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File: 55 KB, 1280x720, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8624892 No.8624892 [Reply] [Original]

>been watching lots of zizek videos on youtube
>youtube now recommends dozens of noam chomsky videos
Why does youtube do this? Does it have poor taste? Chomsky is a hack and Zizek is a true visionary.

>> No.8624896

> he doesn't know about the Zizek-Chomsky "clash"

In truth it's probably because some fag spams Youtube full of monetized videos of Zizek and Chomsky with fake titles. Turns out that there are situations when you want copyright strikes to work.

>> No.8624899

>Chomsky is a hack and Zizek is a true visionary
this is bait

>> No.8624932

What clash?

>> No.8625040

best zizek videos?

ive never watched him

>> No.8625044

Ideology of poop.

>> No.8625048

Watch his movies

Pervert's guide to cinema
Pervert's guide to ideology

Or just type Zizek in youtube, you filthy fuck

>> No.8625053

One wrote an article about the other, and the other replied to the one, and this continued until the one became a stupid doodoohead and the other became a doodoo stupidhead

>> No.8625469


>> No.8625500
File: 108 KB, 510x348, 2015_11_zizek_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommended videos, as well as all other rec things online, ads and so on, are just things that will ruin your mind and encapsulate yourself in a bubble full of misery. Youtube doesn't have a poor taste or any taste at all, it is merely reflecting the poor taste of other people who will watch one and the other and so they get recommended to you and you think that they are relevant. It is in this way that you'll never see Zizek associated with a video of boomerang championship in Mongolia, or with a lecture about farming in Chile, or a tutorial of how to take nail polish out. In other words, things that were not yet associated but that, *sniff*, my god, you could!

To put it simply, the tendency is to repeat itself, repeat itself, repeat itself. Now you're here talking about Chomsky next to Zizek and it's okay for you to do so, even to complain about how one is much better than the other, but because you're talking about it, you fail to see the big picture that it was not you that put one and the other together, not even Youtube, as if it had an agency of its own delineating what you ought to think, but a straight repetition of past combinations of tags and watched videos carried out by Youtube.

And the thread unravels itself, people now talking about Chomsky and Zizek together, as told to them by OP, as told by Youtube, as told by the collective of other Youtube users and so on and so on.

>> No.8625535

>not typing it as 'my gott'
it could've also used more sniffing and 'and so on' but I'd rate it 9/10

>> No.8625538

Thanks for the 9. I wasn't imitating him though, just that at that point I was compelled to reproduce his manners to better express myself.

>> No.8625544


Why is it more interesting to listen to Zizek than to read him?

Also, Chomsky and Zizeks' philosophies deal with the same subject matter: media and language. That's why you're being recommended Chomsky videos.

>> No.8625555

My critique of Zizek is eternally thus: When he isn't spouting endless streams of Hegelian-Lacanian verbiage, what he says is either obvious to the point of tedium or else it is simply wrong. On some topics he has a profound misconceptions.




>> No.8625560
File: 67 KB, 1086x712, Shpooks intensify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quads of truth.

>> No.8625673

Why aren't there any new ones? Feels like I've seen them all at this point.
I like to watch them while taking my bath.

>> No.8625691

Why not mein gott, it always sounds like mein gott.

>> No.8625694

>tfw you remember when there were really only a couple on archive.org

>> No.8625700


Why is all the hype about this guy? What does he do differently than the others *sniff*?

>> No.8625701

He sometimes says things I agree with but in a funny way.

>> No.8625703
File: 120 KB, 747x1000, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare zizeks

>> No.8625707
File: 92 KB, 456x324, lpr2012-09-28-17h17m23s161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8625718
File: 24 KB, 615x409, slavenzizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare chemo Zizek

>> No.8625741

cancer really suited him

>> No.8625749


I thought about Zizek too. That's Jeff Daniels in Looper btw.

>> No.8625755


Read The Sublime Object of Ideology

>> No.8625762

Their algorithm perceives a lack of the Jewish side of the story in your viewing.

>> No.8625798

Not this guy, but I tried reading the book and had to opt out early on when he sort of assumes familiarity with authors whos name I've never heard.

>> No.8625813
File: 34 KB, 852x674, spurdo zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's real

>> No.8625815


yeah, you'll get that with Marxists often. the problem is Marxism itself assumes either the completion of philosophy in the form of histmat/diamat or, what amounts to the same, the ideological falsity of those problems insofar as they are bourgeois (mis)representations of material reality. people like Zizek aren't doing philosophy so much as "theory," searching for the underlying ideological implications of this or that argument in philosophy. one of those arguments is that of the centered stable subject, which marxism does its best to do away with as an analytically useful category; so it might be helpful to focus on the concepts being manipulated, rather than the names of the authors from which those concepts are pulled. a key example of this is when Zizek, later in the first chapter, pulls the notion of "cynical reason" from Sloterdijk; Sloterdijk's whole "system" doesn't matter, what matters is the material conditioning of the ideology that made that system possible in the first place. the egos of the canon fade into the background because they really aren't important, just mystifications which elide the social determination of their thoughts and our own apprehension of them as coherent "identities."

>> No.8625874

I'm actually considering to purchase his version of Antigone (it's coming out in 4 days)

I have never read any of his stuff, but I've read both Sophocles' and Anouilh's Antigone.

Should I do it?

>> No.8626078
File: 40 KB, 658x468, 1465592919387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8626447

why is it the perverts guide to...?

>> No.8626461

>been reading everything I read on 4chan in zizek's accent now
send help

>> No.8626616

Chomsky isn't a hack, but his philosophy is retarded and I'm not using the word "retarded" like "bad" or "false" I mean absolutely retarded.