the_Angel_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8644066 No.8644066 [Reply] [Original]


big collection of 7000 books, a lot of Dalkey, NYRB, and others

>> No.8644088

Whats the book, dude?
Can you talk about it a little bit?

>> No.8644092
File: 2.09 MB, 5689x4448, 1454900832721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an ebook collection of a ton of books, lad

>> No.8644093
File: 1.54 MB, 300x229, 1460970940522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its a collection
But nobody's installing 10gb and sharing back.

>> No.8644182

Worth it to download?

>> No.8644214

epub or pdf?

>> No.8644218

Its a whopping filesize
Theres bound to be one book you enjoy

>> No.8644248


This is one of the big issues with a huge dl like this that's not broken down
If it has the Dalkey collection I've seen (likely), they're mostly ePubs; same with the NYRB titles
Maybe it has the New Directions (ePub), Oxford World Classics (half and half), Pushkin Press (ePub), and Twisted Spoon (ePub) collections too
Who knows what else it might have though or what format. Ten GB is quite a commitment

>> No.8644263

Fuck it, I'm taking the plunge. I'll talk to you guys in two days.

>> No.8644376


Godspeed anon
If you can tell what collections are in it, that would be solid

>> No.8644384



>> No.8644392
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1464966650409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectual property rights
nice try

>> No.8644639
File: 504 KB, 454x600, 1446527219880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8644717

I have one with many books on Shakespeare and by him (good editions).

Of this thread is still alive tomorrow afternoon, I'll share it.

It's not that big of a collection, perhaps less than 50 books, but it's something.

>> No.8644783

>over bandwidth quota
>10.06 GB
Damn it, OP

>> No.8645814
File: 80 KB, 197x249, 1469152314988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty quality trolling, OP.

>> No.8647394

English lit
French lit
Short story collections
Short stories
Depressing lit
female authors
Theater - Drama

African American /lit/erature:
Australian /lit/erature:
Spanish literature:
Mexican literature:
Japanese literature:
Italian Literature:
Russian Literature:
German Literature:
Persian Literature:
Essential Doorstoppers:
Dystopia & Utopia:
Drug Books:
Science Fiction
Surreal Lit

Essential Poetry Guide:
American Poets and Poetry Collections:
American Plays and Playwrights:
American Others:

Introductory Literary Theory:

Other links:
Someone's folder
Dedalus books

>> No.8647401

I don't gonna click that, nigga.

>> No.8647402

>African American /lit/erature:
End this meme.

>> No.8647406
File: 124 KB, 806x1536, Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one seemed to notice the other thread, I'm reposting

I wanted to share with you a collection of books on and by Shakespeare that I have been collecting recently.

Although most of them you can easily find in Libgen or Soulseek, I thought having them all in one place would come in handy.

The collection includes, but is not limited to, Oxford and Arden editions, as well as Cambridge Companions and Introductions. It's a lot of material, so I hope you find something useful in it.


I only ask for two things in return:

1.- That you share it and link to it if you find it useful.
2.- That if you have access to Bibliotik or other private servers, check whether they have the "Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's History Plays" by Warren Chernaik, since that one is missing from the collection and would be a very nice addition.

Book sharing general, I guess.

PS One other thing. If you happen to have a pdf for Elyse Sommer's Similes Dictionary that you could share I would be very grateful.

>> No.8647420

What's the best e-reader to read these on?

>> No.8647427

>inb4 buttloads of dolphin porn
And not the good kind.

>> No.8647434

>implying there's a bad kind

>> No.8647470

I'd love to have one for original spelling Shakespeares, which I assume this isn't, but still cool,

> "Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's History Plays" by Warren Chernaik
>Elyse Sommer's Similes Dictionary
In a minute

>> No.8647494
File: 497 KB, 1275x1280, 81L5psHPY1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a link with the mp3 files of the Original Pronunciation production the British Library and Ben Crystal did some years ago. Pic related.


>> No.8647500


Cheers, had forgotten about this

>> No.8647502

>original spelling

I'm sure there are some around. You can always look up pictures of the First Folio or Quartos.

