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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 383 KB, 800x1224, 1276650267664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
863754 No.863754 [Reply] [Original]

hey lit ask a guy who read 100 books in 2months anything .

>> No.863756

Okay, why didn't you capitalize H or put an "s" on the end of read?

>> No.863757

What was jail like?

>> No.863759

So you like the Boxcar Children too?

>> No.863760

becouse i am an illiterate east european fuck .allso its a pain in the ass to write from a cell phone>>863757 lol leg in cast

>> No.863761

He didn't put an "s" at the end of "read" because it was something he did in the past, twat.

>> No.863764

Actually it can be a habitual thing.

>> No.863768

Where are you from? I am also an Eastern European fag.

>> No.863769

>put an "s" on the end of read so it can mean what I think it means and not what it obviously means

>> No.863770

So I was kinda right about the jail thing. What did you read? In what language?

>> No.863771


>> No.863772

>read 100 books in a month

>> No.863773

O hai fellow Polfag.

>> No.863774

Are you schizoid?

>> No.863775

English mostly ,some in polish and very few in spanish

>> No.863776
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>> No.863779

were there any clear tendencies in your reading?
did you concentrate on crime novels, scifi, non-fic or any particular author?

>> No.863781

That's more than a book a day. Damn.

>> No.863786

That makes about 1.6 books a day.


...cool story, bro.

>> No.863789

Did you read Moby-Dick?

>> No.863791

acctualy no, at first i wanted to finish the recommended minimalst cannon , and all the unfinished lists of philosophical novels , but in my backwards country there is a scarcity of great books , there probably i shit you not is only one avalible copy of gravitys rainbow in my city (round 500,000, people)
yeah my eyes hurt from the computer screen

>> No.863793
File: 19 KB, 360x524, 1273383518247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of me for all the ladies.

>> No.863796

the first month i read one book a day everyday. the second two. plus the longer books that took more than a day to finish .

it gets easier after you push through initial ressistance.
also at the start of the second month
i read one novella and one shorter novel at the start to adjust ,and at the end i read anna karenina in one day shit like that

>>863789 acctually no ,and yesterday i read blood meridian ,and it made me sad a bit that i didnt pickup moby before , but i definetly will

>> No.863797


>> No.863802
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OP pic reminds of that pic

>> No.863807

>and at the end i read anna karenina in one day shit like that


>> No.863808

And how many of them did you colored, op?

>> No.863810


u trollin?

>> No.863811
File: 42 KB, 510x510, HistoryTrollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied about everything LOLITROLLU

>> No.863813
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The only books I read were those thick cardboard ones you give to babies that they can safely chew on.

>> No.863815


lol, the C and the S got like switched and now it says Incest and not Insect, hahahahahahaha.

>> No.863819
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 26_lagasse2_lgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lick Raisinettes out of my chihuahua's rectal

>> No.863820
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>> No.863823
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>> No.863829
File: 1.97 MB, 327x317, Its_so_bigOMG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.863830
File: 265 KB, 636x454, HowToTroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.863832
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>> No.863837
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Somebody PLEASE tell me how much of a faggoert I am!

>> No.863841

The real question is, what do you live off to be able to spend two months on nothing but reading? :-P

>> No.863843

are you underweight OP? how is your Health right now?

>> No.863846

I have spent several weeks doing bend exercises trying to become limber enough to suck my own uncircumcised 3 inch penis. It looks like a little blue highlighter.

>> No.863849


nerevmind the trolls

also i just finished high school so its summer break 4 months long

and my weight is fine not underweight

>> No.863851

Four MONTHS of summer break? Jesus Christ.

Well, atleast you're doing some self-improvement in the meantime.

>> No.863853

Which city? Gdańsk?

>> No.863854

Technically, this happens in Poland after you finish school, but then you wait for your high school finals results, enrol at uni etc., so in the end it's significantly less than that.

>> No.863857

Aids, OP. really, Aids.
100 Books in two Months ... what the fuck are you?

>> No.863861


>> No.863865
File: 131 KB, 800x759, 1248944358381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to Hot to read!

