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/lit/ - Literature

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8639860 No.8639860 [Reply] [Original]

Literary confession thread

>> No.8639865

I want to sniff a hot girl's butt

>> No.8639903

Today ai blight a second hand copy of john berryman's dream songs.

There is pubic hair inbetween the pages

>> No.8640188

id rather watch pron than read a book :( fuck this day and age. also im drunk

>> No.8640220

I tell people I like Michel Houellebecq and I follow him on twitter but I've never finished even one of his books.

I've never finished a book in French despite being able to read it. (unrelated, but related)

>> No.8640229

I don't upload esoteric book torrents when I'm done downloading them.

>> No.8640281

I found I was happier when I played WoW all day, than reading all day

>> No.8640304
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I have seven page story due in one hour

>> No.8640317

I've never read the Bible t b h

>> No.8640318

You weren't happier you just concentrated better on WoW. It didn't make you happier it just distracted you better.

Read Zapffe.

>> No.8640423

>Well over half my collection is unread. I am a student but I make good money and I tend to spend a good deal of it on books. In the last year I've purchased a couple hundred used books and only recently slowed down. It sometimes makes me feel like a fraud.

>Monolingual with a perpetual desire to learn French but I'm far too lazy to actually get around to it.

>I've read fewer than 30 books this year on top of my school reading.


>> No.8640424
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I agree with eveything you just said

>> No.8640425

Is Zapffe really worth reading? Do I need to read Schoppy or some other edgelords first?

>> No.8640433

I only got into literature this year

>> No.8640438

He's fairly self contained. Just read The Last Messiah

>> No.8640584

I've literally never read a book. I just shitpost based on sparksnotes, reviews, and video game adaptations.

>> No.8640624

Half of the lit opinions I present in conversation aren't my own, as in I either just repeat an approximation of a post from here or offer a vague appraisal of the book (which I haven't) based on my knowledge of the author/genre.

>> No.8640629

For the past 4 years I've only read Haruki Murakami

>> No.8640631

i think you win

>> No.8640633

Stop breaking /lit/ plz

>> No.8640669

I want to write a porn visual novel so good that even serious critics will have to agree it's good.

>> No.8640691

You are either a GOD or a

>> No.8640701

I could be the main character from Le Rouge et le Noir, Runaway Horses, Thus Spoke Zarathustra or Don Quixote.

I will be destroyed because of the immensity of my metaphysical project not fitting into this pathetic world.

>> No.8640706


>> No.8640707

I like haruki murakami

I have never read any Dostoevsky, although I plan to start crime and punishment after. I finish...

...the crying of lot 49, which is my first pynchon novel.

I've never read infinite jest, or ulysses.

I didn't like Brave New World

I'm 25 and should be more versed in literature by now

>> No.8640711

Thanks for making me feel more secure in my reading habits

>> No.8640715

as someone who enjoys the latter two, what are you doing with your life concretely that wouldn't fit in the world?

>> No.8640716

I Am Dynamite

>> No.8640717

you went to a state school/community college didn't you

>> No.8640729

state school here in the uk means a public secondary school. and yes. my family couldn't afford private school.

>> No.8640750

I love the Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.8640764

same, it makes me think of my little sister, and I miss her

>> No.8640770

Did she die?

>> No.8640773

No but she doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

>> No.8640778

73 isn't me. And no, we talk, but I'm away at school and she's back in my home country in grade 11.

>> No.8640788

is she hot?

>> No.8640808

I dated a girl that loved Murakami, she cheated on me and I fell in love with his works. (Which is a very Murakami thing to happen)

>> No.8640842

are you me? she introduced him to me, and it soured my taste for him.

>> No.8640890

Me too. Murakami girls are almost as bad as horse girls desu

>> No.8640895

I'd say I end up finishing like 25% of the books that I buy. Only the really intriguing ones are able to hold me for the entire duration.

>> No.8640905

Same thing happened to me, except I was the one who cheated on her.

>> No.8640909


>> No.8640915

No thanks, I find the shitposting here to be more nuanced.

>> No.8640988

are there any good books/essays on fucking? something literary about sex more than romance or love. besides arse full of farts

>> No.8640998

so not at all the same you dirtbag

>> No.8641036

I read IJ because memes and it helped me deal with my addiction and get out of a repressed emotional shell which I'd been in for most of my life. This book made my life much better.

>> No.8641079

Seems like I'm the opposite of you, friend

>> No.8641081

I prefer prose to be as simplistic as possible so I can get through it quickly.

>> No.8641185

ye. i fuck her in the bum

>> No.8641220

I like Neil Gaiman, and more than that I think he's actually a good writer.

>> No.8641242
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You sound like me. I've always been very good at remembering information, so most people think I'm smart. Truth is I'm shit when it comes to original thought/thinking outside of the box and the like.

>> No.8641262

Everyone assume I'm someone who reads a lot because I used to in high school when in reality I read about 25 books max between 2011 and 2015.

Started reading a lot again tho, I try to read about 1 book/day to catch up.

>> No.8641267

>I like haruki murakami

Is this a new meme? Murakami is good.

