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/lit/ - Literature

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8637200 No.8637200 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things, that trigger /lit/

>wrong or no punctuation

>> No.8637234

>When people mix up homophones, like they're and their or pale and pail
Holy shit I get toasty when I see people do this. The worst one by far is when people mix up peak, peek, and pique. God damn, it's not that hard.

>> No.8637299

Could of, should of etc
Not knowing the difference between loose and lose
Not knowing the difference between are and our

>> No.8637308

>read the first two posts
>already raging

>> No.8637316

>Throwing foreign words in sentences.
Now, quoting latin or greek is all fine and dandy. But excuse moi if people just doing it randomly pisses me off.

>> No.8637320

>the subjunctive is dead

>> No.8637324

Why does that bother toi, pienses? Is it porque it doesn't really fucking marche?

>> No.8637327
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I saw a girl on Tinder describe herself as 'corky'

>> No.8637332

Maybe she just wants to scare away trypophobes

>> No.8637335

could care less

>> No.8637338

when half-literate people worship T. S. Eliot or cite his opinions as though they are authoritative

>> No.8637367

T S Eliot was a genius- did you even read my twisted world?

>> No.8637377

you mean like an old and matured bottle of wine?

>> No.8637378

Not using adverbs.

> I did good
> Let's go to the store real quick
are simply barbaric.

>> No.8637382

when people use "momentarily" to mean "shortly"

>> No.8637383

The one I see most often is people mixing up "breath" and "breathe."

>> No.8637386

Not knowing the difference between "owing to" and "due to" and using them interchangeably.

>> No.8637387

I've spend hundreds of dollars replacing broken hardware from the affects of my affect-effect spergouts.

>> No.8637388

What would you add to those two?

>> No.8637396

begone filthy Formalist

>> No.8637400

Mixing up "in lieu of" and "in light of"

>> No.8637410

Sounds unusual.

>> No.8637440

/lit/ loves Faulkner and Joyce what are you talking about?

>> No.8637444


> I did well
> Let's go to the store really quickly.

Using adverbs is 'formalist'. No, you utter pleb.

>> No.8637460

Oh my friend, if you have never heard someone utter the words: "in lieu of the fact that...", I deeply envy you.

>> No.8637469

I can honestly say i havent

>> No.8637490


>of instead of have

This one is more specific to ausfags, but here in australia the word labour refers to work. Our left wing party however is called the Labor Party, with labor spelled without the U. It triggers me to no end when people complain on facebook etc about 'labour ruining the country'.

>> No.8637492

>for intensive purposes

>> No.8637507

When someone "pours" over a document. I rage, man. RAGE.

>> No.8637580

I began studying 12 hours a day, for intensive purposes.

>> No.8637583


>> No.8637586

There's nothing wrong with "it's". Its grammatically correct

>> No.8637593

I'm reading Blood Meridian now and all the characters keep doing the of thing. I know it's how they would have talked or whatever but it annoys me every time.

>> No.8637654

Not always

>> No.8637656

> the affects of my affect-effect spergouts
Not sure if bait

>> No.8637680

"It's" is a contraction for "it is", but is sometimes incorrectly used as the genitive form of "it", which is "its".

>> No.8637686

Read my post again

>> No.8637719

People who copy and paste dictionary definitions in internet arguments, like dictionaries hold any authoritative value.

>> No.8637756

>using then instead of than
You goddamn brutes, they're completely different words, how can you even confuse them?

>> No.8637768
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>> No.8637786


Chaucer and Shakespeare used flat adverbs. I would trust them far more ready than some arbitrary Victorian Latinist.

>> No.8637816


And now that I think of it, insistence on "well" as the adverbial form of "good" in every case is perhaps the grammatical habit that most irks me. Hypercorrection in general irks me more than hypocorrection. So while I think people really ought to know the difference between "who" and "whom," it is much better to use "who" when "whom" should be used than vice versa. But yeah, the solecism which really gets me is "of" in place of "have." It shows a simple lack of thought when writing, as these people know that "have" is used to form the perfect in English.

>> No.8637846

Fuck off with your 2 dimensional bait.
Affects is the verb you dolts.

>> No.8637857

'I could care less.'

>> No.8637863

There's literally nothing wrong with this.
The could is stressed, implying I do care, but it's very unlikely that I will care less. It's both a more literary and accurate way of expressing the bullshit "I couldn't care less" trope.

>> No.8637903

Defending American retardation

>> No.8637948
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>> No.8638215


>> No.8638227

Various mispronunciations of absinthe.

>> No.8638233

im thoroughly triggered when i see americans mispelling dumb basic words because that shows they go years without reading a single piece of well written text. they get all from phonetics and dont even bother to check if the stupid looking words they are writting are correctly put or not, that lazy mediocrity makes my blood boil.

>> No.8638235

Umm--wowee, my friend, wowee--. . . excuse me, anon? You literally aren't saying anything in your statement. "Defending American retardation," you said; okay, so, what the b**p are you trying communicate here? English must be your fourth or fifth language. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now: speechless, honestly. Mein Gott.

>> No.8638238

>saw a girl on Tinder describe herself as 'corky'

she has the downs then.

>> No.8638242

>ironic verbose adhom garbage
>still conveys a better argument than >>8637903
Heh, well played.