>> No.8647511

Of course, there just isn't a convenient, known to be clean & text/epub-friendly collection of them

>> No.8647513


Thanks m8, you are the best.

>> No.8647991

>Not enough space

Thanks for wasting my time.

>> No.8648396

Would be interesting in downloadable courses on how to be a better writer, something from a top University or something similar?

>> No.8649474

>collection I've seen (likely), they're mostly ePubs; same with the NYRB titles
>Maybe it has the New Directions (ePub), Oxford World Class

Hey guys, I'm the anon that got most of those from bib. I'm not gonna do single requests now, but if there's another publisher/collection anybody is interested in, I might do it. Something fun and interesting.

>> No.8649654


> No poetry

>> No.8650230

Okay I'm back. I'll try to screenshot every folder that's in it. It's organized by author. Pretty much any of the most common authors discussed here have all their books included

>> No.8650298
File: 203 KB, 1921x1081, Download folders 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8650333
File: 201 KB, 1921x1079, Reddit Favorites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8650364
File: 203 KB, 1921x1081, Download Folders 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8650375

There, and that's just folders. As you can see by the scroll bar all the rest are individual files. There's a lot of repeats, but I think it was worth it. Really the longest part was waiting 8 hours because Mega only lets you download 10 gbs a day, and there was about half a gig left.

>> No.8650389
File: 213 KB, 1922x1083, Download Folders 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking forgot the last picture

>> No.8650400

Got any Percy Bysshe Shelley?

>> No.8650835

Thanks for sharing bro.

>> No.8650885

Requesting the following;

Portuguese lit
Chinese lit
The greeks
The romans

>> No.8651096


Thank you very much anon for doing all of this

>> No.8651191

Is there much non-fiction in this?

>> No.8651393

Thank you, you beautiful gem

>> No.8651754

/r/ THIS WORD NOW by Owen and Jodi Egerton

>> No.8652250

Bump to save.

>> No.8652406

bump to save again.

>> No.8652842

>not Calibre-organised
How come there are still people who do this in explorer.exe

>> No.8653057


That guy downloaded OP's 10-gig monstrosity and showed us what was inside. Show a little gratitude

>> No.8653081


would some kind soul divide this up a bit for ppl with shitty village internet speed?

>> No.8653121

Not a bad idea

>> No.8653146

Wouldn't it be a better idea to make a torrent?

>> No.8653286

Just use Soulseek

>> No.8653304

Obviously talking about the 10-gig monstrosity in question, the downloader didn't throw them inside random folders themselves.

>> No.8653427

please give me the lacan

>> No.8653561

I know I am stupid, but I can't get it working. What am I doing wrong?

I'll copy paste the whole URL into uTorrent and it gives me the old 404 error message. Is the torrent down?

>> No.8653579


it's not a torrent, just a regular download link, paste it into your browser, that's all

>> No.8653793

Kek. Thanks man.

>> No.8653972

/r/ing Gianni Segre - Confirmation

>> No.8654774

One more bump to save.

>> No.8655208


>> No.8655280

grove press specifically the black cat subsidiary

>> No.8655454

Have any Graywolf press? I want to get a better idea of what good contemporary literature without paying for something I might not like at all.

>> No.8656246

Bait? That's not a full link

>> No.8656655

there's 115 titles. You want fiction, poetry or nonfiction?

>> No.8656991

Don't tease me like that, anon

>> No.8657136

fiction and some poetry maybe

>> No.8658754

I meant to link it I did it wrong. I'll be home soon, I'll send it then. I do have it. Try the archive?

>> No.8658985

Does anyone have a not-shit-formatted epub or mobi of the Gulag Archipelago books 2 and 3?

>> No.8659566

Is there any Irish litetature megas? Thanks in advance.

>> No.8659739

Oh, you'd even uploaded it on libgen. Cool, had no idea it had been scanned after all.

>> No.8660502

How do I use libgen? I'm searching for it but there's no results.