>> No.8641268
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I've never read Stirner.

>> No.8641277

>I try to read about 1 book/day to catch up.
You're reading for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.8641280

I get bored with Shakespeare.

>> No.8641281

I started reading a few weeks ago and I'm terrified to listen to /lit/ because I can't differentiate the genuine advice versus meme talk.

>> No.8641286

I read because I enjoy reading. I'm just investing all my free time into reading to get through my backlog. I stopped investing my free time into anything else (beside work and university)

>> No.8641297

How do you deal with the fact that there's millions of book to read and you already wasted at least 18 years of your life?

How do you deal with the fact that you may end up wasting time reading meme books instead of good books?

>> No.8641298

Best first Murakami book?

>> No.8641303

I hide in the bathroom and lock the door, completely ignoring my children so I can read for a while.

>> No.8641305

Norwegian Wood

>> No.8641307

1Q84 Omnibus

>> No.8641315

Did you rape her like phoebe?

>> No.8641481

I read Norwegian Wood first. It's a nice middle ground between his realist novels and the more metaphysical ones.

>> No.8641485

I've read like 4 books this year, and 2 of em were by DFW

>> No.8641490

It was just a light rape for bantz.

>> No.8641525
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>I have only read around 30% of the books I own
>I speed-read through parts of Don Quixote
>I couldn't keep track of all the characters in War & Peace until it focused on a few of them in the later half
>I have bought books that I had already read once but lost my copy of because I wanted to have a larger pile of books in my home to show people and say "I've read all of them"
>I have fapped to more then one rape scene I read in books
>Almost every time I buy a book I imagine what a girl I am trying to impress would think if she see's it on my shelf and try to avoid ones with bad-looking side-labels
>I go through periods of reading heavily then spending multiple months barely reading and mostly playing video games that I then uninstall after my binge and then reinstall after 3-5 months of reading
>I've written papers for school on philosophers that I have not read anything by
>despite reading YA fiction and fantasy/sci-fi voraciously up until around 16 I still am really judgmental of people who read it in their early twenties
>I own several of "those books" where I imagine that reading it will change me for the better and I imagine how I will be a better person after reading it and visualize which bad habits I will abandon but I put off reading them and nothing changes

>> No.8641535

i read ulysses before reading hamlet or portrait and post about it
i've read hamlet now though

>> No.8641544
File: 164 KB, 900x1179, BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to stop thinking about Blood Meridian since I read it a few months ago.

I rarely read fiction, this one captivated me.

>> No.8641549

I read 25 books in the past 64 days.

>> No.8641553

A lot of it is pure concentrated ARSE. Ask some Altar boy on here to give you the essential reading list and skip the fucking Tabernacle shite.

>> No.8642172

I haven't read since April

>> No.8642208

Despite being in a Literature course at uni, I have not read a book the entire year.

>> No.8643033

did you make spaghetti while listening to jazz with her?

I'm reading the newest Tao Lin. I started out hating it; I told people I hated it because hating Tao Lin is cool but now it's growing on me.

Most of my friends think I'm a complete polyglot because they assume that I'm just being modest when I say "my French/Italian/Persian/Kurdish/Bengali/Yiddish are all actually quite bad".

>> No.8643050
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My head is swarming with ideas but I can't write for shit.
My attention span is awful and I can only read like one page then it's right back to browsing 4chan.

>> No.8643052

U suck
Michel Houellebecq is a rabble-rouser and a hack

>> No.8643060

I just found a thing I wrote ages ago, like 10000 words or something, a start to a novel.

And the devastating thing is, it's all well written in its own right, and it's got decent pacing and whatnot.

But it's just so clearly dry and boring and fucking needlessly obtuse, and all that not due to incidental features, but due to the nature of the thing itself. And now, even though I am surprised at how good and long and consistent it is TO ME, I can't bring myself to keep writing because some imagined reader wouldn't enjoy it and some hypothetical publisher would never publish it.

I mean fuck, that's pathetic.

>> No.8643070

This but then got diagnosed with bipolarity and fell into a whole of despair

>> No.8643080

I read a lot, but I forget a lot.

>> No.8643092

I've written two novels but have not told anyone about them or asked anyone to read them because "what if they're no good. I don't think I could handle that rejection". I'm George McFly before Marty makes him cooler. The sad part is that they probably are shit and I would feel worse to know they're shit than go on just believing they're probably shit

>> No.8643094

Do you read poetry?
Read poetry

>> No.8643098

I only read because I got burn out of music and the related lifestyle

>> No.8643157

well that's fine, write another one or two (and rewrite of course, as much as you can stomache) and once you have one that you think might be good, send it out.

>> No.8643246

how old are you?
I'm terrified that this will happen to me

>> No.8643306

I listen to a lot of audiobooks then buy the actual books and never read them.

>> No.8643311

I haven't finished a book in over a year

>> No.8643322

Read between the memes

>> No.8643328

Name an author;
I probably haven't touched their work

>> No.8643473

I don't read as much as I should be because I have really bad scatter brain.

