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8631318 No.8631318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading the book of a professor I really like
>a couple pages in he talks about a little rat like man whom one would think of as "harmless and inconsequential"

>> No.8631366

is that jordan peterson

>> No.8631371
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let's have a rare jordan peterson thread

>> No.8631379
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jordan is definitely kind of a massive asshole. i totally agree with his reasoning about the pronoun legislation in ontario, but if you dig even a little bit you can find him making a lot of really awful claims, that imply to me that he is an overwhelmingly conventional thinker despite his obvious intelligence.

>> No.8631395

It's sad because watching his videos he's very clearly afraid. Whether that fear is justified or not I don't know but I can sympathise with him. He's still a bigot though but he makes a point that the wording is way too vague. But you gotta know you're in the wrong when Laura Southern shows up in your defence.

>> No.8631409

>but if you dig even a little bit you can find him making a lot of really awful claims

What did you mean by this?

>> No.8631411

i realize it's subjective, but i saw this earlier today and it really made me rethink my responses to his videos. really pathetic longing for the past, totally antiquated understanding of gender dynamics, etc, etc. literally 'fedora-tier.'


>> No.8631417

>really pathetic
>antiquated understanding of gender dynamics
>literally 'fedora-tier.'

I don't know what to make of these.

>> No.8631422


>> No.8632628
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>He's still a bigot though

How so?

>> No.8632661


I think he seems pretty on the ball? What do you have an issue with specifically?

>> No.8632678
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>Remember those 50’s hat-sporting


>> No.8632693

Because he's afraid of and denying basic dignity to trans persons. Trans people exist and should be addressed by their prefered pronouns

>> No.8632694

>men today are either pussies or chads
>women don't know what they want

what is wrong with that statement? my only criticism is that maybe it implies that men DO know what they want in life and in a partner, or did at one time. it's different for everyone of course, but he clearly prefers the conventional patriarchal dynamic. i'm a man and i do too, but its just a feeling, not a fact that this is the correct way to be. i don't know how one would go about determining the facts on this

>> No.8632704

>this is the correct way to be.
The fact that you think one way to be could be correct over another is what's wrong with you.

>> No.8632717

>Trans people exist and should be addressed by their prefered pronouns

And why ought they be addressed according to their preference rather than according to the reality?

>> No.8632724
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i hate this line of thinking but i cant prove it wrong

>> No.8632734


Good lord, /r9k/ is fucking obsessed with chad.

Just forget about chad for one second and read this summary of the 500 word essay:

1. Women like to mate with masculine men
2. The rules forbid masculine behavior
3. Only people who disobey rules ('psychopaths') will be masculine enough to mate

That's all he's saying.

>> No.8632737

The reality is the gender they think they are is more important than the genitals they were born with.

>> No.8632761

>cult of masculinity
It's really not that hard to appear masculine, and even easier once you're actually in a relationship. You don't need to commit sexual assault to make yourself atavistically attractive (garbage evo-psych newage pure ideology)

>> No.8632765

chad is used on all boards, i just used it in place of alpha. i agree with what he's saying, but it is really is what robots and neckbeards have been saying for years now

>> No.8632777

And why shouldn't we mind how people live? Is there no answer, no possible objection, to men and women living like the beasts that perish?

I take it you have no religion; certainly no Christian religion. Otherwise you could not but remember that God did give some instruction on correct living. I do not say that you ought to be a member of our church (not here, anyway)—only that your assertion can have no effect upon us, since we do not share the opinion that "the golden rule is that there are no golden rules", or that there can be no knowledge of correct living. Indeed materialism yields none; but we are not materialists.

(In matters of state I can conceive the purposes of liberalism or libertarianism—which are founded not in skepticism of all virtue, but in skepticism about worldly justice, especially as applied by governments. But liberalism has no place in morals. I mean to say that I would let transsexuals live in peace, so far as legislation goes, as I fear that any remedy through the courts would be terribly unjust; but I would never hold my tongue against them, for they have no special right to escape any individual's censure.)

If I am right, if you have no religion, whence do you derive the authority that gives force to your admonition? How do you get an imperative from mere facts? What is your reasoning?

>> No.8632785


Yeah, it's kinda true tho right? Maybe you're just pissed as he mentioned the women out earning men thing? Like you know, you hate having female privilege called out?

>> No.8632788

>not a fact that this is the correct way to be
Cherry picking.

>> No.8632798

Please leave

>> No.8632801

>mere facts

>> No.8632805

>only psychopaths get laid
Do you agree?

>> No.8632806


Yes you can. The existence of the criminal justice system proves there are incorrect ways to live, and no SJW would argue that incorrect living ends there. From that point it's a matter of who makes the better argument.

