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/lit/ - Literature

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8629357 No.8629357 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread?

Just bought these three at Barnes and Noble.

Prolly shoulda gotten them used but fuck it.

Any order in which I should read them?

>> No.8629367


in class, no pics.

- Ouevres de Sully Prudhomme (first edition from 189x-1900-ish, before he won Nobel. $5

- Golden Bough (1 volume) second edition hardcover. $1

- Flight to Arcturus. $1

- Tales of Grotesque and Arabesque, Poe. $1

- Complete Plays of Marlowe. $1

>> No.8629368


Jesus - those are patrician picks, dude. Are you very well read?

>> No.8629372

I've never seen a more emasculated Moby-Dick.

>> No.8629378


What an absolutely wretched and pretentious observation to make

But o I am laffin

>> No.8629387

>Are you very well read?

eh. We all try.

>> No.8629397
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These two, both of which I've read before, but wanted to read again.

>> No.8629409


Still - I am surprised by your non-meme picks. My presumption is that you've cleared the memes and read what you want. Rare on this board.

>> No.8629417


Where'd you find Ouevres de Sully Prudhomme?

>> No.8629449


I've avoided some of the meme picks. Gravity's Rainbow didn't hold my attention. I love Ulysses but to me it's just another good novel. I've never touched IJ, after reading a few chapters I decided I wouldn't waste my time. I kinda dislike DeLillo and most of Pynchon, and their successors like Wallace and Baker I find completely uninteresting, so I don't waste my time.

I like dense and obscure poetry about philosophical ideas (Stevens, Prudhomme, Celan, Hill, those kinds), ancient poetry, fantasy in tradition w/ Lovecraft, mysticism even though I'm self aware and know it's all make believe crap -- still cool, metaphysical philosophy (some political phil), realist novels, etc. But reading isn't a large part of my life like it was a year ago when I was reading many books a day. I read what's interesting and appeals to my favored aesthetics and usually ignore most of the rest.

>> No.8629458


used/rare book warehouse for a chain in my geographical area. Second Story Books. Has stores in DC and MD and up the east coast.

>> No.8629506

HG Wells - The Island of Doctor Moreau, Pocket Penguin edition.

Leo Tolstoy - The Cossacks + Hadji Murat, another Pocket Penguin book.

Dostoevsky - Crime And Punishment (David McDuff translated, black Penguin edition)

I've read Tolstoy's The Cossacks this weekend, the first thing I have read by him. I was pleasantly surprised by what a cozy read it is, with some beautiful asides about happiness, and the simpler way of Cossack life.

>> No.8629516

Dick, Dying, and then da Shore

>> No.8629525
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two paychecks from now I'm getting all of this. This pay check I'm saving up for a new portable audio player, the fiio x5 ii.

>> No.8629647
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Also thinking of buying Patti Smith's memoir because it's only $2 on Amazon

>> No.8629663

>he doesn't own a complete works of shakespeare


>> No.8629670

That's not what that book is, anon. They're essays on Shakespeare.

>> No.8629679

strong list

>> No.8631071


Go buy used search for very good condition save yourself some money and buy both at the same time.

>> No.8631100

William March - Trial Balance: The Collected Stories 6$
Some vanity published book about the Baptist church in my town 1$
A couple two decade old issues of the university's literary journal 6$ total

the william march is the only good thing in that, unfortunately

>> No.8631137
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Nice Dick there, bro. Like, cool edition.

Dude, once you go Tolstoy there's no turning back. The man can do no wrong.

Here's my paycheck blown away.

>> No.8631145
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I also got this nifty little book by Laszlo K., which you can flip around...

>> No.8631152
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... And read as another book! Super neato!

>> No.8631162

I know I'm a dork, I'm just a sucker for a good gimmick.

>> No.8631833
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Picked up a bunch of older Reclams for free, checked inside and they were completely free from notes and other markings, wouldn't have bothered with them otherwise because new ones are so cheap anyway
In case they're blurry, the titles are
>Fontane: Irrungen und Wirrungen
>Eichendorf: Das Marmorbild - Schloß Dürande
>Heine: Aus den Memoiren des Herren von Schnabelewopski
>Wackenroder/Tieck: Herzensergießungen
>Tieck: Der blonde Eckbert
>Wedekind: Der Marquis von Keith
>Lenz: Der Hofmeister
The rest was free as well, thinking about getting into Faulkner, already have Absalom, Absalom! and figured reading some of his short stories first would be an alright introduction

>> No.8631922

Complete Works by Racine : Pléiade
Complete Works by Corneille : Pléiade
Sterne's Sentimental Journey & Tristram : Penguin

Gonna buy Richardson's Clarissa and Molière this week.

