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/lit/ - Literature

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8640849 No.8640849 [Reply] [Original]

>science has "replaced" philosophy!
>science has "replaced" religion!

>> No.8640872

It has though, sorry

>> No.8640877

It most certainly did, at least to some people, at least to those who say it did. The thing is, if something replaces one another, what is still intact is this place itself that they are occupying. That is to say, in what has science replaced those things if not as the fantasy that guides the will of people? I mean not a fantasy in its content, because it was never about that, but the fantasy that this place ought to be filled. That we need this knowledge or this blessing, or this method... And to what purpose? It is this long dance of social situation that produces us, familiar problems we insist on not resolving out of a sense of tradition, the caressing of a good thought, a right thought, to which we are addicted, the evergoing justification, the capital of our psychic economy, this deviation in face of that which we are not ready yet to face and that sends us somewhere else, and that in order to be true, demands from us to be coherent with who we were 5 minutes ago, and so it is that we keep on moving, hide and seek.

>> No.8640882

This is a literature board.

>> No.8640884

Agree 100% This irks me too.
Science has "rendered" religion/philosophy "obsolete" is far more accurate.

>> No.8640885

I mean can't they all go hand in hand?

>> No.8640889

Science isnt actually a thing.

Its just a process, like logic.

Its literally a fucking meme, science doesn't create technology, people do. Sometimes these people use ((science)) but thats it, it replaced nothing and has always existed in one form or another.

>> No.8640893

Science can't replace religion in any way.

Philosophy, in the original meaning of the word, is the practically the same thing as science. But it hasn't replaced it, since philosophy has a somewhat different meaning today.

>> No.8640894

Meanwhile in the real world, earth is being conquered by religious retards while le smart atheist scientists dont have children because of muh global warming

Science is a religion of cucks, Billy Nye btfo

>> No.8640937

Do you spend all day here lurking for the right opportunity to /pol/lute discussions with your cuckold obsession?

>> No.8640950

>earth is being conquered by religious retards
ISIS are getting their asses handed to them by the Kurds tho

>Billy Nye btfo
He's not even a scientist, just a TV presenter. That's like saying "Anderson Cooper BTFO" about some world event.

>> No.8640967


>> No.8640974

Its not cuckoldry if my ethnicity is winning, nice projection

>implying kurds arent religious retards as well
>implying I was only talking about ISIS

Fucking retard, mexicants and muzzies are outpopulating the cuckolded le science beta nerds.

Religion Philosphy and Art are more powerful in the real world than muh science, the most philosphically powerful people win, women are attracted to artists not "scientists".

STEMfags btfo

>He's not even a scientist, just a TV presenter. That's like saying "Anderson Cooper BTFO" about some world event.
Its called a joke my autistic friend

>> No.8640982

Do any of you faggots have that copypasta of a enlightened philosopher shitting on STEM?

>> No.8640996
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>> No.8641157
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>implying kurds arent religious retards as well
Very much not; only thing they hate more than Islamists is Turks. But you clearly just want to spam adhom and random claims with nothing to back them up.

>> No.8641231

autism: the post

>> No.8641239
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>> No.8641245

You would hope, but the fedoratheists consider it their duty to ruin everything that doesn't exalt STEM.

>> No.8641248


>> No.8641317

Found the butthurt kurd, they are muslim

>also anarcho commie
Lol kys

Projection: the response

Daily reminder that STEMcucks are depressed losers

>> No.8641327
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The only people who say this are popular science hacks like negro degrasse tyson and stephen hawking and the only people who believe them are teenage pseuds who read their "Brief History of Time" like it's the gospel while browsing Ted Talks and /r/atheism. Within actual academic circles, there is a pretty broad consensus over what falls into science and philosophy and more often than not there is significant collaboration between the two. The only reason why we keep getting these threads is because 99% of the people here are self-hating continental pseuds who have never bothered to pick up a book on the philosophy of science or the philosophy of physics. We wouldn't be having this conversation every week otherwise

>> No.8641346

i'm projecting your autism? that doesn't make sense, cuckboy.

>> No.8641351

>low iq retard doesn't understand projection

Read Jung and stop projecting your autistic cuckoldery, STEMcuck

>> No.8641358

the west literally doesn't learn, it used to support osama bin laden and taliban, then it switched to supporting kurds

>> No.8641370

>taking jung seriously
you really are autistic, cuckboy.

>> No.8641377

Science is just natural philosophy.

>> No.8641378

Autism doesn't mean what you think it means stemcuck

>> No.8641380

science is a philosophy and a religion anon.

>> No.8641389

>not knowing what it means to take jung seriously
have fun with your autism cuckboy.

>> No.8641410

Cuckoldry: the post

>> No.8641413

>But you clearly just want to spam adhom

>> No.8641420

nice autistic projection cuckboy.

>> No.8641431



Tfw u have no originality and are confirmed plebian haha

found the autist

>> No.8641439

autistic rage: the post

>> No.8641443

since you know so much about astral projection why dont you try floating your spirit over to my place to watch me fuck your girlfriend and your sister at the same time

>> No.8641444

Subdued depression masquerading as detached smugness: the person

>> No.8641450
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Kek confirms

Check em cuckboy, you were C U C K E D by KEK

>> No.8641451
File: 22 KB, 400x369, 1472348831554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8641452

has your brain left your body cuckboy?
projection: the reply

>> No.8641460
File: 340 KB, 522x560, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's running out of memes

Lol get rekt faggot, try different jokes

Kel blessed my post with trips, unless you get quads... I WIN

>> No.8641461

slippery wet dog poop

>> No.8641466

autistic resignation: the post

>> No.8641472
File: 74 KB, 395x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs, still a far cry from quads

Keep trying buddy!

>> No.8641489

too hard to swallow the redpill cuckboy?

>> No.8641601

My balls, they itch

>> No.8641604

Philosophy allows us to understand ideas and the relations between ideas and reality, and ideas and other ideas.

Science allows us to make observations about the world and re-enact them given appropriate conditions

Religion allows us to manipulate people into believing a load of nonsense about talking snakes and disembodied superbeings from beyond the dawn of time that are always watching you.

Now, one of these things is not like the others.

>> No.8641612

wat does slippery wet dog poop allow us to do

>> No.8641613

It started with SpongeBob crying in his underpants, did you expect it to suddenly turn into Tolstoy?

>> No.8641905

>It most certainly
Stopped reading there.
(I actually read it all though (I wish I didn't))

>> No.8641911

Says the person who posted le red pill.

>> No.8641931

>having flags on your flag