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8628577 No.8628577 [Reply] [Original]

Find a book that has a better representation of depression in it?
Spoilers: you can't

>> No.8628585
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id like to solve

>> No.8628600

Anything by Dostoevsky.

>> No.8628602
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>> No.8628608

Quality post m8.

>> No.8628617


The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.8628618
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This was pretty cool

>> No.8628630


>> No.8628634


>> No.8628641

It's pretty accurate for anxiety based shit at least.

>> No.8628645


>> No.8628673
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>> No.8628917

>three friends read that book
>one killed himself
>one went schitzo
>one attempted to kill himself
That book is like the fucking ring to me. I'm never touching it.

>> No.8629329

depression != being sad

>> No.8629341

lol your friends are/were such try hards

>> No.8629343

If you didn't sympathize with Raskolnikov's inner monologue you have either never been depressed or suffered from depression

>> No.8629352

among my favorite message board personalities in recent years is "the guy who has REAL depression and is here to tell you what REAL depression is"

>> No.8629373

this sounds more like a panic attack

>> No.8629402

i cant relate to that romantic kind of depression
dont get me wrong, I think Dosto is GOAT but I relate more to DFW
This doesnt mean I think IJ is better than C&P or whatever

>> No.8629403

the bell jar and bruce springsteens autobiography

>> No.8630599

I'm only a bit in and, although some of it is pretty morbid, it's still pretty humorous. It really tackles addiction well as well.

>> No.8630605
File: 25 KB, 304x500, nolongerhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8630668

Hunger is more like driving yourself mad

>> No.8630870

Consider the Lobster
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

Which one is better?

>> No.8630884


the latter I say

>> No.8630891

The Metamorphosis
Under the Volcano
Ham on Rye

>> No.8630945

Top5 book for me, I read it in one day, and I've read it 3 times since

>> No.8630954

Dangling Man is a pretty good book about drifting around, not caring and losing interest in anything/

>> No.8630977

dfw and IJ is less about depression and more about the pain you get when you're a talentless hack who has no substance so style becomes your substance.

>> No.8631038

if i read this book where can i hide it to make sure nobody sees it in my room and makes fun of me?
fosty would understand

>> No.8631048