>> No.8632811

Bud, wanna rephrase that like you're not 200 years old.

>> No.8632812

Not as phrased but a lot of the guys I know who get laid A LOT are a bit messed up, and often they're pretty masculine.

>> No.8632820

I think that's probably a fair point. But a pathological drive to get laid isn't necessarily related to masculinity, is it? That only has bearing on how successful you are.

>> No.8632821

Is everyone on this board wearing a fedora, then?

>women only like assholes
>I'm a nice guy
>subjectivity is a lie and everyone but me is degenerate

>> No.8632835

Peterson right after he rescued his father from the depth of the ocean

>> No.8632868

You know what it is really scary? Is that if the legislation that Peterson is now criticizing had been passed lets say a year ago, then they would have Peterson imprisoned right now for what he is doing. Think about that.

Peterson has made arguments for why the new legislation is dangerous and can be misused easily, the Social Justice Warriors are ignoring his arguments and they are screaming "DISCRIMINATION!" As if disagreeing with someone (with very good reasons btw) is discrimination?

This new law would literally make disagreeing or criticizing them against the law. Like, hello? Is Anyone else seeing the madness in this? The law is purposely vaguely articulated so it can be applied and abused easily. And if that wasn't done on purpose then they are simply to stupid to articulate it properly.

>> No.8632874

>It's sad because watching his videos he's very clearly afraid.
If you understood his videos then you'd know why he was afraid. The social justice movement is totalitarianism in the making. If that don't scare you then hooray for you i guess. To say he is a "bigot" (like that matters in any way) is just more misunderstanding

>> No.8632878

I don't think women only like assholes because I don't think masculine men are asswholes. Guys like girls who are thin with big tits, generally, biological factors that have to do with hormones etc.

> ERRRR everyone but me is a fedora.
> Saying things that people notice of themselves , which are reported in society, and which have basis in biology = SUBJECTIVITY IS A LIE

Maybe you should trim your fucking neck mate

>> No.8632883

What specifically is your problem with this?

>> No.8632893

>But you gotta know you're in the wrong when Laura Southern shows up in your defence.
But you are in the right when you have these people in your back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-IFcCY0m3E

>> No.8632895


Wanting to create a plethora of new pronouns just to point out the fact of "Look guys, gender is so fluid" is non-sense. Not one language in all of recorded history I can think of has possessed pronouns that identify sex other than Male,Female, and Neutral, even if those societies were non-oppressive against people with non-binary genders. Some languages have special proper nouns for those individuals, but not pronouns as far as I'm aware, hell some languages don't even define sex and simply use a ubiquitous neutral pronoun.

>> No.8632905


>implying I'm not 200 years old

>> No.8632915

>Wanting to create a plethora of new pronouns just to point out the fact of "Look guys, gender is so fluid" is non-sense.
How dare you?
My new pronoun is Alphamaleabeledcisnormativeheterosexuallitreallywhitemale

If you fail to use that correctly when you are referring to me then under the new Bill C-16 you will have broken the law and clearly violated my existence and given me PTSD and you are clearly a very dangerous person for transfolk to be around and it would be best if you lost your job, went to prison, payed me for the damages you done to me and maybe we should send you to re-education camp so you know in the future to not make the same mistake again. And if you do then well we have these new work camps set up in the woods..

>> No.8632924

I know I'm right because I have a bunch of mentally ill weirdos on my side.

Just kidding; nobody is actually fighting against this other than alt-right degenerates.

>> No.8632932
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>Guys like girls who are thin with big tits

Ohh boy have you got a lot to learn...

>> No.8632940


Started out humorous but got a little too heavy handed really quick.

Do you think that's what the stereotypical heterosexual white male secretly fears?

>> No.8632983
File: 394 KB, 734x2882, Gf86VlO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, you don't know that. Secondly its just plain wrong to categorize everyone who disagrees with these nutcases alt-righters.

Secondly, Peterson is not an alt-right.

But you know, basement dwelling Nazi's are just as crazy as these folks are.

That is because this is heavy handed. Look at this picture. This is from some Black live matter member. With views like this then camps in the woods don't seem that far away. People already lose their job when SJW goes against them, they are working to make it illegal to missus pronounces. ( BILL C-16 ). There are popping up mandatory sensitivity, equality and anti-sexism training and other variations of these all across. Why stop there?

>Do you think that's what the stereotypical heterosexual white male secretly fears?
I think that the majority of stereotypical person fears totalitarian regimes that is run by resentful ideologues. If they don't they are probably working towards that.

>> No.8633088

Memerson probably will rationalise this down to just being another moment in life which is fundamentally a 'nest of snakes'. As is everything. Life is just a variety of snake nests in his 7 times removed analysis of reality. He's lived with it before, he'll live with it now and probably get good book sales on his new one. Which'll undoubtedly expose a nest of snakes

>> No.8633479

I would if I could. I am not a literary stylist—I am trying first to be careful in what I say, that my meaning might be clear; I have taken fewer pains to avoid being dull.