Academic Western Philosophy seems very unattractive to me just for the way I see people posture up and butt egos about it. Is it really about truth seeking or just one-upping your peers in a battle of wits?

>> No.8643487

Do people really read Ulysses without any other books to explain what exactly is happening and why? Is there any reason to read Ulysses without any help?

>> No.8643491


>> No.8643493

>one-upping your peers in a battle of wits

Socrates makes a point of telling people to never do this.

>> No.8643530

Exact same situation for me. Ended up quitting a band of my closest friends to pursue something vague and reading. But I don't really see what's terrifying about that, I see it as just going with what you enjoy and not forcing yourself into an incompatible lifestyle. What terrifies you about this happening to you?

>> No.8643558

Cross reference meme charts with Bloom's canon

>> No.8644465

I have read more shitposts than books

and I don't think that habit will be changing

>> No.8644553

French isn't hard. The grammar is really easy. The only trick are the verbs but once you learn a couple of tricks and memorise a couple of the very irregular common verbs then all there is is vocab learning. French is probably the easiest language to use vocab wise for English speakers. You can regonise thousands and thousands of useful french words just by looking at them.

>> No.8644558

I'm illiterate

what is this thread about?


>> No.8644828

I like re-reading more than I like reading, but I still love reading nonetheless

>> No.8645068

I like books that give you a reason to re-read. So when you go back you can say "oh thats pretty neat" the whole time.
This is why i love asoiaf...

>> No.8645108

me too famalamadingdong :/

>> No.8645117


It's only confusing if you aren't used to stream of consciousness writing.

>> No.8645176

do you mean finigans wake? Ulysses is clear about what's happening on the surface level.

>> No.8645179


I only read YA fantasy.

>> No.8645209

bro start reading don delillo, pynchon, dfw or joyce. you'll love it

>> No.8645292

I developed a mancrush on Mr. Darcy while reading Pride and Prejudice.

no homo tho

You should at least listen to him, then.

>> No.8645312

Reading Dorian Gray made me fall in love with my best friend. I'm a decent artist so I tried painting him in various stages of decay but halfway through I felt like an edgy retard and threw white paint over the canvas.

Thing is I'm not even gay, I've only ever dated and fucked women.

>> No.8645318

If you hadn't posted this on 4chan but written it to some acquaintance in a traditional letter with ornate cursive, you'd be the image of the true artist.

>> No.8645327
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The true artist has no acquaintances, but pisses in bottles and shitposts on Vietnamese basket weaving forums all day long. Truly, my friend, you know nothing of art!

>> No.8645333


>> No.8645341

The Stranger sucks.

>> No.8645346

You're retarded.

/tv/ is the kind of place where you watch multiple shows of fifteen fucking series.

>> No.8645348

The /lit/ top 100 charts are basically the same as many other top literature charts/lists you may see.

Pick some you like, check them out on Goodreads and start from there. use the lists on Goodreads to find other works too (you will find 99% of the lit memes appear near the top of them all).

They're memes but they're all good.

>> No.8645351

Well clearly you don't, or you wouldn't be posting it here.

>> No.8645352

Kek. Literally me.

>> No.8645354

Here's what you do: seriously consider any advice you see lots of people agreeing with, especially if it's repeated a lot. At this point, disregard anything else.

>> No.8645365

Holy shit you're right.

This puts a whole new perspective on melodramatic romantic fucknuggets.

>> No.8645442


I want to take up painting but I am too poor and need immediate satisfaction. I want to paint landscapes though, but I really can't afford paints and canvas and that.

I also can't draw.

>> No.8645450

If you want immediate satisfaction just use acrylics, nobody will judge you. Or watercolour, really good for landscapes. Oil is definitely not for everyone.

>> No.8645474


I will judge me.

>> No.8645475

explain again your problem in detail.

>> No.8645481

Just use pencils.
I feel you though.

>> No.8645482

>I also can't draw.
learn that first then

>> No.8645483

Anon, we all have to start somewhere. Rather practice with acrylics before you splurge on oils instead of spending so much time and money trying to paint something that you'll invariably hate in a few weeks' time.

I really want to go back to my Dorian Gray painting now

>> No.8645510

I read a lot of females. Like Woolf, Austen and the Brontes.

>> No.8645517

I read at a pace between 20-40 pages an hour, depending on the material

>> No.8645518

I really want to learn to paint too. One of my biggest regrets is not taking art classes in college.

I'm good at drawing with pens and pencils, but I don't know how to use a brush. I've tried acrylics, but I end up with thicker/worse versions of my pen illustrations. It's like writing with my left hand.

>> No.8645527
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I went to art school for 3 years and it was useless. So glad I dropped out and went to medical school instead. Taking art classes on the side or even teaching yourself will help you far more.

You should continue practicing, painting doesn't come naturally to everyone. And there are some people who are much better at pen and pencil than any other medium. Strive for where your talents lie, don't just try to do what you think looks cool when it's done by other people.

>> No.8645545

Literature has made me aware of how insufficient my life is and that I don't have the mind or heart to elevate myself above my squalor. I wish I were born a Roman warrior or a colonial frontiersman to escape this worthless, contemplative existence.

