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/lit/ - Literature

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8623730 No.8623730 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that help you cope with gender dysphoria?

>> No.8623737

Is this the latest form of /pol9k/ shitposting?

If you are sincere, ask /lgbt/. The redpillers will stop any attempt here.

>> No.8623739

its sincere

>> No.8623742

You realise unless there's a breakthrough in stem cell research, most of society will never conceive of you as a girl, right? The passing MtF trans already had physical preconditions that most MtFs don't have, even if they were to undergo strenuous surgery (unless you can afford surgery holistically, in which case your entire body would probably degrade into something much more disgusting at middle age).

>> No.8623748

ive been on hormones since I was 16

>> No.8623752

Yes, even so

Your shoulderbones and masculine facial structure most people can easily discern, unless you're one of the really lucky MtFs with the preconditions to fully pass

Your best shot at feeling feminine is to become a fuccboi while still taking hrt and go into a relationship with an assertive gay man

>> No.8623756

but i like girls

>> No.8623757
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>implying humans aren't all going to be postgender cyborg entities by 2040

>> No.8623760

Black Ass Fuckers

>> No.8623766

Any? Honestly its best just to attempt to do what brings you enjoyment, like reading, and ignore the dysphoria best you can. I'm not sure what book would have soothing properties.

>> No.8623779

The Bible you degenerate swine. God intended for you to be a man. Stop wasting your time with that gender ambiguity nonsense. There is a reason this has only started to surface now during the denouement of the West's decadence. Pray for contentment and for the love of God, stop taking hormones.

>> No.8623786


>> No.8623792

I imagine it isn't ambiguous in the slightest :^)

>> No.8623799

Yeah you seem really sincere.

Go back to /pol/

>> No.8623801
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anything by camoo ;)

>> No.8623812
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>> No.8623815
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>> No.8623819
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Why is /lgbt/ shitposting spreading to other boards?

>> No.8623821

im just asking a question and everyone is memeing me

im not the shitposter

>> No.8623823

It's an alt-right retard

>> No.8623824

Idk, it seems like a pretty legitimate question to ask a literature board, given that we get posts about coping with depression all fucking day long. Although I understand the perspective that the people on /lgbt/ would give better recommendations.

>> No.8623826

Medication and mutilation should not be the "solution" to mental illness.

>> No.8623827

isnt that a tv show
thats what adam eget said

>> No.8623828

no one on lgbt reads

>> No.8623831
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Yeah, right. Just like the thread about MGTOWs was just asking for book recs

No bogeymans pls

>> No.8623832

Psychguy here

It's a thing. Yes, it's rare. Yes, there will be kids who grow up only to discover they switched because the media hyped it and they really didn't feel that way or have the actual medical chemistry involved in the disorder.
Yes, it got reclassified from a disorder thanks to change of 'public perception' of it not being an illness.
Still a thing.

Now, OP, no I don't know about books about that, ask /lgbt/

>> No.8623835

no one on /lgbt/ reads

im going to get a bunch of manga and then the thread will die slowly

>> No.8623837

No, it isn't a TV show. It's a film series with some really wonderful novelizations.

>> No.8623843

dunno... try to read stoics like epictetus?

>> No.8623845

Medication is certainly a treatment for mental disorders, and in this situation the surgery that you misconstrue as mutilation seems pretty appropriate.

>> No.8623849

>mental illness.
'mental illness' is not real, but an artificial instrument of social control.

>> No.8623860

Take the fucking redpill

>> No.8623861

you mean these?

>> No.8623862

>p-pls agree with me
funnily enough, its more in line with the matrix to see through socially constructed bullshit

>> No.8623876

How to kill yourself

>> No.8623880

i've asked this here before too and have gotten zero helpful responses and a lot of aggression.
the suffering never ends

>> No.8623898

You don't have dysphoria. Statistically it's almost impossible.

