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8639835 No.8639835 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with Murakami? I liked Kafka on the Shore.

>> No.8639849

I found no problem with any of his books that I've read. Have you ever tried just saying 'ok thats ur opinion and while I think ur a faggot for holding such an opinion I respect ur right to it now fuck off and let me read My murakami.'

>> No.8639857


Is this from the book girl anime this season, how is it so far?

>> No.8639864

Murukami? More like Memekami!
Amirite, fellas?

>> No.8639883

He's popular and people who don't know any better think he's the zenith of literature. Therefore, our noses must be turned up.

>> No.8639885

More like Japanese Borges

>> No.8639907

I really like him. I am also a pleb, who only read Kafka, Dostoyevsky and Camus because it was required in HS.

>> No.8639916 [DELETED] 

Just watch it, one episode is less than 3 minutes.

>> No.8639917

>dostoyevsky and camus required in HS

What school did you go to?

>> No.8639921

every european school probably

>> No.8639923

Our hc required Mulisch

>> No.8639924

I was very confused for a couple of seconds.

>> No.8639926

we read C&P in my (usa) high school

>> No.8639932

Just watch it, one episode is less than 3 minutes.

>> No.8639936

His books are pretty much all the same. It's not the most damning thing, but he could really stand to expand his wheelhouse and get out of his comfort zone.

>> No.8639942

Bernard is 100% /lit/. And SF girl is 100% /sffg/.

>> No.8639943

He went to every European school?

>> No.8639965

He is a YA author for people who want to feel mature.
Purely a meme, every book is the same with the same tropes.

>> No.8640321

he is too surrealistic and way too simple
top lel

>> No.8640330

Magical Realism is the greatest pox that has ever blighted the world of literature.

>> No.8640401

The first time I read Kafka on the Shore I enjoyed it.
The second time I read it I made it 400 pages in before dropping it.

Murakami is fine in the same way that junk food is fine. In small portions and in between bigger meals.
I read him just after reading Woolf and holy shit ive never plowed through a book so quickly. It was like taking off a pair of ankle weights.

>> No.8640405

>even anime knows that murakami is shit
remember kids, the only good murakami is ryu

>> No.8640487

saying he is YA is not a critique. Catcher in the Rye is YA.

Also Bird Chronicle is not YA. After Dark is not YA.

>> No.8640638

Catcher in the Rye is not YA.

>> No.8640643

>After Dark is not YA

>> No.8640647

its new adult you mong :^)

>> No.8640649

Why would you read translations in school? Very dumb imo

>> No.8640650

if murakami is YA then catcher is YA.

Kafka on the Shore is basically japanese catcher.

>> No.8640783

His prose in translation is hilariously similar to fan translations of shitty Visual Novels like Fate/Stay Night and shit like that. Sub-YA tier.

>> No.8640816

I've seen someone on here call him pretty much the John Green of Japan. Was that anon just joking or could he honestly be described like that?

>> No.8640910

>After Dark is not YA.

You're right, it's just shit

>> No.8640935

This anime is pretty /lit/ desu. Watching it and the Great Passage this season, which I hear is based off a pop Japanese book

>> No.8640947

I've only read Kafka on the Shore, and An Abundance of Katherines, by Murakami and Green respectively, and I can see how that could be said, however, the principal differences it seems to me is that Murakami writes better(imo), and he uses magical realism in some places. The themes are similar though.

>> No.8641045
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If the Great Passage is pop then what's a japanese lit novel?

>> No.8641371

Not him but it was required here in Canada

>> No.8641424

Crime and Punishment was required for my American high school

>> No.8641693

I want to fuck /sffg/-chan.

>> No.8641817

dude sex lmaooo

>> No.8641829


How could you like it? The whole book is one massive buildup to a payoff that never happens.

>> No.8641889

not a huge murakami fan but that's kind of the point

>> No.8641909


How is it the point? Nothing about the book implies the author intended it to go out like a wet fart.

>> No.8641917

it was intended, you just don't like it.

>> No.8641969

>my book's crappy ending subverts the patriarchal tropes of having endings that are satisfying

>> No.8641976

>i didn't get it so here's my pseud argument against it

>> No.8641978


what show is this

>> No.8642010

best to avoid murakami altogether.

>> No.8642137

Honestly, what did you like about Kafka on the Shore?

>> No.8642152

>boring, wishy-washy prose
>comfy surreal atmosphere
>same jazz/cat/milf/pop-culture/schoolgirl inserts in every book
>main character is a detached young man learning he has X part in spooky Y phenomena
>boring plotlines that go nowhere

His books are like a series of increasingly annoying yawns.

>> No.8642162

Just a friendly reminder that Kafka on the Shore will appear on /lit/ top 100 books this year

>> No.8642164

Murakami reads like YA but at least to me its an enjoyable YA

>> No.8642183

In my country he is nothing

>> No.8642200
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I thought Wild Sheep Chase was pretty good. Others - not so much,

>> No.8642203

In Lithuania we had to read all three, kafka dostoyevsky and camus in high school, among others. And we're a shitty eastern european country.

>> No.8642206

You probably read foreign authors because your nation hasn't produced enough relevant literature to fill a syllabus.

>> No.8642212

Nah, we read a shitload of our own too.

