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8621107 No.8621107 [Reply] [Original]

>this is the end result of DFW's influence
bravo, David.

>> No.8621123

DFW would probably like John Green if we're being honest

>> No.8621127

Tbh green is better than dfw

>> No.8621133
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>David: I always thought that John --
>Interviewer: John Green?
>David: Yes.
>Interviewer: You read his book, "Looking for Alaska." At least an early version. You were saying?
>David: Uhm... John had a sort of neat dissociative act wherein he assesses the, uhm, way in which, and excuse if I phrase this wrong or if actually I am wrong, but the way in which, um, in which we as extremely educated individuals have this very American way of suspecting that truth and integrity and sincerity manifests itself in a sort of "uneducated" person... Like this sort reverence toward this very American sort of yokel and homegrown and 'American-made' 'intellect' and 'truth' that the educated person is attempting to escape from. Or maybe moreso in John's stories that's complimented with the "uninitiated" teenager. Maybe studying the way that these essential truths sort of coalesce or maybe the idea of inherent truth and initiation into truth. John has this sort of dark wit where he's antagonizing his characters with the conflict between these two schools of thought and castigating them for maybe approaching any sort of intellect in any capacity, and, uh, keeping them in the limbo of this perpetually sincere approach to insincerity. Sorry if I'm not making sense.

>> No.8621139

john green is who dfw was trying to be with his stupid fucking headband except john green doesn't need a retarded headband

>> No.8621142

That's why I think green is better. Deep down I think he has fully accepted that he's a forgettable ya author, whereas dfw tried so hard to be intellectual and to show off his intelligence

>> No.8621211

Green's greatest accomplishment was having books that were lesser than Infinite Jest as text, but upon transition into film they far surpassed anything David ever wrote. This of course cemented both the ultimate irony and legacy of David's work being that a commercial entertainment film in the same vein of Wallace's influence was better than anything writing he ever produced himself.

>> No.8621213
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wardine be cry

>> No.8621262

>invented the words
>invented the language

>> No.8621588

If David Foster Wallace is Neutral Milk Hotel, then John Green is Arcade Fire

>> No.8621596

havent read anything by either of them

are they actually related in any way or is it just a dumb lit meme

>> No.8621604

>both shit

Checks out

>> No.8621617

If you wrote this yourself you did a really good job of capturing the rythmn and style of dfw's speech

>> No.8621622


>> No.8621666

>At first I think the Series people’s idea was that I was going to do Gödel and the Incompleteness Theorems, but then it switched to Cantorian set theory because I’d actually had a set theory class in school once, and to be honest I thought I could pretty much knock the thing off in four or five months. Except—for a variety of reasons that won’t fit in this short version—it turned out that the only way to present the whole thing interestingly or in a way that hadn’t been done before was to try to explain not just what Cantorian set theory was and how it worked but exactly where it came from, which given the essential transitivity of where things come from eventually meant going all the way back to Zeno and Aristotle et al. and tracing out the ways Western math had tried and failed to deal with ∞ from ancient Greece up through nineteenth-century analysis. All of which ended up taking a lot longer than five months, let me tell you.
Book idea: Rewrite the fault in our stars and have DFW as the assholeish author who berates the cancer kids for their shitty understanding of set theory.

>> No.8621673

>then John Green is Arcade Fire
Really good when they were practically unknown and had serious bereavement, but then pretty much did nothing after?

>> No.8621746

Why does this guy love the Netherlands so much?
Oh right, because he's retarded. How does this even make sense?
Jesus Christ I love you

>> No.8621771

You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.

>> No.8621781

I hope this triggered a load of feminists.

>> No.8621796

Why would it?

>> No.8621891

I like to imagine purse is a verb there sometimes.

>> No.8622361

the production of "Looking for Alaska" vs. "The Pale King" was a sort of "literary war" hyped up by publishers etc. back in 2004-2005

>> No.8622364

his brother posted this yesterday
top kek

>> No.8622370
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>> No.8622371

Love that video. You should read some Arendt.