>> No.8645558

>Baby's first existential crisis
You will be fine.

>> No.8645583


I kind of like Joyce.

>> No.8645592


i love joyce, but i'd probably never recommend him

>> No.8645627

my first existential crisis is going on 14 years now

>> No.8645636


>> No.8646864
File: 435 KB, 417x640, Crimeandpunishmentcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really care for Crime and Punishment.
Starts off good until the murder happens then its just him fainting then waking up to some dialogue about him being a neet then he faints again for 200 pages.
Then it turns into a soap opera about his sisters betrothal. Then some stuff about how much it sucks to be poor.Though Sonia kinda grew on me.
Then near the very end there is some groundbreaking philosophy but it shouldn't have taken 400 pages of aimless wandering to get there.
Cut out everything involving Raskolnikovs family and trim the fainting chapters a bit and i would have probably liked the book a lot more.

>> No.8646879

There are several books I want to reread, but I generally don't because I want to keep adding to the number of titles I've read.

>> No.8646908

I hate most novels published before 1900

I enjoy many sci-fi/fantasy and think several of them are better than a lot of literary 'classics'

I'm British but hate British literature and prefer American

I think Henry James is probably the worst 'classic' writer, just awful, I'd rather read Christopher Paolini or something

>> No.8646918

you still can't digest a full book everyday

>> No.8646926
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>> No.8646933

You can read Ulysses perfectly fine as surface story and ignore all the subtext. That's what makes it great, it's a novel that works on a dozen different levels and you pick up new things from it each time.

>> No.8646935

nabokov is too tuff for me

>> No.8646944
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When I was an edgy /lit/ newfag years ago, my mom was asking about book recommendations and asked me if The Hunger Games would be a good gift for her coworkers daughter. Despite having read it and liked it, and being the colossal faggot I was, I told her no because it wasn't well written, just because I had seen /lit/ hating on its literary merit.

It still makes my stomach hurt imagining that this 12 year old girl didn't read an enjoyable kids book because I was such a fucking moron.

>> No.8646953

So basically it was too hard for you

>> No.8646961

That's pretty bad but
>liked it
is the real confession.

>> No.8646962

nah, they are shit, and a knockoff of Battle Royale, get her Harry Potter or something

>> No.8646971
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I was like 14 when I read it, probably 16 when this happened

>> No.8646975

You never have? Bless your soul, it's sublime

>> No.8647179

>I enjoy reading dumb books on conspiracies and the paranormal more than I enjoy reading actual literature.
>The majority of my books are history texts about Edo period Japan, Bakumatsu, and the Meiji Restoration.
>I can only read if I'm outdoors or travelling somewhere on the train. If I'm indoors I get distracted too easily.
>I liked Vineland better than Mason and Dixon, Inherent Vice, and Gravity's Rainbow.
>I tried to start with the Greeks as per meme, but I got bored and started reading Virginia Woolf instead. My favorite book is Orlando.
>Watching Madoka Magica and rereading about kakure and hanare kirishitan in the same month converted me to Christianity. I wish I were kidding.

>> No.8647281
File: 7 KB, 149x186, 3454433443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the exact opposite of me. I bet we'd make a cute couple.

>> No.8647287

I started reading more seriously because I was creating my own personal fantasy erotica and wanted it to be better written

>> No.8647789

can you share which books had such good rape scenes please?

>> No.8647800

no-one has read ulysses, just parts of it - same with infinite jest desu. But get on Dostoevsky

>> No.8647808

I genuinely gave up on Gravity's Rainbow half way through. I understand that it is good and important but I feel I'm not smart enough to understand.

>> No.8647829

I haven't read the greeks

>> No.8647831

I once sneezed and farted at the same time.

>> No.8647833

A cute girl did this in my class. Immidiatly left the room and we didn't see her for the rest of the day

>> No.8647876

It doesn't smell anything. Hot girls are too clean

>> No.8647898

I can't read at all without adderall

Been out for 2 days and now I have a lvl 40 skyrim character

>> No.8647906

read novellas bro. i can read french too, but so slowly relative to english that i get frustrated trying to read full length texts. it gets easier.

>> No.8649426

Do you have diagnosed ADD/ADHD?

>> No.8649472


Yet I still feel very guilty using it

>> No.8649504

I spent a year of my life trying to write a "Victorian erotic novel" which was meant to be like Dorian Gray except all they do is fuck.

Whenever I get depressed, I re-read it just to laugh at myself.

>> No.8649519

>horse girls
Is this a thing? It sort of fits now that I think about it.

>> No.8649522

>if she's been in the stable, she's unstable

Everyone knows that horse girls are unfaithful sexual maniacs with a host of psychological issues and a massive sense of entitlement.

>> No.8649886

I never ever tried to write. Is this bad?

>> No.8649898
File: 602 KB, 532x1763, Holy Roman Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm an actual dilettante.

I have many books, but have read very few of them. I mostly browse their synopses on Wikipedia, and supplement with /lit/ posts where possible. It's enough to get me by in conversation, although privately I do wish I could actually muster up the motivation to properly read.

>> No.8649902

I pretty much only read English translations of foreign authors.