>> No.8660805

Bump for an answer

>> No.8660885

Search in fiction (non-russian) instead of sci-tech/general

>> No.8661093

Works by 70-ish nobel prize winners
>inb4 no Dylan


>> No.8661108
File: 506 KB, 649x488, 1452807191808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 pdfs
>... no, it actually has epubs

>> No.8661170

OP here, sorry for the huge file. Just tried to share everything I had collected. Thank you to the anon who shared the screencaps. The collection has some division by publisher, but mostly just a huge collection of authors.

My bad, thought this thread had died.

>> No.8661195

Ok cool. I was just on the wrong site. Thanks!

>> No.8662437

>American Poets and Poetry Collections:
>No poetry
But there's another one

>> No.8663349

you pee

>> No.8663431

Has anyone got Mark Van Doren's Shakespeare or Frank Kermode's Shakespeare's Language? Doesn't matter if it's pdf or epub.


>> No.8663818
File: 51 KB, 680x684, 1455115804005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Sillanpää

>> No.8663944

All the turn of the century stuff is on good stuff is on gutenberg, but check out the new teaching company course on irish lit and culture, its fantastic.

>> No.8664222
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, 1460616482882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ - Literature
>no pdf support
>no epub support
>no mobi support

I appreciate everyone who's shared stuff on here, but seriously, why do we have upload stuff offsite to have a sharethread?

>> No.8664412


>> No.8664487
File: 213 KB, 1620x1079, oh my stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you anon this looks tremendous

>> No.8664502
File: 8 KB, 275x111, tj4NdKq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download torrent of Kierkegaard's complete works
>100% of the files are epubs

>> No.8664511


I wish they had been epubs

>> No.8664838
File: 164 KB, 831x1024, zappfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have, or possibly know, if there are ebooks (preferably epub) available of Zapffe?

>> No.8664962

Some Norwegian anons tried to be the first English translators of Zapffe for approximately 2 days before they got bored.

>> No.8665052

Huh, really. Shame!

>> No.8666139

That's funny.

>> No.8666146


>> No.8666184

Can someone explain to me how I download these books, what tools I need, or at least guide me in the right direction? Maybe a website, or video that teaches how to download pirated books ?

>> No.8666196

just download them my dude and load em up on something like Ice Cream e-reader or an actual physical e-reader

>> No.8666215
File: 55 KB, 500x282, GOAT colin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Immigrant

>> No.8666408
File: 257 KB, 697x497, 1460586422233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/LIT/-CORE/good female writers

I knew what it was gonna be and I still clicked it.

>> No.8667569


>> No.8667911

Here you go:

>Graywolf Press Fiction.rar

Would appreciate it if somebody uploaded it to mega and shared the link, or torrent it and share the magnet. I just can't be bothered to.

Graywolf Press, contemporary fiction. I realize now I've read a couple of those, and they were mostly shit. But maybe you'll find something you like.

>> No.8669182
File: 41 KB, 311x475, solstad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for this.

Especially for pic related which is supposed to pretty damn good and was taken off Amazon for some reason.

>> No.8670797

>the old "banned from amazon!!!!" marketing attempt
no thanks

>> No.8670826

I believe the site you are looking for that allows unlimited book uploads is mediafire circa 2010.

What forum do you know of allows free sharing of copyright material?

>> No.8670860

Any archive for books from Tartarus press or Ash-Tree press?

>> No.8670894

Holy crap, anon. This looks amazing.

>> No.8671520



>> No.8671597

downloaded a couple of collections and over half of the epubs have shit formatting

not to mention there's a lot of pdfs as well

>> No.8671602

the old ones are like that. feel free to fix one

>> No.8671689

ePub of pic related? Would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8671693
File: 22 KB, 226x346, 51weNsorBCL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8671746

>10GB .7z

Here's my collection. It was supposed to be a mirror of a particular japanese literature collection that got killed, but it then grew into a 7GB behemoth of its own.


Key: !4Ut-eePQr9YSjHJJTQs7Ew

>> No.8671754

Except portuguese lit, I have all your requests here >>8671746

>> No.8671830


I got you


>> No.8671842

Thank you!