>> No.8622376

>ISIS can be defeated with hugs
what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.8622385

>4chan posts are made by burning and inhaling herbs

What the hell are you injecting?

>> No.8622386

>tfw Hank Green is right about something

>> No.8622401


calm down satan

>> No.8622412
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>misogynistic language aimed towards men

>> No.8622422

You're a good guy. You're a real Slutfucker. A Broadbumper.

There, mysoginistic language, aimed at you.

>> No.8622428


>> No.8622439

New idea: Kids with cystic fibrosis discover DFW's notes on set theory and a drunk John Green gives them cancer for knowing too much

>> No.8622443

Yeah, but "cuck" is degrading and devaluing exclusively towards men. How the fuck is it misogynistic?

>> No.8622445


>> No.8622450

I guess by making the woman property to be passed around, to be "lent" or "stolen" by others? I don't exactly know if it fits the description either desu.

>> No.8622452


>> No.8622453

That would work.

>> No.8622489

If that's the case, then that's a really big stretch.

When "cuck" is used as an insult, it is usually implying that a man is such a shitty person that he can't even "keep" his woman (or that he has a cuckold fetish). Not in the sense that she's his property or stupid shit like that, but in the sense that it's a monogamous relationship.

Romantic partners in a monogamy are supposed to be loyal to each other. This is how it's seen in many cultures. That's why adultery has such a strong stigma. There's nothing misogynistic about that and it has nothing to do with one partner owning the other like a slave.

>> No.8622508

I agree, it's very much so a stretch, and I think Green is mistaken in his judgement.

>> No.8622768

>such a shitty person that he can't even "keep" his woman (or that he has a cuckold fetish). Not in the sense that she's his property
That was a quick contradiction.

>> No.8622817

>getting mad over relationship "keep" vs. "keep" you in the basement locked up in chains and if you leave me i'll kill you

nigga even girls talk about "keeping" their man in a romantic sense, and often

>> No.8622919

>getting mad
Right o bro.

>> No.8622932

he's right.

>> No.8622941

Is this a fucking real post?

>> No.8622946

What? Are you fucking serious. JG is literally nothing compared to and nothing like DFW.

>> No.8622954

Dfw was the proto green

>> No.8622959
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Yes, why do you ask?

>> No.8622975

What does he mean? How is "cuck" misogynistic?

>> No.8622986
File: 856 KB, 999x521, JaRule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha holy shit.

That makes no sense at all. Invented what language?
Do black people only live on the merits they did like 40000 years ago?

>> No.8622989

When was this posted and what is it in response to?

>> No.8622991

Responding to bob Dylan winning the nobel prize

>> No.8623000

What I was saying was I don't mean "keep" in that sense. That's why I said it in quotes. Nobody is going to fucking say it in that sense other than a sociopath.
And like >>8622817 said, women say it too.

>> No.8623057

where does he get off?
i wonder if he's one of those guys who just never turns it off and is a huge buzz kill everywhere he goes.

>> No.8623069

Keep in mind this guy is an actual cúck, I dont have the proof saved but it is out there.

>> No.8623377

proooooooovvve it

>> No.8624098

what's their relationship like ?

>> No.8624111

Buddy, I hate to break it to you but no one is out there getting triggered. It's just you. Alone and incel. Getting triggered by imagining people getting triggered.

>> No.8624142

does that mean James Joyce is Death Grips

>> No.8624502


>> No.8624829

Emily Bronte is Exmilitary, might have been Death Grips if she lived to write more. Wuthering Heights is savage

>> No.8624832

would read. would consider underwriting the publishing

>> No.8625160


Why the headband I mean really this is the thing that pisses me off about David Foster Wallace.

>> No.8625174


>Black men
>using a language

>> No.8625220

He suffered from a lot of perspiration when he was nervous, which was often