I haven't read an English language classic in almost 10 years.

I basically only give a shit about thematic richness and have barely even developed 'taste' when it comes to prose.

>> No.8649903

those digits don't lie

>> No.8649908

Sometimes I confuse works by Tolstoi with those by Dostoevsky.

>> No.8649909

>while reading Catcher in the Rye, I kept indecisively changing my mind about Holden. First I liked him a lot, then he starts being a prick because of obvious issues to the girl he takes on a date and the "high intellect" guy from college. I finished with loving his character even with his obvious flaws once he visits Phoebe.

>The Stranger didn't really teach me anything I didn't already think about in the shower. It was still a comfy read.

>Who Goes There? isn't half as good as the Thing adaptation.

>> No.8649916

Schizophrenia mandates that I only read by sunlight. Since I absolutely cannot read at night, or by lamplights, and am in college, I have to get up early daily specifically for reading otherwise it'll be impossible to read...

>> No.8649964

I'm very sorry man.

>> No.8649973


>> No.8649989
File: 7 KB, 389x255, 1475268582841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually bought Hypersphere.

>> No.8649993

>loved Kafka, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, etc. as a teen
>had a total mental breakdown at 17
>sent to an asylum and everything
>lost the ability to read
>literally had to start with kids' books
>20 now
>concentration levels still too bad to read anything other than short stories with a simplistic style
>wonder if I'll ever be able to go back to the authors I love

Mental illness is a bitch.

>> No.8649999

I have never read a book in my life

>> No.8650011
File: 522 KB, 585x480, IMG_1136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a mental breakdown like, anon?

>> No.8650026

It's very slow and gradual. Slowly but surely you start to realize that everything around you has stopped making sense. You start walking to class one day and fall on your ass because your legs won't work. You open your favorite book and realize that the words don't make sense anymore, it's like reading a foreign language. You realize that you've forgotten a lot of your most precious memories. The world slows down and your senses grow dull. Sometimes you feel flashes of insane terror and you don't really remember what happened during those flashes other than the emotionless knowledge that you turned violent and people had to strap you down. You feel like you're watching it happen to someone else.

I unironically think Sylvia Plath described it better than any other writer.

>> No.8650030

Wuthering Heights is still my favorite novel.

>> No.8650037

Did you have schizophrenia?

>> No.8650043

99% of everything written is boring trash.

>> No.8650045

Funny enough, no. Dissociative identity disorder was the diagnosis they gave me but a later psychiatrist said it was pervasive developmental disorder. Fuck should I know.

>> No.8650046

I haven't read I book I bought in the past 10 years.

I'm too used to access information at the speed of internet.

I regret it so much.

>> No.8650061

reading this board has changed my opinion of books i read before ever coming here

>> No.8650072

i only know one language, but am trying to remedy that.

>> No.8650085

I had a bad brain fever earlier this year and it's been very difficult for me to read since. I find myself re reading pages all the time now

>> No.8650086

Last book I finished was Dune, 2 years ago. I post here everyday.

>> No.8650147

Would you say that your personal situation had to do with it? A very similar thing happened to me.

>> No.8650159

Jane Austen is really boring.

>> No.8650162

Everyone thinks that

>> No.8650163

I was fucked in the ass by the neighbourhood pedo from age 8 to 15. The breakdown happened 2 years later, when the stuff was starting to come out and I was starting to work through it instead of repressing it.

I'm sorry to hear it happened to you, anon.

>> No.8650169

m-more please
did he make you wear girls clothes

>> No.8650309

Reading the first chapter of The Bell Jar turned me off of female writers.
I haven't been able to finish a book in months and can barely read ore than three pages in one sitting.
I often shitpost about authors I've never read with the information I find in shitposts from here.

>> No.8650313

I've only ready Pride and Prejudice, but I liked that and didn't find it boring

>> No.8650316
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>> No.8650322

The ending brings it down, but other than that it's quite good

>> No.8650351

He made me wear my sister's skirt and put his dick inside my 11 year old asshole

Does that turn you on?

>> No.8650404

>I often shitpost about authors I've never read with the information I find in shitposts from here.
That's what /lit/ is for, silly.

>> No.8650421

>when the stuff was starting to come out and I was starting to work through it instead of repressing it.
I don't get what you mean.

>> No.8650437

Try meditation.

>> No.8650492

>tfw no pedo to make you wear girl clothes and fuck you in the ass and then cuddle your soft shota body

>> No.8650529


>> No.8650535

The only particularly embarrassing thing here is the first. Woolf is top-tier

>> No.8650548

Dostoevsky is a worse writer than Tolstoy, albeit more intelligent.

>> No.8650598

I've never read a book written by a woman and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.8650609

But I'm starting to feel like I'd be better off reading them than just mindlessly shitposting about them.

>> No.8650621

I don't really comprehend much of what I read

>> No.8650640

Are you telling me I shouldn't feel embarassed about my religious conversion being a result of watching a weeb cartoon and reading a lot about early Japanese Christians?