>> No.8672320


thank you very much anon, this is great

>> No.8673704

Whoah. Thank you anon ;_;

>> No.8673713
File: 87 KB, 816x816, 1450685181066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anons. you are champions of /lit/ from this day forward.

>> No.8673719

NO one here was fucking published by Graywolf you dumb cunt.

I mentioned it largely because literature scaruffi put it in his top 50 or so

>> No.8674487
File: 16 KB, 260x340, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have Scott Hahn's bible commentaries/study guides? I bought a couple of them and they're really good but they're so expensive.

>> No.8674520

is there a pdf/epub of bottoms dream anywhere? id like to sample it before i consider buying it.

>> No.8674692

How do I use this link? ;_;

>> No.8674756


Use this then enter the key


>> No.8674759


write it in the form mega.nz/#F!510waSI

>> No.8674770

mega addon.

>> No.8674901

In Libgen there's one for the Gospel of John and for the New Testament.

>> No.8674915

Thanks, only checked the Faulkner but
>Intruder in the dust
are corrupted

>> No.8675085

Can confirm.

They're fine in this link though >>8671746

>> No.8676851


How come nobody bumps these ebook collection threads?

>> No.8676866

probably because there are easier ways to find w/e you want to read

i appreciate the effort but uploading rare books to gen.lib.rus.ec or book irc, or even making a clone of gen.lib.rus.ec for just in case would be much better

>> No.8677263

Just use http://libgen.io/.. Much easier domain

>> No.8677528

>but uploading rare books to gen.lib.rus.ec
Indeed, but it's also much more work

>> No.8678847

Anyone got an epub of "Call Me by Your Name" by André Aciman?

>> No.8678876

Never mind; found it by means of links posted here.

Thanks everyone.

>> No.8680239


>> No.8682287

This has already been up over a week but it's more relevant than half the threads on the catalog

>> No.8683401

gud thread boies

>> No.8683867

Any good essay collections? Most collections are about a specific topic or essays by a specific author, but I'm looking for a generalized collection of well-written essays by smart people. It seems harder to find than it should be.

>> No.8684431

That's because it's a dubious idea and makes it sound like you're more interested in rhetorics than anything else

>> No.8684491

George Orwell his essays are very much esteemed by nearly everyone.

>> No.8685773

>tfw I'll never read this many books

>> No.8686837

I'm looking for non-canonical Biblical texts, similar to Book of Enoch: books that were not included in the New/Old Testament because they were deemed as not being "written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

I check /x/'s Megashare but all it had was stuff on alchemy and voodoo lol

>> No.8686893

Good epubs of The Water Margin! Beautiful. Thank you.

/r/equesting if anyone can help, Seven Heroes and Five gallants by Shi Yukun, translated by Song Shouquan

>> No.8687877

gotta be on sacred-texts

>> No.8689694


How about actual answers?

>> No.8689754

I'm not sure why you would want a completely arbitrary collection of essays, by authors you haven't a clue about, instead of getting a handful of collected essays by multiple authors.

I think the reason for there not being a collection of this sort is exactly because of the aforementioned.

>> No.8689826

I don't really get the issue. There are plenty of books about the best novels ever written, or the most famous plays ever written, or the most accomplished writers in history. This is really what any "history of literature" book is about. I want that but with non-fiction essays.

Books of poetry are similar "arbitrary" collections of poems that are famous. I don't get what's artificial about wanting to read good writing from smart people.

I suspect that people are viewing this request like someone who only reads sparknotes summaries and considers himself learned, wanting to learn without really 'putting in the effort'. That's still much better than not knowing literature at all. On top of that, if that's what he enjoys, then he's entitled to enjoy it.

There are threads here about your favorite passages, favorite opening sentences of novels, etc. They are driven by a similar interest, aren't they? Why is only one of them artificial?

>> No.8690035
File: 2.47 MB, 4063x6657, 1477056274121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a right wing collection?
It would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8691558
File: 142 KB, 303x475, 808177[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the surreal collection has this one

>> No.8691612

Based. Thanks dude.

>> No.8692504

I'll check it out thanks.
Never read anything by a romanian author.