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/lit/ - Literature

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8623451 No.8623451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Used to read books everyday because I was a poor-fag as a small boy
>Read 400 by the time I graduated elementary school
>Got high speed internet
>Haven't willingly cracked open a book since then
>At most will read a lengthy article

Why do you guys choose to read in this modern age of video? I've felt more from good documentaries/top tier films, but that's probably because I've never really given literature a chance.

What's so great about books?

>> No.8623478

Read one and see

>> No.8623487

If you want to be a lazy cretin who justifies not reading with a greentext post on 4chan, nobody's going to try to stop you from being a lazy cretin in perpetuity

>> No.8623488

I've already the great Gatsby when I was 17. It blew ass. I'm currently 19.

I did start reading blood meridian, and I liked it a lot. I never got too far into it before I lost interest despite this.

I constantly drop media and feel no urge to pick it up again.

>> No.8623495 [DELETED] 

>In perpetuity

I hate that. Please don't use words like that. It's almost out of place in that sentence, and you could have supplemented virtually any other synonym and it would have been a better sentence.

I know you want to exercise your vocabulary but at what cost?

>> No.8623505

it was literally the most correct word to get across what I meant. Just because you feel insecure about your own intelligence for not being exposed to many words over 3 syllables throughout your day, doesn't mean other people should feel bad for using those words. Now it makes sense why so many anons on this board need this stupid validation for being total dumb fucks who don't read (were those words simple enough for you)

>> No.8623509

The high school canon is well-known to be trash. Those books are easy to discuss, but they're not enjoyable to read.

>> No.8623522

one of the things about reading, is that being able to analyse a book allows you to analyse everything else much more deeply. One of the things i hate about all the youtube movie reviewers is that a lot of them only ever look at things in relation to the plot. Take inception, how there's all these hints that DiCaprio is still in a dream. People debate whether or not he's in a dream and seem to get sidelined about what the movie is really about, are we all in a dream, what does it mean to have an idea? What does it mean that we look for these clues? If the film is about advertising and the influence of ideas whether or not he is in a dream doesn't matter.

The other thing about reading is that it greatly improves your writing. It shows when people, who don't read, write.

>> No.8623524

The Great Gatsby is fantastic. You should be well-known as being a moronic pleb

>> No.8623537
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Why do anything? Why live?

Because it's enjoyable and allows you to engage with stimulating ideas. If that's not your cup of tea then don't read

>> No.8623596

OP here.
I don't like to be engaged with stimulating ideas. I can't stop thinking and feeling, and I don't like media that makes it worse. I used to listen to a lot of music that made me think about the life and the world. Now I only listen to pop music.

I guess it's simply not for me anymore.

You're right. I'm a hypocrite.

>> No.8623771

Then why are you on a literature sub-forum?

>> No.8623848

You don't read mainly for entertainment, entertainment is a side-effect. Reading good stuff gives your brain some nourishment, sharpens your mind and gives you a complex but manageable whole that you can see as a complete picture. It awakens dormant ideas and let's you see relations and connections in things.

Reading is also totally comfy and allows you to sort of float out of the world for a while and become hypnotized by the language.