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/lit/ - Literature

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862111 No.862111 [Reply] [Original]

At first I wanted to post a fragment from the book I'm writing but then I realised that you fags might want to steal my ideas.

>> No.862114

Thank god. We get enough amateur teenage diary writing horse shut posted here.

>> No.862115

oh please

>> No.862113

>implying your ideas are worth stealing
Oh, you're funny, anon.

>> No.862118

it's pretty hard to steal an idea for an entire book based off a paragraph or two. If you post a paragraph or two it lets us critique your writing style and give you feedback on how readable and engaging it is.

>> No.862125

They are not only worth stealing they are absolutely marvelous

>> No.862140

>implying that genius writers post about how superior they are on /lit/

Oh, how I laughed.

>> No.862155
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OP here, you guys are just jealous i'm gonna go back to writing my masterpiece while you fags jerk off to ayn rand

>> No.862161

real OP here
I lol'd cause I was about to write the same thing
They just jealous

>> No.862168
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Real real op here, i seriously lol'd so hard i was about to write the same thing it's like you guys can read my mind.

I think you all are worthy of reading what i wrote but i swear to god if you steal my idea ill hunt you down and knock you out

>> No.862174


real real real OP here.

with my cock.

>> No.862177
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America is famous for having little semi secluded suburbs on the outskirts of cities. The general perception of these unoriginal communes is that they are great areas to grow perfect little worker bees to perpetuate the well oiled capitalist machine plus niggers and spics can't afford to live there. In each of these culdasac riddled neighborhoods there are hordes of little spoiled brats that have desk job written on their whiny foreheads clinging to their bibles and their television screens because their neighborhood don't offer up the required excitement to stimulate the need for social bonds outside their homes. All these kids grow up the same and they all think that they all are better than one another but the fact is that they are all scared to death. Scared of what you would ask if this was a real goddamn conversation and I would reply with a shit eatin grin on my face “The real world.”. But the truth is I can't blame these kids, they didn't choose to have parents that were scared shitless to the openness of this world. These mother fuckers are so scared that most of them don't even have a healthy relationship with their neighbors. I mean what the fuck how can you say you live in a neighborhood and not even know the name of the guy that lives two houses down from you, and you've been livin in the neighborhood for over twenty fuckin years. But what the fuck are you gonna do nobody can take away the white man's fear they've got to work out that problem themselves before their race is wiped clean out of the American genepool. But how the hell can I spew this shit, I've spent my whole life living in a suburb for all I know I'm just as scared as everyone that lives here.

>> No.862180

A lackadaisical west wind breathed across a toxin riddled lake and brought the smells of dead fish and vegetation decay to a lackluster city on the brink of death. In this city lawyers and used cars salesmen reigned supreme and everybody else looked up at them in contempt for they knew that they could never fix what has infected the city they lived in. They blamed it on the failing economy and outsourcing and god's will but they all knew down deep in their black pits of souls that they brought this on themselves with their loveless communities and the fear stricken looks that they give each other as they pass on the sidewalks they fear so much for having so little. They fear different colors, don't be friends with him he's black he probably don't know his own daddy, don't be friends with that white boy he'll sell you out for a pack of gum, don't be friends with that Asian girl I heard her people eat dogs and cats, of course there are exceptions but we all know we've heard something along these lines at least one time during our lives and I resent it, we've been force fed the fear and some of us swallowed it.

>> No.862183

This would be an interesting monologue

But if it's narration it would suck

>> No.862196

Stop hijacking my thread you dirty proles

>> No.862197
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OP here


>> No.862202

As confirmed once again: no one who worries about people on /lit/ stealing from them has anything worth stealing.

>> No.862210

That's what a person who wants to steal my ideas would say

>> No.862221

Fun fact. I work at a literary magazine and I've realized that the more paranoid an author is about theft the more amateurish they are.

Every now and then we get a submission and it'll have an SASE along with it asking for the entire manuscript back, you know, rather than just throwing it away, because the author is terrified of theft. To this day not a single one of those submissions has been accepted. It's almost a guarantee that when a submission has an SASE large enough for the entire manuscript, the submission is a piece of crap.

That being said, you shouldn't post your shitty stories online because of theft, you shouldn't post them online because of FNASR.

>> No.862252

Interesting also
I don't post my stories online because I don't write in english and no one would understand them.

>> No.862509


>> No.862586

Fun fact. You're a hack. In one breath you call "paranoid" authors amateur, in the next breath you give the advice not to post stuff online. This in response to a post about whether or not a writer should post his stuff on 4chan. Ugh.

You also seem to know so little about the world of publishing that you don't even know that sending stories in SASEs was standard practice until the internet. As little as 10 years ago, most magazines frowned upon "disposable copies." Now you're calling authors who send SASEs "paranoid"? Jesus Christ. I'll bet you're one of these pink-faced "first readers" (failed writers) who thinks he's the champion of his own little kingdom, just because, by some twist of fate, he ended up with the veto stick on better writers' work. I hope you're not on staff at any of the magazines I submit to.

The writers sending in SASEs are probably guys who have been around writing and lit magazines since you were in Jr. high. It's got nothing to do with them being paranoid. It's just a throwback to an earlier time. You can go ahead and stop feeling so superior to everybody.

>> No.862616
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>in the next breath you give the advice not to post stuff online.

Oh ho, someone doesn't know about FNASR.

The only reason I can see anyone getting so upset over my post if if you are one of those never-published "writers" who always asks for their entire manuscript back.

Nobody wants to steal your shitty ideas.

>> No.862623


Sounds like somebody didn't get accepted. :(

>> No.862626

I realise this question may seem a bit out of the blue, but are you a socialist?

>> No.862852

Of course I know about FNASR. Why in the world would you draw that from my p-- oh. You didn't make the connections. I'll simplify things for you. Your post was self-contradictory. I'll let you see if you can puzzle out why.
Like all writers, I have been rejected many times, yes. However, that post wasn't really about my feelings of inadequacy -- which I freely admit are massive. My post was about the distaste I have for these so-called "first readers." They're all hacks of the highest order.

>> No.862953

it's only worth swiping if it's good

you're in no danger