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File: 56 KB, 401x599, The_Stand_Uncut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8628560 No.8628560 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on this?

>> No.8628571

Stephen King gets a lot of shit around here, and he's not the trendiest author in the world, but taken as a whole and evaluated objectively, The Strand is a monument of Western literature and the most accomplished novel by an American to date.

>> No.8628597

Part II is literally shit.

>> No.8628748

I liked it up until the shit ending. This is probably the one time that the movie will need to completely change the ending.

>> No.8628773

someone sell me on it.

>> No.8628886

Liked the pandemic part, didn't care for the God stuff.

>> No.8628943

the cover art is representative of the moral complexity of the characterization in the book

>> No.8628962

What is the ending? I'll never read this book anyway so spoil me.

>> No.8629017

God nukes Vegas

>> No.8629026

Like a deus ex machina? Out of nowhere?

>> No.8629028

A nuke is set off by "the hand of God" and kills all the bad guys except their leader who ends up on an island with primitive natives.

>> No.8629036

>the Strand
You couldn't even spell its name right and you expect your retarded opinion to be taken seriously?

>> No.8629056

This. I feel like every King novel I read engages me at first by teasing some cool possibilities then ends in the most disappointing way possible. I thought his description of the world going to shit at the beginning was actually pretty compelling though.

>> No.8629064

There was a whole confrontation near the end and one of the villain's henchmen brought a nuke there at the last minute because he thought it was what his boss wanted him to do, then it was activated by what the narration calls the hand of God. It only kills the bad guys (and like 2 or 3 of the good ones) and their leader survives.

Really, it's the kind of half-assed semi-secular eschatology you'd expect from murrican Christians.

>> No.8629078


>> No.8629190

>then it was activated by what the narration calls the hand of God
Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while since I read it, but wasn't it supposed to be an actual hand-shaped cloud of smoke or something that sets of the bomb?

Why the fuck didn't he just let Trashcan Man fuck their shit up.

>> No.8629194


>> No.8629201

King should stick to horror, he can write a decent mid-tier chiller. 'Salem's Lot was a favourite of mine in my early times. Any time the dude tries profundity he fucks it up, his prose style can only be called workmanlike and stolid and as we're all probably aware, he suffers from a crippling inability to write endings.

>> No.8629736

He should write whatever he wants but his fans need to stop sucking his cock so hard when his mediocrity is so self-evident.

>> No.8629759

I like some of King's books, but I thought this one was one of the worst things I've ever read.

The characters are uninteresting, and not engaging, the plot is pretty predictable. It's over written and long winded as fuck, the ending is pure shit scrapped out a dead Filipino crack addict prostitute's decaying asshole. There's also no, "the stand."