>> No.8650680

God works in mysterious ways

>> No.8650763

I started taking literature seriously when a guy I met on the internet was always talking about big(?) books so I got interested on it and fell in love with him

>> No.8650878

I only read books so I can make my ideal anime/vidya fantasy more tangible via my writing

>> No.8651064

Are you boi or grill?

>> No.8651097


girl he browses/lit/

>> No.8651105

I want to lick your entire body clean after a long hot day.

>> No.8651118

i only started reading again so i could be near my neighbor's 12-year-old daughter.

>> No.8651119
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>> No.8651123

Sorry, unless you're 40 I won't even talk to you.

>> No.8651133

>2 spoiler
You can give a shout out to him now or smth, I dunno.

>> No.8651137
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>> No.8651141

I only read because of a guy I fell in love with as well

He is literally a priest now though but I'm in love with him in an intellectual way so it's okay r-right

I exchange emails with him about literature sometimes still, but that's it

>> No.8651144

What's wrong with that?

>> No.8651149

what do you mean?

>> No.8651161

I began reading after a long gap so I could read to her in English, she wanted to improve it because her first language is French. And because she is and was in all French classes in school she has very little exposure to English outside of me.

>> No.8651164

I unironically enjoyed ITAOTS and Exmilitary

>> No.8651167

I want to seduce a priest one day, it sounds hot af

>> No.8651169

Hold up there Humbert

>> No.8651175

she actually started it by breaking into my home.

>> No.8651178

Me too. I want to take a qt priest's virginity.

>> No.8651182

What was wrong with the ending?

>> No.8651205

That would be too fucked up

Tbh I am literally converting because of him

>> No.8651210

Are you a girl or a boy?

>> No.8651215

He is sleeping. He is seas away from me and also # years older than me. Why? You are interested in a girl that browses /lit/ too and it's not talking with you recently? Pretty sure she will do it, just that she's shy?
In any case you should do it.

>> No.8651222

Only admitting because this is a confessions thread, but I'm a girl

>> No.8651227

It's fine then, your inferior brain isn't capable of comprehending real literature anyway. It's cute that you're trying.

>> No.8651228

I'm gay

>> No.8651230

post your legs

>> No.8651235

I wanted to see a homosexual romance between a priest and a /lit/ anon.

>> No.8651236

That's alright, you won't bait me with that.

I'm not some degenerate tranny or anything, but of course I wish I were a man. I think a great majority of people do. At least I will be able to become a mother, which is a role special in a way a father can never be. It's basically the only consolation for women.

>> No.8651237

''I'm literally converting''
What did she meant by this?

>> No.8651241

me too
let's fuck

>> No.8651243

Me too, that would be qt as fuck in a very degenerate way

>> No.8651245

>I want to be a man
That's a sign you've been spending too much time on 4chan my friend.

>> No.8651255

>I want to be a man

Why? Being a girl is so nice. Especially in 2016.

>> No.8651270


clearly people that don't know women

I genuinely think most girls would choose to be born a man if they had a choice. Obviously that doesn't mean people want to suddenly turn into men or take hormones or something. Just that men have objectively better places in society.

>> No.8651283

I only listen to books. I don't read them.

>> No.8651289

It's not even that men have a better place in society, it's that a man's mind is more advanced and capable of greater things than a woman's. She sees this and knows, no matter how hard she tries to suppress this knowledge, that she's missing out on so much.

>> No.8651294

Why you're even talking familia
I'm a girl and all my life I've been around girls. Yeah we/they say stuff like ''I want to be a man because [whatever reason they think man are better than us, supposedly] But they don't want to be a man. Yeah, I get about the better places in society but come on is 2016.

>> No.8651296

How does that take you 4 years?

>> No.8651304

The truth is >>8651222

>> No.8651306

Non-privately educated fellow Brit. Same age. Not everyone has read everything mate. But you should read IJ and recognise Murk Army is a bit one-dimensional.

>> No.8651319

I only read /lit/ memes. They are unironically good intro to literature and make you seem smart. I hope to god I branch out and find my own taste someday though

>> No.8651321

Wrong board...
[I like Exmilitary though.]

>> No.8651322

You could always just have a nice time? That would be pretty cool right?

>> No.8651337

I don't know, I'm completely fine with the way I am. In a sense that I'm a trash but it's not like gender would've changed a thing.
If anything I'm actually happy I'm female because military service's a thing in my country.

>> No.8651341

where you from?

>> No.8651344

I'll say Eastern Europe. Why?

>> No.8651345

Reading on adderall is so much more enthralling.

I have no interest in anything when I'm not on it

>> No.8651355

are you from Spain?

>> No.8651374

>Eastern Europe
Pretty close, m8.
I wasn't joking, I'm not connected to Spain in any way besides the fact that I was there a couple of times.
What gave you that idea?

>> No.8651420

As much as I hate to say these words, it literally is 2016. Whether you agree with it or not, you have the option to have just about any place in society you want if you're willing to work towards it. In some cases you'd even be favored over men.

Just do whatever you want, it's your life. No point in wasting it wishing you were something you aren't.

>> No.8651437

Eastern European woman on /lit/

Pls be my Eu gf

>> No.8651446

>I hate myself I'm trash teehee
Fucking women.