>> No.8631937

Check out ace doubles.

>> No.8631964

happiness is a chemical in the brain by lucia perillo

its qt

>> No.8632687
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>> No.8632772


Planning on picking up any of the following when I get paid this month:
Marketa Lazarova-Vladislav Vancura
War & War-Lazlo Kraznahorkai
The Ice Trilogy-Vladimir Sorokin
The World of Yesterday-Stefan Zweig
The Man Without Qualities-Robert Musil
The Melancholy of Resistance-Lazlo Kraznahorkai
Seibo There Below-Lazlo Kraznahorkai
The Broken Sword-Poul Anderson

Have they reprinted a lot of Kraznahorkai lately? Since last time I checked I remember War & War along with Melancholy being slightly out of print or going that way but now they have new editions it seems, also seems like they are trying to go after the Murakami fanbase by giving his works similar covers but I could be wrong.

>> No.8632782

they reprinted everything already in english shortly after he won the man booked international prize

>> No.8632786

What a faggot.

>> No.8632929
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Dude are you me?

>> No.8632993

Just a heads up, "The Tunnel" that gets talked about a lot on this board is by William Gass, not Sabato.

>> No.8633004
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Which one should I read first?

>> No.8633010

I already have a copy. I got a great used deal on a like new copy for I think it was around 5 or 10 dollars.

>> No.8633155

I just started a reread of satantango, are k's other books as good?

>> No.8633185

where did you find them at such a price?
pls gib

>> No.8633476
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Not sure yet, this is my first of his and I haven't started it yet. I have seiobo as well and that book is really intriguing.

>> No.8633573

Great minds and all that :)

>> No.8633588

I've only read satantango and I just finished The Last Wolf and have to say that Laszlo is in my top ten all time already. TLW is written entirely in one sentance and it's mind boggling. You know that feeling you get when you wake up early and sit down with a cup of coffee and become hyper aware of the silence? Reading him is like that, and I mean that in the best way possible.

>> No.8633602

Who would make that mistake?

>> No.8633606

my dude

>> No.8633610

You faggots and your consumerism are worse than the fucking retarded booktubers.

Sage for not literature.

>> No.8633622

Hey nice Lichtenberg man, how did you hear about him, in Bolaño maybe?

>> No.8633631

I'm half way through War and War and its outrageously good, hopefully a new favourite for me

>> No.8633777
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I also picked up Eisenstein's "Film Form" and "The Film Sense" yesterday.

>> No.8634176

I read The Last Wolf in one sitting. Finished in under an hour which shocked me cause I never marathon a read but the guys writing just hypnotises you, man.

>> No.8634183

I found out about him after visiting my great-grandfather's grave, one of Lichtenberg's aphorisms was engraved on the gravestone.

>> No.8634226

In case you're curious:

"God makes the animals, man makes himself"
After a lifetime of liquor and tobacco, he died at the age of 83. In a bar fight.

>> No.8634332
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These just came today. My reading order will be Blood Meridian, Dubliners, Portrait, A Little Life.

A Little Life was actually an impulse buy since I happened to be browsing B&N when somebody made a funny thread about it a week or two ago. No clue what it's about yet besides le crying man face.

>> No.8634358

That meditations looks fucking stupid

>> No.8634619

Stoner then TBK.

>> No.8634633

>le crying man face.

he's trying not to laugh at dank memes

>> No.8634954
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>tfw no replies

>> No.8635035

It's the middle of the damn semester, I have zero monies at this time.

>> No.8635086
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>> No.8635094
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>> No.8635805

have a bump

>> No.8636404

anyone know if cinema without reflection is any good?

>> No.8637273

Sorry, I only buy ebooks from the amazon store

>> No.8637588

The cover is actually the photograph titled "Orgasmic Man".


>> No.8637817

>Gass, DeWitt, Cardenas, Brebel


>> No.8637831
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New bookstore by work. 3 bucks.

>> No.8638079
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Got a stack of these, looking forward to reading them.

>> No.8638114
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I bought Sisyphus and Antichrist online, but the others I found at Goodwill, so I feel like it was a pretty good find, since Goodwill usually just has Tom Clancy shit

>> No.8638166

You wasted your money on murakami, he's a tool. Very boring pseud.

>> No.8638173
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Came in today.

>> No.8638181
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today i read nothing

>> No.8638793