>> No.863867

sauce on vid?

>> No.863872

Mom, go back to bed!

>> No.863893

I'm sorry, but Anna Karenina is about 700 pages long. Even if you were reading 16 hours a day, you'd need to be reading about 40 pages an hour consistently. It's possible to read that quickly, but it's more skimming than actually reading.

>> No.863899

Rule of thumb is 1 min 1 page

>> No.863903

Skimming is 10 sec 1 page

>> No.863904


Speed reading isn't really reading, it's skimming. You can't read a single page in a single minute and fully absorb it all, you're just getting the key points. That's not how novels were intended to be read. That's how you read when you want to prove to everyone how cultured you are because you've read a lot of books, but the problem is that you don't fully understand the work.

>> No.863906


I said it's MORE skimming than reading. I realize there's a difference between skimming and speed reading, but speed reading is closer to skimming than actually reading. Neither of them should be used for literature.

>> No.863909

1 min 1 page is not speed reading, 10 sec 1 page is. How slowly do you read a page in a novel? 2 min? I refuse to believe that anyone who reads and doesn't have something like dyslexia takes more than 2.5 min

>> No.863910

My Poli Sci teacher made us take online courses of speed reading in his class for credit. I have no idea why! It was all bullshit.

>> No.863911

>Neither of them should be used for literature.

No they shouldn't, that's why I don't and take a full min to read a page

>> No.863916


Most of the books I read have a small font size. I don't think it's bizarre to take 2 minutes to read a page. Sometimes I go back and re-read something, sometimes I stop and think about what's being said and what's taking place. Sure, I could charge through and read the page quickly, but unless you stop for introspection it's not going to do much more than entertain me.

>> No.863919


I, too, enjoy reading Harry Potter

>> No.863922

>>863893 well actually my version was around 950 pages

and yes dear sir its actually easier to speed read becouse you dont get add every 10 or so pages of boring descriptions

also , my normal reading rate is about 50 pages an hour .

and it took me the whole day to read it (- 2hours i select everyday for food,bathroom etc.)

>> No.863924
File: 30 KB, 737x517, 1261419156070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He takes 1 min to read a page of a harry potter book

>> No.863928

yes i agree with you , there where few occasions where i was just plain tired ,and slowly fell into skimming (last time reading oroonoko ) but at such moments , i just let the book sit ,and i do something else

becouse above all my integrity would not let me , do a shit job and waste two hours of my life , just so i could get enlighted by a wikipedia article.

>> No.863927


The point I'm trying to make is that, depending on the difficulty of the work, the longer it takes to read a page changes. Try reading anything by Melville and read a page a minute. I guarantee you won't understand every word, nor understand fully what's happening. If you're reading something like Vonnegut, it's a much, much quicker read because he's not a difficult writer.

>> No.863932

>I'm stupid so that means everyone else is too

Cool story bro

>> No.863934

just to clear up i could never ever read pynchon like i do some of the other books , each book as you all know have a diffrent feel to it ,and shit like mitch alboms ,taking over 1,5 hours of my life would make me want to scrap my eyes out , just so i could hear thom jones fart one of his short stories in morse code

>> No.863936


Ha, okay. Keep telling yourself you know every word you've ever read. What a smart man you are.

>> No.863939

wykurwiaj na wykop

>> No.863941

yy czemu ?

>> No.863943

pynchon is also pseudo-intellectual bullshit

>> No.863944

>Went to state school

>> No.863946


Wrong. I'm not American either. You're a presumptious cock.

>> No.863948

Also for anybody who looks for a book that will kidnap them.

its Josh Bazell - Beat the Reaper .

You're welcome

>> No.863951


Too deep for you?

>> No.863953

>Implying only america has state schools

>> No.863956

>Pretentious hipster faggot

>> No.863957


The term state school is not used anywhere else except in the states.

>> No.863962


>> No.864008

No, they're called comprehensive schools.

>> No.864009

Only by the uneducated

>> No.864122


>> No.864126

I've only heard state in the same sentance as public/private to differentiate. Usually known as comprehensive. Or state comprehensive.

>> No.864148


State school education at work