>> No.8642223

Well the way it works where I live is that there are no literature classes but language classes, meaning that you discuss literary works of the nation of your choice (in their respective language of course). From this point of view the fact that you read foreign authors led me to believe that you don't have enough variety among your national literary figures. Unfortunately you weren't kind enough to respond by namedropping interesting Lithuanian authors (which is what i was after in the first place).

>> No.8642231

We literally ignore 99.99% of foreign literature in Russia. It sucks.

>> No.8642236

Well, we had no literature classes either, we just discussed all the books, no matter from what nation, in our lithuanian language class.

I can namedrop some, but I don't know which ones have been translated. Hopefully they didnt translate our names too. 4 sounds like a good number:

Antanas Škėma
Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas
Balys Sruoga
Jurga Ivanauskaitė

>> No.8642238

I'm curious, do you also ignore Nabokov's Lolita, since he wrote it in english?

>> No.8642241

That's all I needed to know, cheers mate

>> No.8642242

Can you please tell me the anime's name the image is extraxted from ?

>> No.8642243

boku no bernard-jou

>> No.8642246

We ignored Nabokov as a whole.

>> No.8642247
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Still better than iq84

>> No.8642248

But didn't he rewrite Lolita in Russian afterwards?

>> No.8642258
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once a traitor always a traitor

>> No.8642291

He did, but I guess it's not considered old and classy enough by the board of education.

>> No.8643021
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vaflis kurwa

>> No.8643048


>> No.8643053


>> No.8643054

Murakami's work can be more than a little formulaic and he's never written a Great Big Masterpiece like Delillo, DFW etc. That said he has written some stuff I really enjoy, South of the Border, West of the Sun is one of the most soulful and insightful depictions of middle-aged malaise I've ever read. Individual passages of Murakami can be sumptuously written too, like the bit in Kafka on the Shore when the protagonist wanders in the forest with John Coltrane playing (trope-y but worth it for the execution).

>> No.8643083

>anyone who doesn't like my literally <80IQ writing style just hasn't been to enough college courses praising it

>> No.8643095

1q84 is so far up its own ass that it is incomprehensible

>> No.8643837

camus is HS stuff over here in france

>> No.8643883

People can dislike things they understand, anon.

>> No.8643993

>tfw the most complicated thing I was required to read in high school was romeo & juliet and people still complained about how hard it was to understand
>i was in ap/honors english classes too

>> No.8645345
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually read this one? Looks kind of fun.

>> No.8645424


I'd fully imagine interest in Murakami steadily decreases the older you get. He fauns over his apathetic characters in a way that starts to grate after a while.

>> No.8645427

Can someone honestly and with no memes tell me what was wrong with After Dark?

I don't like the magical realism tropes in his other work but I genuinely enjoyed this one. It was quite understated and no talking cats.

>> No.8645444

his early books piss me off. norwegian wood was all city descriptions and bullshit you overhear at restaurants. dance, dance, dance was even worse in this respect. i had forgotten that south of the border even existed.

i've peeked into after dark, sputnik sweetheart, & kafka, and it all seems more of the same. evidently he managed some hocus-pocus into kafka that makes it stand out. but i can't be arsed to delve into his quirky mundanity again.

>> No.8646743

Mildly interested. Is it originally written in Japanese?

>> No.8647614

>written by Manly Wade Wellman and his son Wade Wellman
Guess not

>> No.8647754

I have only read 1Q84 and Norwegian Wood. He's OK, and I liked Norwegian Wood a lot as I saw a lot of myself in it. I feel like he is just overrated, but he certainly isn't a bad writer.

>> No.8647769

>not going to every european school

>> No.8647815

>book about sherlock holmes outwitting aliens
holy fuck why isn't this more popular

>> No.8647834

I've only read Pinball, 1973, Norwegian Wood, and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage and i enjoyed them all. They weren't very surreal and had no magic so it must be his other works that people are generally referring to.

>> No.8647840

because it was written in like 1975 or so and everypony and her mother wrote something about sherlock holmes through all the 20th century

>> No.8647864

There's nothing "wrong" with Murakami, so to speak.

He's not a Great Writer. He's a master at conjuring comfy atmospheres, and his books are all extremely readable, but they're also very much alike. Once you've read a few of them, you've read them all. I haven't read any really compelling analysis of his work, and I've never been able to write any myself.

Maybe one day this will change, and we'll look back and realize he stumbled onto something very important. Something that we feel keenly but don't have the language for yet. Personally though I think he'll be about as well remembered (and deservingly so) as Raymond Chandler.

>> No.8647865

How do you consistently manage to write such relevant and benign posts in such an infuriating way?

>> No.8647869

translation: i am mouth breathing mongoloid

>> No.8647870

someone will take this bait

>> No.8647874
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Bernard is a certified shitposter

>> No.8647899
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>> No.8648105

>i'm autistic so anyone who doesn't read obscurantist writers is below me
he already admitted he didn't understand it, anon.

>> No.8649245

>the only possible reason you can't like Murakami is because he's not obscure enough

>> No.8649260

I know that feel. I used to pass time in English classes by inventing the most ridiculous interpretations of passages in whatever we were reading, and then justify them well enough that people start believing them.

>> No.8649264

Same. Got a bit sick of 1Q84 though.