>> No.8651456

nothing wrong with saying that
all the threads on /lit/ and probably all in 4chan are about guys having low self- esteem.

>> No.8651466


It's not like it's something that haunts me

I'm pretty satisfied with my life. But if I had the choice, i would be a man. Obviously that is not a real possibility, and it doesn't really affect me more than the fact that I kind of wish I had been born in America.

Thanks for the support tho famalam

>> No.8651467

Women just have a flippant and melodramatic way of saying it that pisses me off. In either gender it's just indulgent self-pity though,

>> No.8651476

I'm still curious as to why, your first answer was pretty vague. How do you feel being a woman limits you in ways that being a man would not?

>> No.8651491

You can tell your friends you have one you're in distant relationship with. They will never know the truth.
>being on 4chan
>unironically believing yourself to be worth of something
I think gender really wouldn't have changed anything, anon. I still would've ended up here.

>> No.8651511
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Yeah. But I've met guys that were also melodramatic as heck. Everyone has self-pity at some point of their life and it's fine.
As long as they realized what they were doing, it's ok. I shouldn't be mad about it.

>> No.8651519

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8651546

Well besides all the bullshit about societal pressures or whatever, and extreme judgement about the way you look, that I'm sure I would have gotten in a different direction if I were a boy, even if maybe not quite to the same extent

There's also obviously a physical factor, too.

I don't really have a good way of explaining my feelings on the matter (inb4 inferior brain), but I'll try to explain just through examples. There's just a lot of reasons that are mostly just emotional.


>> No.8651551


When I was in school I really wanted to join the army mostly because of some romantic ideals of camradery and maybe getting to kill shitskins that I'm sure you guys can empathize with, but I know I would never have that experience the same way a man would (this is less true for countries like Israel I'd imagine)

Anyway that isn't particularly something that bothers me anymore, because I got over that fantasy, but it's that kind of idea that I feel like I'm missing. I'm in grad school for history in the US now, and I love history, and many individuals in history personally as though I really knew them, or maybe more so than if I did actually know them, but there are literally like 2 worthwhile females in all history, and not in my area of study anyway. I guess I kind of understand the black kids that want blacks on tv now that I type this, because it's impossible for me to think of more than a handful of historical figures I respect or am even mildly interested in that were women.

>> No.8651553


I feel like women are inherently limited by their sexuality until they are too old for it to matter and thus too old to be meaningful as anything other than mothers (don't get me wrong, this is a very meaningful task). Obviously it can be fun to be sexy or whatever, and it's definitely harder to be /incel/ as a mildly attractive girl, I'm sure, but I think that there's something really sad there. I don't care about sex literally at all. I care more that people don't take me seriously as a human unless I present myself looking like a sack of shit (if you're uglier people take you more seriously but then they disrespect you for not taking care of yourself and it's a horrible catch-22)

Also the 4chan subculture is vastly overrepresentative of boys but god forbid if I have a friend that thinks anything like I do because I have never met someone with a similar mindview that can be friends with a girl without losing it completely (unless the girl is ugly – when I was younger I didn't take care of myself at all even though I was fairly fit, and I was more capable of making friends with people like that; but it came at the cost of professional respect that I now need). It's impossible to have social or political opinions like mine among girls without censuring them. Idk man I got sad writing this, but in the longrun it doesn't really matter that much.

I'm sure it is rough to be a guy too sometimes and that I romanticize it or something. Maybe the history thing is what upsets me the most, because my field is my entire passion and basically the only thing I think about and I feel as though I am there when I close my eyes but

>> No.8651570

Whenever i wipe my ass, i smell the toilet paper

Hang me

>> No.8651575

Go with water.

>> No.8651587

I'm an English major who only reads 30% of the assigned readings.

>> No.8651591

Im literally shit posting rite now

All that alcohol makes for some funky scents, i dont think the byproduct of my digestion should smell like death

>> No.8651610

Like any other major I'd imagine.

>> No.8651620

Another English major reporting in. I'm in my final year, my parents have paid for the entire degree...and I don't even plan on using the damn thing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.8651623

Seems mostly like grass is greener thinking to me.

Men have pressure on their looks too, look around 4chan if you want to see them complain about it. It's different than it i

Also, I'm a woman as well, and personally I've never felt I was taken less seriously for being female/being a not-ugly female. Maybe in a way that could be mildly irritating but not in a way that could seriously impact my prospects in life. Men finding you attractive or pretty doesn't cancel out their ability to see you as a person.

I don't think the gender of people in history matters, only what they did. I honestly just don't see the reasoning behind wanting people to succeed because they physically resemble you. It's not as though you'd have anything in common with these women beyond basic biology. Also there are more women in history than you're implying, though of course history is a vast subject so it depends entirely where you look and what you consider to be relevant. Still, men vastly outnumber women for obvious reasons.

Lastly, if you try to make friends with a lonely desperate 4chan man and you're a pretty girl with similar interests who is fun to talk to, he will become interested in you. It's just natural.

