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8624815 No.8624815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What if memes are just a C.I.A. experiment with some unknown goal, they did that with MK ULTRA, the story repeats itself. Memes are fun, vicious and widespread in our times just like something was before...all of this behind and mostly inocent look.

>> No.8624901
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Memes are an experiment conducted by the parapsychological division of the CIA.

They're looking to see if they can charge the intent of millions into enacting changes in the world.

Baneposters made a plane crash but it took years of baneposting. The amount of loosh needed was tremendous. What the CIA doesn't know yet is that not every person is created equal in terms of the intent they can channel. Their 'mental muscle' is not strong enough if you will. Instead of trying to use millions of shitty 'batteries' they need to purify a bunch of operatives -make them into powerful wizards essentially- who can then enact tremendous changes with only a small amount of people or even all on their own.

>> No.8625210

>CIA...enacting changes in the world

Obviously an outdated and misguided meme, along with the notion that the Trilateral Commission and/or the Illuminati and/or the Bilderbergers secretly run the world. All wrong. The Council on Foreign Relations does that.

>> No.8625224
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Since OP is a huge faggot and doesnt know what he is talking about and has declined to connect it to literature, let me do so.

If you actually read about MKULTRA, you will learn that aside from overdosing some unsuspecting assholes and fucking with mental patients, it was a pretty pathetic, poorly run program.

>> No.8625449

It evolved since then.

>> No.8625516

It would make sense to single out dangerous individuals on the internet. ISIS posters have been identified by their use of lion imagery, and white supremacists/nationalists with their use of Pepe.

>> No.8625903

Stop making these threads. This will be your first and final warning.

>> No.8625930

>CIA disinfo detected

>> No.8625959

The /r9k/ populace was a control-group for testing digital memetic limits. They wanted to see how far racist, misogynistic, misanthropic,...memes would be assimilated and absorbed by otherwise non-affected users. At last, they wanted to explore how far suicidal tendencies, and, factually, suicidal acts, could be effectively caused by suicide-meme exposure and usage.
The C.I.A. has gathered plenty data, but they still don't know how to handle it. The main difficulty is in relating or establishing a coherent, objective dialectical relationship between virtual and "real" life experience. They are awaiting new artists, particularly in the literary and dramatic fields, to give them clues about how the virtual affects the physical.

>> No.8625977

not falling for the bait CIA


>> No.8626045

/r9k/ is an experiment on how far irony can go. It's worked given how much people think its contents are serious.

>> No.8626061

Consider the behavior of a cancer cell. Draw analogues to the macrocosm.

>> No.8626086

I think the C.I.A. however stupid it may be has slightly an higher intelligence standard for its experiments. Intention little does about effect. All that can be measured is effect. Causes for posting are as varied as ineffectual.

>> No.8626134
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CIA is not that powerful.

What is happening is that big corporations, along with governments, are all trying, with different degrees of success to make the money flow from the greatest ammount of people to their pockets. The method is basically acquiring big data from where you are, what you do, what words you say, what you watch, who are your friends, how much time you spend on everything and so on. Right now you are solving visual captchas that teach robots recognize things they see by using your cameras (mobile or not). Part of it has legal back up in the form of terms of agreement no one reads and that are supposedly about safety against terrorists or to make your user experience better only to make things relevant to you appear on your timeline. But another part of it is just illegal access to cameras, taking of information from your chats and adding it to their calculations. No one knows because you'd have to be really tech savvy to perceive it, just as much as them. These people are out there, but no one listens to them and the status quo calls them evil hackers and a threat. On top of that you cannot know if you know enough to tell you know just as much as them.

Besides what they simply acquire in information, they will also produce new information. They run tests on the basis of millions of people that are completely unaware of it, by producing differences in their timelines, recomended content, ads, etc. For instance, they can make it more likely to appear things tagged "sad" "depression" "misery" on the timeline of millions and see who would break into sucide and which other tags associations work. They can boost certain news over others, as well as certain ways of speaking, keywords, concepts altogether. And it's quite effective because you think you're merely reading the world and taking it to its logical conclusion, you think you're thinking for yourself. Sometimes they can elect a politician over other, or they can produce a new demand for something they have invested early (speculation), like making a particular type of fabric appear at a fashion show, for example, or influencing the decision for a music award, etc.

They don't care specifically about the content, so memes are not that relevant. This whole process is less intentional than you'd think, the greater part of it is merely a side effect of the things they do want to control. Of course memes come and go and they too are added to the math and some may have been artificially produced or boosted, but they are not the point. The point is you have no control of the way you think and no hope to overthrow this system.

>> No.8626152

>The point is you have no control of the way you think and no hope to overthrow this system.


>> No.8626632

Quality post
Tfw free arbitrium to the garbage it goes.

>> No.8626651

Falling for the Hillary Clinton meme