>> No.8638254


>> No.8638914

"Word Porn"

>> No.8638918

this doesnt trigger me because im not some pretentious reddit-tier

>> No.8638958


>> No.8638966

>Using a Latin term/phrase when an English one will do
Unless you're a lawyer or law student, this is inexcusable.

>> No.8638967

this reddit humour pic in the OP triggered me

>> No.8638980

>magical realism

big boy fantasy

>> No.8638992

godammit! I hate that

>> No.8639259

No one on lit having read any Persian literature whatsoever.

>> No.8639287

> these people know that "have" is used to form the perfect in English.
People, especially native speakers, have no idea how to form the perfect, nor even what the 'perfect' is.

People use 'of' instead of 'have' because unstressed 'have' sounds exactly like 'of'.

Don't defend stupidity.

'I could not care less' means the level of 'care' is zero and it is impossible to care less.

'I could care less' means the level of 'care' is non-zero and therefore one does care about something. The exact opposite of what is meant.

>> No.8639304

>intents and purposes

>> No.8639309

just to get the thread started, so that y´all know!

>> No.8639317

t. fantasy lover who is not capable of understanding literature

>> No.8639335

Are you a dumb animal
It's a noun when used there, so effects, not affects

>> No.8639499

'Affect' and 'effect' can each be both verbs and nouns.

>> No.8639528

saw one describe something bourgeois as "bouchy" and thought it was a favourable thing.

>> No.8639533


>> No.8639558

And in the context of the sentence effects is the word you're looking for.

>I've spend

Pretty obvious bait.

>> No.8639595

Not the guy but 'affect' as noun is perfectly acceptable there.

>> No.8640506

Faulkner did it to emphasize how the narrators were a retard and a depressive maniac though. And he was too busy fapping to corncobs to have proper punctuation.

Joyce was too busy fapping to farts.

>> No.8641273


>> No.8641479

"Absence" would make for a good absinthe brand name.

>> No.8641569

"Defiantly" used instead of "definitely".

It's probably my biggest trigger, too, because it's literally just being too dumb to even sound the word out.

>> No.8641586

When people use "positive" and "negative" to mean "warm, optimistic" and "cold, pessimistic"; especially when they mistake a very technical use of the word for this meaning.

>> No.8641588

I read McCarthy to face my autism on this

>> No.8641592


Well excuse me if I don't want to waste my listener or reader's time with "insofar as it is" every time I need to say "qua." That's six syllables when one will serve.

>> No.8641595

So you're telling me that Harold Bloom doesn't know how to write English? Though naturally mistaking one use of the word for another is a mistake, but not necessarily a blunder. Both of those are acceptable uses of the words.

>> No.8641638

Anyone who has used the word "negativity" in reference to the social property of a person or place needs to be smacked

>> No.8641657
File: 17 KB, 467x453, 1466657375793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always hated the french language and get immensely triggered when some cunt brings a french word into a conversation for no reason, especially when he makes pains to pronounce it correctly and it just makes me want to slit his faggot frog throat.

>> No.8641661
File: 12 KB, 324x325, 1466659388348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rape you if you ever use "qua" in public you fucking cunt

>> No.8641665

In college two of my friends spent months deliberately (and subtly) using this word in conversation here and there to trick their weird roommate into believing this is a real word. He eventually picked it up and began using it in his daily speech.

>> No.8641670

Considering how much McCarthy's dick gets sucked round these parts, you definitely are speaking alot of people here.

>> No.8641673

I like French but as a spoken language it makes me want to stab my eardrums. Unless it's being spoken by a cute girl. "Language of love" my ass, it's annoying and French people are rude assholes
Italian is pretty bad too. Sounds like big fat stupid caveman language. Germanic languages sound the best

>> No.8641681

Woah there, Tommy Wiseau.

>> No.8641686


Breecd DJ Pancake does that too. I know it's phonetic, and the characters are uneducated or whatever, but it does shit me

>> No.8641688


What was she trying to say?

>> No.8641695

This, I have never understood the "love languages" meme especially considering I have always found German to be very beautiful, when it's associated with anger by these fucking normies.

>> No.8641703

probly quirky

>> No.8641746

contractions are low class

>> No.8641762

she's subtly implying that she's a witch

>> No.8641836

>try and
instead of try to

>> No.8641892

Then why does reading McCarthy feel so good?

>> No.8642465
File: 152 KB, 684x756, true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people do this

>> No.8644023

This. Only on the internet will you be having an argument with someone and then they'll turn around and say 'ahem, that was an ad hominem, the debate is mine.' Er, no, explain with words what's wrong with my point rather than just saying I've done a bad Latin thing.

>> No.8644188

>hence why

>> No.8644494

Bob Dylan desu

>> No.8644547
File: 355 KB, 720x418, 1472628060466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who uses thermal qualities to states of mind

>> No.8644584

>is comprised of
my biggest trigger

>> No.8644600
File: 21 KB, 389x378, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who use words to describe states of mind

>> No.8645493

not full sentences
>You OK?
>all good?

>> No.8645598

Is that Amy Schumer?

If so *instant trigger*

>> No.8645659
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>> No.8645665
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>> No.8645759

>to double-dare