To sound like a 200-year-old would be a feat. Of course I have achieved no such thing. At best I sound like a priggish young traditionalist, I think. I feel a sharp pain, believe me, when I read my own posts.

Still, it would be no help to speak in slang, to take refuge in a dialectical fashion and shirk the difficulty of really speaking well.

>> No.8633486

I have a great respect for facts, where they are relevant. But you cannot derive a moral imperative from a material fact. In this application they are "mere" facts.

>> No.8633629

Do I though. In rhetorical terms all you've done is imply my argument is false, so...you must be pretty lame.

>> No.8633638

I think you meant "speaking really well"

>> No.8633662

>The fact that you think one way to be could be correct over another is what's wrong with you.

but thinking that thinking one way to be could be correct over another is wrong, isn't

>> No.8633673

no, I didn't. I meant "really" speaking well—as opposed to ostensibly speaking well.

>> No.8633718

>The reality is the gender they think they are


>> No.8633817

It's a joke man.

>> No.8633870

> he think the concept of gender is in any way 'real'

>> No.8633899

The only crime is being boring. Incarcerate yourself, faggot.

>> No.8634001

>Just kidding; nobody is actually fighting against this other than alt-right degenerates.
even trannies can't stand the justice-warrior aspects of the lgbt community. They also hate that they have to use a lot of the terms and language that they made up and they will just agree with the bullshit politics so they wont get harassed and shit

>> No.8634264

and how well do you keep from being boring? you, who have naught to offer but a stale motto from the decadents, and a crime-themed spin on "kill yourself faggot", which must strike others as it strikes me: intolerably dull—how fresh and lively can your conversation be, if you are so easily impressed by an old half-truth, and you enjoy a blasphemy (it is shocking for being blasphemous against the assumed value of human life) so overused that for many it has lost its savour?

the half truth is that it is better not to be a bore, and that in merry company there is not much worse than to be a bore. I will pass over the question of whether it is not worse to be perpetually bored; allowing that it is wrong to be a bore, in matters moral or political one often cannot help it, and at any rate it is better to be boring than to be frivolous. What holds true for festivities does not hold true in morals, just as it does not hold true in physics. Better to be boring in the service of truth, than exciting in the service of falsehood—it is a dull truism, but it is true.

It is no victory for this liberal cause to point out that its opponents are dull, or that they take jokes too seriously. Nor is does it conquer them to say that they mistake 4chan, a website for frivolous discussions, for a place of serious debate; where you have men conversing, you will have arguments. They are no less legitimate or important for being incongruous with the tone of the preceding discussion.

Though I have now broken all the strictures, and transgressed all the established limits, on tolerable dulness, I gladly remind you that there is no chance of my being caught, or having dulness added to my reputation. If to be boring is a crime, 4chan is the perfect place to commit it.

>> No.8634310
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>> No.8634321

>wahhhh someone isn't a pseudo-progressive identity politics retard like me


>> No.8634326

I don't think people here are understanding the implications of this legislation. While hitherto we have had laws that can tell someone what is not allowed to be said, the wording of this legislation actually forces someone to say something they might not wish to say. This is a completely different power to give the government. Not only will this legislation in effect compel one to say something against their will, it also dispenses with intent in determining if a crime was committed.

This is literally one of the worst precedents in history and that is not an exaggeration.

>> No.8634337
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>> No.8634350

>he is an overwhelmingly conventional thinker despite his obvious intelligence

You have obviosuly never looked at his work. He's one of the most subversive thinkers alive.

Although he does have a bit of Kant syndrome where he ends up confirming the common worldview but in an extremely complex and ingenious way.

>> No.8634388

>>reading the book of a professor I really like
>>a couple pages in he talks about a little rat like man whom one would think of as "harmless and inconsequential"

so is the little rat like man OP?
You should be proud your professor wrote about you OP, even if you are inconseuential

>> No.8634408
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It was actually when he visited a prison and among a bunch of "huge muscled inmates" whom he was very afraid of, there was this little man who forced 2 cops to dig their own graves then killed them. He was shocked that this inconsequential rat of a man could do such a thing.

The problem is he tells people to not be resentful then he pulls shit like this.

>> No.8634478

This for goodness sake. THIS!

>> No.8634714

Nah dude he isn't a bigot. He recogonizes the insidious nature of the SJW agenda. You can't fucking legislate what somebody is no allowed to say... Much less what they MUST say!

>> No.8634730

>what is hebephilia
fucking bigot

>> No.8634799

John is that you