In general your observations on what it's like to be a woman and what it's like to be a man don't reflect mine very much.

>> No.8651625

what would your gf say if she reads what you're writing on this hole

>> No.8651627

different than it is for women though*

>> No.8651632

Meaning you have some other plan?

>> No.8651636

This. Also
>regretting stereotypes instead of challenging them

>> No.8651638

None of them know

>> No.8651646

I'm a dog chasing cars.

>> No.8651647

any recs? not that guy but I'm learning french and would like to know some good starting points

>> No.8651648

Because they don't exist, yeah. We understand.

>> No.8651654

That's a great plan, I hope you'll succeed.

>> No.8651677
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It's at the point that you realize that architecture, appliances, television, the internet, electricity and plumbing has created a false heaven for you, that underneath all of the disposable plastic, marble, wood and wires made of various conductance materials all that is left is the cold ground where other creatures competing with you live, and that no matter how many man made advantages you have you will die and be resigned to the earth to be devoured forever- that is when you can finally feel free.

>> No.8651684

/lit/ guys are so qt

>> No.8651686

I dont think you do

I carry a stick to keep them off me when i walk to my car

My doorhinges have needed weekly replacements for the incessant banging

Like giving a twenty dollar bill to an african local, if i show any one attention she is immediately torn to shreds by the rest

I can hear them tapping my window as i type this

>> No.8651693

i dont even read
i dont even know why i come here

>> No.8651697

Do you study maths btw?

>> No.8651699

this sounds amazing, please share!

>> No.8651710

I only read books because I want to be able to have nice dinner conversations with my English major parents, who are both very smart and who I love deeply.

I actually fucking hate reading, but I've read a lot for love.

>> No.8651725

I'm glad you're happy

I'm sure it is mostly just grass is greener thinking

But that said I don't htink it's a completely unique experience


Some short pretty easy works I like: Trois contes by Flaubert (some Catholic vocab in there might be difficult but besides that it's not bad). It's around the length of l’étranger, but split in three so each one is shorter. Besides that, of course le petit prince is the offiicial starting book for everyone ever in french it seems. I think mythologies by Barthes is good for many different short essays which a lot of useful day-to-day vocabulary, as he talks about culture of the modern time period.

t. frog, so my assessments might not be the best

>> No.8651733
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I haven't read a book since Highschool

But I still argue with pseuds on /lit/
and win

>> No.8651741

Arguing about something in order to 'win' is a pseudo thing.

t. Socrates

>> No.8651749

Don't listen to /lit/ and just read what you want to read. I've been reading since I was like four and Infinite Jest is my favorite book but everybody here hates it, unless that's just a meme. Honestly you're better off not knowing which books are considered memes by this echo chamber and forming your own opinions, it's what I try to do. I just come here to shitpost.

>> No.8651750
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t. Loser

Get on my level kid.

>> No.8651762

Orlando is way too weird to be a favorite book unless you're a transexual turbo-nerd.

>> No.8651764

re-evaluate ton vie

>> No.8651773

I dated a t-girl and I'm unsure as to whether or I will include it in my memoir.

>> No.8651781
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I am hitting you with 5th dimensional irony and you don't even know it.

I bet you read books like a faggot instead of listening to them.

>> No.8651783

>i just come here to shitpost
Kys, you're part of why lit is so trash now.

>> No.8651799
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>I am hitting you with 5th dimensional irony and you don't even know it.

>> No.8651815
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>I've been reading since I was like four and Infinite Jest is my favorite book

Stfu 4chan has went to shit in general, lit is not exempt from the trend.


>> No.8651816


>> No.8651832

It made me laugh, Anon. See you :- )

>> No.8651834

I am a male-to-female transsexual. Orlando legitimately kept me from killing myself and convinced me to get my life together and do something about it instead of moping around feeling bad for myself.

>> No.8651837


>> No.8651849

you too

>> No.8651854


>> No.8651893

What was it like?

Care to share?

>> No.8651915

Wtf I hate Orlando now

>> No.8651943

I know... It's terrible, but I do my best to hide it. Nobody except for my fiance knows about it.
>t. Janice Raymond

>> No.8652029

I don't like Lolita

>> No.8652200

Lately i read more VNs than books

>> No.8652320

I can't understand continental philosophy.

>> No.8652540

No, it's an autistic abomination and I don't want to release such horrors upon this world. Seriously you have no idea how bad it is.

>> No.8652615

Reading through your messages made me realize that writing "similar thing" was a vast overstatement. Had a mental breakdown, was almost sent away but managed to work through it. An experience as intense as child abuse has never happened to me. Wish you mental strength and some kind of happiness or another.

>> No.8652918

I also started courting her the next year and knocked her up nearly 8 months ago.

>> No.8652930

I loved reading when I was a child/teen but nowadays I buy books but have fuckd up my brain with drugs and the Internet that I cant focus enough to actually finish a book

feels bad

>> No.8653135

I enjoy reading weeb Light Novels more than any other books I've read other than a few of my favorite non weeb authors

>> No.8653371

I heard there was a secret chord

>> No.8653380

All of my 20 years of existence
I only read / finish less than 20 books