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8636963 No.8636963 [Reply] [Original]

But i suck at advertising and at this point would be happy with even harshest criticism. Can't improve without it anyways

>> No.8636969

The sorry about ppl stealing it ideas. Maybe post a chapter, or a few parts where you think need improvement?? Or find a trusted friend.

>> No.8636971

Oh and heres the link by the way, I tried to do a faster pace lovecraft type story but you be hte judge if you dare :) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3RD6SR/?ref_=aga_h_su_B01M3RD6SR_title

>> No.8636972

Shit lol I mean worry about people here stealing your ideas or good lines and such

>> No.8636975

I think no one can ever get enough improvement, but if you click on the title, the preview is about a page

>> No.8636981

Lol stealing lines can infringe copyright if it's too an extent, if it is ideas it's great to inspire others

>> No.8636986
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>But i suck at advertising
>Posts link to own work which I have to buy to give my opinion on

You are doing it just fine you transparent twat don't worry.

>> No.8636995

Lol before this i tried tweet hijacking, i took drain the swamp political jargon and turned it into, you might wanna drain the swamp before you read this..

>> No.8637014 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 400x167, 1476912961224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to emulate a horror threat like this

>> No.8637020

l am skeptical

>> No.8637023

There will never be body horror like the thing...but i can try emulating it inside a chaotic Lovecraft type setting. I tried to make one that broke rules of physics because another dimension opened

>> No.8637054

shameless bump

>> No.8637062

i would but you have it set 18 and up fucking stickler

>> No.8637083
File: 17 KB, 186x200, stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scary book

Would you call it...SPOOKY?

>> No.8637105

I would call it spooky scary, but as far as skeletons, the flesh is kinda still there

>> No.8637113
File: 72 KB, 1132x849, castadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's my lizard tax, i built him a grout castle moist hide scratch post

>> No.8637114


Reading the sample. The first paragraph is very weak. I'm not in love with the 'hooky' opening that plebs demand, but you gotta do better than just "x was sitting down on a couch, here's a short description of the couch, he was with his friends, and he sighs as if he had something he wanted to get off his chest."

It's a waste of words to write like that. Just jump right into whatever the hell he wants to say.

>and glares at my while I'm paralyzed

Ok, so this work is un-edited. You need to work with an editor if you expect people to not only read but pay for what you've written.

>> No.8637151

Thank you, making edits and going over it again, probably re-upload friday and try again.

>> No.8637389

The cover art is working against you, no one will choose to read a book with a naked man on the cover. I will tell you right now the writing does not matter, to the degree you want it to. What matters is the cover art

>> No.8637395

I mean it Herschel, you got a good title, good description, look up other scary stories, and copy their covers. Something with drippy blood, bold font, scary. You will get ten times more downloads.

>> No.8637419

Thanks, i don't want to remove the art though because the panicked insane man is extremely relevant to the story. i however might try the bold writing in the next edit if something else comes up too. I think it's funny my opening 's error alluded me

>> No.8637433

qt lizard, would pet

your book is unreadable though, poorly written and poorly formatted with weird text style and stuff

>> No.8637454

Am i on imgur?

>> No.8637479
File: 36 KB, 849x849, grepeaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8637499
File: 34 KB, 637x849, castadidda15089179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8637505

It's shit. Awful structure, full of grammatical errors, but the worst thing about it is the formatting. Your name is tiny compared to the title, the cover is hideous, you've written "first edition" with a lowercase f, the two first chapters of the first story are labeled with roman numerals while the third one is labeled with a regular 3, and one of the stories is titled in all capital letters. The entire thing looks like some high school essay thrown together at the last minute by a particularly uninspired student.


>The Awakening: It Awakens.

Come on, man.

>> No.8637828

>The Awakening: It Awakens.