>> No.8623911

1. stop watching anime that shit is making you sick. 2. go outside, engage in vigorous outdoors activity and healthy male bonding. hopefully, that'll help you regain a sense of wholesome volkisch masculinity

>> No.8623926

what is it about fascism that makes you shitpost all day

>> No.8623935
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hahaha jesus google

>> No.8623936

funny, cause your people (trannies) are by far the most implacable and obnoxious shitposters. There's 2 transgender threads in this board atm

>> No.8624055

Hey OP, you're not getting any good answers in part because this board has been overrun with /r9k/ idiots, but also because the idea that a book can help someone "cope" with a problem is erroneous. Literature and its readers generally look down on direct messages and morals as childish. Getting clear opinions on ideas is not why people read literary fiction. At best, it can help you to think about something or provide a new lens through which to see yourself. In that vain I would recommend you read Giovanni's Room if you are looking for an exploration of Identity. At the risk of being misconstrued, I would also recommend you read The Metamorphosis for a more general discussion of the self. Both are introductory texts.

I really don't know of anything more specific but I would suggest simply that you keep reading. Confirmation bias will inevitably link your thoughts to the content of your book.

>> No.8624089

Mrs. Dalloway could help you realize that your body, your sex, and your gender, don't matter. They do not define your identity nor connect you to your environment.
Changing your body will do nothing for your mind or your soul.
Men are unhappy. Women are unhappy.
Everyone is unhappy.
Leapfrogging from one to the other will not make you happy and the frustration of the biological 'obstacles' your physiognomy will make that frustration more turbulent.

Dysphoria is your cross to bear, I don't know how you feel or why, but it seems like a cross that you can set down and do without. Life wasn't meant to be an uphill struggle

>> No.8624221

>because the idea that a book can help someone "cope" with a problem is erroneous

>>New research shows that people who read a lot live longer. The study was carried out by researchers from Yale University in the USA. The researchers said reading keeps the mind active, helps reduce stress... :3


>> No.8624227
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>> No.8624230

pretty much all psych studies are bullshit

>> No.8624234

You don't need a book you need to accept that you are the sex you are born as, end of story, case closed the end.

>> No.8624236

All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.

>> No.8624249

Gender dysphoria is about as real as ADD : it isn't.
I fell for the meme several years ago and ruined my body on hormones. I earnestly beg of you please turn back. Please do not follow in my footsteps. Please just go on a road trip with a friend that clears your head of societies ills. Please listen to me please I beg you please please honestly please listen to me don't repeat my mistake.

All I can do is tell you those feelings are just infiltrates. Please save yourself. Stop your self poisoning regiment.

>> No.8624269

did you even read what I wrote? That study has nothing to do with what I was positing.

>> No.8624274

coping with a stress is coping with a problem, ne?

>> No.8624278


>> No.8624285


nigga you better buckle up if you think this is the denouement

>> No.8624304

You've ignored the line "with a problem" which I think would have been better stated as "with a specific problem". I was arguing that a book can't give you specific advice, any message that is drawn from a novel is created by the reader and is not innate within the book. And that books are much more effective at presenting situations that the reader can use as a framework for thinking through an issue, which is why I suggested two books that discuss identity and the self. I would consider this a way that books help people to "cope" but I don't think this is the way that OP meant. I think they were asking for books that would offer specific methods of resolving the turmoil that accompanies gender disphoria, I based this assumption on how specifically they identified their issue.

In the more general sense of "coping" I suppose your study actually supports my argument, either way I think you misunderstood my post, which was mostly my fault.

>> No.8624350

Kafka's metamorphosis. Helped me realize I was beetle-kin

>> No.8624362

Good or not, could we start looking around for some actual 'translit' (as in, lit that centralises trans characters), if even just to commentate on the present standard of it?

>> No.8624370

OP: Read Being and Time, then Being and Nothingness.

The Nether by Jennifer Haley.

>> No.8624375
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>could we start looking around for some actual 'translit'



>> No.8624397

Oh, you know I actually just thought of a book about this. Beyond Good and Evil by Heinlein.

Old rich guy get's body swapped into his secretary's hot body and has to make do.

>> No.8624443

>no one on /lgbt/ reads


>> No.8624466
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>being Christian
>not accepting Muhammad as abduh wa rasulullah

>> No.8624479

Are that wasn't just ol' Bobby's fetish material?

>> No.8624484

*you sure

>> No.8624751

Just read Schopenhauer

>> No.8624817

come oooon pleeease be a girl.