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8623857 No.8623857 [Reply] [Original]

Best modern English bible translations? I read the Genesis in the KJV and I just couldn't take it.

>> No.8623940

Yeah, KJV is notoriously bad with the Pentateuch (and the NKJV isn't much better).

"Best" is kind of dubious, and you should be wary of any translation (or proponents of a translation) claiming to be the best. On /lit/ and most other places, the biggest recommendations will be on the formal equivalence side of things (i.e. translating from the best versions of the original texts, word for word, as closely as can be done). However, you might consider some dynamic equivalent books (i.e. paraphrasing or translating via the same sources but with a "thought for thought" approach), as they can be very readable.

On the formal equivalence side, the NRSV is highly recommended by most for being accurate and clear. I personally like the NET Bible, which has (as far as I can tell) the NRSV's accuracy while being a more engaging read, due to occasionally sharper language and good typesetting.

A simple tl;dr link from the old Bible general:


IMHO, pretty much anything is better than the KJV. And it's not just due to the language -- modern translations reflect newly-found sources of the Bible, and the best ones (the first 4 translations in the link above) also reflect new textual/biblical criticism. The result is a more enjoyable and more accurate experience.

>> No.8623966

It's a bit obscure, simply because it's an old Catholic translation, but I like the Douay-Rheims translation. It's translated from St. Jerome's Vulgate. It's mostly for TradCats though

>> No.8623988

ESV and NRSV (in that order)

>> No.8624000

personally, when i quote the bible in english i pick either kjv or esv or isv w/e sounds better for that particular line

>> No.8624007
File: 264 KB, 1234x1200, lattimore_newtestament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.8624012

that's only the new testament

>> No.8624192

NRSV for old testament. Or if you're daring, and have some extra coin, go for Alter's translation.

>> No.8624590


>Hebrews 12:8 Lattimore
If you go without the discipline which all are born to share, you are bastards, not sons.

If you do not have that discipline in which all children share, then you are illegitimate and not his children.

>John 11:33 nrsv
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her also weeping, he was greatly disturbed in spirit and deeply moved.

When Jesus saw her weeping, and saw the Jews who had come with her weeping, he raged at his own spirit

Lattimore is a god-tier translator

>> No.8624611
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>> No.8624794
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>> No.8624820

"8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;"

this is from the epub of the King James bible downloaded from project gutenberg.

i believe it's spelled "assuaged". asswage sounds like a fee paid to a woman for having a nice ass.

>> No.8624957

>Is willing to explain why Christians can, in fact, eat shellfish

Please do, why can Christians eat shellfish?

Did Jesus make all the rules go away and only Jews have to obey?

>> No.8624970

revised standard version (get the catholic edition if you want)

or this >>8624007

>> No.8624984

it's likely a typo in the guttenberg's copy

has it as "assuaged"

also check some historical bible typos here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_errata

>Printers have persecuted me without a cause..

>> No.8624998

you know, it's actually not a typo, but an obsolete spelling of assuage, i had to check it at the beginning...


>> No.8625065

given that i download most of my epubs for free, i lose the right to complain about typos/mis-scans, but, god damn, some of the people releasing "professional" publications just don't give a damn. obvious OCR faults that could have been fixed if someone had done more than just run it through a spell-checker.

>> No.8625069

I'm reading Daniel from my Oxford right now and enjoying it

>> No.8625078

The Jerusalem Bible as the standard Catholic study bible with annotations and useful references concerning the intertextual communication of the books in it.

>> No.8625090

That's how it used to be spelled.

>> No.8625096

Sounds like Barbara Walters describing "butthurt"

>> No.8625097

>couldn't take it
Wut. I could understand having an issue with translation accuracy, but purely in terms of the writing it's a thing of beauty.

>> No.8625230


The reason Christians don't follow certain laws of the old testament is because of how they were given. With a critical reading you could separate all of the laws into two very rough categories: laws for the kingdom or temple like the shellfish one, and laws for all time and places like "thou shall not murder". The kingdom and temple doesn't exist anymore so it would make any sense to follow those laws.


>> No.8625282

Christians aren't Jews.

>> No.8625296

Just don't read The Bible. It's an old book, nobody cares about it anymore, it was proven fake a hundred years ago, and it's boring. If you want to actually have a good time and enjoy your life, buy a Wii U from Nintendo. It actually has a good library at this point, with everything from Animal Crossing to Fire Emblem to Super Mario Maker. And Zelda's on the way, one of the most anticipated upcoming games. Don't read The Bible, support Nintendo, they were there for you when you were a kid, now you have to be here for them. Thank you for reading.

>> No.8625453
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>Just don't read The Bible. It's an old book

>> No.8625655

Can anyone post that daily Bible reading chart? It's like a checklist that goes over a year.

>> No.8625683
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Here's one for Catholics