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8633597 No.8633597 [Reply] [Original]

It's October, which feels like a pretty magical time of year and I've been reading mostly work concerning the material world lately, so I feel its time to take a break and get into some otherwordly shit.

Anyone know some good places to start?

I'm mostly interested in Northern European stuff. Paganism and runes and all that stuff, but I'd like to hear what /lit/ has found interesting.

>> No.8633603

Italia, that's from where Evola comes~

>> No.8633755
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Solve Et Coagula - The Great Work of Alchemy


Exploring The Hermetic Tradition (Terence McKenna)


Hermeticism & Alchemy (Terence McKenna)


Hermetism, Gnosticism, & Neoplatonism. Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus


An alchemist is a person versed in the art of alchemy

In Our Time - History of Alchemy


Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the history of Alchemy, the ancient science of transformations. The most famous alchemical text is the Emerald Tablet, written around 500BC and attributed to the mythical Egyptian figure of Hermes Trismegistus. Among its twelve lines are the essential words - “as above, so below".

With Peter Forshaw, Lecturer

>> No.8633762
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The Great Work (0 - Prologue - The Science of the Secret)


>> No.8633778
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The Great Work Series

Featuring Lon Milo DuQuette, Michael Greer, & Symbolist John Anthony West

The Western Mystery Traditions enable one to accomplish this magnificent task have always been hidden in plain sight, inaccessible to all but the most ardent scholars and practitioners.

The Symbols have always held the Key

To be efficient and proficient at The Great Work, one must develop a broad understanding of the meaning of symbols and archetype

Plane of Material
Plane of Mental
Plane of Emotional
Plane of Will

>> No.8633789
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Dr. P.J. Forshaw - assistant professor at the Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (GHF) of the University of Amsterdam

UvA student tour in The Ritman Library - Exhibition Alchemy on the Amstel


Students of Peter Forshaw's Alchemy Class were given a guided tour of the current exhibition Alchemy on the Amstel

Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism (EXESESO) Staff

Peter Forshaw, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (London)
Course Lecturer in Renaissance Kabbalah and Number Symbolism. My research interests include the typology of alchemical and magical practice, Paracelsian philosophy, and the interweaving of Hermetic, Neo-Platonic and kabbalistic strands in the works of influential figures like Ficino, Pico, Reuchlin, Agrippa and Dee. Currently working on Robert Boyle’s work-diaries, and teaching courses on ‘Renaissance Philosophies’ and ‘Magic, Science, and Religion’ at Birkbeck College , University of London . My forthcoming publications include: "Curious Knowledge and Wonder-working Wisdom in the Works of Heinrich Khunrath", in R. J. W. Evans & Alexander Marr (eds), Curiosity and Wonder in the Early Modern Period (2005); "Letter, Number and Symbol in Christian-Cabala", in Stephen Clucas & Peter J. Forshaw (eds), Silent Languages: Emblems, Notations and Symbols in the Early Modern Period (2005), a major monograph on the German doctor, theosopher and alchemist, Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605) and a translation of his Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom, based on his PhD thesis ‘Ora et Labora: Alchemy, Magic and Cabala in Heinrich Khunrath’s Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae (1609) and I am also working on a translation of Johann Reuchlin’s kabbalistic De Verbo Mirifico - On the Wonder-Working Word (1494)

>> No.8633999
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Any lit about Samhain, "thin places" and the Celtic Otherworld?