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8626574 No.8626574 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with U.G. Krishnamurti?

>> No.8626754

His conversations on Youtube

>> No.8626854

Any particular recommendation?

>> No.8626875


>> No.8627433


>> No.8628684
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start by getting an at least basic grasp of the common threads underlying all spiritual ways.

then read him, he is a great antidote to the mistakes inherent in those ways.

on the other hand, if you read him as if he was just another spiritual way you might end up killing yourself, no joke. he just throws bare facts in your face, no human can take that without some preparation.

>> No.8628776
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This: https://www.amazon.com/Biology-Enlightenment-Unpublished-Conversations-Krishnamurti/dp/935029009X

You also end it with that.

Under all his seeming nihilistic utterances there's substance which is subtle and it's very easy to misinterpret him and his 'natural state'. The state that he was in was not reached or attained via some intellectual means by reading a particular subset of the philosophy canon, which he in fact did in his 20s, but that at one point he experienced a sudden neurobiological change, mutation of sorts, which permanently altered his brain structure, setting his mind free of psychological neuroses, tensions and so forth (everything that is all so common in the Western world though *his* tensions were strictly of enlightenment content, not ">tfw no gf" etcetera juvenile horseshit you encounter on 4chins). This neurobiological change is a purely natural phenomenon (it can be explained secularly without invoking Sanskrit nomenclature such as the Chakras, etc.) and it can be reached via qigong, certain types of yoga, or tantric sex/masturbation. Based on what I have read and seen of U.G. he most likely had the first 6 Chakras open, but not the seventh, crown Chakra, otherwise he would be able to "tune into" the spirit realm, channel beings of higher consciousness etc. though with U.G. you never know: perhaps he was purposefully hiding this ability from his friends and relatives. All in all I'd say if you're not mature enough (never read any philosophy whatsoever) and are ignorant of Yoga and meditation you won't be able to handle U.G.; you will either oversimplify his message and denounce his utterances as truisms or much of the content will go straight over your head. U.G. is precious and I sincerely hope nobody manages to 'meme' him into the degenerated 4chin culture that is run by mentally unstable teens.

Interesting fact: Moorty, one of U.G. friends and a retired philosophy prof, also seen in many videos of his, did a PhD (on Heidegger or Wittgenstein, can't remember) under Hubert Dreyfus at Berkeley.

>> No.8628819


where da pdf you nig!?

>> No.8628826

>This neurobiological change is a purely natural phenomenon (it can be explained secularly without invoking Sanskrit nomenclature such as the Chakras, etc.)

Is there something I could read from the stand point of merely academic neurobiologist curiosity regarding this? It seems untrue.

>> No.8628829

is that neurobiological thing you say in that book or is it just you projecting science everywhere? i mean, im not trying to say that physical changes and phenomena are false or unimportant, but they cant be made to explain everything. actually that takes as a given the body/mind split which just leads to nonsense.

>> No.8628856

Please learn to type coherent sentences

>> No.8628904

everyone conned by this post should watch U.G.'s real thoughts on his own position in life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vf-Xsr0f4w

>> No.8628928

can you sum it up, im lazy :(

>> No.8628929

I haven't read him so I don't know it it's like what I'm saying, probably not, but I fucking hate this western science washing they giveto shit like that, trying to come with a direct correspondence between eastern philosophy, neurobiology, psychanalytic terms, a lot of common sense and wishful thinking. Even worse if they risk themselves with quantum physics shit. When I'm reading science,

I want science, when I'm reading about yoga, I read yoga. I'm surprised a lot of people can't handle this, they can't read a buddhist text namedropping entities without sperging out that it is not secular and so on. Alternatively, some people can't handle science without saying it was all explained by chakras and whatever. And then when authors succumb to that sort of wish from their readers, they end up talking about "the ego's chakra neurobiological wiring of quantum tulpas" or something like that.

I don't know what causes this, perhaps people are too much in a hurry to read something through that they don't understand without jumping to conclusions, so they cling with what they have already and need very safe bridges to begin talking about, I don't know, meditation but without spirituality, or science without numbers, or psychanalysis without actually going through the texts required for you to grasp it. It's all words, there is nothing to be afraid about them, you don't have to hop in, there is no reason to fear being fooled. Those things talk about similar things, but also about different things, and you can entertain them without accepting or denying them.

>> No.8628935

the long and short of it is:

>I am an ordinary man. I am not enlightened. I am not a saint. I am an ordinary man.

and a bit later

>Yoga is bad for this body, because it is not interested in working at all.

>> No.8628946

>i mean, im not trying to say that physical changes and phenomena are false or unimportant, but they cant be made to explain everything.
Yes they can. Magic doesn't real.

>> No.8628954

>Of course you can explain everything in tight causality. There is no true randomness, because magic doesn't real

the 19th century scientist said.

>> No.8628965

>randomness means all my new age shit makes sense

The god of the gaps quantum hippie said.

>> No.8628982

>new age shit

>> No.8628987

this oughta be bait.

>> No.8628990
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what i thought all along desu.

well... back to the nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei for me *sigh* auf wiedersehen.

>> No.8628996

everything we experience is mediated by neuronal dynamics.

>> No.8629018

they might actually not be.

>> No.8629031

prove it wrong

>> No.8629037

You're thick as fuck

>> No.8629040


lel, magic is a notion created by scientists to 'explain' what science cant into. the only human being capable of 'superstition' is a scientist.

>> No.8629043

dont be silly. what else could it be.

>> No.8629047

i dont even understand what you are trying to say or who you are trying to criticise.

>> No.8629049

I don't know, it probably is, I operate under that assumption at least.

Might not be though.

>> No.8629052

I'm just inviting you to discuss together by making you give your first thoughts regarding experience not being mediated by neuronal dynamics.
No need to pivot on insulting me.

>> No.8629061

not my fault if you're too thick to understand words put in context.

>> No.8629068

>Still doesn't give any of his own ideas or opinions


>> No.8629129


what are you trying to say. you havent said anything useful or that suggests any sought of intellect.